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This is a stroy that my best friend wrote about Sasuke and her, it's pretty good.(Kinna_Kuzaki who is my best friend)

I had just got back to my hometown in Indiana, it's a state that alot of Hics live at and not much happens where I live. The most amazing thing that has happened to me is when a Doe was in my backyard and I got my chance and drew it, I'm not very bad at drawing, I do rather good but not as good as my idol, Masashi Kishitmoto. My Siberian Husky was scared shitless of it eventhough it was invading his territory, Wolfey, he is a blondish redish kind and I got him free from my friend, Chance, he used to breed them and he 'says' that my dogs great-grandfather was a full-fledged wolf and that's why my friend was trying to get rid of all the puppies as quick as they could. He moved just last year, I'm now in the seventh grade. I was on my computer and I was thinking about my mayjor crush, I always seem to think of him when I'm in a bad mood or when I'm sad, it always makes me sadder when I think of him since the incident last year.


It was the last day of school and the teachers gave us the whole day outside with the 7th and 8th graders, everyone was signing others yearbooks. "Sasuke! I'm bored! I wanna spar!"Summer demanded. She was the school freak and I was the only one to see what she really was, annoying and selfsish, but she is very fun and she helps me out on alot of situations. The reason she called me 'Sasuke' is because we always roleplay our favorite anime show, Naruto, and she has made up her own character, Satske. "Fine Satske, you call."I told her in the way that Sasuke would have. "Sheila! Guess what?!"asked a voice behind me. I turmned around to see Kelsey with a yearbook. "What?"I asked. She put the yearbook to my face, "Look what I did to Jordans yearbook!" Jordan was my mayjor crush since the first grade and he was my only friend that I had in the fourth, I was the school freak then before Summer came half-way in fifth, Jordan had braces just like me and really funny, nice, and he never said a bad thing about me except when he called me 'AEA Girl', the day afetr I had AEA which was also when it was school picture day, I was a mess. He was only a few months older than me but I would be in the same gead as he would if I was born two weeks earlier, so I had to flunk, I probably would of since I have a learning disability, but it's only mild. I looked up at the right hand corner and it said 'Doofus'. I grew with anger, "Why'd you do that?! You know how I feel bout him!" I immediately put my hand over my mouth and looked around. *I'm an idiot! Someone could've heard!* No one seemed to be listening but Summer. I looked back at Kesley and she looked confused. "Do you like him or something?"she whispered. I blushed wildly, "Forget about that... How did you get your hands on it?"I asked. I saw Kelseys older brother running and his fat jiggled, Jordan was right behind him. "Kelsey! Can I have my book back yet?!"Jordan asked from a distance. She turned around, "Hang on ya Bafoon! Sheila wants to sign!"she yelled back. I hit her upside the head, "No I dont'!" Jordan and Kelseys brother stopped infront of you both and Jordan snattched his book away from Kelsey. I avoided all eyecontact from him and I was looking down trying to control my blushing. Jordan looked at his yearbook making sure that she didn't do anything durastic. He growled evily at Kelsey, "You are 'not' alowed to touch this ever again!"he told her. She put her hand on her hip, "I don't want to touch it anyways."she said. "SASUKE!!!! SPAR!!! NOW!!"Summer demanded me. Jordan and Kelseys brother turned around and ran away and I watched him leave. I banged my head against the tree next to me. "Stupid! Stupid! I'm such a doofus!"I told myself. I felt a hand on my shoulder. "What are you doing? Do you like him that much?" I turned my head and it was Kelsey. I looked down at the ground, "You wouldn't believe how much I do." I walked in silence towards Summer and got in fighting stance like Sasuke does. "Okay, you are 'way' too girly to fight, Sasuke!"Summer told me. I glared at her and twitched. "SAY WHAT?!!! I aint girly and if you call me that ever again, I'll pull a ninjutsu on you for reals!" She smirked, "Okay, bring it, GIRLY!!!" I charged at her when I heard a whistle blow. "LUNCH!!!"exclaimed the teacher who I still don't know her name but she is very fat and mean. I growled in anger, "Shut up b***h."I mumbled.

I picked at my food thinkg of what a doofus I was not saying anything or telling Jordan how I really felt. "Quit sulking, you're making me sick to my stomach. Are you going to eat your pizza?"Summer asked. I used my fork and pushed my tray to her, "Here, I don't feel like eating at the moment." She took the food and said, "Thank you, Sasuke." I stared at the table and Kelsey started to rub my back. "Don't worry, you'll have your chance, he comes to my house everyday for Kyle." I looked at her sadly, "No it won't, I'm an outcast that's only twelve and I don't have a figure like those preps." It was true, I 'was' twenty pounds over weight then but now I'm under. She gigled, "Since when have you cared about looks?"she asked me. I smiled, "You know what? You're right!" Something slammed on the table and I looked to see that it was a tray with food, I looked up and it was Cassie, she was a curly blonde that was short and stocky like me, also the school's outcast. "Hey! I just got out of lunch restriction. I can go out side now."she told us. She sat by Summer and Summer scooted closer to me, "Why is she sitting with us?"she whispered to me angrily. "Zip it."I told her. "Hi, Sakura..."Summer greeted her. Sakura was Cassie's character because she liked her pink hair and girlish ways, eventhough she doesn't even like the show. Cassie looked at me like Sakura does when she talks to Sauske, "Hi, Sasuke! I was wondering if I could come over?"she asked. She always came over eventhough she knew that I wasn't a person who liked people to comeover anymore, I was a 'Lone Wolf' as you could say. "No..." I tried to think of an excuse before she could ask why. "Why?!"she demanded. I didn't want to be mean, that's the kind of person I am. I rememebered that it was Wendesday, that was when my Dad is off and that's our 'family-time' which I hate! "It's Wendesday, my dad's off."I told her. Summer finished my food and grabbed my wrist, "Come on, Sasuke! We haven't spared in a whole hour!"she told me. I stood up and the other two sped up eating.

I was standing with the others:Summer, Kelsey, and Cassie, and we were talking about the next part in our sc-ript. "So I fall down on my back?"Summer asked me. "Yeah, for-"I was intrupted by a male voice. "Hey!" I turned around and it was Josh, he was shorter than me and he was a semi-popualr kid. "Would anyone of you go out with Jordan (Last name that I won't say)?"he asked you all. "No"said Cassie and she pointed at me, "But she will!" I gulped and Summer ran as quick as she could away from me so she wouldn't get killed. I glared at Cassie and grabbed Kelseys and Cassie's wrist and dragged them behind a giant tire. I grabbed Cassie by the collar of her shirt, "How could you do that to me?! You know what? Go away from me forever!" I pushed her away and looked to where Jordan was, he was talking to Josh by the biggest tree in the platground. I felt tears escape my eyes, "This can't be happining.."I mumbled. Summer had no clue what to do so she put her hand on my shoulder. "Umm... It's... Okay?" I continued looking at the two talking and I heard footsteps run the other way. Jordan looked terribly surprised and weirded out at the same time and he began to talk to Josh but I didn't hear anything. *My love life is ruined!* I stood up and filled with anger and fury, "It's official: Love sucks!"I turned around and Kelsey was standing infront of me with an angry face, "Go apologize to Cassie!"she demanded. I growled, "Why should I? Why should I even exist? Why do I live? Do you want me to continue?"I asked her rudely. "Yeah! Why should she apologize to a backstabber?!"Summer added. Kelsey looked at her, "She's crying!" I growled and looked to my left to see Cassie sulking at the red table. "If anything else happens, it's over in the friendship."I told her. *I shouldn't apologize to her, besides, she's selfish, stupid, stinky breath, too hyper, more annoying than Summer, and about a million other things!*

~End of flashback~

I growled at the thought that me and her are 'still' 'friends', all that happened in a very long moment but each time I remember it, the more hateful it seems to me, "I hate her so much..."I mumbled to myself. "Who? Summer? I sure do!"asked my mother. I looked at her and she was on neopets, I got her hooked on it and she is always on there. "No! I hate Cassie!"I answered. "UGH!! Then just come out clean and say 'I don't want to be friends anymore.'"she said. "You know how I am, I'm a nice person, plus I've done too much for her:Go to Holiday world with her, stood up for her, and a bunch of other s**t!" She let me cus where ever and when ever I wanted unless a teacher was around. "I don't know where you get it from then, your genes are so screwed up and I could swear that you are the girl form of your daddy." I glared at her, "No I"m not! I'm nothing like that jack-a**!" She laughed, "You certainly got that attitude from him though, dark toned, fat lips, black hair, don't deny it." I looked at the computer that I was on, "I hate him and I'd rather be on the streets then live here."I told her. She made no coment.

I was on gaiaonline on my older Sheta_Strife's account and checking for any PM's along with Kinna_Kuzaki's and Yamora_Kizamazu. I had searched on the internet and found a site with secret seals in it and I had copied one down on my upper left arm. Now I was thinking about if my cousin Zackary was going to be at granma's house for Labor day today, he is two or three years younger than me, I am the oldest cousin from both sides of my family including the one's in Malaysia where my dad came from. Before Haley, the second girl cousin on this side of the family was born, I was very spoiled and it got really annoying. I rubbed my left cheek remembering one of my relatives that never saw me till I was nine, he had very strong hands, just what you expect from the McCoy family. I looked up in the right hand corner and I had mail, I dragged my mouse up and clicked on my mail and read it.

Title:Re:sorry ><
Kinna_Kuzaki Wrote:
cloudjj Wrote:
Melik2 Wrote:
~Hanyou_Soulz~ Wrote:
dragonprof Wrote:
mayu_lee Wrote:
Because you have
opened this... you will
get kissed on the
possible Friday by the
love of your life... if you
don't break the
Tomorrow will be the
best day of your life.
However, if you don't
send this to at least 10
people by the stroke of
midnight tonight you
forever cursed in love.
Just copy and paste
this email into a new
email, don't forward,
send this to at least 12
people, boy or girl, by
midnight tonight or
ruin your chances at

this is creepy to all of mi fr who dont do chains sry i just couldent go through all of da messages

I smirked, "This is the fifth time I got this and I have had no succes what so ever. That's my fiction, not my reality." I sent the message to everyone on my frienslist knowing my consequence if I get caught, I didn't care, I'm just going to give up on that kind of stuff and let others screw up their own life. *I don't like life and it doesn't like me...* I started to scartch my arm and felt something wet on my fingers, I lifted my fingers and it was blood and I looked down at my arm and it was covered in blood as well. *Must be scrathcing too much.* I stood up and went to the bathroom and washed the blood off but it didn't come off, I scrubbed harder and it wouldn't work. I somehow realted his to one of my movies that I own, Final Fantasy 7:Advent Children, where Vincent and Cloud were talking about 'Sins', I never went to a church and I don't know what sins do, I was Muslim and they are very religious, I don't even believ in God. *Well this aint going to make me believ in that freak that way, he failed me when I did believ in him and he's just a big screw up trying to take man-kind of the surface of this planet.* I was wondering what my grandpa would do if he knew how I felt about God, my mom says that he was in the Vientnam War before she was born and that he is somewhat violent when she was a child.*Maybe if I was in the Naruto world then I could get my answers. Be nice if I could summon wolves, no idea how I thought of that.* I quit scrubbing and realized that it was no use, I put down the rag in the sink and it was now on fire? I freaked and started the water and the fire started to calm, as did I. *Is this a sin? Or is this more serious? What's going on?!.* Something told me to lift the wrag up so I did and a tadpole was beneath it. I threw the wrag in the tub and immediately picked up the tadpole and put it in my fishtank in the living room. It swam around and I carefully examined it, it had the markings like in Naruto on that one tadpole. I stood up staright very confused, I went back to the bathroom and looked at my hands. "Maybe if I..." I looked around making sure my parents weren't around to see what an idiot I was for doing this. I made the handsigns needed to make a summoning jutsu and placed my hand on the bottom on the sink and a poof of smoke came. It cleared and a frog that was Gamakimichi, the frog bossess son from Naruto. I jumped around in excitment. *It's still a summoning at least!* "Stop jumping around and feed me."Gamakimichi demanded. I stopped, "Then everything in Naruto really 'does' exist!"I told him. "What? Are you crazy or something? What do you mean by that?"he asked. I grinned and said, "Take me to your father and I'll tell the details later." He grew an anime vein, "Not till you feed me!" I ran to the kitchen and grabbed some chicken flavored ramen and ran back to the bathroom. "Will this do?!"I asked. He smiled, "Yes! Now you have to let me jump on your head." I knew what he was talking about and I adjusted my leaf headband around my neck. "Okay! Let's go!" He jumped on my head and a puff a smoke surrounded the both of us. I started to think about what I was leaving behind, all my hatred, people who despised my life. I knew what would happen when people found out that I was gone, is there any possible way that they could find me? If they did, would I deny to go back? I just shook it off as the smoke cleared. I began to see two images, one had blonde hair and the other had pink. The smoke was gone and my hair covered my face and I couldn't tell who it was, I removed my hair and it looked like Naruto and Sakura. I became excited and they looked confused. "This was a bad idea, bye!"Gamakimichi dispersed in a puff of smoke. "Who are you?"Naruto asked me. I thought for a moment thinking if I should become my own story that I have written on quizilla, I looked up at him, "Kinna Kuzaki, what of it?"I asked in the way Sasuke would, since I always acted like him at school, it was no problem for me. He pointed at me and yelled, "Geez! You act just like Sasuke! What are you, his sister?!" I growled, "Hell no, I don't even 'know' the guy. I'm new around here so just leave me alone." He growled back angrily, "You better not tick me off!"he told me. I glared at him, "Then don't piss me off." He raised his fist at me, "Why I outta-" "Outta what? Hit me? You can't do that, I'm a girl, do you know what the reputation you would get if you did? I thought you wanted to become hokage, the head kage of Konoha."I said like a know it all. I looked at Sakura and I didn't like her much either so I had to let it out, "I hope you know that pink was never in along with big foreheads." She held up a fist and grew a giant anime vein, "Shut up, Slut! I hope you know that jeans are not in either!" I raised an eyebrow and looked at myself, all of my clothes had changed and I was very skinny, I basically looked like my dream self. I wore black jeans, black shirt that was slightly reached my nable, black jacket, black ninja sandals,I even had a shuriken and kunai holster that were black,and hair like Orochimaru's but it reaches my knees. I smiled in excitment, "YAY!!! I LOVE THIS PLACE!!!" They looked at me like I was a freak. "Who's the girl and why is she fooling around?"asked a voice that sounded like Sasuke's. I gulped and slowly turned around and I was right, I regained my confidence and acted like him. "It's common curtesy to give your name first."I told him in a cool way. Sakura became out raged in fury, "Don't talk to Sasuke like that, Slut!!" I payed no attention to her and Sasuke and I were glaring at eachother. "Sasuke Uchiha... Something tells me that we are alike in a way."he told me. I deepened my glare, "If you mean by lonliness, then yes." "Hmpf... You took the words right out of me... You must be new around here because I never met a girl like you."he said starting to smile or smirk, I couldn't tell. I was about to blush but I managed to control it, "Well I've never met a guy like you, but it doesn't mean I like you."I said. "You tell him, Kinna!"Naruto cheered. "Sorry I'm l- Who is this?"asked a voice behind me, I turned around and it was Kakashi. I smiled, "Are you Kakashi? The Copy Eye Ninja?"I asked. "Yes, I didn't know we have an addition to the team."he said. I shook my head, "Nope, I'm not even a academy student." Sakura and Naruto dropped their jaws, "But your headband!" They said in a unison. I rubbed the back of my head, "Oh this? It's from my dad, I never go anywhere without it. I just know a few things, like summoning and a few other things that was for fun." "Well we can fix that, you can become a part of our team till you get to Genin level. I'm sure you don't want to go to the academy and feel like an old person."Kakashi offered me. I looked up at him and shook my head, "Yes! I'll train 24/7! Literally! Till I pass out!" "Umm... I think that's a bit durastic for a beginner."Naruto told me. I looked at him, "Hey, if I wanna be the best ninja, I need to train harder than everyone, and quickly, I'm behind as it is." I heard a puff behind me and I turned around to see Pakkun, Kakashi's dog that talks. "Pakkun will escort you to the Third Hokages and you can register there."Kakashi told me. I smiled, "Thank you, Master Kakashi."
I sat silently in the Hokages office and Pakkun had dispersed, the 3rd Hokage handed me a pile of papers. "You need to sign these."he said. I gulped because I didn't know how to write in Japenese, "Umm... Lord Hokage?" He looked up at me. "Umm... Can you tell me how to... write my name in Japenese? I'm not from around here and I never learned how to read and write."I asked embarassed. He chukled, "Of course!" He took out a brush and started to write in Japenese and handed me the paper, "Here, just copy it." I took a brush and copied it carefully on all the papers. "So where are you from?"he asked me. I looked up, "South Konoha, 'very' South."I answered. "Any relatives?" I looked down, "Just one that I hate truely." "So you lead a life like Uchih Sasuke?" I noded slightly. *Man! I'm a good actress! I should have a trophy or something!* He stood up out of his seat, "Tell Kakashi that I permit his offer... You don't have to act around me..." He walked away. *Damn! I thought I had it down! Well, he would have seen it anyways, he's very old and wise.* I stood up and sighed, "I hope I can pull it off..." I turned around and left.
I wondered through Konoha not knowing where I was going. People started to whisper and I only heard one of there whispers, "She looks like that Kanta fellow, must be the survivor." I stopped and ranto the lady that said that. "Who are you talking about?! Is Kanta still around?!"I asked anxiously. She hook her head, "We haven't seen him for years." I backed away and started running away. I stopped in an ally and sat on the ground. "This is too weird! It's too much to take in in one day! I'm not even from this world!" I heard slight breathing near by and I stood up cautiously and gulped. A figure came closer and the light revealed who it was, it was Kanta, wearing the Akatsuki cloak? I hesitated, "K-Kanta? B-But... What the hell is happening?!" He came closer to me, "The only ninja to make fiction to reality. A truely great forbidden jutsu, just the kind of power needed in Akatsuki." I was beyond confused and became furious, "Start making some sense! I never completed a jutsu 'or' even do a jutsu! I didn't even know that any of this was possible to do!" He smirked and grabbed my wrist, I tried to pull away but his grasped grew tighter. "This hand controls fiction and reality, 'but' it has limits. When you use it six more times then you could die and you can not change that." I glared at him and he loosened his grip on me and I pulled away. "How do I use it?"I asked very rudely. He smirked, "You just think of it and it will happen." He then disappeared. I stared at my arm and lifted my sleeve up and the blood stains was now in Japenese insc-riptions with my blood. "I just think of it, huh?" *I want to become a Jonin or ANBU level ninja and for me to have all the traits that the real Kinna Kuzaki has, even Sakuna! But I want to be new around here.* The writing started to slightly glow and the sleeve of my jacket caught on fire. "Crap!" I immediatly took it off and stopped on it and it stopped. "Are you going crazy on me?"asked a voice. I turned around and it was Sakuna, I smiled in excitment, "Sakuna!" I piked her up and cuddled her. "Stop it! I'll bite you!"she threatened. I put her down, and my head started throbbing like crazy along with the back of my neck. I fell to my knees holding the back of my neck, "GAH!! It hurts!" Sakuna attended to me. *I forgot about the curse mark! I haven't made the part where Kakashi seals it!* I coughed blood and said, "I need to find... Kakashi."I told her. She put me on her back, "Okay.."
I was sitting on the floor at Kakashi's and he was getting ready to seal the curse mark. "Now this will hurt so be prepared."he told me. I gulped and noded meaning that I understood. He sighed and placed his hand on my shoulder, a huge surge of pain went through my body, I yelled in pain and everything went black.
I slowly opened my eyes and I sat up in the bed where I had slept. I rubbed the back of my neck and there was no more pain, I looked up and realized that I was in the hospital, Sakuna was sleeping at the foot of the bed. The door opened and it was a nurse, she smiled and said, "Good, you're awake." "How long have I been asleep?"I asked. "About a week, that dog of yours hasn't left your side." I smiled, "Yeah, she's like that." She turned around and left. I looked at my arm where it officially made me the real Kinna Kuzaki and I had only a few more uses for it. *Should I use it to make Sasuke stay? Or to use it to go home? If I did that then I would be sad again.* I sighed and got out of my bed and changed into my new clothes. "Are you going to go back?"Sakuna asked. I looked at her, "Depends, but I probably won't, I hated the life back at the real world and it's been my dream to be here. I am probably the only one who can ever do this kind of thing. So where are the other's?"I asked. "They are leaving for the mist in a half hour."she answered. I panicked, "HAKU!!!!" I opened the window and I jumped out, Sakuna followed. I ran to Konoha's gates and I saw the others nicluding Tazuna, I waved my hand, "Wait! I need to tell you something before you leave!" They all stopped. "Oh, Kinna, you're up."Kakashi said greeting me. I stopped infront of them and Sakuna sat by my side. "You need to take me with you, I'll explain the reason when we get there."I told them. Kakashi was confused but said, "Okay, but give us a quick reason why." "Because I'm above 'Chuunin' level!"I answered. "Another punk to deal with..."Tazuna stated. I said nothing. Naruto stomped his foot down, "No your not! If you are, then prove it!"he demanded. I made the same signs needed to do shadow clone jutsu, two puff's of smoke appeard and it was two me's. "Does that answer your question? This is a Jonin level jutsu, now let's go." I began to walk forward and Sakuna followed. I felt something tug my shirt, I turned around and it was Sasuke? "You're not going."he told me. "And why not?"I asked. "There's too many as it is, besides, I'm stuck with people I don't like." I pushed him away, "Fine! But Sakuna is going with you!" I turned around and they siad nothing, they started leaving without saying bye so I silently hid behind a tree and made a few handsigns and reduced to a flea-sized. I jumped onto Sakuna and I could tell that Kakashi knew what I did but he did nothing about it. *Oh well, I hope that I can save Haku, but how will I do it? I guess that I could kidnap him and make a shadow clone to take his place, but then the shadow clone will disperse and then it would affect me and I would die. I will risk that! I can't let him go... I want to save him and let another live. What if I don't save him, could I use that jutsu? Then I would have five left, that should be enough for the future.* I thought for a few minutes and everything started to go up and down. I held on tight on Sakuna's fur. *This is the part where the Demon brothers attack.* "I should help..."I said in a sqeaky voice. I undid the justu and I was infront of one of the demon brothers, he seemed surprised that I was here, I smirked and took my chance. I kicked his head and he flew into the other brother and they both hit a tree. I landed and stood up stright and dusted my hands. "Kinna?!"Naruto and Sakura asked in a unison. "Hey, I can't leave you guys alone for a second, can I?"I asked not turning around. The two stood up, "You're dead!"they said in a unison. They charged at me and Naruto ran by me but he suddenly froze, the two made it pat us and said, "Three little piggies..."A shuriken pinned the chain to a tree and a kunai went through the hole to be secure. *Should I do what Kinna did and take a blow? Yes!* The brothers stopped and looked back, they struggled to come loose. Sasuke jumped on their arms that were attached to the tree and he grabbed the arms and kicked their heads. I couldn't take my eyes off of sasuke, his cool ways, and just meeting him for real. The two became loose and they went for different targets, me or Naruto and Tazuna. *Now!* I grabbed Naruto's hand and was about to run but the brother that was after us cut the back of my leg and I dragged Naruto's hand and the brother cut his hand. I released my hand from his and kicked the man in the stomach with my injured leg since it was stronger than the other, eventhough it was in a bad possition and he started to charge towards Tazuna with the other. Sakura stood infront of Tazuna with a kunai prepared and Sasuke stood infront of her protecting them both. The brothers stopped and Kakashi was between them with his arms wrapped around their necks. I limped towards them, *It's too painful to be Kinna at the moment.* Kakashi looked at me and Naruto, "I'm sorry you two, I should have moved to help you sooner before you were injured. It never occured to me that you guys would freeze up like that."Kakashi apologized. "It was fate..."I told him. Kakashi started to compliment Sasuke on his good work, I looked at Sakuna, *I can't be moving much...* "Hey, Sakuna?"I asked. She looked at me. "Mind if I had a ride? My leg hurts and I can't walk very far." She lowered her body and I sat on her back, "Thanks.." Kakashi had just told Naruto that the brother's claws had poision and that he needs to check both of our wounds and all that stuff. I looked at the back of my leg and it didn't seem to bad but I could feel my body become weaker, the cut revealed my nerve but it wasn't cut but it made me very weak. "Oh geez..."Everything was going black. *Maybe I shouldn't have done that...* I passed out.
I felt something wet on my face and I opened my eyes to see Sakuna licking me. I moaned, "I don't want to get up..."I told her. "It's time to get up and start walking."she told me. I sat up and I was in a boat. I looked at my leg and it was bandaged up, *Everything seems to be as planned.* "I thought you were dead!"Naruto stated. "Say what?! I can't die! I saved your butt!"I yelled back. "Why are you acting so much like Sasuke?!"he demanded. I glared at him, "I act like myself, you Dope." I looked at Kakashi, and thought of my old home, were they thinking about me, worrying about me, happy without me? What? I looked down remembering Jordan, did he know that I was gone? "What'cha thinking about?"Naruto asked being nosey. I looked up at him with sad eyes, "Nothing... Just a bit sad that I couldn't prevent you from getting that wound." He smiled, "You were the one who passed out! No need to worry about me!" I managed to give a smile, Sakuna looked at me and then at Sasuke hinting me to thank him. I pretended to sigh, "I guess I have to say thanks for saving us... Sasuke."I thanked. "Whatever..."he said in his cool way. I slightly blushed but I looked at the tunnel ahead and it reminded me of where I walk Wolfey everyday. I felt a taer escape my left eye, I quickly wiped it away and everyone noticed. "What, the humidity effected my eye."I told them. "You are such a liar."Sasuke stated. I glared at him, "I just want you to shut that mouth of yours." He smirked, "Then shut yours."he said. I lifted my fist to him, "Just shut up! And then I will!" You all entered the tunnel. "Fine, I'll be quiet."he said giving in. I stuck out my tounge, "I win!" Kakashi sighed, "Another brat to deal with..."he mumbled. I payed no attention to him and I looked at Sakura, "You haven't said much, something wrong?"I asked her in a worried tone. She glared at me evily, "Just shut up and leave me alone."she answered rudely. "Geez! Rude enough?!"I said. We entered the mangroves and Naruto was amazed by it it, "WoW!!"he exclaimed. Sakuna licked her paws in bordom. "You haven't said much either..."I told her. Naruto laughed, "Dog's can't talk!"he said in a giggly tone. Sakuna glared at him, "I'm not a 'dog', I'm a wolf if you don't mind."she corrected him. "Oh well!"Naruto commented. I scratched the back of Sakuna's ear and she relaxed herself. *I've made a decision! I'm not going back! I can actually do something no other has ever done in time itself. I'll stay and fulfill my dream, I'll find a way to contact my old place one way or another.*
I walked with the others and Sakuna was between me and Naruto, I could see Naruto glancing at Sasuke here and there. He jumped ahead of everyone and looked around cautiously, he pulled out a shuriken and threw it at a bush. Everyone looked at him like he was a freak, Naruto stood up straight, "I... Uh, guess it was just a mouse."He told everyone. *How 'bout something bigger than a mouse.* Everyone except Sasuke, me, Sakuna yelled at Naruto, I looked down at Sakuna and she noded and jumped into the bushes. Naruto turned to where Sakuna had left and threw another shuriken and Sakuna jumped out with a white rabbit that looked freightened in her mouth. Sakura hit Naruto on the head, "You're lucky that the wolf or whatever saved it!"she yelled. I leaned down to Sakuna and she gave me the rabbit and I took it and craddled it, it stuck it's head behind my neck from the dramatic scene. *Quick, next time he won't be so lucky.* Sakura and Naruto petted the rabbit and it calmed down. "That wolf of yours is sorta cool."Sakura told me. "Well duh, her name is Sakuna."I said. I handed the rabbit to Naruto and he was apologizing to it. I bent back down to Sakuna, "Was it him? Or the other?"I whispered softly. "'Him', he's almost as fast as the other, I only caught a glance."she told me. I noded and stood up straight and glanced at the tree behind Sakura and knew that he was there. Kakashi took a glance at the tree I looked at, "Everyone take cover!!"he demanded. I ducked along with the others and stood up stright when I heard thunk. *Take a deep breath... you're ready for this, eventhough this is my first real fight besides last year...*I ensured myself. I cautiously walked to Tazuna's side and I everything was becomeing blury. *Great! Now I might get killed on my first mission so this world can laugh at my dead corpse!*I remained standing and was aware of everything that was happening, but I couldn't move or say anything, like a trance.
Everything stood still and faded away, everything changed to looked like the inside of my house in the living room. I saw my mother talking to the police and crying at the same time, I heard sirens from two police cars and people talking outside with a newscrew. "What do you mean that she doesn't even exist?!"she demanded. The officer shook his head, "I'm sorry, but she's not in any files anywhere, not even in different countries where we have extra's." I was not believing what was happening, I looked up at the walls where the pictures of my previous years and they were replaced with blank photo paper. I heard the door open and someone stomped through the house, I turned around and it was all my friends, including Jordan? I ran to him and he looked sad and angry along with the others. "He came... for me?"I asked but no one heard. I felt like I was going to cry, I missed this place already. "Where's Sheta?! You better find her! Or I'll do something durastic!"Summer demanded. "Yeah!"The others added. I smiled, *I was cared for this much?*I started to cry, I fell to my knees and all the sounds stopped. I looked up and everything was white, I saw a image appear infront of me, I looked up and it was Kanta. I stood up feeling so sad that I hugged him, "I want to go back!"I told him. I cried heavily on his Akatsuki cloak, and my grasp around him grew tighter. He chuckled, "Only you can figure that out, now you better get back to that battle so I can kill you equally in the future."he told me. I released my grasp and backed away quickly, "No! I'm going to kill 'you', and I will be stronger than you!"I protested while smirking. He laughed harder, "Later..." He disapeard and everything was coming back, I was now ready and hyper active. *I think that I'm starting to like that guy.* (Ummmm... I'm gonna skip the fighting part and get to where Haku pretends to kill Zabuza. My fingers have been hurting from HW and typing other stories)
Two senbons flew and went through Zabuza's neck and he fell forwards. I looked up to where a masked boy was and immediately knew that it was Haku. Sakuna shook her body and she dried off, "That was a nice swim..."she said jokingly. "Heh-heh... Your prediction came true.♥"Haku ensured.(I can make a heart! I♥GUYS!!!!!!) Kakashi jumped down to Zabuza's body and checked to see if he really was dead, he looked up at Haku. "Thank you for your help. I hope you don't mind my interfering. But I wanted the satisfaction... of putting Zabuza out of his misery!"Haku explained. *Man! I have already read this, seen it, and even wrote it! i'll just tune them out...* I heard my stomach growl, *How long has it been since I ate?!... Alomost two weeks!* I broke out of my trance to see what they were now talking about, I saw Kakashi messing up Naruto's hair. *That far already? Now wonder I get F's in all my classes, I probably zoned out for one moment and miss the whole lesson...* Naruto looked away and Haku disappeard and reappeard by Zabuza's corpse and put him on his back, "Your bttle is over, for now and the emains must be disposed of... Lest they give up secrets to our foes." He made a one handed hand sign, "Well then, I must be off."Haku disappeard in a vortex of wind. Kakashi pulled his headband over his left eye and sighed, "Now! We still have to escort Mr.Tazuna the rest of the way to his home. Let's put our best feet forward!" I walked closer to him knowing what was going to happen. Tazuna grabbed the tip of his hat, "HAHAHA!!! You poor kids. You must be humiliated! But never mind that. You can lick your wounds at my house."Tazuna offered. Kakashi started wobbling and fell forward and I caught him, "I remember you talking about 'put your best feet forward'?"I asked smartalaky. "Master Kakashi-!!"Naruto and Sakura said in a unison. I looked at Sakuna and she sighed and walked towards the both of you, I put Kakashi on her back, he seemed embarssed.
I sat on the roof where I could hear the others talking, Sakuna was at my side as usual. "Sakuna?"I asked for her attention. She looked at me signalling that she was all ears. "I want to go back... But I want to stay here and become a shinobi. My old home was boring and I felt nothing but hatred, here I feel like I can actually do something and for people to know my existance. But I feel like I don't belong in neither worlds. What should I do?"I asked her. "It all depends on you... You could use that one technique of yours and you know..." I thought for a moment or so and pulled my sleeve up, I looked at all the markings. I smiled, *I'm so brilliant! I mean uh.. She is! I'll do this!* I jumped off the roof, Sakuna followed, and I peeked inside to see if anyone was watching, they were at the very end of the talk so I rushed and ran into the forest. I hid behind a tree and looked around cautiously, no one seemed to be around. "I just need to make a seal on my other arm as a transportor and I need to take care of a few things when I get there..." I lefted my sleeve. "'Transportor'? Are you planning to leave?"asked a deep voice. I gulped and slowly turned around and it was Sasuke. I put my sleeve down but he noticed, "Great! Of all people! It has to be you!"I said. He walked closer to me and grabbed my wrist and pulled up my sleeve, "What's all this?"he asked. I hestated, "Well... Uhh... To tell the truth... I'm not even from Konoha." I admitted. He released my wrist, "That doesn't answer my question."he told me. I looked down, "To put it simple... It can change reality and fantasy." He was confused, "That's not possible." I looked up at him, "Yeah, you're right, go back to the house. I'll be there soon."I told him. *I need to get rid of him, I don't want to mix up the worlds! It's bad enough as it is!* He shrugged his shoulders, "Whatever..." He turned around, "But you'll tell me the real truth when you get back.."he said and left. I sighed heavily. "What are you going to say? Will you lie or tell the truth?"Sakuna asked. I looked at her, "Both ways..." I looked around cautiously once more, "This time, sniff the person out."I told her. She sniffed and shook her head. I noded and raised my arm up and siad, "I want something that will transport me between this world and my origianl world whenever I want and it to be a seal on my right arm."I said. My arm slightly glowed like the other times and nothing caught on fire this time, Japenese writing appeard on my arm and covered it. I looked at Sakuna, "If I'm gone too long, tell the other's that I'll be fine and I said so myself."I told her. I bit my finger and blood dripped down it, I slid my thumb across and a giant puff of smoke surrounded me.
When the smoke cleard, I realized that I was in the playground at my middle school, and I was wearing my old clothes with my old jacket, everyone was playing, and I saw my friends sitting at a table looking sad with their heads down. I smiled and waved, "Hey, Satske! Misty! Sakura!"I greeted. They lifted their heads and looked at me and smiled with relief. Summer got up and ran to me as did the others, "Big brother!"Summer greeted. Everyone on the playground stopped and ran to me. The teachers noticed and blew a whistle thinking that there was a fight. No one stopped and they circled around me, "What the hell happened to you?! We thought you were dead!"one of them asked. The teachers got up and entered the crowd, "What's the matter with you all?! Bakc up!"one of them demanded. They stopped and noticed me, "Come on, we need to tell the principal that you're here and he'll call your parents."she said. I frowned, "With all due respect, no... I'm afraid that you can't." She seemed furious by me refusing. "That's lunchrestriction! Now come on."she demanded. She wasn't very nice, just like the other recess attendent. I sighed and made hand signs. I placed my index finger on her arm and she passed out, I ran behind the other teacher and tapped her shoulder and she also passed out. "Never mess with this Konoha Genin."I told them. All the kids cheered, "YAY!!! FREE DAY OF RECESS!!!"They said all together. All of the Naruto fans and my friends that were in my grade gathered around me. "Sheila? How'd you do that?! That was wicked!"Andrew asked. "Well... Sit down and I'll tell you part of it."I told them and I smiled. Everyone sat on the ground and I sat on top of the table, I lifted my jackets sleve, "I can only tell you that this right here is a seal that can change reality and make fantasy our new reality."I stopped to see everyone's reaction, they seemed very intrested. "Then make me a ninja!"a voice demanded. I looked to where the voice came from and it was Sam. I looked sad, "But it has limits... If I exceed those limits, I'll die and I can't change that reality." Summer was deeply confused, "'Limits'? Tell more!"she demanded. I looked at the small audience, "There is a total of seven tries, I have already used it three times. First:To go to the world of ninja in Naruto. Second:To be either Jonin or ANBU level ninja. And the third:To make a seal to transport between both places whenever I want, just to see you all."I explained. Everyone smiled in excitment, "Take us with you!"they demanded. I frowned, "Only 'I' can do it and I can't let you have anymore information, I don't want to destroy the sapce time or what ever." Sam stood up, "You're right! Thanks for telling us all that information, most of us missed you."he said. I smiled, "Thank- Say what?! 'Most' of you missed me?! That's alot of people!" I got off the table and everyone began to leave except for my friends, Summer tried to control her tears, "D-Don't y-y-ou ever do that a-again..."she said sobbing. Kelsey pushed me, "Yeah! We were worried sick!"she added. I just smiled, "I know, that's why I came back to tell you that I was fine... Now I need to go home and get some things and leave, I'll be gone for awhile." I made a handsign. "Wait!"Summer demanded. I looked at her, "What?" She looked happy, "I'm glad you're back."she said in a kidish tone. Out of no where she punched my face and I fell backwards. I sat up, "I guess I deserved that..." I admitted. I stood up and rubbed my cheek, "That'll leave a bruise..." I backed up so they wouldn't stop me again. I made the same handsign and a puff of smoke surrounded me.
I sneaked inside the house and my parents were asleep, I tip-toed to my room and grabbed my back pack and empitied it. I filled it with some pictures of my friends, animals, ect. I brought my dad's lap top and brought a cable modem and a few other things that I needed to do in order to get internet so I can communicate to people here. I made a note to my parents that read:
Dear Mom,
I won't be home till after the third part of the Chuunin exams probably, I'm fine and I live in a place where man-kind thought that it was impossible to be... 'Fantasy'... You should know where I am just by the first sentance, tell everyone else that I'm okay as well, I'm going to fulfill a dream that was impossible for people.... A real Shinobi...
PS.Please don't tell me that I'm in trouble....

PSS.I took dad's laptop but don't tell him

PSSS.The 3rd part of the Chuunin exams end in atleast two weeks and say that I live with Aunt Angie and that I will visit here and there...

I sat the note on my mom's computer and went back to the school. *I hope I did that memory loss jutsu right... If I didn't, then I'm in troooooouble.* I sneaked around and noticed that no one was at the playground and the teachers were gone. I made handsigns once again and used the invisibility justu. I walked inside without doing anything that would reveal me. No one was in the hall way, when I walked by the auditorium, I noticed that everyone was there. I sneaked in and they were talking about me being missing again. *Damn teachers! Can't keep there mouth shut!* "Please contact either the school or the police if you have seen or heard of Sheila. Now we all must thank Derek Zucker on telling the teachers about her appearence." Derek stood up from his seat and bowed, "Thank you! Thank you!"he thanked. He sat back down, *NOOOOOOO!!!! I hate him worse than anyone!* I looked up in the back bleachers and saw Jordan, he was sitting with the other 8th graders. "You are all dismissed!"said the principle. Everyone left and Jordan was the last one, he stood up and headed down the bleachers. Everyone else was already gone, he started to head out the door till I grabbed his wrist and pulled him under the bleachers. I undid the justu and his eyes grew wide, "Sheila? But... " I glared at him, "Zip it... I need you to tell me how you personally feel for me, and tell the truth." He looked at me in disapointment, "I don't... Now I ne-"I stopped him, "No! Don't, I'll be back in a few months or a bit earlier, so tell the teachers that I ran away to my aunts and my family agreed that I stay with her, tell my friends the plan."I demanded. He noded, "Okay but... Just so you know, I only want to be friends, and nothing more." He put his hand on my shoulder and he crawled from under the bleachers. "I know that now..."I whispered. I lifted my sleeve knowing that Jordan had left, I opened my cut from before and blood started to drip out, I hesitated. *Atleast I truely know now... I know that in reality 'and' fantasy that there is no one for me.* I slid m thumb accross my arm.
I appeard back at the forest and it was late at night, Sakuna was sleeping by a tree with claw markings that she probably made from bordom. I tapped her with my foot, and she woke up. "Took you long enough."she told me. I gave her sad eyes, "Just shut up and let's go." She got up, "Someone's here..."she whispered. I looked around, "Reveal yourself."I demanded. A dark figure walked closer and it was Kanta. Sakuna stood her ground, I put my hand infront of her singnalling to stop. "Don't... He's friend at the moment." I sat on the ground and he took his cloak off and put it on the ground and sat on it. "What's wrong?"he asked not really meaning it. I looked away, "Nothing."I lied. "Yes there is, I can tell if my cousinr is sad or not."he told me. I gave him a weird looked, "Kinna, not cousin. Besides, I don't feel like talking about it." He ruffled my hair and I growled, "No touchy hair."I told him. He stopped, "I know what it is anyways. It's Jordan." He said knowingly. I looked down, "Not just that, I live two lives now and I don't want to give up either. I always dreamed of becomeing a ninja, swordsman, anything that dealt with Japan. Now I have my chance, something that no one else can experience. I-" he stopped me, "There is another..." I became in intrest, "Do I know that person?!" "Kanta, don't."Sakuna demanded. He payed no attention to her, "You'll see... Well, I better go before my partner gets suspicious." He stood up and put his cloak on and left. I stood up thinking of the possibilities that it could be.
We were about to climb trees, Kakashi looked at me, "Have you done this before?"he asked me. I noded, *No, but I know that I can do this in a flash. Jonin level here!* "Then you can deminstrate the lesson."he said.(He already explained everything and this is the part that he walks up. only, I do that.) "Run or walk?"I asked him. "Walk or run, your choice."he answered. I made the ram sign and focused my chakra to the sole of my feet, I chose thr tree infront of me and started to run, eventually, I made it to the tree and was parallel, I stopped half way up and remained for a moment. "Amazing! She's going paralellel with her legs and feet to the ground."Sakura said in amazment. I pulled out three kunai's and threw them to the others not including Kakashi. He looked up at me, "You've read my mind."he said jokingly. I detatched myself from the tree and landed safely. Sakura was still confused, "But how will climbing trees help us get stronger?" *I hate long examples and lectures.* I sat down by Sakuna and I payed no attention to anything that he said. "No wonder you get bad grades..."Sakuna said. I looked at her, "I already know this, I'm Jonin level, but it doesn't mean I'll actually become Jonin. I still need to sign some stupid papers to even be known as a ninja." It became silent between the two of us. I watched a couple of rabbits messing around with eachother, it reminded me of when I had my first fight that envolved fist. I was standing up for a friend that day because someone hit her with a purse with buckles and made her cry. I couldn't just sit back and watch her cry and let preps get away with it, so I took action. "They're begining."Sakuna told me, I turned my attention to them. *I only make fantsy become reality but I just can't make my fantasy world become reality.(I hope you got that, my mom did.)* Naruto fell flat on his back after two steps. Kakashi made his way by me and Sakuna. "You can join them for fun if you wish..."he offered. "Nah, but I want to tell you something. I'll tell you in a moment, we have a succeser."I pointed to Sakura. "This was easier than I thought!"she admitted. Naruto was unbelieved, "Sakura...?!" "Well, now we know which two have the best control over their chakra's... The young ladies..."Kakashi pointed out to Sakura and me. I just stared at him and Naruto cheered Sakura on. "Well...! Understanding the use of one's chakras and manipulating them, successfully is quite an acheivment. So far the girls are probably closer to overtaking our leader, Lord Hokage. Despite all of Naruto's boasts and aspirations and the finest hope of clan Uchiha doesn't seem too impressive, either." Kakashi stated. Sakura became very furious at Kakashi about hus comment of the Uchiha clan that Sasuke belonged to, "Master Kakashi, how could you?!!" I felt like getting in it because I was bored, "Yeah!"I added happily. Sakura looked at me, "Why aren't you training with us?"she sked. I scartched my head, "I'm like that Shikamaru guy:Lazy but a genius." She giggled and went back to training. *She's so giggly, more annoying than I tought she would be.*

I was wandering through the woods without Sakuna, I was thinking of looking for Haku so I went to look for a patch of herbs. I heard birds chearping happily near by, I came closer to the sound, I staopped when I felt a presence behind me. "May I help you?"asked a soft voice. I slightly blushed and turned around and managed to control it . "I'm here to get some herbs for my sensei." I looked up at Haku and he was smiling, "I'm getting herbs to help the preson precious to me." I closed my eyes and I turned around blushing wildly, *He's so CUTE!!!! but not as much as Sasuke...* The only reason I don't lsuh this much around Sasuke is because I always act like him and I always seem to be more attracted to older guys, but Sasuke is probably the only one that I would ever choose. "Ummm... Do you have a fever or smething?" I opened my eyes and Haku was infront of me, "No! I just... Uhh... Pie!"I said randomly. *Well that was randomThis is another reason guys don't like me! I'm stupid!* He gigled, "You're quite funny. What's your name?"he asked. "K-kinna..."I answered slowly. He smiled sweetly, "Well, I need to go. Maybe we can see eachother another time." I smiled and blushed, "Y-Yeah... Sure..." He turned around and left. *Too bad he's 15... I'm only 12 1/2...* I turned around and saw Sakuna, *Did she see?!* "How long have you been standing there?"I asked her nervously. "Long enough... Master Kakashi wants to see you."she told me. "Oh yeah, I forgot!"

I was sitting alone with Kakashi because I told him that it was beyond private. "So what is it that you wanted to say?"he asked me. I stared at the ground, "I'm not from here..."I said. "Then where 'are' you from?" I took a quick glance at him and went back at looking at the ground, "I'm afraid if I tell you, I might ruin everything and destroy this life itself. I can only tell you a small portion."I said. I looked up at him and he was paying full attention, I pulled up my sleeve with the fantasy or whatever seal. "This seal makes fantasy reality and I have only a few uses for it left." He just stared and examined the markings and writing, I pulled it back down. "What would happen when you use it all up?"he asked. I looked down and said nothing. "I see... Well! I better check in." He used his crutches and stood up and left. I stared at the full moon thinking about the character that Summer made up:Satske Uchiha. I stood up and jumped on top of the house, I felt closer to the moon. When I was younger, I imagined myself howling with a pack of wolves and they accepted me, I would be able to hunt with them, eat with them, and play with them. I related alot of things in life to wolves, I have always been very fascinated with them, that was the very first thing I drew when I was in art class in elementry. I heard a howl behind me, I turned my head to see Sakuna howling, she stopped. I smiled and we both began to howl together for a moment or so, we stopped and I said, "I've been accepted..." *I've been accepted in a different place, as someone who can maybe make a difference in my old way of life, and I think I'm happier than ever. I lead a good life now...* I smiled and layed down gazing at the stars twinkling, I finally drifted to sleep.

I felt something poke my stomach, I suspected that it was Kelsey so I growled with my eyes closed not realizing that I wasn't at home, "Kelsey! Stop before I-" "Kelsey?! Who's that?!"asked a scratchy voice that wasn't femaleish. I sat up and opened my left eye to see Naruto all beat up and he was standing by Sasuke who was also beat up, he had his arm around Naruto's shoulder for supprt. "Oh... It's only you, I thought you were an old friend of mine. What time is it?"I asked. "Past breakfast! Almost lunch! You sleep alot!"Naruto yelled. I rubbed my eyes, "Yeah, duh, talking to a lazy person here. Plus I slept late."I told them. Sasuke smirked, "I would say so, I could hear you and Sakuna all the way from the forest while training." I smiled, "Good, I hope it bust your ears."I said jokingly. "Yeah! Oh! We made it to the top!"Naruto said happily. I looked at him and smiled, "Good! You two are great team mates." *I just wish Sakura would take a deathining hike to hell and leave me alone with Sasuke!* Sasuke went back to frowning, "I don't think so..." He took his arm off Naruto and he fell flat on his face and was about to slide off the roof but I took out a kunai and pinned him to the roof, "Boy, Sasuke, you're 'reeeaal' nice to others."I said in sarcasim. Naruto regained strength and took the kunai from his jacket and stood up, "Thanks, Kinna..."He thanked with a smile. "Welcome."I looked at Sasuke in disapoitment, "And what do 'you' say?"I asked tryibng to hint him to apologize. He glared at me, "Fine! I'm sorry..."He whispered the last part. I smiled, "well there you go! So did Kakashi tell you to get me up?"I asked. Naruto smiled and shook his head no, "No! Sasuke wants to ask you something that I thought that was-" Sasuke covered his mouth with his hand and he stood infront of him and he started to whisper. I looked around to see if I could find Sakuna to listen in, I found her behind me, I tapped sligthly and she woke up. She looked at me then the other two who were still whispering, she got why I woke her up. Her ears twitched a couple of times, Sasuke turned towrads me and sighed. "So? What did you want to ask me?"I asked him. I could see his cheeks slightly become pinker. I heard Naruto trying to contain his laughter, I just stood there waiting for his question. "Well?"I asked again. He became slightly redder, "After the mission... Do you...umm... want to get... something to eat?... Just... Me...and you?" I felt like I was going to faint, I became very red on the face, "Umm... S-Sure... Deffinately!"I answered nervously. I was never more shocked in my life as much as right now, Sasuke turned around and Naruto bursted out into laughter. "Shut up, Naruto! Come on before we're late."Sasuke demanded. Naruto calmed down and jumped down and Sauske was right behind him, I smiled and ploped myself beside Sakuna. "You know, tha't not all he wanted to ask."Sakuna told me. I looked at her with a questioning look, "What else did he want to ask?" "He wanted to ask about your past and why you have the same look at times but alot of times you can be happy."She then looked at me and I looked down, "What do I say? Do I tell him about the real past or the one I wrote?" "Mix them..."she told me. "Then I know the precise thing to say, the fight isn't for a while so I can have a little time to do some 'things'."I looked at her and smiled.

I was training alone in the forest while Sakuna was gaurding the house while thinking of the next part that will happen. I stopped and realized what was going to happen next that is 'tomorrow'! I hit my forehead, "I forgot that Naruto gets a day off while the attack starts! That's tomorrow!" I now had to think of a way to save Haku... *What if I'm not able to save him from Kakashi? Can I do what that Chiyo person did? I would have to either becoem her apprenice and learn her ways but that would take forever! I'll just have to find a medical ninja around here, I know that there isn't one in the forest, I made that up in the story!* I looked around to see if it was one of those things where you think that it's not true when it just appears out of no where, I didn't see any sign of anyone around. I went back to the house and asked where the closest doctor was. "Why?"Tsunami asked me. "Because I want to learn something about being a doctor, I'm very intrested with that kind of stuff."I lied. "Well, it's about twleve houses away."she answered. I smled and said, "Thanks!"and I left.

I found the doctor's place and I was about to open the door till everything went away like when Kanta used that one jutsu. Everything suddenly turned white and I sighed, "What do you want now?"I asked. "Before you do anything, you need to learn to let go."He said. I turned around with a questioned look, "Huh?" He walked closer to me, "Don't save him unless... You want to die in the process..."he told me. I just stared at him, "I might not know what to do right off back but if I save him, then I'll save Zabuza and no one deserves to die. Eventhough they both have killed many, no one deserves to die. I'm sure I c-"he interupted me with, "Do you think that 'the' Zabuza Momchi will listen to you?"he asked me. He walked behind me, "This is a reality that you have created, you don't have very many times to use that seal of yours. I'm sure you don't want to waste it on a boy who has no more use to live in this world anymore. Am I right?" I clenched my fist and somehow I knew he was right, I didn't know what is was like to loose someone who was close to me but Haku isn't very close to me. The closest person that had died was my great grandfather and he died when I was 3 1/2, I still remember little things like the way he talked and I remember sitting in his lap telling me war stories. I was the only great grand child he met beside Zachary, he met him only once. I had a couple of tears come out of my eyesknowing how lose I was to him, "I don't want anyone to go and leave me ever again, my great grandpa said to me before he died:I never killed a single person during that war and I plan for everyone to do the same. I only went to war to support my country and to fight for our rights. My way of being a American slodier is to spare the life of another even if that person has taken the life of another." I turned to face him and he was smiling, "He must have been a great man... but this isn't World War 2, this is a way of shinobi and you are one."he said. I looked down and said nothing, *Then what do I do? What if I do what Naruto does and go about 'my' ay of the shinobi?* I looked back up to him, "Then if I can't spare the life of his than I'll go my own shinobi way..."I said seriously.

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