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Yueshiro's Journal I'll be writing just about anything that comes to mind, nothing too special.

Community Member
This is the aweshomest rp I have eva had wiff Cledwyn xd

The crisp night air had surrounded then Lucas residence for the evening, only a few windows lit in a light that broke the shadows near. Footsteps walked along the floor of the small home, past the doors along the hall and up the steps of the staircase to the second floor. A candle was light and held by Palidor, her long red hair dragging up the stairs after her. The winged fox girl stopped at the bedroom door, hesitating before reaching out with her free hand to open it. Fingers pressed against the wood and the door creaked open as the candle she held was close to going out. Palidor said not a word as she expected to see her father in his room.
Cledwyn was lying on his bed looking at a framed photograph held above his head. He was once more in his usual home attire. His ears twitched at the sound of his door opening, so naturally he turned his head a little as his eyes did most of the work, in the dimly lit darkness he recognized his daughter easily from a few different ways. The photograph was now lying on his chest as he spoke. "Pali... What are you still doing up..?"
Palidor closed her aquamarine eyes for only a moment the candle light going out in a flicker of wind. Now that everything was dark, with exception of the dim light still active within the bedroom, Palidor’s eyes seemed to glow in a more fierce way then they usually would. The girl stepped forward and held the candle up as though it were still lit. After going a few steps closer to Cledwyn, Palidor stopped and sat down on her knees, the candle and its holder falling and hitting the floor with a clang. Her hand moved up to brush back her bangs but still no word from the child.
Cledwyn looked worried and so he placed the photograph beside him and slid around so his feet where over the edge of the bed. His body soon followed and he was kneeling in front of Palidor. His head was tilted a little as he said. "Are you okay..?" If he still had no reaction from her he would have looked even more concerned and would have tried to place the palm of his right hand upon her left cheek and he would have then repeated himself.
Palidor seemed a little flushed besides the pale colour of skin she supported. The palm on her face made her wince at the touch, it made her spin tingle with an unpleasant feeling. Then, without looking up at him Palidor repeated Cledwyn's question, but aimed at him instead. "Are you.....okay....?" She said, with a tone just above a whisper. Her eyes traveled from the floor up to Cledwyn's face and the same shade of aquamarine locked with each other. "....I had....a bad dream.....that's all...."
Cledwyn lowered his eyes a little in worry at her words. His hand fell slowly from her face to his side once more. "...Do you know of the source of these nightmares...? Would you be willing to loose your power so that you could live a live without your suffering...? You know I would do all I could to help you as best as I could..."
Palidor sat where she was and let loose a very long silence. This usually meant that she was pondering things, thinking of what she should do next. That was a common trait of Palidor, she thought about her words to come. After the moment of nothing, she let out a calming sigh and parted her lips to speak. "It may be from fear......fear of something that haunted me in the past....before I met you and Mama and Guth....everyone...I had a bad case of amnesia. That is why...I don't know of things that are so simple to understand....." Palidor paused to collect the last of her words, watching Cledwyn all the while. "My powers give me the ability...to create dreams but....that isn't the source...." She shook her head still trying to think of what she should do. Hopefully Cledwyn could help her along in this search.
Cledwyn lowered his head to match the angle of his eyes, slowly closed his eyes too. After a little thinking he then spoke. "I... I know this may be impossibility even for me... But what if I where to enter your mind and find the source of these nightmares and permanently destroy it, subconscious or not surely it can be destroyed, but... I don’t know of how I could enter your mind... Do you know of a way...?"
Palidor 's eyes went wide. She had that power but rarely used it. Maybe Cledwyn had it too. A quick nod with a glint of hope, Palidor was up for it, but hopefully the consequences wouldn’t be for the worst. "Do you know how....?"
Cledwyn looked upward once more and smiled a little whilst he said. "To be honest I have no idea but knowing me all I have to do is believe, focus and try and everything will be A'ok." Slowly he then lowered his head once more and closed his eyes as he began to focus upon her mind and entering it.
Palidor blinked staring right at Cledwyn before she felt dazed and fell into him limply. This is how others acted when she would see through their mind but Palidor never thought she'd be the one playing the role of the other. She was silent, leaning into Cled's chest with a steady heartbeat. But beyond the surface of Palidor lay a dark mind and herself, standing there quite alone in a white dress with lace. She stared blankly ahead, hands held behind her back and looked to be waiting.
Cledwyn found himself within what seemed like an endless void of darkness, behind each of his movements as he looked around a faint and brief trail of images of himself followed but soon they faded away. Within the distance in front of him was a faint light. Curious and worried he was running directly toward it until he slowed to a stop and found his daughter facing away from him. He reached out to place his hand on her shoulder. Unknown to Cledwyn though because either way to him it felt natural, but his physical body had become Calamity's would it be because this was the half of him that had entered Palidor's mind or was it because this was the mental image she had of her father.
Palidor said nothing as Calamity’s hand rested on her shoulder, her face turning to look over the same shoulder at Cledwyn. Her gaze lowered about halfway before she looked back forward. Her right foot moved forward and Palidor leapt like a gazelle, arms still behind her back as white lace trailed after her like tails. ~Why have you come....? ~ She asked Cledwyn with a voice that echoed all around the man. In seconds the black void of nothingness deteriorated into a field of magnificent wildflowers that bloomed in the nice breeze. Complete opposite to the room before. Palidor however was no where to be seen, but her voice left a path for Cledwyn to walk upon.
Cledwyn once more looked about confused and curious as the void became a field. He looked back to where Palidor had leaped but he couldn’t see where she was, so he lowered his head and looked rather sad. After a moment he began walking forward, he had no idea as to why this direction but forward was always the best way to get things done and something else called him in that direction.
~Are you going to answer.....why have you come? ~ Palidor asked again, appearing behind Cledwyn now. Just staring she was. The tails of her dress floated in an unknown breeze as did the end of her long red hair, waiting for answer from her father. This must have been Palidor's conscience. Her guardian to her memories.
Cledwyn felt stunned and shocked as she appeared behind him, the expression upon his face was that of one holding great surprise, as if he felt he was about to be attacked from behind somehow. Quickly he turned around. His feet where parted. He looked to be no longer surprised now but serious. "Don’t you remember, I've come to wipe out the source of your nightmares and forever rid you of them...?”
Palidor lifted her chin a bit and parted her rose coloured lips as though she were remembering something. She turned on her heel and faced Cledwyn fully now. ~I am only a guardian....I do not know of her exact memories. ~ The girl responded to him. Something about this Palidor didn't seem like the one Cledwyn had come to love as a daughter.....more like a....piece of Palidor.
Cledwyn lowered his head and winced a little with his eyes such was the reaction of her reply. After a moments silence he said. "..Well you can either help me or not it's your choice." As soon as he had finished speaking he turned back to his original direction and had begun running as fast as he could, hoping to find something, anything.
As Cledwyn ran, Palidor's guardian fly next to him at the exact speed. ~If it’s to help....then I will show you the way...but beware of what lies at the end. We won't be merciful to anyone. Not even Calamity. ~ She said before speeding up and vanishing. The wonderful scenery of flowers shattered like glass, leaving Cledwyn to fall into darkness yet again. A golden symbol of a sun and a moon intertwined lay below as a landing for the man.
Cledwyn watched as she flew beside him but then as she sped off he looked toward her still but his eyes caught sight of the first few petals and blades of grass fly and disappear in front of him, it wasn’t long before once more he was stood in absolute darkness, and it was even shorter a time until he began falling down, desperately he was reaching toward a nonexistent ledge. After what seemed to him was hours but actually wasn’t he crashed down hard against the two large symbols, he bounced some and almost fell off but was able to catch the edge and pull him self back up. Now on his hands and knee's he looked about and got to his feet wandering into the middle of the platform, with a curious and confused look upon his face.
A large golden door appeared before Cledwyn and then there was the guardian, standing there with her serious expression while holding a key much more like a staff. The designs on this key matched that of the doors as well as the symbol beneath Cledwyn's feet. ~Are you ready....? ~ She asked him with her voice that sent shivers down spines. Slowly the symbol began to rotate and black seeped from edges of it. Palidor's guardian took a stance and though she didn't look threatening, Cledwyn would have known better.
Cledwyn was looking very worried as he scan about the place at everything as it all happened around him, with a slightly frantic tone to his voice he said. "Ready? Ready for what?!"
~Face me Calamity. If you do wish to help them prove me. Show the guardian that you are strong enough to pass through my gate. ~ She said to make things clearer. The guardian swung the key and held it loosely, but with skill. Cledwyn would have no choice but to fight because as far as anyone knew it, he had no way of turning back. The symbol continued to rotate as the black fog came onto the surface and surrounded Cledwyn's ankles.
Cledwyn was staring toward the girl as she swung the key, at first he looked surprised and shocked he didn’t want to have to fight her so snapping out of it he tried to moved but it was already to late as the black mist had held him in place so that he would have taken the large key to the face, the mist would have released it's grasp so that he could fly across the ground from the attack. Calamity got to his feet and lowered his head, with his arms raised outwards. At first he was speaking quietly but the more he spoke the louder it became. "..I don’t want to have to fight you.. You and I both know how strong one another are, so it would be pointless anyway." By this time the dark mist was wrapping around his legs. ".. I believe in my daughter to have the courage to be able to know when it is right and wrong to do something and I know that she has an incredibly strong heart." Now his body and some of his arms had been engulfed also. "..I wont fight you.. Even if your not my daughter and I die here, you still <c>
Resemble my daughter and that's enough for me not to want to fight you...” At this point his arms had too become wrapped within the mist it was only his head that was left and that shortly was going to fall also. He didn’t care though as long as his words reached his daughter he knew his was safe.
Palidor closed her eyes, actually listening as the image of Palidor disappeared and became Moon instead. Calamity's lover. She held the key gracefully, thinking upon something. The guardian had been Moon all along.... Slowly that mist that tried to engulf Cledwyn backed off into the depths and the symbol stopped spinning around. Moon turned her back to the now freed Cledwyn, spun the key once and jammed the end of it into the lock on the large door that led to the exit. ~I am grateful she was able to find you again.....a precious gem with such a horrible past.....I made her forget everything. Am I the one who is wrong for doing such a thing to my daughter? It does not matter now because Palidor has you to watch her. And for that, I thank you Cledwyn....~ Moon spoke with a hint of sorrow, taking back the staff like key as the doors opened only to reveal endless light. The Goddess disappeared and left the key where she once stood. ~Give this key to her when you find her...~
Cledwyn had his head still lowered so he couldn’t have seen everything but he could most definitely feel everything going on around him. As the mist disappeared his arms slowly fell down to his sides. After another moments silence he walked slowly toward where Moon had been, he knelt down and looked sad as he then took the key into his hands. Quietly he said. "He still loves you Moon..." He then stood back up and headed toward the exit with the key in hand.
Palidor The door lay open for Cledwyn as the light faded into new scenery. It looked like and open plain, and the sound of hooves charged across it. In the distance was a child, no older then five years old it seemed and she was running as fast as her legs could carry her. She looked as though she was being hunted down and by men upon fearsome steeds that appeared to be Asian imperial soldiers. That girl was Palidor. "Get back here girl, you damnation!" One of the soldiers shouted in rage but Palidor didn't halt, she only sped up.
Cledwyn stood in fear as he watched them all go by. Quickly he looked to be in rage as he ran up behind them managing to keep up with the horses. "HEY YOU!!" He called as one of the assassins turned to look at him only to receive Cledwyn's fist in his jaw, taking him and the horse to the ground he then looked over to the young girl and immediately recognized her. "Palidor!" He shouted as he threw the key to her. "You’re supposed to have this." By now though the assassin that had fallen down with his horse had found he had he had a broken leg and so another horse had reared up and received a small upper cut from Cledwyn, sending that horse and rider back to the floor.
The rider screeched as he was hit back his figure turning to dust as he hit the ground. Key flying threw the air; the younger Palidor turned around and caught it in her hands but looked bewildered that someone knew her name. Aquamarine eyes looked to Cledwyn, but saw Calamity instead. "Papa......" She said, falling back and rolling with the staff in hand. Palidor skidded across the ground with a few wounds as the horsemen backed off and ran into the void that consumed everything. All that was left was Cledwyn and Palidor.
Cledwyn felt his body's tension relax as all seemed to go dark once more, true darkness want the safest of places but it was away from those horsemen. Slowly he turned to Palidor and knelt down to her and said. "Are you okay...?" With a slight tilt to his head.
Palidor pushed herself up, still gripping the key as her eyes fell upon Cledwyn. Her child like appearance became older and soon she looked like the Palidor that lived in the small cottage Cledwyn called home. "You came....!" Palidor said, thrusting herself forward and capturing Cledwyn in a hug around his waist.
Cledwyn hugged her back and looked calm and relaxed with his eyes half closed. "Of course I came... Did you ever doubt me...?”
Palidor shook her head as a no and looked at him. But something else caught her view. A black sphere formed behind Cledwyn and she, lifting into the air as dark water fell from its shape. Palidor tilted her chin up a tad to follow its rising motion. Palidor's eyes went sharp in fear as the sphere's eye lid opened quickly and its pupil thinned like that of a cat's. "Papa.....look..."
Cledwyn was still smiling toward her not taking notice of anything until she had pointed it out. He slowly turned his head followed by his body to look in surprise and a little fear toward the eye. "That's it isn’t it...? That’s the source of all this?”
Palidor quivered as the eye split in the center and roared with bloody twisted jaws. Palidor cringed at the sound but what caught her was the voice that followed after it. "So you've come to slay me I assume...?" So dark and sinister, out of the shadows stepped a man tall with long black hair and looked to be a mirrored image of Calamity. "So you're the fool who has my brother's soul. He never did have good taste...in anything, especially when it came to that wretched Goddess of the Moon. Filthy vermin." The character in black spat, aiming the last two words at Palidor who tried her best to hide herself.
Cledwyn was tensing his muscles once more, his head was lowering and shaking, his lips where wide open but his teeth where gritting against one another. His fingers where tightly locked like claws. The pupils of his eyes where gone and his hair was rising up some. The first thing he said or rather shouted was. "You SON OF A b***h!!!!" And then he charged toward him with his sharp finger nails raised. He was hoping to grab him by the scruff of his collar and then go ballistic on him.
The man smirked as the huge eye got in Cledwyn's path, charging forward to take a bite out of the outraged man. Palidor dared to watch as she gripped at the key in her hands. She didn’t know what to do but then a warm feeling came over her. ~Don't be afraid...~ Moon's voice echoed in her daughter's mind. The staff glowed silver as Palidor got to her feet. "I'm sorry....I have to fight too....I have to...." Palidor whispered, running forward at a sprint. She ran right by Cledwyn as the key shimmered and held it back. She was aiming for the Calamity look alike. "Radius...!" Palidor shouted as a flash of red shimmered from the jewel atop the key. The man seemed shocked as he backed off. The eye screeched at the light, still thrashing at Cledwyn in terror rather then actually fighting. A circle appeared beneath the black man and a line shot from the tips of his feet stopping where Palidor stood. She was burning hot as the circle shot up in a curtain of fire. “What...!? What are you doing you wretched girl...!" The man panicked as Palidor dashed forward along the red line. Swinging the key back, the roar of a jaguar echoed about them as the void exploded into scarlet flames.
Cledwyn had calmed done a considerable amount having his left arm chewed on. But still he grabbed the eye within his right hand and only forced it down harder into his arm, but he was to angry and full of adrenaline to care because it wasn’t long before he would have crushed the blasted thing and thrown it away. He then looked toward all of what had happened and is happening to Palidor. All about him was a fire but that didn’t matter either because his daughter could be in danger, that’s all that mattered to him as he reached deep into his body and pulled forth a mighty blade, large so much so that no normal man could wield it but for many reasons Cledwyn and Calamity could, mainly because this blade was there souls. Anyway he was running up behind Palidor ready to swing for the man without hesitation.
Palidor appeared in the mist of all the fire, the black man getting to his feet with half of his flesh missing because of the inferno. But Palidor didn't seem frightened anymore of the disgusting god, brother to her father. The man stepped forward with a limp, snarling at the damage Palidor was able to do and get away unscathed. Palidor briefly looked to Cledwyn and the blade her held, reaching out a hand to let him know where she was. "Curse you.......I'll kill you both now...and get it over with! I should have known the nightmares were no good though they did seem to be to some effect. Poor little Goddess having suffered for so long....why should you get to rule the earth?! Because of you, I was sent to the back of line because you're my niece...!” The man was angered beyond anything, pulling out a blade with his good arm and holding it out in defiance. He was the source of the nightmares.
Cledwyn reached out for her arm and grabbed it so that now they where both dashing through the air and at the same speed to. "No matter the darkness light can always cut through it!!" As he finished screaming this all of his body began glowing white, because of the strength from within his own, Calamity, Palidor’s and Moons heart all resonating together. Quickly Palidor and Cledwyn would have skidded to a stop before the man. Within a split second Cledwyn had his sword back ready for a strike, but his swing was only used to block his brother's attack. A small smirk came upon Cledwyn's face as he glanced to Palidor thinking she had a direct attack open whilst he hold of his brothers sword.
Palidor took advantage of this and dived underneath Cledwyn, avoiding the black blade and switching the end of the staff to be supported by the palm of her hand. Palidor thrusted the staff up and hit her uncle dead into his jaw as a sickening crack showed she had busted it. Her uncle stumbled back, his rage seeming to be distracting him. Palidor wasn't going to hesitate now, moving forward while low to the ground she sprung up and twisted around in her leap, bashing the guy in the head with the end of the key. Once again he was sent flying to the left as Palidor's feet touched ground. She stopped her speedy offense for Cledwyn to take over, seeing how this looked to be a tag team match against one very corrupt God.
Cledwyn was running toward Palidor and he didn’t stop, as he shortly looked to be dashing through the air, his entire body seemed to fade as it went through her's. Quietly she would have heard Calamity and Moon say the words. "Soul unison..." As Cledwyn seemed to become whole once more his entire being was light. He had a stern and yet kind look upon his face. The sword he was dragging along behind him was no longer a sword but a very large and angelic key, comprised of so much light, kindness, love; it was possibly the ultimate blade to cut through even the deepest and darkest of shadows. Cledwyn landed once more and pushed off from the ground as he slowly (For effect.) came closer to his brother. As far as he knew in his current state all it would have taken was one sweep, and he would he whipped his brother from existence sword and all. He did swing but the outcome was too soon for him to tell, because either it worked or he had left himself and Palidor open for an attack and that attack could come within the split second as he turned back to face Palidor.
Palidor felt very awkward as Cledwyn passed through her like a ghost or spirit of some sort. She got to her feet and used the key for support, watching Cledwyn in his strange luminance. The angelic key he held caught her eye the most however, staring at it and seeing how it resembled her staff in certain ways. Palidor said nothing as the blade came in contact with the lesser God who screeched in denial. "DAMN YOU ALL!!!" Roared into the nothingness as the black God faded in to a searing white light, blinding both Cledwyn and Palidor. Palidor let out a small moan as she tried to see through the never-ending white but failed. The chime of a bell. It was all she could hear as her aqua eyes saw reality in a fuzzy form. Focus came to her slowly and the little Goddess found herself back in Cledwyn's bedroom. "Was it...just a dream...?" She asked in whisper, but something cold held in her hand said differently. She turned to see the key staff given to her by Cledwyn. "Papa.....?"
Cledwyn was already laying his back up against the bed behind him with his eyes shut and his mouth open a little. His breathing was slow at best as he sat still asleep from complete lack of energy to do anything.
Palidor let in a quick breath and crawled closer to him even if she was close enough already. She let the key go and reached out to touch his cheek, her palm and fingertips were very warm and they tingled in a strange way. Palidor looked at her hand, feeling the effect as small red sparks danced along Cledwyn cheek where her hand lay recently. "Curious...." Palidor whispered, shaking off her thoughts for now and sitting herself in Cledwyn's lap. "I never doubted you Papa.....not once."
Cledwyn slowly smiled and said. "I know..." He then slowly opened his eyes and hugged her very close. "Thank you... Without you I wouldn’t have been able to save either of us..." He then let go of her from the hug and said half jokingly. "Now don’t you think it's about time we got some sleep..?"
Palidor blinked in surprise. She only now realized the time. Looking to the clock that read three in the morning. Palidor was shocked and it showed in her expression until she caught something and looked to Cledwyn with a half pout. "Papa after all that...I don't know if I can sleep." She said with a bit of a smirk. The key lay on the floor next to them and shimmered still with its radiance and power gleaming silver. Palidor looked to it and seemed to recognize it immediately. "Moon's key. This...this is what she used to guide the lost souls to the afterlife. It's her treasure...."
Cledwyn held his head and smiled awkwardly as he said "Yeah I know what you mean." In response to her first comment. But then he regained his normal composure as he said in a calm voice. "..I thought I recognized it from somewhere...”
Palidor fell into Cled's chest and let out a sigh. "Do you think...Mama would believe us if we told her what happened...?" She asked licking her sharp fangs on the bottom row of her jaw. Palidor didn't think that Ren even knew about the nightmares in the first place, but something told her that Cledwyn would prefer it that way.
Cledwyn smiled as he held Pali gently but close. He waited a little before he spoke. "Knowing Ren she would believe us and would worry... I don’t like to keep things like these from her, she knows about us and Moon and Calamity and well she was okay with that I think.. It's either that or she didn’t have a clue... But maybe it's best if she doesn’t worry more than she already does... What do you think..?"
"Then it will be our secret.....I don't want Mama to worry over something that will never happen again......but..." Palidor paused and thought back to something she remembered the Black God saying. Why should you get to rule the earth?! Palidor looked down to her feet, and then closed her eyes before she spoke again. "My uncle said something...about me ruling the earth.....what do you think that means Papa....?"
Cledwyn was still smiling toward her whilst he said. "I remember... and I wouldn’t worry about it... whether you decide to rule this planet or not, is your choice, all me and Ren want for you is to be happy... anyway I'm sure that you wont have to rule even if you decide to until much later on in your life and if that day comes I will still be beside you and Ren as defender of this planet... always."
Palidor reflected Cledwyn's smile and got up off his lap, taking up the key and holding it with skill that was shown when it was in the hands of Moon. Her long hair trailed after her as Palidor stepped into the doorway. "Papa...let's get something to eat....?"She asked him, looking at Cledwyn from over her shoulder. Palidor was happy now and very grateful for everything that has happened to her in this life.
Cledwyn watched her get up from him and walk towards the door. But after she had spoken to him he glanced back to the framed photograph laying face down on his bed. After a couple of seconds he then looked back to her and smiled. "Okay then." Whilst speaking he got to his feet and walked towards her. "So what should we have..?"
Palidor held the staff in her arm and clapped her hands together happily as she gazed at Cledwyn while he walked towards her. "Onigiri and tea...!" She suggested, taking the staff back in her hand as she ran out into the hall and then quickly made her way down the stairs ahead of Cledwyn. It definitely seemed like Palidor had lifted a heavy burden off of her chest, the aura she held and the one in their home was much lighter as well. Something that one would notice if they stood still and listened to the voices around them. As Palidor had once said, everything has a story; you just have to listen closely. But for now that same girl was in the kitchen with her white apron on and readying the steam cooker for the rice balls she was to make.
Cledwyn had wandered past the kitchen and was stood outside in the front lawn with his hands in his trouser pockets as he gazed upward at the crisp blue sky that had replaced the dark midnight they had shared.
Palidor hummed a nice little song as she worked about, molding the rice after she had let it cool down, filling them each with a special jelly she had. The girl lifted the kettle off of the stove and set it aside, placing the onigiri onto a plate then licking the rice off her fingers before taking them and the two mugs of tea outside to her father. "Papa.....?" Palidor asked curiously, setting the tray and mugs down on a table on the porch. She sat herself down in one of the chairs and watched Cledwyn.
Cledwyn turned quickly to look towards Pali, the cups of tea and rice balls. He walked slowly toward her and sat down beside the opposite side of the tray. He took a sip of his hot tea, only to burn his tongue. He then took a bite from one of the rice balls. "Hmm.. You have to teach Ren how to make these." He said with a full mouth.
Palidor giggled lightly and took a bite of another rice ball, licking her lips and fingers all the while. After her second munch on the treat, Palidor let out a long sigh that seemed positive. "Papa.......do you think the nightmares are really gone....?" She asked him, taking a bit of rice and licking it from her thumb. The girl neglected her tea for the moment though.
Cledwyn looked towards the sky and nodded positively. "We can’t be certain but... There’s no doubt in my mind that we took out the source of them and besides that if they ever do decide to show up again we can always beat them back down."

If you've bothered to read this then I hope you enjoyed and congratz for making it through 7 pages in 10 point font xd

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