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Gaia journal!!!!!
I'm shelly and this place is awsome so far and you really know what I like to write about??? how I pizzle on your cat....Just kidding
“Hey Shelly you ready for me to pick you up?” Casey said over the phone, “We’re going to Sam’s house for his birthday.”
“Um I guess so. I really want to spend the last few minutes I have with Andrea but I guess I’m ready.” She responded.
“Okay we’ll be over to pick you up in a moment.” She said.
They hung up the phone and Shelly went into Andrea’s room to finish packing her bag to go to Casey’s house and brought it out into her living room.
Her mother came in the room and was about to walk out the door when she turned to Shelly
“So what did Casey say to you on the phone?” she asked her.
“Oh she said she was coming over to get me.” Shelly answered in one of the sweet girly voices that forces there way out of you when you’re talking to your friends parents.”
“Well then I guess we wont see you again.” she said, “but you guys could write each other and you’ll have the internet with that messenger thing. Well I got to go but I’ll see you some other time.” She walked out the door.
Andrea and Shelly looked at each other and started to cry. Andrea grabbed a box of tissues and they sat there holding each other and crying.
They heard a knock at the door and let Casey in.
“Whoa!” she said standing there uncomfortably. Shelly stood up and grabbed her bag. “Hey Andrea do you want to come too?” Casey asked.
“Really!” Andrea asked her ears popping out. She wagged her tail like a happy puppy.
“Um yeah.” she said, Andrea ran out and jumped into the truck. Shelly threw her bag into the back of Casey’s dad’s truck and got in her self.
They rode over to Sam’s and went inside. Shelly and Andrea went into the bathroom to change into there bathing suits. And jumped into the pool. Shelly got out and started eating chicken and other stuff they had on the food table.
Andrea looked into the drink box at a drink called peels.
“So you want to try it?” Shelly asked
“Sure I guess.” she said looking at it, “we’ll share it.” she said
“Okay then I’ll ask Brandy and Casey if they want to share it and you ask there dad if we can try, after all it’s only five percent alcohol.”
Andrea walked up to Casey’s dad and asked him
“Can we drink this? It’s only five percent.” all the adults looked at her and laughed
“Yeah you can try it.” he said, Andrea looked a little embarrassed and scuttled back to her friends.
“okay lets go.” Brandy rubbing her hands together. They opened the bottle and each took turns sipping out of it then Andrea, Casey and Shelly got up and started to dance to the music that was playing.

Later they were playing drink darts with a new shot glass dart board Sam got for his Thirtieth birthday.
“O-Okay,” Shelly said with a slur, “yo-your turn Brandy.” she took her turn and missed. “oopsies you missed.”
Brandy filled up her shot glass and chugged it all down in one sip.
“Kitty would be so pissed if she knew I was drinking.” she said, “but lets just face it I like it.” she took another sip.
“No what would be good?” Andrea suggested, “mix it with the Mountain Dew.” she said doing just that.
“Well it’s time to go.” Casey and Brandy’s father said and they all climbed into his truck.
He drove down the street honking at people and they even saw a man peeing next to a stop sign and honked at him.
Once they got on the main road they felt a little un safe driving with there father who they though was incapacitated or in simpler terms, wasted.
They were so relived to get out of that car and go inside the house where Brandy suggested they watched Final Fantasy: Advent Children and fell asleep.

Olivia looked out the window as she was trying to fall asleep. The wind was blowing strongly when Olivia saw a little boy flying out side in the sky.
She rubbed her eyes as if to see it was real but he was gone. She went and opened her window and looked outside to her left and her right and back into the sky.
“Boo!” she heard someone shout and she fell backwards to the ground. The boy flew into her room.
“What the?” She said standing up, “Who are you?” He looked around then looked at her.
He had green hair and bright orange eyes and had a matching scrunchie in his hair
“Oops,” he said then he flew out again.
Olivia shut the window quickly and sat down and stared at the wall for a minute in shock.

Casey woke up for a minute and walked into the computer room near the front door and turned on the computer.
Shelly came out of her room dragging a blanket out to where she was sleeping on the ground when she noticed Casey wasn’t there.
“Hey!” Shelly said sitting on the couch next to her.
They were still slightly buzzed and were feeling a bit silly.
The door opened and they saw Rico walk in.
“There you are again you!” Casey said jumping up then giggled. She ran up and gave him a hug.
“Wow you are tall!” Shelly said standing next to him on her tippytoes as Casey still clingged to him. “Sorry I don’t like boys who are taller then me or blondes.” Shelly said, “But Casey does, she loves them.”
“What the?” he said looking at them “are you guys drunk?”
“Maybe,” Shelly said hugging him too.
“Hmm?” Rico thought “I think this can work.” he said and he walked them into Casey’s room.

“OOW!” Rico said awaken to a sharp pain in his side. He looked up and saw Andrea crossing her arms across her chest.
He looked down and saw he was now wearing a dress. He rubbed his face and looked at his hands. ’makeup?’ he thought when he saw something red smeared on his hand. He looked at Casey and Shelly who were dressed as pirates ad still hugging him around his waist.
Andrea pulled him up by his ear and dragged him to the door but before he was kicked out he caught a glimpes of him self in the mirror and saw red lipstick marks all over him.
“Go me!” he said after Andrea tossed him out and slamed the door.

Olivia was running down the street looking for Mark or or Rico thinking about the boy that flew into her room last night. ’could he have been an elf?’ she asked her self.
She was running through alleyways when she remembered something. Something that Paige said the other night
“Posh and his little green friend,” she remembered. Could the boy who came into her room have been the little green friend he was talking about.?
She made it down to the ware house and started pounding on the door with her fists. She pounded on it for several minutes then stopped to rest her arms relising there was no one there.
“Mark!” she called running around the other side of the building. “Mark?Mark?” she called. She saw Rico sitting on a dumpster and she ran up to him but then stopped when she noticed he was wearing a dress. She leaned up against the side of the building and smiled.
“WELL,” she said, “Some one has some weird hobbies.”
He stared at her with wide eyes then smiled and hopped off the dumpster.
“This may look weird but I can explain everything,” They stood there in silence for a few minutes then he opened his mouth again.
“Save it.” she said. “I have something more important to tell you.”
“Yeah well what is it?” he said walking through a back door. She followed him in.
She entered a room she had never been in before. It looked like a bed room which was very messy by the way.
“I think an elf came into my bedroom last night.” she said
He came into view and was now wearing pants and was pulling on a shirt.
“An elf?” he asked, “Why would he want to come into your room?”
Olivia smacked him in the head and gritted her teeth. “I’m serious!” she shouted.
“Okay, okay.” He said opening another door in his room. “ What did he look like?” he asked walking through the door. She followed him again.
This room was big but looked more like the Bat cave. It was very technological with big flashing lights and monitors, everything was made out of metal even the table and chairs in the center.
“It was a boy and he had green hair, orange eyes, pointy ears and he could fly.” she said walking around tracing her fingers around the table.
“I see,” he said sitting down, “well that’s definitely an elf.” he said. “anything else you want to tell me?” he asked.
“Yes,” she said “I-I think Paige is working with the elves and he’s one of the ones she knows.” she paused for a moment.
“Okay then he said I’ll get to work on that right away.” he said turning away from her leaning back in the chair with his arms behind his head. She walked back out the way she came in and walked back to her house.
‘Well that was a little odd.’ She thought as she continued up the street the wind started to blow strongly. She felt leaves flying in her hair and she turned and looked into the sky.
She saw two people but then she also saw something forming in the sky. ‘A spout?’ she thought, ‘but twisters are common in Florida.’
She started sprinting up the street. She had no Idea what to do next. She started running quicker and quicker she didn’t even know where she was heading she just ran until she hit the ground.
‘What the?’ she thought and she looked behind her and saw the ground was cracked.
‘What are the chances that I trip over the same spot twice?’ she thought. But she heard the winds roaring behind her and she had no time to thing so she did the first thing that came to her mind, scrunch into a ball, cover her head and pray.
She felt her body lift of the ground and she knew she was doomed so she opened her eyes to watch her tragic fate but when she looked below her self and saw the ground moving and a bicycle. She looked up and saw Mark holding her up around the waist.
“You’re getting very predictable!” she shouted over the roaring winds behind them. She climbed on to the seat while he stood up and started peddling faster
“Well I’m just following Mrs. Predictable.” he answered. “listen to me okay?” he asked, she nodded and he proceeded, “ That twister was made by the elves.”
“The elves?” she asked, “How?”
“Well they have a rod that can control the weather and practically anything if they have the right person commanding it.” he stated, “That right person was Paige and now they have an advantage.” He continued raising his voice and peddling faster to escape.
“Well what can I do?” she asked clinging to the seat. She felt uncomfortable with the twister pulling her backwards as they moved on forward. She felt her sliding off the back then she suddenly let out a high pitched noise that sounded unnatural and wild. When she stopped her eyes widened and her jaw dropped.
“Well they’ll be here soon.” he smiled.

“No seriously Andrea,” Casey begged, “Why were we dressed like that? I want to know!”
“yeah, come on!” Shelly said following her around, “pleeeeeeeeeease?”
Andrea just ignored them and walked into Casey’s bathroom.
“Fine!” Casey said, “We’ll just stay out here until you’re done.”
Something in there heads started to vibrate at that moment and Shelly and Casey looked at each other. Andrea busted the bathroom door open and looked at both of them.
“Twister?” she asked? “Down town, and something about elves?”
“Casey nodded and they all bust out the door and started running down the road and in to the main town. They looked up the empty road when they heard a bicycle peel out which made them all smile for a brief moment until they saw a gigantic tornado come around the corner.
“Everybody jump!” Andrea shouted! Casey nodded, “We can’t keep shouting like this!” all three of them went into there animal form and jumped into an alley until it passed then Shelly turned, looked at them then smiled and began to sing
“TWIST AND SHOUT! Twist and shout. Shake it up baby now, shake it up baby!”
Andrea playfully pushed her over and they ran out into the road again.
They watched Mark peddle up the road and saw Olivia Running up the road towards them. Once she got there she stopped and caught her breath then looked up at them.
They greeted her and began to discuss what to do about the tornado and Olivia told them about Paige, the rod and her strange animal call.
As they talked about this Casey looked at the swirling wind still heading up the road. It suddenly stopped. Casey took a step forward to make sure she was right when it started swirling back toward them.
“Gu-guys?” she stuttered, “We might want to run.” she said walking backward quickly.
“Why?” Olivia asked curiously. “What are you staring at? She said noticing that Casey was looking at something behind her. She turned around too then screamed when she saw the big, huge, swirling twister. They all started to run like they were on fire up the road for the longest time until Shelly tripped running up a steep hill.
“NOOOO!” she shouted. Andrea turned around and jumped to her on the ground and grabbed her reaching hand. Andrea pulled her self closer to her and covered there heads.
They both shut there eyes tightly and found themselves spinning quickly round and round they found that the winds were pulling them away from each other.
The last thing Andrea remembered was there arms fully extended and they where clinging on to each others hands spinning toward the top when a dog hit Andrea and she was knocked out of the twister. holding the small dog she landed on her feet looking upward at where she thought Shelly was.
A boy walked up to her and tapped her on the shoulder. She turned around and looked at him. He was slightly taller then her and had brown hair and matching eyes.
“Excuse me,” he said, “My name’s Ty and that’s my dog.” He said.
He grabbed the dog smiled and he was off. Andrea turned away from him and was about to jump back into the storm when something huge and black flew over her head. and inside the twister.
A few seconds later it came back out holding shelly passed out in her arms.
It was definitely a girl and she had large bat like wings and a long tail curling around her legs. No one could see her face cause she was wearing a hat and it was hidden in shadows.
She turned around and flapped her wings twice and the tornado was gone.

Shelly was waking up when she looked up and saw a blurred face. In a shadow. Her eye sight returned her and she saw a friend.
“huh?” she asked, “What are you doing? How’d you?”
“Don’t tell them,” the person whispered, “I don’t want them to know.” she set her on the ground and flew off.
The rest of her friends came running up to her and asked her if she was alright.
“Yeah I’m alright.” she answered sweeping herself off from the dirt and dust.
“Who was that person?” Olivia asked her. They all looked at her and she smiled.
“I have no idea.” she answered. Andrea placed her hand of Shelly’s shoulder when Shelly’s face was filled with pain and she swept Andrea’s hand off.
All three girls watched as Shelly lowered the sleeve from her shoulder and a big gash was cut from there all the way down her arm. In fact there were several cuts on her and Andrea as well.
“Those must have been from when you where inside the tornado.” Olivia stated.
They turned around and saw a crowd of people standing behind them and they stood there in shock as the people stood in silence and they just stood there for a moment staring at each other when some shouted “they stopped the tornado!” and then everyone cheered!
Before any pictures were taken or they got caught up in all the noise they jumped up on the tall building and jumped from building top to building top until they got to the ware house.

User Comments: [3] [add]
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Sep 06, 2006 @ 01:58am
LOL NICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

commentCommented on: Thu Sep 21, 2006 @ 11:22pm
i love the store shelly. please write more!! emo

Fire and Isis
Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Oct 02, 2006 @ 10:34pm
danm i cant spell gonk

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