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My Randomness
Do I really need to explain... just look at the title...
OK so Im writing a Vampire yaoi story.... so here it is

Forever With You

“Vampire? Who do you take me for? I’m not that stupid” A young boy about 17 with red spiky hair said, looking insulted.

“He is a Vampire! A Vampire Lord!” Screamed a hobo, as the teen he was talking to walked away.

“Who is he trying to kid?…I swear its like everyone thinks I’m stupid” The teen thought to himself, sighing as he walked home from “Destiny,” a dance club his friend Angie dragged him to earlier that night. “if only Vampires did exist…”

Once he got home he quickly ran upstairs to avoid his psychotic foster parents. And got ready for bed, since it was 3 am. Unfortunately sleep was not going to come easily for him. So he just thought of the day he had, hoping to entertain himself till morning.


“Come on Jess you have to come with me, it isn’t gunna kill you to have a little fun.” Whined a teen about Jessie’s age. She had bright blue eyes like crystals and dark purple hair that she always kept up in a long pony tail. “Besides you could meet a hottie, and finally lose your so called “eternal” virginity.” She smiled giving a quick wink before turning back around in her seat so the teacher wouldn’t catch her talking to him.

“Fine, but don’t expect anything to happen that I might regret later…” Jessie whispered back loud enough for her to heard but quiet enough so he wouldn’t get caught. The girl turned around and gave him a cute innocent smile. “Don’t give that look, I know you want me to do something stupid. As for my virginity, it will stay until I’m ready to lose-” Jessie was cut off by his teacher, Mr. G.

“What may I ask are you not going to lose?” Mr. G asked, the room suddenly went silent, everyone turned to stare at Jessie and Angie waiting for a response.

“Nothing sir” Jessie offered timidly.

“Now now Mr. Christensen, I think the class would like to know, or would you rather have a weeks detention?” Mr. G was the most strict teacher at Severance High, and living up to that meant no mercy and usually insane punishments for simple harmless things.

Jessie couldn’t afford to get in trouble, because if he did he’d be sent to another foster family away from his friends that he‘d had since forever. Normally it wouldn’t be such a big deal for people to now you were a virgin, but at this school mostly everyone, including the majority of the nerd population wasn’t a virgin. If you were, you got picked on and most often than not, raped somewhere either inside or outside school. But he had no choice, “I’m not gunna lose my virginity, sir.” The second those words left his mouth everyone in the class room, including the teacher burst out in laughter.

“As interesting as that is, I think we should get back to school.” His teacher said while wiping tears from his eyes

“I wonder how long that’s gunna last now.” Someone whispered not so subtly in the back of the room.

The rest of the day was pretty much the same, aside from the jokes and threats he received. And finally when he thought he had some ounce of freedom, Angie came and dragged him to off to “Destiny.”

The music was loud and the lights were dim. Hot bodies grinded against others to the beat of teen pop. Muscular bodies accompanying petite ones. Female against male. Male against male. Female against female. It didn’t matter. The art of dance was expressed in all forms. Instantly Angie was surrounded by both men and women, asking her to dance.

“Remember Jess we’re here to have fun, okay?” She reminded him. “Find yourself a nice hottie and lose that virginity of yours, before you get raped by an ugly old dude.” And with that she was swept away into the dancing crowd. Being left alone at the entrance he began walking around the crazed dancers. However as he walked away, he was oblivious to the fact that he was being watched. Jessie stood off to the side observing how many people were dancing around and up against his friend. He jumped slightly as a pair of arms slid around his waist.

“Jealous?” A deep yet sensual voice breathed in his ear.

“Of course I’m not jealous of my lesbian best friend who can get more action in five minutes than I could in my whole life!!” Jessie snapped. “Why would I be jealous that I’m still a virgin at sevente-” Jessie’s voice trailed off as he realized he was now gazing into a pair of blood red eyes. The owner of the eyes chuckled lightly as Jessie turned bright red. Before Jessie knew it he was being dragged onto the dance floor. As they passed Angie she winked and continued dancing.

“The names Seyda in case you were wondering,” he said into the music filled silence.

“I wasn’t,” Jessie replied curtly.

“Might I ask your name?” Seyda asked politely.

“You might.” A smile made its way onto Jessie’s face. But, when all he received was an impatient sigh, he gave in seeing no more point to this conversation, “Jessie.”

“Wow, what a cute name for such a cute boy.” Seyda smirked as he grabbed Jessie’s butt , much to the teens surprise.

“I-I…have…t-to go now,” Jessie stammered, running away from Seyda and towards the exit. He pulled his hood over his head, put his hands in his pockets, and began walking home. Only to be stopped by a hobo 30 seconds later.

“You were right to get away from that man, he is a Vampire!!! Be warned if you ever meet him again he’ll kill you!!!”

End Flashback

Sighing Jessie turned over to stare at the clock. 4:20 am. “Oh great is Saturday isn’t it…” he thought out loud.

“What’s wrong with Saturday?“ A voice said behind Jessie, a very familiar voice. “I find Saturday very relaxing.”

Whirling around Jessie came face to face with none other than Seyda. “What the hell are you doing in this house? Are you stalking me?!” He screamed at his unwanted visitor.

“Why do humans always think I’m a stalker?” Seyda sighed.

Jessie stared in confusion. “Humans? You make is sound like your not normal.”

“I suppose you could say that,” Seyda replied. “Although normal is a state of mind.” He walked over to Jessie’s bed, where Jessie still stared blankly and sat down at the foot of the bed.

“What are you doing? Did I tell you, you could stay? Why are you here anyway?” Jessie asked angrily, finally coming back to reality.

Laughing Seyda answered, “Ohh don’t get so mad, I’m only here because I didn’t get a chance to say a proper goodbye.” Giving a quick wink, Seyda leaned forward toward the startled Jessie, bringing there lips together in a chaste kiss.

The Next Morning

“Where did you go last night?” Angie asked coming up to Jessie in the hall. “I thought you were having fun with that blonde guy last night.”

“I guess I was, until he…” Uncertain as to her response he hesitated, “until he started molesting and stalking me.”

The only response he got was his best friend laughing her a** off. “I thought *laugh* that you wanted to *laugh* lose your virginity.”

Jessie was getting pissed. “Stop laughing, its not funny, he could have killed me.” Seeing Angie stop he continued, “I mean he just appeared in my room!!”

Once again losing his friend in a fit of laughter. “Congrats, you have your first stalker!!” She had to sit down so she wouldn’t literally fall over laughing.

Mumbling to himself Jessie walked away, “its not funny!! He COULD have KILLED me!!! I wonder if I’ll see him again…“ The rest of the day consisted of day dreams of Seyda. He did get in trouble once when one of his dreams became a little much for school.

Once school ended Jessie rushed out hoping to avoid another embarrassing conversation with Angie. Along the way bumping into almost every jock in the whole school, which was a little weird considering they usually hung out by the gym. Meaning one of two things. One, all sports were cancelled, not likely. Or two, someone was going to be beaten up and or violated. Not really noticing Jessie just kept walking. Finally getting out of the school he walked toward his house. “I wonder if anyone’s home,” he silently said to himself. Opening the front door he could hear screaming coming from inside. Jessie sighed and ran upstairs, “typical, and to think someone actually thought they’d make good parents… Seyda… why do I keep thinking about him.” Falling down on his bed face first he noticed something, three things actually. He smelled something odd on his sheets, a mix of grave yard soil, cologne, and a sharp metallic smell. “What the crap?! Wait, isn’t this the exact spot Seyda sat?” Confusing himself more by the second he looked down at his floor to see a glint of red and silver. Picking it up reveled a silver cross with a blood red gem in the center, something in the gem seemed to move as if it were liquid. The script on it vanished and reappeared slowly, bearing the words “RAIVU, SORETOMO, and SHINIMASU” with one word on each of the three sections surrounding the stone. Raivu on the left, Soretomo running down the middle, and Sinimasu on the right. Turning it over the word “DORE” appeared much like the front, but this word was right in the middle. “What the hell does that mean!? Did Seyda leave this?” Attached to the silver chain holding the cross was a piece of paper. Jessie pulled it off, leaned against his bed and read out loud. “Find me or I’ll find you,” the note was written in elegant handwriting. Officially freaked out Jessie dropped everything, grabbed his sweatshirt and hurried out the door.

Jessie walked down the deserted street with his hands in his pockets. It was a chilly night as the stars hung high in the sky above him. He took a deep breathe of the crisp fall air. Fall was his favorite season. Something about all the leaves falling from the tree made him smile, probably the only thing too. Fall was just so pretty. So caught up in his thoughts he ran right into a pedestrian. He looked up and found that it was no pedestrian it was a bunch of football players from his school, six to be precise. Jessie now wished it had be a complete stranger. He muttered a sorry and attempted to walk past them. But he only wished it was that easy.

"Jessie." The football players looked at him like a cat hunting a bird.

"Bryan," Jesse mocked.

"What are you doing out this late?" Bryan asked.

"You know," Jessie begun holding his finger to emphasize his point. "I could ask you the same thing."

"You could if you wanted to be a smart a**," Bryan countered, taking a step towards Jessie.

"You're right I am being a smart a**," he agreed. "Well I've certainly learned my lesson. I don't know about you guys but I think I'll go home and sleep."

"I don't think so." Bryan grabbed the front of his shirt before he could even think about taking a step. Fortunately, for the jocks, there was a dark alley way to their left. However this was not so fortunate for innocent Jessie. "You know what we do to virgins around here?"

"Let them go and keep their innocence?" Jessie guessed. It was a futile effort.

"Not a chance," he whispered in the red-heads ear. He kicked his legs and fought with his arms. He managed to get one punch it before his legs and arms were pinned down by two of the other jocks.

"Let me go!" Jessie demanded, shaking his head vigorously as he felt Bryan's brown hair tickling his neck.

"There's no need to worry. We'll walk you through the process real quick. First we remove you of all your clothing. Depending on whether or not you're good we prep you first. But if you're bad then we pound right in to that little a** of yours," Bryan explained bluntly.

Jessie gasped. "Please. Don't!"

"Isn't that cute guys?" Bryan smirked. "He's begging." Without warning his shirt was removed. Jessie was on the verge of tears as he felt a hot mouth connect with his chest.

"It’s okay Jessie," Bryan spoke in an almost soothing voice. "I promise we’ll make you feel good." He heard Bryan’s posse chuckle. The redhead nearly chocked on his spit as he heard a zipper go down. Looking down at his own pants he was relieved when he found they were still on.

He peered through the darkness to the other jocks. A blush warmed his cheeks as he saw the two of them running their hands up and down the other’s petite body. One of the three, Jesse wasn’t quite sure, moaned rather loudly causing him to squirm uncomfortably.

Jessie let another plea roll off his dry lips. He whimpered as Bryan crashed his lips down upon his own. Another moan was heard the three opposite side of the alley. Jessie looked and saw the smaller one going down on the other while third watched stroking the young teen's hair. He instantly averted his eyes.

"What? Haven't you ever seen things like that before?" When Jessie didn't answer Bryan and the two jocks at his side laughed. "He really is a virgin. Oh well. Everyone knows that virgins are better screws." With that he felt a hand slid past the waistband of the pants he wore. He nearly cried out as a hand brushed the most sensitive part of his body.

"My, my. Look what we have here." Bryan pulled his head out of the other's pants and took a step back as he saw the stranger standing in the entrance to the alley.

"Who are you?" Bryan retorted.

"Who are YOU?" The stranger countered.

"My name is none of your business!" All six of the jocks stood tall against the stranger.

"You're hurting Jessie," The stranger stated. "That makes it my business."

"Seyda," the name tumbled off Jessie's trembling lips. Seyda looked down upon the jocks in disgust.

"So tell me," Seyda began. "What exactly were you going to do to Jessie here?"

"None of your damn business!" Bryan called. They all watched as Seyda pulled a gun from his belt. He aimed and with one single bullet shot a hole straight through Bryan's head. Showing no sign of life, his posse, horrified, ran off. Jessie, however, simply stared at Bryan's dead body with an open mouth.

"Come on Jessie let's go." He gently guided the red head out of the alley and back to his house.

"What did I ever do to them?" Jessie cried, falling onto his back face first.

"They're just jealous," Seyda told him. "Because you're the most beautiful creature to ever walk this earth." At this Jessie looked up at Seyda incredulously. “They want what you have."

"A very sexy stranger to comfort them?" Jesse questioned, only half kidding.

"That and innocence," Seyda replied before capturing Jessie's lips in a soft yet melting kiss. And suddenly Jessie could no longer remember the feel of Bryan's lips moving harshly against his own but instead only felt Seyda. Just the two of them, their lips moving together in a sweet memorizing rhythm. If only good things in life lasted.

His foster sister stood in the doorway with a less-than-amused look on her face. "Look," she said in a snotty tone. "If you must do this at least be quiet. People need sleep around here." She slammed the door shut and left the two alone.

Jessie tensed as he felt Seyda's arms around his waist pulling him down for another kiss. But Jessie denied his wishes and instead hugged him tightly. "Thanks," he mumbled, leaning up for another chaste kiss. "Oww!" Jessie pulled back feeling his tongue which was now bleeding. "You BIT me! And hard too."

"Sorry that happens when you have fangs," Seyda informed.

"Fangs?" Jessie questioned.

"Yeah all vampires have them," Seyda replied showing the younger teen his inhumanly sharp teeth. And upon seeing said fangs he promptly passed out.

The next morning Jessie was surprised to say the least when he woke up in the same bed as someone else. He instantly jumped up and woke Seyda in the process.

"Morning," He greeted. Jessie just stared at him. "What?"

"Holy s**t!" The red head swore. "Why are you here?"

"Incase you forgot you were almost raped yesterday, and as your knight in shining armor I saved you," Seyda explained.

"So it wasn't all a bad dream." Jessie held his head between his hands.

"Sorry but life hates you." Seyda said, his sarcasm not helping the situation.

"JESSIE!" His foster mom screamed. "Get your a** down here so you don't miss the bus!" Jessie grabbed his backpack swearing all the way as he exited the room.
Seyda sighed and picked up the cross necklace he had found earlier on the floor. “He shouldn’t get caught up in this just yet.” He shoved the cross into his pocket and walked over to the window to see Jessie running after the bus. Laughing he said "So beautiful." And he, too, was gone.

“Stop you ******** bus!!!” Jessie yelled still running. “Screw it I’m walking.” Luckily Jessie ran after the bus so long it wasn’t that much farther to the school, only about a mile.

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