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Gaia journal!!!!!
I'm shelly and this place is awsome so far and you really know what I like to write about??? how I pizzle on your cat....Just kidding
Olivia woke up the next morning. Her mom was already gone for work so she made herself some waffles.
“Yummy!” she said cheerfully smothering them in syrup.
“what’s up?” someone said kissing her on the head. She was shock frozen. ‘who in the world was that?’ she turned and saw Mark standing in the kitchen in nothing but his boxers
“What in the world?” she said confused. “Did something happen that I should know about?” she asked.
“No but I totally freaked you out, didn’t I?” he said sitting next to her at the table.
“Your so mean.” she said hitting him on the arm. “What are you doing in my house anyways?” she asked. “I thought you went home last night.”
“Oh I did but I came back this morning cause I had to tell you something but then the door was unlocked so I came in but then I took a shower and then here we are.” She cocked her eyebrow and then broke out into laughter.
“You took a shower in my house? you’re so lame.” She said still laughing. “That’s good.” she said starting on her waffles.
“Hey look over there!” he said excitedly. She looked at the wall and saw nothing.
“I don’t see it.” she said turning back to him. She saw he had half a waffle hanging out of his mouth. “Spit that out!” She said smiling “You’re insane.” she said.

Casey awoke to a knock on the door and went to answer it. It was her sister back from her fancy pants school in Canada.
“Hey Casey.” she said bringing her bag of clothes into her room. “I hate taxi rides.” she said, “The cab drivers always try to make small talk with ya. I’m too shy to talk to them, I just don’t know how to answer them.” Casey stared at the ground.
“Yeah.” she said.
“Hey Casey my school wants you, Andrea and Shelly to join.”
Brandy said sitting down at her computer. “ The principal said he had already sent out the invitation if you no why I mean.”
“Do you even know what he means?” Casey asked.
“Erm…” Brandy said raising a finger “Maybe, if you know what I mean.”
“But what do you mean.”
“I can’t tell you unless you know what I mean.”
“I don’t know what you mean unless you tell me what you mean.”
“Well fine then I don’t.” Brandy said turning to the computer screen, “I wonder if kitty’s home yet.” Kitty was Brandy’s girlfriend. They go to the same school in Canada. “yup she’s on, okay then.”

Shelly woke up the next morning and saw Andrea was still asleep so she sat there till Andrea woke up. Then they sat there and watched television. Shelly’s brother ran in and attacked them.
“Hello Phillip.” Richard said grabbing Shelly’s belly.
“Richard you freak get off of me!” she shouted. They escaped and ran to the pool and jumped in. Once again no one was there so they swam around doing stupid things until little kids got into the pool then they ran in to the woman’s bathroom and jumped into a shower (still fully dressed.)
“Man this place is exciting.” Andrea said.
“Yeah right.” Shelly replied. “You know what’s funny? I usually sing in the shower.”
“Well then sing.” Andrea said.
“No you little weirdo!” Shelly answered.
“Hey lets call Casey.” Andrea said once they got out of the shower.
They went to a free payphone outside of the bathroom and called her.
“Hey Casey!” Andrea said climbing up on to of the phone booth.
“Hey” she said “My sister came back from her school today.”
“ Oh I see,” Andrea said, “and how does that make you feel?”
“Oh nothing hey guess what? I found out what kind of animal I was.” Andrea said. “Black-footed ferret.”
“Cool,” Casey said.
“Oh and guess what else?” Andrea said “Shelly’s a tiger!”
“hey Andrea, you and Shelly meet me at the old warehouse on Friday okay? It’s important but I can’t answer any questions right now but next time I see you. I have to practice my violin right now but I’ll answer everything alright?” she stated” Buh-bye buddy” she hung up the phone.
“Well,” Andrea said, “Looks like we’re going to a warehouse on Friday.

“Paige?” Posh called, “Are you ready?” Paige turned to him.
“Ready for what?” she said. She had been standing there for the last week. Not sleeping, eating, or anything. Just standing there in the corner doing nothing.
“Well, It seems that our enemy’s are going to be having a meeting this Friday, at an old warehouse. You’re going to have to go down there and crash there little party before they learn anything.”
“What will I have to do?” she asked.
“just stir up some trouble and get out of there but Make sure you don’t get hurt.” he told her.

So a couple of days passed and during these days Shelly and Andrea went to the beach then traveled to Andrea’s house and went to the movies. Casey had already explained what happened the night Rico broke into her house and the day came when they finally rode over to the warehouse.
They pulled into the parking lot and parked there bikes at a bike rack. They stood there for a moment or two then another bike pulled in with a girl on the handle bars.
“Olivia?” Shelly said, “What are you doing here and who’s your man candy?” she said playfully.
Olivia blushed, “Shut-up!” she said hopping off the handle bars. “Mark, could you let us in please?” she asked kindly.
“Right away!” he said getting out the big bundle of keys again.
“You order him around and he does it happily?” Casey asked, “Well that sounds like a little thing people call-”
“Man candy?” Andrea asked.
“Well you were supposed to let me finish.” Casey said.
“Okay you guys can come in now.” he said “Just follow me to the back.”
They walked through the door and found a long table and seated them selves. Rico walked out and turned all the lights on.
“Okay you all might be wondering what’s going on so Mark and I have invited you all to this meeting.”
“Okay you need to shut-up okay?” Casey said, “I want an apology for all the shi-” Everyone slapped a hand over her mouth.
“No reason to be talking like that now.” Rico said. “Okay well when we were all like six or something like that, two girls were killed in the woods. Natasha and Tori.” he went on, “See my father sees who he wants to join judging on what kind of people they are and how athletically able you are. And with these abilities Mark and I have given you, you have to fight the elves who killed these girls. They were past of our organization .”
Shelly cleared her throat. “Did you say Tori?” she asked,
“Yes I did why must you ask?” Rico asked suspiciously.
“Oh nothing just about little boy crying and me being the only one knowing why he was crying…..I- I mean go on.”
“Okay then. Anyways as I was saying tha-” Then a crash came from the door everyone stood up and looked at where they entered from. They heard footsteps and a silhouette appeared in between the stacked crates. There glasses shining.
“Is that who I think it is?” Andrea said taking a step closer to get a better look.
“Well if you’re thinking who I think you’re thinking it is then I don’t think it could possibly be.” Shelly said pulling her back a little.
“STOP THINKING!” Casey shouted, “When you think then I think and it makes my head hurt.” she said grabbing her head.
“Hey! Larry! Moe! Curly! SHUT-UP!” Olivia shouted
The person stopped and shook there head
“Great you ruined my entrance.” she said disappointed. “Now I have to start over.” She said.
“Please don’t Paige everyone knows it’s you.” Olivia said, everyone nodding in agreement.
“Huh? How do you know me?” she asked confused, “I don’t know humans.” she said, “My parents are dead I live wish my beloved Posh and his little green friend.”
“Paige what are you talking about?” Shelly said walking over to her and shaking her by the shoulders. “It’s me Shelly! Don’t you remember?” Paige shook her head.
“No.” she said simply. “and now I must kill you.” she grabbed a long blade out of a weird belt she was wearing under a robe.
Shelly took a step backwards and Paige flew into the air.
“She can fly?” Olivia asked turning to Rico for an explanation.
“Oh did I forget to mention that she was supposed to be one of your partners?” Rico said shrinking down into one of the corners.
“Oh thanks a lot you moron.” Casey said, “Now how are we supposed to fight her?” she asked hitting him on the head.
“GO! Turn into your animals!” He shouted “You should be able to if you try.”
Olivia jumped on to the table and went to her fish mode . Paige zoomed down and Olivia jumped on top of her.
“Paige you’re being insane!” she shouted “I always thought Shelly would crack before you!”
“Hey man that’s not cool!” Shelly shouted but by this time she was in her kitty form and pounced on top of them.
Casey and Andrea transformed and Casey tossed Andrea into the air like she was a dime and she jumped after them.
By now everyone was hanging off of Paige, dragging her down. Olivia turned to see where they were heading and saw a wall.
“Everyone jump off!” she shouted doing so her self. “She’s going to crash!” everyone jumped off and she ran straight smack dab into the wall.
Andrea, Casey and Shelly all fell on the floor laughing. Paige hit the ground and they started to laugh harder.
“Okay I’m done.” Shelly said standing up. Casey stood up and nodded in agreement but apparently Andrea wasn’t quite done cause she was still rolling on the floor laughing her a@# off.
Paige got back up into the air and swooped down grabbing Andrea by the tail and carrying her up into the air.
“I’m taking your teenie-weenie friend okay?” she said ripping the whole roof off. “Ciao!” She flew higher into the sky.
“No! Andrea!” Shelly shouted. She started running but then stropped when she realized Paige wasn’t moving. Just wiggling in the air.
“Not cool!” Andrea said. She flipped her self up and kicked Paige in the face.
Paige let go and Andrea started to fall.
“Crap!” Andrea shouted, “I wasn’t thinking when I did that.”
Shelly ran up and jumped on to a wall no thicker then a piece of paper and caught her.
“Don’t drop the teenie-weenie girl.” Shelly shouted. Paige gave a disappointed look then flew away. “That’s right you better run!” Shelly said.
“May I say something?” Andrea asked with wide eyes.
“Sure, go ahead.” Shelly replied
“It’s Amazing that you can balance on this wall even though practically your whole foot is standing on nothing.” Shelly looked down.
“Shoot!” she said falling backward crashing through a pile of wooden crates.
“Wow Shelly, you make a great cushion. If you weren’t under me I could have had some serious damage done to me.” She said getting off of her.
“Oh thanks,” she said. “I’m just wondering why we have a BUNCH OF EMPTY CRATES, lying around.” Andrea kicked part of the crate open so they could walk out.
“Sorry about that,” Mark said a little embarrassed. “We need to have those lying around so it actually looks like a warehouse. Ya’ see it’s not actually a warehouse It’s just a building Rico’s dad bought for him so he could hide out and turn the people his father asked for into muses.”
“Okay I still don’t understand the whole name thing.” Olivia said “Why muses? That sounds so unoriginal.”
“Yeah,” Casey agreed, “It’s the first time I’ve ever heard it and I already think it’s corny.”
“That’s what I said!” Rico said in aw “See we think so much alike.”
“Shut-up!” she said, “You’ve been hitting on me ever since that day you said hi to me and I’m getting tired of it!” she said putting her hands on her hips.
“Okay forgetting about those two over there.” Andrea said stepping up, “First we need a cooler name, Second we need cool outfits cause ya’ know… we can’t just walk around in our normal clothes and third we need weapons.” Everyone stopped to stare at her.
“So that means chop - chop! Get to work.”
“Chill out Andrea.” Olivia said, “We’ll get it done but not tonight cause we’ve already had enough.”
“But we don’t know when we’re going to get attacked by Paige or those elves you were talking about.” she said
“I’ll tell you what.” Rico said. “You guys come up with a name and me and Mark will do the rest.” he said. “Now get out of here and get some sleep cause some people in this room have a party to go to tomorrow.” He walked away behind the barrels a crates and the rest of them left the building

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