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voyager092's journal
ahh i write when i really feel like it (which doesnt happen much so dont get your hopes up) and what i write about is always randomness so if it doesnt make sence im sorry. and like most people i cant spell so yeah
yeah i was bored
Layer One - Stats...

Name: adam
Birthplace: hayward, california
Current Location: ca
Eye color: one shade short of black
HAir Color: same as my eyes
Height: 5'7
Righty or Lefty: lefty
Zodiac Sign: cancer

Layer Two - Describe...

Your heritage: native american from both sides of the family cherokee and ockchie
The shoes you wore today: dcshoecousa
Your weakness: a hot sexy lady with a great personality
Your fears: being alone for the rest of my life
Goal you'd like to achieve: well um.........find the perfect women, start my career, possibly start my company, live happily for the rest of my life

Layer Three - Tell

Your most overused phrase on AIM: hey hey
Your thoughts first waking up: damnit i dont wanna go to work today, why cant i go back to sleep?
Your best physical feature: most people say my body cuz they say im really buff but i dont see it
Your bedtime: when i run out of stuff to do
Your most missed memory: hanging out with freinds all the time

Layer Four - You prefer...

Pepsi or Coke: coke
McDonald's or Burger King: for me it doesnt really matter if i can go somewhere else ill prolly go there
Single or group dates: you can show how you feel more in a single but groups can be fun but i like the singles
Adidas or Nike: is there really a big a difference?
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lipton
Chocolate or vanilla: CHOCOLATE with a little bit of vanilla (i like that too)
Cappuccino or coffee: cappuccino

Layer Five - Do you...?

smoke: nope im a clean person. i used to but then i realized there is no point
Cuss: probably more then i should but im cutting back
Sing well: i do but if your ever gonna hear me you had better be very improtant to me
Take a shower everyday: yeah and if you dont you probably should cuz thats kinda nasty
Have a crush(es): well one good right now
Do you think you've been in love: yeah i thought so and she proved me wrong
Want to go to college: i am in college
Like high school: i thought it was great and there quite a few times where i wish i was back there
Want to get married: i do but i want to see whats out there first
Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: nope i type with four fingers but its ok i type more then 180 words a minute
Believe in yourself: sometimes
Get motion sickness: i have once but i havent in a long time
Think you're attractive: every now and then i should become more active
Think you're a health freak: nope but i need to become more healthy so i dont die lol
Get along with your parents: well i only live my mom. never knew my dad and then he died about three years ago
Like thunderstorms: dont know we dont get them here very often. we havent had one since i was like 6
Play an instrument: i play any kind of brass insturment and percusion. but im up for learning anything else wink

Layer Six - In the past, did/have you...

Drank alcohol: from time to time
Smoke(d): not anymore
Done a drug: once
Made Out: i dont know a whole lot of poeple that havent
Go on a date: a few
Eaten an entire box of Oreos: more then once
Eaten sushi: nope and dont plan on it
Been on stage: to many times to count
Been dumped: oh yeah and only real people can really admit that
Gone skating: yup ive been inline ice and roller and they were all fun
Made homemade cookies: yup me and my mom it was fun
Gone skinny dipping: yup ive taken a bath
Dyed your hair: nope its been the same color my whole life
Stolen anything: when i was little i dont even remember what it was i think it was lie a candy bar

Layer Seven - The future...

Age you hope to be married: when the time is right
Numbers and Names of Children: no idea but i dont want a crap load of kids so like 2-4 maybe
Describe your Dream Wedding: not a clue depends on what my wife would like
How do you want to die: um....in my sleep so i wouldnt feel it
Where you want to go to college: im already there
What do you want to be when you grow up: firefighter
What country would you most like to visit: England, France, Scotland, Australia, Alaska (not a country DUH) Canada, Mexico, hell I just want to travel (those sounds good to me)

Layer eight - Opposite sex...

Best eye color? it doesnt matter as long i can look longing into them
Best hair color? dont matter
Short or long hair?: i like long hair but if its short i can deal with it
Best height: id perfer shorter but im short so thats not always gonna happen
Best weight: doesnt matter as long they are happy with themselves
Best articles of clothing: as long as they match and its clean it dont matter
Best first date location: i dont know, the movies?
Best first kiss location: um........somewhere private

In the Last 48 Hours: Have you...

1.Cried: nope i havent cried in a long time
2. Bought something: um......nope
3. Gotten sick: nope (havent doen much have i?)
4. Sang: at my computer with no one around
5. Eaten: hell yeah a lot
7. Felt stupid: not that i can remember
8. Wanted to tell someone you loved them, but didn't: yeah and i know shell read this too
9. Met someone new: sure did
10. Moved on: yes i did, it took me long enough but im glad and now its time for something new
11. Talk to an ex: yup two of them (and i dont have a lot of them so yeah)
12. Missed an ex: yup i have
13. Talked to someone you have a crush on: sure did
14. Had a serious talk: yup
15. Missed someone: i sure have and i miss them now too
16. Hugged someone: i have hugged a few people
17. Fought with your parents: nope havent seen my mom
18. Dreamed about someone you can't be with: yeah distance sucks. im gonna have to find a way to fix it

Social Life:

1. Hobbies: playin my insturments, swimming, wrestling, hangin out with freinds, playin poker (strip poker is fun!!! lol)
2. Pager: what about a pager? i have one i dont use it i dont even know if it still works
3. Are you center of attention or the wallflower: i can be both depends on my mood and who im with
4. What type automobile do you drive: a 2000 ford focus
5. What type automobile do you wish you drove: i dont know
6. Would you rather be with friends or on a date: it really depends on what freinds and whos the date with
7. Where is the best hangout: anywhere as long im with the right people
8. Do you have a job: sure do
9. Do you like being around people: i like bein around those i care about
10. Independent/Dependant: independant

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