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Trying hard not to blog...
Sorce's Monthly Backlog - Team Up Edition
Well, apparently comics are just an excuse to have one big love-fest.

No, not that kind you big pervert.

Most of the books (even the solos) are having guest stars, and partnerships abound... must be something in the water this time of year. And, if anything, you'd think it would be the holidays where something like this would happen. What this means for us is more of a reason/excuse to buy more comics. I know I certainly did.

Sadly, I could not find any copies of Cassanova in time for this run, OR The Thing #8. I'll see about getting them in for next month.

Have a bit of a format change, due to an ever-evolving pull list... I'll be putting all the indies and manga together otherwise the overall post will be more massive than anyone wants. And in celebration of that fact (and due to the rotation), that section goes first. Enjoy!

Indies and Manga

Shrugged #2 (Aspen) - The ball has officially started rolling. Ange accidentally manifested herself in Theo, giving him the power of flight for a short time (he was falling, so she was saving him). Afterwards, she was suprised she did it, to her, it was only a reaction. This is a good counter to when Dev manifested back in Issue #0, when Theo was yelling at someone. About mid-way through the issue, Dev and Ange get into a shouting match over whether or not Theo should do his homework, which is interrupted when Theo yells at the two of them.

We also get to see what seems to be the main villainess in the story, a hottie from Perspecta (literally; she's got fire for hair) that seems to think the land is going to fall into chaos.. and she wants to be the one that takes advantage of it.

End of the issue has Theo's school catching on fire, and when the crew try to escape... they end up surrounded by some demons.

Story is starting to pick up (though it wasn't dragging before), and I like it.

Fathom #10 (Aspen) - Kiani, Cannon, and Big Boy Blue (aka Aspen's brother) all join Aspen in her fight against Maylander and the U.S. Navy. Unfortunately, it seems as if they're losing. Sure, they're kicking a**, but the Navy has superior numbers and a secret weapon: a Sub that launches photon torpedoes.

Okay, so they're not really photon torpedoes, but they're big yellow balls of energy that are f*cking up everything in their path (and Big Boy Blue, too).

Next issue is the last issue of Volume Two, so the whole "war" will come to it's conclusion. Or not. I don't know. All I do know is that the tagline for the next issue is this:

This is war. And in war, people die.
My guess is that it won't be one of the Triad (Aspen, Connor, and Kiani) but we won't know until next month...

Initial D #23 (Manga) - Apparently, racing = sex. Well, if the racers are of opposite genders, and driving RX-7s. Of course I'm talking about Keisuke and Kyoko, arguably the best uphill specialists in the entire series (thus far). It also showcases why I like the manga more than the anime; there's a narrator that explains things and goes into more detail than are covered in the anime.

Regardless, The two "lovers" have a truly superb race against one another, up until Keisuke figures out a way to counteract Kyoko's (seeming) engine superiority. See, his RX-7 has small twin turbos whereas Kyoko has one big turbo. What does that really mean? More lag before boost in Kyoko's case.. so Keisuke finds a way to disrupt her driving, which takes advantage of the lag.. and Keisuke takes home the race.

Afterwards, Kyoko stops just short of professing her love for Keisuke, and he blows her off. Though he does admit he has feelings for her; that's why he's blowing her off. He can't concentrate fully on racing if she's around. And since he's on a racing team... you can see where he's going with this.

Keisuke should learn how to multitask. Seriously.

Other stuff happens with Takumi, but it's more for a set-up for a race against the newly formed NSA (Nothern Saitama Alliance) than anything else. That brings back one of Takumi's old opponents, Wataru, and his trusty Levin, as well as a new driver behind the seat of a Suzuki Cappuccino.

Elephantmen #1 (Image) - Yes, it's Image. But dude, it's talking elephants that have fingers and walk upright.

Obviously, it's an introductory issue, told between a young girl named Savannah and an Elephantman she meets, named Ebony.

Basically it's her asking him all kinds of questions like little kids do, about if he's ever been to Africa, does he pick his nose, if he's a monster, does he wash behind his ears.... etc. She's very knowledgeable of animals, even compares ol' Ebony to the animals she's seen at the circus.

Of course, there are flashbacks to his life before that point, and it's mostly violent and cruel (he was a soldier in an army of those like him), but he seemingly is more mellow now that he's out of the "service".

Good introductory issue, the innocent girl "interview" was a great way to introduce Ebony, and the ending of the comic itself was rather cute. Good issue, I'm getting the next one.

DC Comics

52 Week Eleven - This week, we get more of the plots that I actually seem to care about, the Super-Cult and Montoya's Adventure. Interesting issue, with the formal introduction of Batwoman, and Ralph seemingly joining the Cult of Superboy.

At this point I'd like to say that DC's totally screwing me over on this one. Originally, I wasn't planning on getting all 52 issues of the book, just picking and choosing, based on the story running at the time. There were six mains announced, with their accompanying stories. Except instead of devoting whole issues to them, we get multiple stories per issue... a realtime-explanation of what's going on. Which makes all of us get all the individual issues just in case we don't want to miss something major (or even minor) in the plots we care about. F*ckers, it's genius. And of course, none of it will be TPBed until after the whole series is out. So in for a penny, in for a pound as it were.. we're all going to be spending $130 (plus tax!) to find out what the hell happened to Montoya, or Steel, or Cassie and Ralph, or Black Adam, or naked-Starfire during the missing year.

Ah well. Being broke isn't so bad, I suppose.. as long as it's a good ending.

Robin #152 - Yup, as we all know at this point, Tim and Bruce like The Clash. What's more important is that Tim just might be getting a new girlfriend. Let's hope this one can stay above ground, hmmm? Are you listening Beechen?

We also get Bruce being father-like, telling Tim to make sure to take care of himself, because as Bruce put it:

Bruce Wayne
I'm still sore from fights five years ago. My knees, my fingers, my back... God only knows what shape I'll be in when I'm sixty.
Bruce also (somewhat) admits that Robin, the costume, not the Tim specifically, is a distraction, but he always made sure the the child could handle himself.

Wait.. HIMself? Forgot about Steph already Bruce? FOR SHAME.

This month's main plot is Robin trying to find a nuke left behind by Joker at one of his old hideouts. The problem is, when he gets there? The bomb is gone. So he's trying to track it down, when Boomerang Jr. pops up. And after the requisite fight, the two decide to team up to find the bomb.

It was a solid issue, I'll be picking up the next one.

Checkmate #4 - It should be noted that this was supposed to come out the previous week (according to the Hit List in the back), so it should have been in my last update. Seems as if there's an inronclad deadline for 52, but not for any of their other books. Whoops.

Anyway, it was a solid issue. Alan finds out that Waller was running a secret mission in the midst of the secret mission in China. So Alan gets involved, and saves the day. This results in China supporting the resolution to back Checkmate's reinstatement, but Alan ends up losing his position as White King. Because the "White" side is supposed to be more of an informational side, and not directly work on missions. That's what the Black side is for.

Next issue is a stand-alone that follows three people vying for the position of Black Knight.

Justice League of America #0 - This has been talked about to death, what with all the futures shown and whatnot. I thought it was generally a good issue, but until I see the team Meltzer picks, I'm going to hold off on supporting the book.

52 Week Twelve - Well, this time around we get almost an entire issue devoted to Black Adam's storyline. So really all we see is that Billy is now pretty danged crazy, and Black Adam asks for the pendant to create his new Isis. Which he gets. Though the look on her face in the last panel isn't exactly comforting.. And I can't help but think this is going to go massively wrong.

Birds of Prey #96 - I'm wondering where Black Alice got the Wonder-abilities. Was this covered in Day of Vengeance, somewhere else, or has it not yet been revealed?

Oh, and Batgirl's back and in Gotham, but it may just be (though probably not) Barbara. INTERESTING...

Blue Beetle #5 - Phantom Stranger calls, but it's really only a minor appearance. Mostly this is Blue Beetle's coming out party to the city of El Paso.

Jaime fights a demon-thing that stole a baby on local TV. Well, he didn't KNOW it was on tv, but alas, it was. We also find out that Brenda has a crush on Jaime. Aww, how sweet.

I wasn't too impressed with the issue (I did enjoy Jaime's dialog with the Scarab), but it wasn't for lack of "good". There just didn't seem to be much going on.

Teen Titans, GO! #33 - Play Ball! The Titans are challenged to a game of baseball by a team of villains. Teams being as follows:

Home: Cyborg, Beast Boy, Aqualad, Bumblebee, Starfire, Mas Y Menos, Robin, Speedy, and Raven.

Visitors: Atlas, Control Freak, Plasmus, Robot Commando (one of Slade's old 'bots xd ), Mumbo, Puppet King, Captain Pegleg Jack, Killer Moth, and Steamroller.

Fixit's the umpire, so that there's no unfair bias in calling.

Anyway, the Villains are creaming the heroes, because the villains are using their powers, and the heroes aren't. Then Raven comes up with the idea to use the heroes powers to stop the villains from cheating.

Well, the heroes win the game with Starfire hitting a Grand Slam in the bottom of the ninth. They also manage to stop the villains, and free the "cap"-tive audience. Though at the end, everyone (villains included) wonders who exactly thought up this plan in the first place?

The Brain
Monsieur Mallah
Okay, you ween! Zat plan deedn't work, but you must admit zat it was an amusing distraction...

So, what are we going to do tomorrow night, Brain?
The same thing we do every night, Mallah... Try to take down the Teen Titans!

Supergirl #8 - Why the heck do I keep getting this? Really, I want to know. This issue is a week late too. Can't these guys keep anything on schedule?

Regardless, this is the Big Fight at the end of the arc... and it's not even Supergirl v. Power Girl, as advertised. We do get to see Power-cleavage, and that's always nice.

At the end of the fight, Supergirl, trades "Kal-El"'s life for everything Saturn Queen knows about Argo City. What does that mean for us? Well, you'll need to read the next issue to find out. Plus, we'll get to meet Kara's new boyfriend. Five gets you ten someone's being mind-controlled there, too. Seems to be a recurring theme with Kara's books.

52 Week Thirteen - Hal Jordan says the word "b***h".

I was uncomfortable for the rest of the issue.

Detective Comics #822 - Roxy Rocket!

Anyway, we find out that Riddler's spent most of 52 in a coma, and apparently forgot that Bruce Wayne is Batman. Thanks Dini, you've killed a Loeb-story! w00t! Anyway, Nigma is out to prove that Bruce wayne didn't murder some girl. Which he does, then of course he sets out to find the real killer.

No, this is not some sort of O.J.-thing. Riddler has turned over a new leaf, as it were. He's a detective now. Using his massive brain power to solve crimes, not create them.

As the story goes along, Batman teams up with Riddler to solve the case, but where Riddler thinks he solved it, Batman actually does... and in turn makes Riddler look like an idiot. Ha ha.

Next issue centers around Ivy, because apparently the plants have turned on her.. so she runs to Batman for help.

Justice League: Unlimited #24 - Martian Manhunter v. Starro/JL.

This one's about family, about how one time J'onn lost his in the Martian Winds, and comparing it to losing the JL to Starro. Well, naturally he ends up fighting more than a few Leaguers, Ice, Wildcat, The Flash, Fire...

J'onn J'onzz
I realize how fortunate I have been until now. I am fortunate no longer.
Cue shot of a Starro-covered Superman.

So Superman and J'onn are going at it, walls of the Watchtower quaking with every punch... when J'onn realizes that the best way to beat Starro is to do it on his home course... so he grabs a starfish and puts it on his head, entering the mind control. He successfully resists it, frees his teammates, and the day is saved.

J'onn has his family back, yay!

The Exterminators #8 - Stand-alone/one-off issue. No real overarching plot in this one, it's more about the two women in Henry's life, his ex-g/f Laura, and the soon-to-be-current-g/f (IMO) Page.

All the Lit-fans should pick this one up... we get to hear a brief conversation about the sexual politics in Gone With the Wind in the book as opposed to the movie being discussed by a couple of Page's work-mates. Funny, too.

Not much to the issue, the three mains (Henry, Laura, and Page) all go see their mothers for some advice.

Next issue gets back to the insurgency, and it should be even better.

52 Week Fourteen - Steel and Montoya get the spotlight, but not together.

Steel laments the loss (to Luthor) of his neice, and Montoya gets arrested in Kandaq for killing a room full of people. Suprisingly, she wasn't on a drunken angst-bender this time, and didn't kill anyone; she (and The Question) were set-up.

Much like the issue; nothing much happened.. it seemed more like they were getting ready for something next.

Secret Six #3 - Well, we find out who the mastermind behind all the attacks on the team are... it's Vandal Savage. He also has a very specific goal in mind. What does this really mean? Think about it... the entire team was supposed to be taken out, except for Scandal and Catman.

Follow me yet? No? Savage wants an heir, and Catman's the man for the job, as it were. Vandal wants Scandal to have sex with Blake, get pregnant, then have a kid, which Vandal will take and groom to be his successor. Guess it's too late in the game to kidnap Jade again.

Anyway, The team goes on a mission to find Lady Vic and get her to talk (no one but Scandal knows about Vandal's plan)... but Ragdoll betrays them as a result of Dr. Psycho's visit last ish. So there's a huge fight, Ragdoll loses his hand, both him and Knockout get tossed from the helicopter, AND Mad Hatter has some sort of seizure.

Well, the mission is officially botched at that point, so it's scrapped. Unfortunately, they've ben spotted. By Lady Vic's mercenaries you ask? No.

By The Doom Patrol.

I gotta say, Simone has to be on the shortlist at DC... because she's being allowed to do some interesting stuff.

52 Week Fifteen - Holy f*cking s**t.

The issue focuses solely on Booster Gold. Basically, he tries to save Metropolis, but fails miserably. The people are even calling him names and saying he sucks. Then Supernova comes in, saves the day... and insults Booster.

Fist-fight ensues.

During the fight, we find out that the nuclear engines from a sub are damaged... and will explode. Supernova tells Booster to clear the area, and he'll stop the sub. Booster (essentially) tells him to f*ck off, and goes after the sub. He orders Skeets to reprogram his hardsuit to absorb and process the energy from the sub.

To say everyone was suprised is an understatement.

So high above Metropolis, the sub's nuke energy is flowing like wine, and it's being absorbed by Booster's suit. Booster takes the opportunity to gloat.

Next page is the sub blowing up.

Supernova flies up to catch Booster... but it's just a green-patched skeleton in the suit.

Robin #153 - Team-up issue #2.. Mini-Boomerang and Mini-Bats work together. Turns out Scarface set them up the bomb. They must make their time! In truth, they learn they can work together, though Robin still doesn't like Bart's Half-brother. You know, for the whole "your father killed my father, and you just quit being a villain"-thing.

We also get to see Dodge, a new kid that wants to be trained to be a superhero. He gets dismissed by both Robin and NuBoomerang. Why do I get the feeling he'll be back...?

Checkmate #5 - Good issue, we see the trials of becoming the Black Queen's Knight. I was pleased with it. wE also see the fallout of Alan Scott being fired... and his all but recommending Mr. Terrific for the role of White King.

Next issue has Checkmate v. the Suicide Squad. INTERESTING.

Marvel Comics

She-Hulk #9 - Jen and John go to have dinner with John's parents after they elope in Vegas. Good stuff, really. We see a fight between Jen and J. about grandkids or whatever, and then Jen convinces J. to sue Spider-Man for fraud. So naturally, he loves her. Me? I just thought it was funny.

Pug takes the next logical step in his quest to prove Jen Should Love Him. He actually finds visual proof that everything she's feeling is directly connected to when Starfox touched Shulkie and John at the same time. And has a monologue about "Big Reveals" in comics. Pretty on-target, if you ask me.

We also see Mallory and Andy in the tub together. Mildly disturbing.

Civil War #3 - Yet another issue that's been talked about a lot. And to be honest, I would have liked to have seen the five minute conversation between Tony and Cap about the "21st Century" more then the a**-beating that actually happened. I thought it was messed up though that Cable was shown with Captain America, when in C/D, he was shown as on Tony's side (or neutral).

She-Hulk #10 - Sure I could have put this with #9, but I decided not to. So neener. :p

Pug makes his big stand with Jen, and fights Man-Wolf... to be decided in the next issue.

Despite what they showed in the last issue, I absolutely adore Mallory and Andy together. Srsly. They're dynamic is great. I don't see it ending well, though.

And in case anyone cares, (and I'm sure a couple people here do), Hellcat gets a cameo in the beginning, as one of the hereos Jen convinces to sign away their life register.

Cable & Deadpool #30 - Got this purely for the GLC crossover. That's all. But really, Deadpool summed up the entire issue himself:

Sweet Christmas, I'm gonna get a whuppin'!

Who knows, I may even grab the next issue as a result.

Young Avengers & Runaways #1 - I had high hopes for this book, seeing as how Heinberg had ditched the regular Young Avengers monthly to go work on Wonder Woman. Afterall, it's the only YA fix I get now.

I wasn't disappointed. Well, the writing's good. I'm not sure on the art yet. Standard intro issue, establishing the two teams and where they are currently. Then there's the initial fight, with typical cliffhanger at the end. Though when all was said and done, I liked the issue, and I thought Molly was cute. She's a twelve year old with super-strength. Which means she's as strong as a thirteen year old, at least.

Be interesting to see where they take this. I'm on board.

Random Thoughts

New part of the Backlog, and not sure it's one I'll keep. But it's stuff that I need to mention.

Firstly - Max touched on this (and did a markedly better job than I will) in the 'Conspiracy' thread; but I just had to ring in on it. Dan DiDio wanted Nightwing dead; this explains a lot. Specifically, why it was inferred that he died in the NuCrisis, only to see him alive on the last page. Didio saw him as redundant and pointless. This is also something he thought when he first became EIC.

"Hey Dixon, we want to take you off Nightwing. Why? Oh, no reason. We'll be replacing you with a woman that is a huge fan of the animated version of d**k, that coincidentally changed her last name to Grayson. Don't let the door hit ya where the Lord split ya!"

I'm probably paraphrasing.

Of course, like any cornerstone of the DCU, d**k has his fans... which ended up saving his life. Like H.E.A.T., except with less death threats and more immediate action.

As a result, d**k, Donna, Kara, Kyle, and I'm assuming the rest of the Space Team from InfiniCrisis get to be watched "very closely" (so says DiDio) by the Monitors. This is the bulk of the story that Wolfman is writing in the upcoming Nightwing arc.

Secondly -
Dan DiDio
Oh, and on a seperate topic, since I enjoyed the wine so much, I will now answer Dominic's various questions about Barry Allen. Two Words: Not Yet.


...there shouldn't be a "yet". Ever. Ever. Evereverevereverever.

Thirdly - Bruce "I write Nightwing as a Fashion model!" Jones gets a Vertigo book entitled Deadman. Guess that was the trade for whoever the heck it was they wanted in the DCU. The thing is... it's Brandon Cayce who's Deadman. What happened to the last guy? He finally make it into Heaven?

Fourthly - Civil War is being delayed because of the artist not being able to keep up. Joy. And here I thought I'd be able to get this one done by Fall.

Fifthly - I tend to go on and on, don't I?

Titans East's motive and cast has been annoounced. It was formed by Slade, and consists of Batgirl, Risk, Joker's Daughter (Duela?), Inertia, Match, Choir Boy, and Sun Girl. And apparently Raven and Terra are getting their own minis.

And... I'm spent. Questions? Comments? Anything at all?

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