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this is my journal i will write about anything and anyone in it mostly about what happens in my days
Reckless Soldier
So how did everyone like entry of POWER OF A SNOWFLAKE.It's one of my most recent written stories. and today I'm giving you the RECKLESS SOLDIER.
Chapter 1

Once I was young and restless, searching for an adventure. That was … until that faithful day when I heard my dad talks about the war that was happening in Middle Europe.
I was like any other eighteen year old girl of my time. I was interested in boys and was hoping one day to be a proud mother. But unlike other girl I didn’t want to settle down right after high school. All I want at the very moment was to have an adventure. I guess god heard me because one day my father stepped into the barn with our neighboring farmers.
They were all dressed in long sleeved pine tree coloured shirts and jean overalls with a straw hats, which covered the men dirty dark oak, chocolate and black soil hair. They also had a mixture of scents for their day’s work, this scents went form a sweet juicy apples to the horrible scent of manure.
But when they came into the barn I find in one of the mucky old stales. Usually when my father comes into the barn with our neighboring farmers it means private meeting.
I moved back farther away from the gate of the stable and bumped into a large stiff coarse hair creature with four legs. When I turn around to see was it was I realized it was my noble stag Sunny.
She’s a lovely black beauty with an oak brown mane and a white cross on her forehead. She’s the fastest horse around and will only allow me to ride her since I raised her.
Suddenly my thoughts stopped when I heard the men talking. Their voices were loud and stiff, they had a little bit of angry and worry in their voices. It scared me a little. They were all talking over one another and I couldn’t understand. That was until my father yelled, “STOP!” The men stopped in shock and looked at my father.
My father was the kindness’ man you have ever met and has never shouted before. Well unless he was cheering for a sports team. But never had he ever shouted at a person.
When everybody was silent my father began to speak. He said that he just like everyone else has just heard the news on the radio. And that they were enlisting men and women in between the ages of 18 and 40. This shocked me that there was a war going on. Since my father had stopped talking many were blurting out their questions and concerns and began an argument. They argued for three minutes straight when my ears finally began to ring. Then all of a sudden my father shouted, “STOP!” once again.
All eyes turned towards my father and everyone was silent once again. Then my father began to speak, “Men we mustn’t worry they are only enlisting, and if your sons wish to go they will go and become soldiers. Just like the women in town who will go if they wish has a nurse.” When I heard what my father was saying I thought to myself. Many of the people who are enlisting will go on a grand adventure.
I wanted to go on this adventure more then anything, so I thought to myself why not become a nurse. But to me it didn’t seem as interesting as becoming a soldier. They wouldn’t have in my opinion a much of an adventure and I wanted the most out of life. So I guess I’m going to be a soldier.
When my father and neighboring farmers left the barn, I came out of my finding place. Then all of a sudden I started to devise a plan. But my first step was to look like a man.
So I ran around our small straw covered barn, where I found a long sleeved oak brown shirt like the one the neighboring farmer wore, a part of worker overalls and a raggedy old cap. The clothes were too big, but when I put on the clothes it hid my feminine figure. Then I put the raggedy old cap on, tucked my long crimson gold brown hair into the cap. I looked at myself in the small wooden water holder; I looked like a man from a farmer.
Now the only problem was I needed a boy’s name. I paused for a moment and thought, and then all of a sudden it came to me. Since my name was Alice Taylor Andrew, why not just say my name in reverse. Andrew Taylor Alice. Ok so maybe not my full named but Andrew Taylor should do and it will be my new name.
I decided that I was going to keep my other records in place, like when I was born and such, except that I was an orphan. And that I now live with my uncle Joseph (who is actually my real father). I was set for my big adventure to begin. But not until after I enlisted, that would be the hardest part of my day.

Chapter 2
It was three o’clock in the afternoon when I set out to town. I had lied to my father and told him I was going shopping with some girlfriends and would be back late. Also since I was already in my disguise I hid from my dad while asking. I felt shameful.
I walked quickly away from the Andrew property and headed towards town, where many men and women were lined up to enlist. I saw some of the sons of my neighbouring farmers almost at the front of the one kilometre long line. They must have been here right after the announcement on the radio. Maybe that’s why their fathers were so worried. They seemed cheerful about enlisting, not like their father’s who seemed scared out of their wits.
Of course I went to the back of the line were two pretty city girls stood. They both had long smooth sunshine blonde hair up to the waist. And the greenest eyes you could ever imagine. They looked like twins to me. They had a distinct smell of lavender and roses that swarmed around them.
Then all of a sudden they began to giggled, after looking in the direction of where a boy was. They began to mumble something in their sweet gentle like voices, “Oh! Isn’t he cute?” and then began to giggle again.
This boy had long coarse coal black hair that was tied up in a ponytail, beautiful amber green eyes and a breadless face. He looked abut the same age has me or even o few years older and with muscles of steal. I knew why those girls giggled with delight.
Then a picture came into my head, a picture of I boy I use to play with until the age of thirteen; that had the same coarse coal black hair and amber green eyes. This boy was two years older then I was. This boys name was Edward .I then realized that that same boy the girls were giggling at was Edward the scrum that broke my heart.
He was walked gracefully has if he was the King of France and ignored the two giggling city girls. He then turned his attention to me. He tried to start a conversation with me but by that time I was able to shrug him off.
I waited in line for an hour or so and then was at the front of the registration line. Where I spoke to a man, that asked my name birthday and all me personal and medical history. Then when he was finish he told me to come back tomorrow are noon and went on to the next person. I left the registration area and went to buy so supplies.

Chapter 3
When I go home my father was already in his comfortable lounging chair reading the newspaper and listening to that radio. Of course I was no longer wearing the disguise and walked up to my father.
He asked me how my shopping was. I told him that when I was in town lots of people were lined up, I told him how many people were enlisting for the war and that I saw the neighbouring farmers’ sons there. There was panic in my voice and my father realized it. He gazed in my direction and put down his newspaper and said, “So what really happened?”
I decided to tell him part of the truth. I told him that when I was in town I enlisted in to the war has a nurse. My father was stunned at what I said. Then after a few moments of silent I told him that I was going to be leaving tomorrow.
When my father finally come out of his shocked state he told me, “Well let’s not waste time just standing here it’s time to pack. It seemed as if he was trying to hiding something with his cheeriness. But I didn’t know what.

Chapter 4
I was ready at 7:15 in the morning. My father woke with me helped me with me pack. After we had a wonderful feast for breakfast we had eggs, bacon, pancakes and a very special treat strawberry tarts that my father made with my late mother’s secret recipe.
Then at ten we said our good-byes and my father wouldn’t stop saying I love you. Then when my father headed back into the house I snick into the barn and put on my disguise. Since last night I decided to cut my hair I brought a pair of shears with me.
Then I started to cut my hair. But when it started to drop onto the floor I stopped. I hated cutting my hair but knew it was necessary and began to cut again. When I was finished I swept up my crimson golden brown hair and spread it all over the floor of a stall, then went to pick up an itchy hay bal and spread a layer on top of my hair. Then I fled the property.
I went to town hall, where they held the registration yesterday. And received big leather boots, a helmet and a bag for all my things. And what seems to be a jumpsuit when you wore it. And on top of it all of the stuff I received they were all a swampy green mixed with dark forest green. At the other end of the field that was a station where all the men who enlisted were getting buzz cuts.
I went to the place where they directed me to change and began to undress. Then put on my new swampy coloured jumpsuit over my long johns and my new under shirt, which I bought yesterday after I enlisted. I looked in the mirror and saw myself and though god I look like a prisoner. Then someone pointed me to the line were I was to accept my free buzz cut.
By the time everyone had come and was dressed in their new wardrobe, received their free buzz cut it was 12:30. We were filed in to line of 10 men and were escorted to the centre of the field where we met our leading sergeants. They were wearing the same has many of us and had shaved their heads bald.
These men went up to each of us and asked our names in a strong firm yell. In my row I heard men shouting out one at a time, “Carl Sean!” one shouted. Another “Luke Stone!” I went on from one man to the next each shouting their name. And then the leading sergeant came to me and shouted, “NAME!” in a hostile voice. I replied, “Andrew Taylor!” in the manliest yell I could manage. He stared at me for five seconds then took a step and shouted at the next person.
He had a clipboard with him and was writing something on it .Each person was visited by the seven leading sergeants who each hold clipboards. Then the sergeants yelled, “Physical!” I froze.

Chapter 5
There were eight stalls where the physicals took place. Men were coming out has fast has they going in. I had not thought that they would do a physical and wasn’t prepared. There were eight men in front of me, so I still had sometime to think of a plan. But nothing came.
Then suddenly it was my turn and when I entered into the stall I saw a curly red head waiting for me. She had innocent eyes the colour of the sea with a small nose and beautiful rose lips to balance out her face.
Then for some strange reason I began to recognise her. It was Mitchell Brings a girl I use to hang out with before my mother passed away. She turned to me and said in a graceful kind tone, “Hello Mr. Taylor?” she said has she flipped throw my registration papers. “My name is Ms. Brings and I’ll be doing your physical today.” She said in her graceful tone. “So please Mr. Taylor take off your shirt and under shirt and we’ll get started!”
I hesitated for a moment then did has she said. I took off my shirt and under shirt to find my upper body naked. When she turned to look at me shock appeared on her face, “You’re a girl?” she whispered so no one would heard her. “Yes!” I replied back. “Can you help me? Please Mitchell!” She looked away for a moment and then looked at me again. “How do you know my name?” She asked in a confusing voice. “My name is Alice Andrew.” I whispered back to her.
Mitchell’s confusion turned in to a friendly gaze. “So what have you been top to Alice?” She asked with a smirk on her face. I told her how I decided to go into the war. And that it’s time to get out of this small town. She agreed with me and told me she’d help.
First thing she did was that she filled in all my medical papers. Then she began to wrap a water proof bandage around my upper chest. She said it would make me look more flat. She also told me that if anybody asks I would say I was injured there badly. “Also I think your going to need this.” She said has she pulled out her hand from her apron to show me some moss that was one inch thick. I asked her what it was and she replied, “It’s for your time of the month Alice. You can use it more has many times has long has you need just wash it each time. When she was done explaining I walked out to join the other men now my adventure will begin. Well so I thought.

Chapter 6
Well let’s just say there’s another road block that has gone in my way. Here are two words to describe it TRAINING CAMP! Arrgh! I can’t believe this all I’ve had is one problem after other. Well my adventure ever start?
Plus those leading Sergeants guys are pushing me to my limit. They make us get up at the crack of dawn. That’s not the bad part but what comes after it is. Then they make us run five miles not kilometres with sixty-five to eighty pounds on our backs. They also punish those of us who arrive last, like me. Whenever I or somebody else does something wrong they make us do chores. I hate it. I have to do something quick or they’re going to realize I’m a girl. Maybe if I train more, cause if I don’t do something I’m toast.
Well the next day didn’t go any better. Expect that I was in second last in the five mile run. Still I had to do chores. Also one of my leading sergeants kept breathing down my neck and wouldn’t leave me alone. He also used me has an example of what not to do. Oh how I hate him. I wish I could push his face into the moist wet mud with his mouth opened.
Well I’ve had enough of begin push around; I know I can to better then any of the guys. So I guess I’ve decided I’m going to train harder and prove this people wrong.
In the morning I woke up two hours before schedule and dressed put on my seventy pound bag, and began to run five miles. It took me an hour and fifteen minutes. I was drenched in sweat and smelt like a man who hadn’t taken a bath for a month or even more.
When I went back to the sleeping quarters, everyone was fast a sleep. I climbed onto my bed and a half an hour later woke to the sound of the trumpet. Since I was already dress I took the time to rest my muscles.
I was still exhausted from my run earlier that morning, but to my surprise I come in third last I did better then the day before. I still had chores, but didn’t care, I was getting better.
The next day I did the same thing and moved up again in my rank. After two months of running five miles before everyone woke, I finally was one of the first ones to finish and didn’t have to do chores.
I felt happier, and then one day I finished even before my leading sergeant and wasn’t even tried. Some I got a head of everyone else in everything. I no longer worried on the five mile run and concentrated on other training.
Soon everyone was talking about me and my leading sergeants used me has examples of what to do. Finally I have proven them wrong after a year and a half worth of training.
I sent my father many letters during that time and never received any back. I still told him about how successful I was and my training. I hated how I had to lie to him, but I was finally doing something I like. I no longer thought of it as just an adventure but as a duty. One day something extraordinary happened, it was said that soldiers that did well in their training were to be sent to the battle fields. Oh I couldn’t wait.

Chapter 7
We woke up at the same time as usual, but instead of training that day. We were told to pack up, shower and to be in front field by one o’clock that afternoon to be put into troops.
I took a long cleansing shower and washed myself four times before walking out of the shower, still with that bandage on. My skin no longer felt sticky and rough, but like of skin of a baby. No longer did I smell like sweat or rotting fruits and vegetables. I looked proper for once and not like a pig covered in mud.
I packed all my stuff in less then an hour and made my bed. Then I lied there and signed. I felt relaxed and energy flawing into me. Well until Edward came up to me. “So?” he said in a nervous tone. “I guess we’ll be leaving today. “Yes.” I mumbled under my breath and turned to staring into space.
I guess he saw how I was ignoring him and left. I knew all he was trying to do was make conversation. But I’ didn’t want to look at his face or even hear his voice, not after what he did to my years ago.
One day when I was thirteen we were hang out with a bunch of his friends, who seemed to look at me weird. They were all fifteen so I though it was just what they did. Well later that day the boys were talking to together. I told them that I wanted to pick some beautiful daisies and would be back in an hour.
But has faith had it I came back earlier and heard them talking about me. They were saying how ugly and childish I was. I didn’t mind that the other boys were saying this, but when I heard Edward agree with them I became furious. I hated him, so I stomped up behind him and screamed, “I HATE YOU!” tears were coming down my cheeks, and he saw them and tried to comfort me. But I pushed him away and slapped him. I left a crimson red hand print on his left cheek. I ran from them I didn’t know what else to do. Well let’s just say form that day on I never spoke to him again even though he apologized a million times.
It was 12:45 pm when I left the sleeping quarters with my bag and dressed in my military uniform. I still thought it was the ugliest thing I ever saw. When I got to the front field many men were already there. I took a spot in the line and waited.
Then at exactly one p.m. sharp the leading sergeants came in front of us. They were separating us in to troops it seemed that each had a turn picking us. I was one of the first picked which shocked me. They called off names from clipboards. I realized then that they had already picked their troops. I was not happy with my troop mates, let’s just say this I got the one person I didn’t want EDWARD!
That afternoon we arrived at the train station and boarded. And with my luck Edward sat next to me. He started to make conversation with me, and I tried to ignore him. But he wouldn’t let me. After five minutes of him trying to make conversation he stopped. He looked has if he had finally figured out what I was doing and sure enough he did “Why are you ignoring me?” he asked in a frustrated voice. “I didn’t do anything to make you mad so why are you ignoring me?”
I thought for a second and it was true what he was saying. He had never done anything to Andrew Taylor or even spoke to him. I couldn’t say that it’s because of was you did to me years ago. He would find out and I would be sent back and I wasn’t going to let that happen.
So I decided like any mature adult that I would let the pass slide, well at least for now. I turned to him and replied, “I’m sorry!” I said. “I was just so worried about my family that I was ignoring everybody.” He didn’t seem to be convinced, but when I gave him a smile his eyes changed from questioning into friendly eyes, that wanted to share everything.

Chapter 8
Months had passed since we had arrived in Middle Europe. We had not seen any battles, but have been working hard none the less. We had constructed trenches, where our fellow soldiers hide and sleep. Many of us have learned some of the languages here and have become spies towards the other countries; they believed that we couldn’t understand them.
So far we have learned that the man who is respectable for this war is Simon Beaver. What I mess he’s made, all I wanted to do was kill him or at least put him somewhere, where he will suffer. I know this isn’t Christian thing to do, but I can’t help thinking it.
Also Edward and I are starting to become best friends again and I think I’m falling in love with him. But to him I’m Andrew Taylor his best friend. Plus if I told him I loved him he would think I was a sinful person.
I had been sending letter when ever I could to my father, but still hadn’t received anything. So I began to write:
August 23
Dear Father,
It’s Alice…
I looked over my shoulder to see if anybody was looking and then turned back to my paper.
I was just wondering how you’ve been doing. I’ve been waiting for one of your letters, but still haven’t received a single one. I hope nothing happened to you.
Dad I hope your ok, oh and guess what dad we’ve been collecting information from the injured soldiers to see what’s happening. Most are saying that the war should be over in a year or so. Oh I hope so because I miss you daddy more then ever.
Love your Daughter,
Alice Taylor Andrew
I folded the paper and seild it shut in an envelope and wrote my address and put a stamp on it.
The suddenly Edward popped up behind me and said has I hid my letter “So what you doing?” and popped out a bar of chocolate, which he won in a card game. We started a conversation, which lead to me asking a question that would give my hope. “So?” I said in a normal tone. “Do you have a girl you like or is waiting back home for you?” I asked. I couldn’t believe I asked that question. Even thought it was a normal question to ask around here.
He paused for a moment then looked at me again. “Yes, somewhat.” He said in a sad voice. “Actually I’m not sure she waiting for me, but I like her.” He paused. “So what’s her name?” I asked. He looked away again then turned to me. “Her name...” he spoke has if it was a pure name “is Alice Taylor Andrew!” he blurted out.
Shock came to my face; he had just said my name, out of the entire girls who was love with him he picked me. WHY? HOW? Those were the question I wondered.
He looked at me with puzzled for a moment at my reaction. But then suddenly the leading sergeant came up to us and said in an exciting tone, “Get ready were moving out. We’re going to attack the enemy!”

Chapter 9
Thanks to the leading sergeant who told us a battle was approaching, we were prepared. Our guns were loaded and at the ready. Grenades were hanging around our necks and extra bullets wherever we could put them.
But this didn’t help us. When we were attacked we had a little an advantage over them, but not for long we were taken over. It was a blood bath. Many soldiers on both sides fell. All you would hear were the cries of those who had been shot and the guns themselves.
We won in the end and had killed them all, but to us we had lost. Thirty-eight out of sixty men died in this battle. I fell to my knees and touch one of my die comrade’s cold lifeless body. He was drenched in ruby red blood that smelt horrible. I didn’t stay there long by my comrade’s side before I started to vomit.
Edward came to my side and escorted me back with him. When we arrived back to the cold, muddy, smelly trenches I hid in a corner and cried. Days had passed since the battle and I soon became depressed. I didn’t eat or sleep. All I was thinking about was why I enlisted.
First I thought it was for duty, and then I remembered that I enlisted so I could have an adventure, to get away from my boring life. Now all I wanted to do was to be back in that boring life.
Edward soon realized I was sick and forced me to eat. He stayed by my side, but what he didn’t know was that when he was sleeping I would remember that horrible smell of blood and muddy and would begin to vomit.
Soon I became thinner and Edward wouldn’t leave my side any more, until I finally fell asleep from exhausted. During that time Edward decided to give me a bath.
When I woke up he had a look of confusion on his face. I was fully dressed and went to see Edward to ask what was wrong. He lead my to a spot in the trench where no body was and started too asked me question in a low scared whisper. “Are you a girl?” he asked
This shocked me; I didn’t know what to say but my body did. Without even me knowing I had blurted out, “YES!”
When he heard that he asked, “What’s your real name?” Still with no control over my body I said, “Alice.” “Alice Taylor Andrew. He had shock, fear and angry burning in his eyes. “You knew me all this time and didn’t say any thing to me, even thought I shared everything with you.” He said with tears coming down his cheeks. “I don’t know?” I replied in a voice that was ice-cold and emotionless. “I guess it because first I hated you, then I guess because I didn’t want to break our friendship or get caught.
He just stood there looking away from me. I knew I had hurt him, but I didn’t know what to do. Finally he looked at me and wiped his tears away and sad, “I will keep your secret; but with same conduction. One, you can’t do anything reckless and two, you have to eat and sleep got it.”
I nodded to shock to speak. He was going to keep my secret. I was so happy that tears came down my cheeks; they were not tears of sadness but of joy.
In the days to come Edward and I became closer than ever. I even told him how I felt about him seeing that it was only fair. But two weeks after Edward found out about my secret. The leading sergeant came up to us and asked me to do the biggest mission of all. KILL SIMON BEAVER!

Chapter 10
When I heard this, my heart jumped for joy. He was he only person I wanted to kill and wouldn’t feel ashamed of it either. He killed my comrades, he must pay.
But I had one problem; I promised Edward that I wouldn’t do anything reckless. Well I guess I broke that promise when my body acted on its own and accepted the mission.
Edward turned to me when the leading sergeant left and said in a disappointing voice. “You lied to me!” I turned to and said “I was sorry and that my body was acting on its own.” He then told me to go to the leading sergeant and asked to be taken off this assignment. But I told Edward I wouldn’t and he left.
That night the leading sergeant came to see me and he had Edward by his side. “Strip!” the leading sergeant demanded. I did so and revealed that I was a woman. “Well it seem you’ve been lying to us Mr. Taylor.” He spoke. “Mr. Taylor you are from this moment disbanded.” He walked away leaving Edward and me alone.
“How could you?” I said to him with tear falling down my cheeks. He tried to brush them away but I dodged him. “Don’t touch me!” I sobbed. “Why? Why did you do this?” I turned to him for an explanation. “I did it…” he replied. “Because you were going to get yourself killed and you are just a girl.
Frustration burned into my eyes and I screamed, “I HATE YOU!” and slapped him the same place I did eight years ago, leaving the same mark. Then I picked up my belongs and ran.

Chapter 11
When I was running I decided to do this last mission the leading sergeant assigned me. He had given my all the information I needed and I had my guns and bullets.
Since I decide to kill Simon Beaver alone, I thought maybe it would be better if I planed all my moves first. My first move was to go to London and find information on Simon Beaver.
When I got to London I decided I was no longer going to be Andrew Taylor. So I used what ever money I had to buy a beautiful dress that was made from ruby red lace. The dress was strapless and went to my ankles.
I also went to a beauty salon where they shampooed my hair and cut off all my spilt ends. I was beginning to look like a woman again. I couldn’t believe it, I no longer wore a bandage to find my feminine figure and I had long crimson gold brown hair and a clean body.
Soon I was being invited to all the big parties and was making a lot of rich friends. Also in the meantime I was collecting information on Simon Beaver. He was a ladies man and only like lovely women. It is also said that he only goes to the parties that Lord Lake-Horse and his wife have. Just by accident I befriended Lady Lake-Horse and was to attend her next party that was happening this Friday.
I was dressed in my strapless ruby red lace dress when I went to the lord’s party, even thought I had several other fancier ones. This was my mission. To go into the party and become Simon’s next prey, when he invites me to his chamber to accept. Then while in his chamber kill him with my hand gun, which is hidden in my left guarder.
When I got to the Lord’s mansion it was already full with the rich and famous. But the person I was waiting for wasn’t there, well so I thought. I as approached by a man who looked to in his late twenties. He had onyx hair, with gray eyes to match.
He bowed to me and said, “Madam would you like to dance with me?” I decided that it was better then standing around and accepted. We danced the waltz together, which I never danced before and had to fallow him. Finally when the music stopped, Lady LakeHorse come up to me and said, “Well it looks like you’ve already met Mr. Beaver.
I was shocked at hearing this, but also excited he was here and had already decided that I was to be his prey tonight. We danced most of the night and when the party came to an end, Simon asked me to accompany him to his chamber, which I accepted.
When we got to his chamber he opened the door and invited me invited me in very casually, but when he closed that door, his attitude changed from an angel to the devil himself, Simon jumped on me like an animal. Suddenly I felt in danger, but all I knew was I had to do was reach in my left guarder and its game over for him. But the problem was that that all his weigh was on top of me and I could reach it.
So I decided to play miss innocent. “Mr. Beaver”, I said “let me freshen up first. He got up off of me and said, “Ok but hurry!” he said in a frustrating voice. But within that time it took him to say those words I got out my hand gun and shot him in his temple. His cold died body collapsed on the bed and within a few minutes I fled.
I had finished my mission now it was time that went home. Then suddenly a person appeared right in front of me. It was Edward.

After Simon Beaver’s Death the war ended. All soldiers that reminded went home to their previous lives. There were even rumors that I wasn’t the only girl the disguised herself has a man and fought in here war.
Well this just say, once I was young and restless searching for an adventure, until that faith day. Now I’m a proud mother to be and I’m living happily in my boring life with my husband Edward.

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