My rp character's story

Hana was born with a miracle at hand. However this miracle was a curse to her parents. To seal the shame away her parents abandoned Hana. Hana was only 4 years old at this time and wandered around for days with no food or shelter. It was winter and Hana was on the edge of giving up on herself. Hana was sitting under a tree and praying to gos that he would help her. With that prayer a strange man wearing a straw hat to hide his face. He was riding a white horse and look dangerous. "What are you doing in the freezing weather? Where are your parents?" Hana did not answer for that she couldn't. She was too cold to say anything. The man picked her up and put her on his horse. He rode off and took her too a little village next to a large forest. He taught Hana the art of Ninitsu till she was 13. Then Hana learned he was called Raven because no one knew his name. Then Hana met a boy her age named Kilik. They were around each other everyday. Kilik taught Hana the art of Tae Kwon Do. Hana did not un-learn Ninjitsu though. She mixed the two fighting styles together. Hana started to feel strong feeling for Kilik. Kilik also felt the same. They became lovers and never left each other sides for 5 months. Then robbers stole everything from the village and burned it to the ground. Raven and Kilik were both killed. Hana took a bow and arrows, shuriken and other things and went to live in the forest alone. Hana cried every night and she couldn't take anymore. She sold her sole to a demon to hide her pain for Raven and Kilik. Hana is now 18 and living in the deep forest.