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View User's Journal

Have You Ever
1. Cried in school?


2. Laughed so hard you peed?


3. Seen your best friend naked?


4. Taken a shower with someone?


5. Been drunk?

Heh, yeah.

6. Smoked?


7. Cried on someones shoulder?


8. Let someone cry on your shoulder?


9. Slept in bed with same sex?


10. Used the bathroom in front of a friend?

Hell no.

In the Opposite Sex

11. Favorite eye color?


12. Favorite hair color?

Blue or Dark Red

13. Height?

Doesn't matter

14. Weight?

Doesn't matter

15. Drink/smoke?

Drinking, sure. Smoking? Perferably not.

16. Drugs?


17. Tatoos?

Depends how big.

18. Peircings?

Alright in my books.

19. Style?


The last..
20. ..person you hugged? Mandy
21. ..person you kissed? I forgot.
22. ..person you talked to? John.
23. ..time you cried? Grandmother's funeral.
24. ..time you laughed? Yesterday night playing video games.
25. ..thing you bought? Iced Tea.
26. ..person you yelled at? Mike.
27. ..person you said I love you to? My dog.
28. ..person that told you they loved you? My mom.
29. ..person you hit? Mike.
30. ..thing you drank? Water.
31. ..thing you ate? A cracker.

Sixty-four Odd Questions
32. Are your parents married or divorced? Married.
33. Are you a vegetarian? No.
34. Do you believe in Heaven? Very little.
35. Have you ever come close to dying? When I was young, yeah.
36. What jewelry do you wear 24/7? A few of my necklaces.
37. Are you eating? No.
38. Do you eat the stems of broccoli? Yeah, they're good.
39. Do you wear makeup? No.
40. Would you ever have plastic surgery? HELL. NO.
41. What do you wear to bed? Pajama pants and a Tshirt
42. Have you ever done anything illegal? Haven't we all?
43. Can you roll your tounge? Yeah.
44. Do You have a boyfriend or girlfriend? No.
45. Do you believe in Abortions? No.
46. What is your Hair color? Blonde.
47. Future child's name, boy and girl? Dunno.
48. Do you smoke? No.
49. If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be? Either Tokyo or back on a cruisehip through the Carribean.
50. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? No.
51. If you won the lottery, what would you do first? Donate some, then pay off any loans for school.
52. Gold or silver? Silver.
53. Hamburger or hot dog? Hamburger.
54. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Fresh Kiwi Slushes.
55. City, beach or country? Beach.
56. What was the last thing you touched? Computer mouse.
57. Where did you eat last? A cracker.
58. When's the last time you cried? Grandmother's funeral.
59. Do you read blogs? On occasion.
60. Would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex? Only if I got paid a MASSIVE ammount.
61. Ever been involved with the police? My uncle is one.
62. Do you talk in your sleep? I hope not.
63. Ocean or pool? Both.
64. What's your favorite song at the moment? Airwave by Rank 1
65. Have you ever had a cavity? Yeah.
66. Window seat or aisle seats? Aisle.
67. Ever met anyone famous? Yeah.
68. Do you feel that you've had a truly successful life? Somewhat...
69. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? Twirl.
70.What is your fav. sport to play? Swimming or Golf.
71. Basketball or football? Basketball.
72.When was the last time you went to the bathroom? An hour ago.
73. Do you drive a stick? I've practiced with stick shift.
74. Cake or ice cream? Ice Cream.
75. Are you self-conscious? People tell me I am.
76. Do you like any of your close friends? Yeah.
77. Have you ever given money to a bum? Yeah.
78. Have you been in love? Yeah.
79. Where do you wish you were? At the arcade.
80. Have you ever ridden in an ambulance? Not sure.
81. Can you tango? No.
82. Last gift you received? A PSP game.
83. What occasion did you recieve your gift? At random.
84. Last thing you spent lots of money on? Xbox-Live Wireless for my X360.
85. Where do you live? Calgary, Alberta, Canada
86. Last wedding attended? My aunt's.
87. Favorite restaurant? CB's.
88. What is your favorite kind of car? Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VII
89. Most loved food(s)? Seafood and Fresh Kiwi SLushes with green apple jelly.
90. Can you sing? Trust me, no.
91. Person on your mind? Not now.
92. What's your least fav. chores? Recycling.
93. Favorite drink? Fresh Kiwi Slush with green apple jelly
94. Currently have a Crush? Heh, maybe.
95. How long was your longest drive in a car? About 14 hours.

Pick a band
96. Good Charlotte vs. Simple Plan? SUCK.
97. Green Day vs. Rancid? SUCK.
98. Motley Crue vs. White Zombie? Motley Crue.
99. Linkin Park vs. AFI? Linkin Park.
100. Slayer vs. Marilyn Manson? Dunno.
101. Ozzy vs. Funeral for a Friend? Ozzy.
102. KoRn vs. Metallica? Metallica.
103. Evanescence vs. Tool? Dunno.
104. Lost Prophets vs. Sugarcult? Dunno.
105. Slipknot vs. Poison the Well? Don't care.
106. Breaking Benjamin vs. Mudvayne? Breaking Benjamin.

Pick one
107. Fruit or Veggies? Fruit.
108. Ham or Turkey? Ham.
109. Red or Pink? Red.
110. Black or White? Black.
111. Homicide or Suicide? Homicide
112. Computer or Telephone? Computer.
113. Morning or Night? Night.
114. AIM or YIM? YIM.
115. School or Church? School.
116. Pepsi or Coke? Pepsi.
117. Sprite or 7-up? Sprite.
118. Mt. Dew or Mellow Yello? Mountain Dew.
119. Dogs or Cats? Dogs.
120. Spongebob or Patrick?
121. MTV or VH1? MTV.

122. Color? Blue.
123. Song? Airwave.
124. Band? Dunno.
125. Actor? Adam Sandler
126. Actress? Lucy Liu
127. Hangout? Silvercity Arcade or Switchbox.
128. Store? EB Games.
129. Clothing Brand? West 49.
130. Season? Summer.
131. Weather? Rain in hot weather.
132. Food? Seafood and F. Kiwi slushes with Green Apple Jelly ( Third time with question?)
133. Movie? Kill Bill Vol. 1
134. TV Show? X-Play
135. Website? Gaia Online.

Least Favorite...
136. Color? Purple.
137. Actor/Actress?
138. Store?
139. Clothing Brand? Anything G Unit. Despise him.
140. Season? Winter.
141. Weather? Snow.
142. Food? Overcooked eggs and anything with way too much mayonnaise.

Word Association
143. Cheese. Macaroni.
144. Music. Style.
145. Love. Hobbies.
146. Hate. Suck ups.
147. TV. Electric.
148. School. Pencil.
149. Weekends. Relaxation.
150. Cow. Dairy.
151. Chicken. Nugget.
152. Geometry. Globe.
153. Bacon. Ham.
154. Dinner. Potato.
155. Elephant. Trunk.
156. Two. Three.
157. Stupid. War.
158. Fun. Arcade.
159. Venus. Mars.
160. Bye. Sayonara.
161. Dumb. RPGs
162. Spoon. Ice Cream.
163. Sharpie. Pen.
164. Spongebob. Sponge.
165. Discovery Channel. Nature.
166. Popups. Annoying.
167. Fast Food. Bun.
168. Annoying. Life.

Have you ever...
169. ..been drunk? Yup.
170. ..smoked? No.
171. ..been high? No.
172. ..been shot? No.
173. ..ran away? Yeah.
174. ..killed a person? Not now.
175. ..cut yourself? A lot.
176. ..been in love? Yeah.
177. ..taken a stupid survey for no good reason? Without a doubt!

Are you...
178. ..in love? No.
179. ..bored? Somewhat.
180. ..tired? Very.
181. ..high? Definately not.
182. ..drunk? No.
183. ..lonely? I have no reason to be.
184. ..annoyed yet? Getting there.
185. ..forgetful? Admitedly, yeah.
186. ..stupid? Academically.
187. ..a spazz? I don't see myself as one.
188. ..dying? I'm still kicking.
189. ..sick? No.

How many/much?
190. $$ do you get a week? I'm hiring for my second job shortly.
191. People are on your friends list? 60.
192. Laws have you broken? I ccan't keep track of the small ones.
193. People have you 'loved' that you werent related to? 3.

Which friend is...
194. ..weirdest? JT.
195. ..most annoying? Mike.
196. ..smartest? John.
197. ..sweetest? Tiffany.
198. ..funniest? John.
199. ..best to hang out with on a rainy day? John.
200. ..preppiest? John.
201. ..most athletic? Tim.
202. ..coolest? John.
203. ..hottest? That's for me to know!

More random questions...
204. Whats your name spelt backwards? Nitsud Sianegad.
205. What did you do last night? Cleaned the house.
206. The last thing you downloaded onto your computer? Shenmue Music.
207. Have you ever licked a 9 volt battery? ... The hell.
208. Last time you swam in a pool? Couple of months.
209. What are you wearing? Black T-shirt with black and red surfshorts.
210. How many cars have you owned? Zero.
211. Type of music you dislike most? Rap.
212. Are you registered to vote? Yeah.
213. Do you have cable? Yeah.
214. What kind of computer do you use? Dell Dimension 9200
215. Ever made a prank phone call? No.
216. Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving? If I could, yeah.
217. Furthest place you ever traveled? Either Hawaii or the Carribean.
218. What's your favorite comic strip? CtrlAltDel-Online
219. Do u know all the words to the national anthem? Yeah.
220. Shower, morning or night? Morning.
221. Best movie you've seen in the past month? Didn't see one.
222. Favorite pizza toppings? Either shrimp or Hawaiian toppings.
223. Chips or popcorn? Chips.
224. What cell phone provider do you have? Bell.
225. Have you ever smoked peanut shells? ... Huh.
226. Have you ever been in a beauty pageant? ... I'm a GUY.
227. Orange Juice or apple? Orange.
228. Who were the last people you sat at lunch with? Josh, Jenny, and Silvio.
229. Favorite chocolate bar? Cadbury Dream
230. Who is your longest friend and how long? My farthest memory of a friend was Kyle... And that was around Kindergarden.
231. Last time you ate a homegrown tomato? Last summer.
232. Have you ever won a trophy? Yeah.
233. Favorite arcade game? CvS2, Initial D, Guilty Gear, Tekken 5, SFA2, etc.
234. Ever ordered from an infomercial? No, very dumb.
235. Sprite or 7-UP? I KNOW this has been repeated.
236. Have you ever had to wear a uniform to school/work? Yeah.
237. Last thing you bought at Walgreens? I'm Canadian, don't have one.
238. Ever thrown up in public? Nope.
239. Would you prefer being a millionaire or finding true love? Millionaire.
240. Do you believe in love at first sight? Guess so.
241. SPONGEBOB or JIMMY NEUTRON? ... No. Just no.
242. Did you have long hair as a young kid? Yeah!
243. What message is on your voicemail machine? Dunno.
244. Where would you like to go right now? To the arcade.
245. Whats the name of your pet(s)? Pepper
246. What kind of back pack do you have, and what's in it? Mountain Co-op with a notebook of my SAIT notes.
247. What do you think about most? My friends.
248. What cell phone provider do you have? Repeat Question.
249. Do you read your Horoscope? Not recently.
250. What position do you sleep in at night? The hell?
251. Are you addicted to the Internet? Yup.
252. Do you like your name? Hate it.
253. Are you religious? No.
254. How often do you go to church? Last time was a year end ceremony at my school.
255. What kind of vehicle do you drive? Nothing, I bus.
256. If money was no object, what kind of vehicle would you drive? Mitsubishi Evo VII
257. How often do you have dreams? Often enough.
258. If you could, would you want to be Immortal? Yes and no...
259. How long does it take you to shower? 15 minutes?
260. How many pairs of jeans would you say you have? 12
261. How many shirts? Can't keep track.
262. What size is your bed? Big enough.
263. How do you react when someone tells you you're HOT? Deny it.
264. Are you questing anything? Not now.
265. If so, what? -----
267. Why did you pick that username? Kobi was the name of my deceased pet.

Do you..
268. ..believe in ghosts? Yes.
269. ..dress up for halloween? On occasion.
270. ..have cheese obsessions? No.
271. ..believe in God? No...
272. ..give good advice to friends? My friends say I do...
273. ..torture aminals? Definately not.
274. ..stalk people? I have better things to do than that.
275. ..love anyone? Yeah.
276. ..hate anyone? Yeah.
277. ..like cooking? Went to cooking school at one point.
278. ..like eating? In moderation.
279. ..like watching football games? Hate it.
280. ..like sports? I don't like team sports, but individual sports I'm fine.
281. ..like acting? No.
282. ..like doing chores? Depends.
283. ..like your job? (if you have one) My last one was bad.
284. ..like cars? Yeah.
285. ..smoke? REPEAT.
286. ..do drugs? No.
287. ..drink? Yeah.
288. ..cry often? No.
289. ..change in front of your friends? Once, but nothing sick if that's what you're thinking.
290. ..talk about private things with friends? Yeah.
291. ..talk alot on the phone? Sometimes.
292. ..like llamas? No.
293. ..like Marilyn Manson? No.
294. ..have a pet? If so what kind? Dog - Beijon/Shih Tzu
295. ..regret anything? Definate yes...
296. ..Do you like surveys? Meh.
297. ..feel like you've had enough surveying for now? Good guess.
298. ..want this to be over? It would help.
299. ..feel happy now that it is? End it now.
300. ..want to take it over again? BITE ME.

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