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QUOTE Pirates of the Caribbean 3 : script page 1 EXT. SINGAPORE HARBOR - WHARF - NIGHT Asian junks jammed into raised, crisscrossing docks. Weird shadows cast by hanging lamps. Amid the pylons, ELIZABETH SWANN pilots a small boat with a long pole. She moves through the maze of ropes, stairways, rafts and skiffs. It's Singapore harbor, a place of danger and decadence, mystery and magic. Elizabeth sings softly and very slowly ELIZABETH (singing) Came all ye young fellers that follows the sea She waits, listening. Silence. Again she sings -- ELIZABETH (CONT'D) Came all ye young fellers that follows the sea A VOICE IN THE DARK answers, completes the line MAN(O.S) (singing). To my way haye, blow the man down Elizabeth changes course, toward the voice. The singer is an ASIAN MAN crouched on a platform. Cleaning fish, guts up to his elbows. He raises his eyes to Elizabeth. Points. Elizabeth pushes off in that direction. Sings the next line -- ELIZABETH I've a deep water Clipper just in from Hong Kong ANOTHER VOICE in the dark before her answers. OLD MAN(O.S.) Give us the time and we'll blow the man down The OLD MAN washes clothes on floating dock; she gestures for Elizabeth to continue on her path. Elizabeth sings: Pirates of the Caribbean 3 : script page 2 ELIZABETH If you'll give me some grog, then I'll sing you a song A DARK FIGURE stands on the dock before her. DARK FIGURE (O.S.) To my way, haye, blow the man down! The Figure turns -- is revealed to be BARBOSSA. He is flanked by half a dozen Chiese SOLDIERS. Barbossa nods, gestures at the boat - - BARBOSSA Bring him. Pintel and Ragetti stand up in the boat. Reveal - - A HOODED PRISONER, bound, between them in the boat. He is lifted out. They start to move forward - - - - but one of the SOLDERS holds up a hand. Twirls a finger for the Prisoner to be turned away. The Soldier RIPS AWAY the Prisoner's shirt - - Revealed on the Prisoner's back is an elaborate TATTOO of a DRAGON. The Soldier nods - - this is the right guy. They start forward. CLOSE ON: the Prisoner listens to the FOOTSTEPS around him, taking in his situation by sound - - Suddenly the Prisoner pushes away from his guards, knocks down the Soldier. Pulls his bound hands down around his feet, bringing his hands to the front - - grabs a sword from the Soldier, and jumps up to a fighting pose - - other Soldiers attack - - amazingly, the Prisoner, even blinded by the hood, and with both hands bound in front, is able to deflect their blades. Barbossa rolls his eyes. BARBOSSA (O.S.) Don't fight him one at a time. Rush him all at once, all of you. Soldier rush the Prisoner and he is overwhelmed, falls to the dock. Elizabeth presses a knife under his chin, letting him feet it - - ELIZABETH You don't realize, do you? (MORE) Pirates of the Caribbean 3 : script page 3 ELIZABETH It doesn't matter to us if you are alive or dead. The Prisoner lets go of the sword. He is dragged to his feet, and pushed along the dock - - INT. TEMPLE - NIGHT Barbossa leads the group into a modest temple. Plain floor and walls, bamboo tapestries. Opposite him is CAPTAIN SAO FENG, notorious Chinese Pirate - - flanked by his PIRATE SOLDIER. Behind Sao Feng, sitting on a raised throne is a young, beautiful Chiese DRAGON LADY. She says nothing - - and misses nothing. Barbossa bows before the Dragon Lady. BARBOSSA My Lady. I am pleased to return and see you are well. I bring you a gift - - the treacherous Lang Si, who slayed your brother many years ago. Soldier turn the Prisoner around - - revealing the dragon tattoo. Many of the soldiers react, scowl in anger - - Sao Feng holds up a hand. SAO FENG The Lady thanks you. BARBOSSA And does the depth of her generosity extend to a gift in return? Perhaps the charts we discussed? Sao Feng opens a satchel, revealing a set of charts inside. SAO FENG The charts are here. the Lady knows of your interest in Jack Sparrow, who is known to us as a scoundrel and evildoer and who himself has a price on his head. Elizabeth pushes forward. ELIZABETH How much? Sao Feng focuses on Elizabeth. Looks at Barbossa. Pirates of the Caribbean 3 : script page 4 SAO FENG I command your choice in a traveling companion. I fear we chose the wrong payment. BARBOSSA The Wench is not for sale at this moment. ELIZABETH Wench? Barbossa implores her to silence with a look. BARBOSSA The charts? SAO FENG I can tell you that Jack Sparrow resides in Davy Jone's Locker, which lies on the path to the Land of the Dead. BARBOSSA Just like Jack, to cheat death. SAO FENG He will suffer for eternity. Some say Death would be kinder. but Davy Jones never gives up what he takes from the sea. BARBOSSA Let me see the charts. Captain Sao Feng smiles. SAO FENG How do we know your quest was successful? The Lady desire to look upon this coward. Barbossa pulls a pistol. Swords are drawn in response. But - - Barbossa aims the pistol at the Prisoner. BARBOSSA The Lady desire revenge. Hard over the charts, or Lang Si dies and the Lady will be robbed of her satisfaction. Pintel and Ragetti, on opposite sides of the Prisoner, edge away from the Prisoners. Sao Feng regards Barbossa he plays with an intricate, Chinese knot pendant on a string around his neck. Pirates of the Caribbean 3 : script page 5 Shakes his head. he closes the satchel. SAO FENG No. It's a stand-off. One of the Chinese soldiers notices something, stares at the Prisoner's back. Sweat on his back. The Tattooed Dragon is melting. The Soldier catches Sao Feng's eye. Shakes his head slightly. Sao Feng raises an eyebrow. SAO FENG (CON'T) Kill them. His soldier swarm around him to attack - - The prisoner, still hooded, dodges an attack. Elizabeth defends against two soldters, takes a sword deom one as he halls. She turns and SLASHES at the Prisoner - - - - cutting the Prisoner's bonds and trowing him a sword. The Prisoner yanks off the food - - - -it is WILL TURNER. Elizabeth and Will smiles at each other. Then spin to fight back to back - - Barbossa takes on Captain Feng as Elizabeth darts in the grab the Charts. She is cut off by two Guards. Will goes to her rescue - - and now there are a half dozen soldiers surrounding the Charts. Sao Feng makes note of this - - The Dragon Lady watches it all, never flinching. WILL back! To the doors! The group is quickly outnumbered and overwhelmed. Pintel and Ragetti cut a path to the door - - EXT. SINGAPORE - DOCKS - NIGHT Our heroes flee down ramps, up ladders, swing on ropes. Elizabeth and Barbossa fight through an array of Pirates. Pintel and Ragetti fight and also gleefully knock stuff over. Will holds off a group, and then swings away on a rope - - - - and comes face-to-face with Captain Sao Feng. Oh *beep* The two of them cross blades. They fight their way across a platform and CRASH through a window. Pirates of the Caribbean 3 : script page 6 INT. PLATFORM HUT - NIGHT Will and Sao Feng stand. But a weird thing - - they don't continue the fight. Instead, Sao Feng pulls out - - the Charts. He glances at Will. WILL I will deliver Jack Sparrow. There is no love loss between us. SAO FENG I wish you luck.(eyes a window) Shall we? Will smiles, the two of them race toward the window on the other side of the shack - - EXT. SINGAPORE HARBOR - NIGHT - - Will and Sao Feng crash through the window, roll, and come up fighting. Will cuts Sao Feng's sword away, and races off. Sao Feng calls out - - SAO FENG I see hem! Follow me - - this way! SOLDIER appear - - and Sao Feng leads them in the opposite direction Will took. EXT. SINGAPORE - DACK - NIGHT Will hooks back up with Barbossa and Elizabeth. WILL I have the Charts. BARBOSSA I'm impressed, Mister Turner. WILL You have us a ship? BARBOSSA Aye, we're got a ship. They race around the corner, and revealed before them is - - - - the HAI PENG, an old, decrepit Chiese JUNK with patched sails. TIA DALMA is on board, and has the ship pulling away from the dock. WILL It's a junk! Pirates of the Caribbean 3 : script page 7 BARBOSSA Aye. WILL No, I mean, it really is junk.. BARBOSSA She's a strong spirit. she'll take us to the edge of the world! Or perhaps you' DAVY JONES rather stay here? SOLDIERS appear; they are crashed along the docks, leap onto the ship - - a narrow escape from Singapore! EXT. HAI PENG - DECK - NIGHT Will looks back - - CHINESE SAILORS line the docks, there are dozens of ships nearby, but none of them pursue. ELIZABETH Why aren't we being followed? TIA DALMA There is something on the seas that even the most staunch and bloodthirsty pirates have come to fear INT. BECKETT'S OFFICE - DAY Swann and Beckett at the desk, working through a sheaf of documents. Swann signs his name under Beckett's supervision, Beckett affixes a seal to each in turn. Swann pauses as he leafs through a new stack. SWANN Attack authorizations? I thought pirate activity was at an ebb. BECKETT They're lying low for the moment. But the Brethren will gather soon enough, and then one final strike - - SWANN A Portuguese merchant vessel? This one is for ships of the French Royal Navy! You intend for the Flying Dutchman to wage war on other nations? BECKETT Our efforts simply secure the sea lanes for British commerce. What serves the Company, serves England. (taps the documents) Governor? Swann hesitates then signs. He hates it. Pirates of the Caribbean 3 : script page 8 SWANN If I didn't need the Company's help to find my daughter, I would report you to the King. BECKETT A fine illustration of the principle that rational self-interest yields mutual benefit. Swann's angry pressure on the quill causes it to SNAP. Beckett already has another one waiting. EXT. DOCKS - DAY Swann strides along the dock. A large steam engine has been installed. It starts with a DEAFENING ROAR, starting Swann. He takes some anger out on it with his cane. Norrington catches his arm. They must SHOUT over the noise. NORRINGTON Governor! SWANN What is this thing? NORRINGTON Progress! The world is changing! SWANN What? NORRINGTON The world! Changing! For the - - The engine shudders to an unintended and broken-sounded halt. Quiet now, no shouting necessary. NORRINGTON (CONT'D) For the better. SWANN How can you look at that and call the world better? He gestures past Norrington - - - - To where the Flying Dutchman lay at anchor, an abomination in broad day light. Encrusted sailors loading the bay. Norrington has no answer. SWANN (CONT'D) Though it may have been flawed in action, ther was once a belief that it was beneficial and correct to consider the welfare of others! Pirates of the Caribbean 3 : script page 9 Norrington doesn'TIA DALMA know where that came from. Suddenly, it all crashes down on Swann. He sags. SWANN (CONT'D) I miss Elizabeth. I need to find what's become of her. Norrington looks at him. Glances over his shoulder at the Flying Ducthman. Back to Swann. It takes an effort, but finally: NORRINGTON Sir I am sorry. At last report, Elizabeth was aboard the Black Pearl when she went down. All hands are presumed lost. Swann looks back up at Norrington. He does not want to believe it. Norrington does not want to say it, but - - NORRINGTON (CONT'D) I was there. Swann absorbs this. SWANN I must find a ship to England. The steam engine ROARS back to life as he says this, his words nearly lost in the sound. ANGLE - THE BALCONY, where Beckett stands, gazing down at the scence. REVERSE - POV BECKETT, as the ROAR of the engine continues as Swann moves away from Norrington. Norrington catches his arm. A heated exchange, Swann bringing most of the heat. Finally Swann turns and strides away. Norrington watches him, resigned and then looks up, directly into CAMERA, right at Beckett. EXT. HAI PENG - DECK - NIGHT Gibbs at the helm. Barbossa reads the charts. Gibbs tries to peek but Barbossa pulls them away. BARBOSSA Come about full, and set your heading due north. Gibbs frowns, doesn't move the wheel. Barbossa raises an eyebrow. GIBBS We just spent three days and nights sailing due south. Pirates of the Caribbean 3 : script page 10 BARBOSSA I don't have a need of you questioning my orders, Mister Gibbs. GIBBS Aye, you give the orders, now, is that how it is? Will cuts in between them. WILL Gibbs, by my authority, you're to follow the heading suggested by Mister Barbossa, in his official capacity of - - navigator. Barbossa gives Gibbs as angelic smile. Gibbs turns the wheel. WILL (CONT'D) Mister Barbossa On the charts, I was struck by a curious phrase. "Capsized into the mirrored sea, the sunrise sets at the flash of green." Do you care to speculate on that for me? BARBOSSA Ever gazed upon the green flash, Mister Gibbs? GIBBS I reckon I've seen my share.(explains, for Will's benefit) It's quite a sight. Happens at the last glimpse of sunset, on rare occasions, a green flash shoots up. Some go their whole lives and never see it, many claim to have seen it who never have. Sailors say it signals when a soul comes back to this world from the dead. WILL (to Barbossa) What are the implications to our journey? BARBOSSA I reckon it will Beckett clear enough when the time comes. Will I am interested in your present day speculations. Pirates of the Caribbean 3 : script page 11 BARBOSSA I reckon I'll keep my speculations to myself for now, and that way you'll have good reason to keep me around the entire journey. GIBBS A prudent strategy, says I. Barbossa glares at Gibbs. Will decides not to push the matter. Will Carry on, then. Barbossa bows and turns away. Nearby, Pintel and Ragetti swab the deck, obviously listening in. As they speak, FLAKES OF SNOW start to drop down around them. Ragetti leans over to Pintel as if he has a great secret. RAGETTI It's a riddle. PINTEL I know it's a riddle. They know it's a riddle. They don't know what the riddle mean. I don't like riddles. RAGETTI Riddles are fun. "Capsized into the mirrored sea, the sunrise sets" PINTEL Riddles are not fun! The way it always works is some poor bloke don't understand what it means, and then he ends up dead he realizes no, I wasn't supposed to listen to the singsing of the sirens, I wasn't supposed to take the pot o'gold and make that fourth wish, but by then it's too late and he dies in a horrible and ironical manner, and in this case, you and I be the poor bloke! RAGETTI Riddle are fun. PINTEL Right, it's all fun and games 'til somebody loses an eye - - Pintel goes pale, realizes what he has just said. Pirates of the Caribbean 3 : script page 12 RAGETTI Now, there was no call to get all personal! PINTEL I didn't mean it! They are interrupted SCRAPING SOUND along the keel of the boat. Pintel and Ragetti look out EXT. OCEAN - DAY Where a huge ICEBERG floats past in the water. The Hai Peng sails amid the snow and icebergs, beneath white-blue sheen of glaciers. PINTEL Where on God's green earth is he taking us? EXT. HAT PENG - DECK - NIGHT Tia Dalma measures out rum to the crew. Barbossa downs his right away. Gibbs nurses his. Elizabeth cups her hands around hers as if it will keep her warm. TIA DALMA We sail into dangerous waters together. I wonder which of you are up to the task? You will survive if your motives are strong. She turns to Will. TIA DALMA (O.S.) What brings you on this voyage? WILL There is what a man can do, and what a man can't do. Jack Sparrow died saving my life. I can't leave it at that. ON ELIZABETH - - she knows that's not true, but keeps it to himself. Tia Dalma turns to Barbossa. Barbossa answers with great conviction and sincerity and a lowered head: BARBOSSA To atone for my many and varied sins, ma'am. Pirates of the Caribbean 3 : script page 13 Gibbs laughs. Barbossa looks hurt. BARBOSSA(CONT'D) And because you kindly asked me to come on this voyage, ma'am.(explains) Seeing as she did me the great service of restoring my life, I am of course overcome with gratitude, and offer to Beckett of service in any way I can. GIBBS I wondered about that. How exactly were you delivered from your fate? Barbossa smiles, sticks his knife into an apple slice, bites into it and chews. Silence is his only answer. TIA DALMA And you, Elizabeth? What lies in your heart on this trip? Elizabeth jerks her head at the word "lies" Will watches her. She condiders, and finally settles on: ELIZABETH Jack Sparrow did not deserve the fate the world gave him. TIA DALMA Ah, and what man does? ELIZABETH To punish the wicked, I leave as God's work. But at least we can try to reward the good, don't you think? (beat) What about you, Tia Dalma? What makes you risk such a dangerous journey? TIA DALMA The world is a lesser place without Jack Sparrow. ELIZABETH To Beckett sure. But that doesn't answer the question, does it? WILL Leaving me all the more curious as to your response. Tia Dalma looks slyly between them. She answers enigmatically: Pirates of the Caribbean 3 : script page 14 TIA DALMA I am owed many debts, with Jack Sparrow not the least among the debtors. I can hardly collect from a man not of this world. EXT. HAI PENG - DECK - NIGHT Elizabeth, lost in thought. has moved away from the others. Will comes up behind her. WILL It must Beckett a terrible secret indeed, for you to let it come between us. ELIZABETH Nothing has come between us. But I do worry I will not live up to what you deserve. Will donesn't like the sound of that. WILL As do I with you. Every day. I suspect there is more that troubles you. ELIZABETH My heart is troubled for the same reason yours is. If we can rescue Jack, all will Beckett well. Will doesn't know how to take that. He presumes - - wrongly - - that she is in love with Jack, and hopes to get him back. WILL This is a voyage of resolution, then. Elizabeth nods. Looks out past the rigging - - - - the ocean before them is a mirror, stars above and below. ELIZABETH Like sailing into the night sky. (beat) Such a sight is what gave rise to tales and superstitions of the end of the world, where the ocean drops off into nothingness. Barbossa joins them at the railing, pleased. BARBOSSA Ah, we're good and lost now. ELIZABETH Lost? Pirates of the Caribbean 3 : script page 15 BARBOSSA Aye, for certain you have to Beckett lost, to find a place as can't Beckett found. Elseways everyone would know where it was, wouldn't they? WILL Lost or crazy. BARBOSSA Or why not both? Barbossa laughs. Then they hear a distant ROAR. The SOUND of RAGING WATER gets LOUDER. The ship TURNS on its own, is swept toward the sound - - GIBBS Hard a-port! Gather way and keep her trim! Pirates scurry to save the ship. Tia Dalma appears on deck. Unlike those around her, she is calm and serene. She tosses her crab claws down onto a barrel head. Learns over them and smiles. She murmurs an INCANATION. Moves the claws around in an intricate, repeating pattern. Elizabeth and Will stare at her - - what is she doing? The ROAR is now OVERWHELMING; Elizabeth turns away, sees - - ANGLE - FROM BELOW. a huge WATERFALL is revealed - - it looks to be THE EDGE OF THE WORLD. Elizabeth whirls to Barbossa. ELIZABETH You're a fiend! You have led us to our doom! BARBOSSA Now don't be so unkind, my child after all, ye might not survive the trip these may be the last friendly words you hear He laughs. The prow of the Hai Pan sticks out into the air and then the entire ship TILT DOWN Elizabeth screams Barbossa laughs louder all the Pirates scream as the ship plummets down into - - Pirates of the Caribbean 3 : script page 16 BLACKNESS. And SILENCE. Out of the silence comes SINGING and LAUGHTER various pirate voices, distant, eerie "Yo ho yo ho a pirate's life for me" And just as quickly as they came, the voice FADE, to Beckett replaced again by SILENCE FADE UP ON: A WHITE HOT SUN burns in a cloudless blue sky. EXT. DESERT - DAY. JACK SPARROW sits with his head lowered, alone in the dunes of a vant desert. A dry wind blows. This is Jack's purgatory. sand in all directions, endless. Jack drags himself to his feet. he staggers to a rope lying in the sand. Picks it up and turns, the rope over his back. He leans forward and PULLS - - His feet dig into the and; he drives forward but goes nowhere. The rope angles up behind him; Jack pulls but makes no progress, gradually sinking down COME AROUND TO REVEAL: at the other end of the rope is the Black Pearl. Towering above him, stranded in the middle of the vast desert. Jack keeps tugging, to no avail. Nearby are several SMOOTH ROUND STONES. Weirdly, the stones begin to rock back and forth, like eggs hatching. Cracks appear and the stones transform into crabs. One of the crabs turns toward Jack, watching him. Clicks, annoying, like it's laughing. JACK SPARROW Perfect. What would my torment be without freaky crabs here to mock me? Jack grabs a handful of sand and flings it. the crabs flinch back. Jack collapses into the sand. JACK SPARROW (CONT'D) I'm talking to a crab. The crab scuttles forward looks at Jack. Scuttles sideways, looks at the ship. Pirates of the Caribbean 3 : script page 17 The crab scuttles away EXT. DESERT - DAY Jack Sparrow lays in the sand. Baking in the sun, exhausted. A SHADOW MOVES OVER HIM - - Jack blinks, looks up. ANGLE - ABOVE JACK, the PROW of the Black Pearl. Moving. Jack stand up, sees - - the Black Pearl drifts, floats across the sand, carried on the back of a thousand chittering crabs. Jack raises an eyebrow. JACK SPARROW(CONT'D) Strange. EXT. DESERT - SHORE - DAY In the water float broken bits of wreckage, all that is left of the hai Peng. Pintel and Ragetti share a wooden plank as the paddle. Ragetti wears a wide grin. PINTEL Lestways it wasn't us what wrecked the ship this time - - what is it with you? Ragetti cowers, the grin disappears. RAGETTI I thought it was fun. PINTEL It wasn't fun! (tries to scowl, gives up) Maybe a little, the tilting over part - - RAGETTI - - and the big splash at the end! Pintel splashes him, Ragetti splashes back. Elizabeth, Will, Barbossa, Gibbs, Tia Dalma pull themselves onto shore. GIBBS Truly a god-forsaken place. ELIZABETH How do we find him? Pirates of the Caribbean 3 : script page 18 BARBOSSA He's here. Every sailor what Davy Jones has banished to the depths is here, Somewhere. WILL And why should we bother? Now where trapped. Just like him. TIA DALMA Jack Sparrow is closer than you think. All eyes turn to Tia Dalma. Behind her, an amazing sight - - JACK SPARROW APPEARS in the sky, at the bow of the Black Pearl, riding over the desert sand, toward the water. Carried on the back of ten thousand crabs. GIBBS Well I'll be keel-hauled and dipped in sheep *beep* Jack! Jack waves. Grabs a rope, swings down onto the sand. JACK SPARROW Thank goodness I've found you! Is everybody all right? the ship keeps going behind him, toward the water. jack treats it like the most normal thing in the world. JACK SPARROW(CONT'D) Will! Gibbs! Pintel and, uh, you with the one eye Tia Dalma, lovely as ever. (come to Barbossa) Now here's a surprise. BARBOSSA Jack, Jack it does me heart good to see you halfway along the path to hell He grabs Jack, puts a knife to Jack's throat. BARBOSSA (CONT'D) I've a mind to take you the rest of the way! (low) It's not far, I can attest to that! ELIZABETH Stop! We're here to rescue him. Jack turns as Elizabeth's voice. Focuses on her. Pushes Barbossa aside, unconcerned. Pirates of the Caribbean 3 : script page 19 Barbossa frowns at being suddenly ignored. JACK SPARROW Dear Elizabeth. You came to rescue me. How uncommonlygenerous of you. Will watches the exchange closely. ELIZABETH In payment for your heroic actions, in saving us all from the Kraken. Our score is level. JACK SPARROW It is now? Level. Jack pointedly looks out at the desert. Does a three-sixty turn as he makes a "wind blowing over the sand" sound. JACK SPARROW(CONT'D) I don't feel rescued.(with some venom) And so the score is decidedly not level. BARBOSSA I guess you could look at it as we're in the midst of the rescue operation, at the moment. JACK SPARROW Looks to me as if the rescuers are in need of rescuing. And who says I want to Beckett rescued, anyway? Jack strides away, Everyone is incredulous. WILL You're coming with us. We've gone to too much trouble. Jack waves him away. WILL(CONT'D) Jack! JACK SPARROW (turns) Fact is, I don't. I'm perfectly happy. Here. It's very (tries to think of something good) Simple. Will and Barbossa exchange a look. Pirates of the Caribbean 3 : script page 20 JACK SPARROW(CONT'D) But if I do agree to help you out of this mess. it shall Beckett as nothing less than Captain. Barbossa shakes his head. BARBOSSA I'm Captain on the return voyage. JACK SPARROW Then you shouldn't have misplaced your ship. BARBOSSA I see my ship - - right there. He points at the Black Pearl. Jack looks in the direction of the Black Pearl. Squints, covers his eyes, pointedly searching, as if he can't see Barbossa's ship. Keeps squinting, keeps searching. Barbossa sighs, losing his patience. Jack squints some more, bobs up and down on his toes, keeps searching - - BARBOSSA (CONT'D) All right! Only I knows the route home. JACK SPARROW That would make you - - the navigator. BARBOSSA Captain. JACK SPARROW Cook? BARBOSSA Captain. JACK SPARROW Cockswain. Will steps between the two. WILL Enough. Jack is rightfully Captain of his ship. Will draws his sword and slashes it to within a millimeter of Jack's eye - - Pirates of the Caribbean 3 : script page 21 - - then whirls and stops it a millimeter from Barbossa's eys. WILL(CONT'D) (Will draws his sword) All decisions subject to my approval. Understood? JACK SPARROW As Captain, I am pleased to name as First Mate Master Barbossa. WILL (raises an eyebrow at Barbossa) Agreed? BARBOSSA I can deal with First Mate. (grins) It worked out fine for me late time. Barbossa holds out his hand. Jack looks at it, grimaces. BARBOSSA (CONT'D) An uneasy alliance? JACK SPARROW An unholy one. EXT. BLACK PEARL Sailing the darkness between worlds. Below the surface of the water, bodies float past, each in its current. Pintel and Ragetti watch over the side. PINTEL Eerie. RAGETTI (musing) I wonder what would happen if you dropped a cannonball on one of 'em. They look at each other - - let's find out! Pintel starts to hunt for a cannonball. Barbossa, walking past, fixes them with a stern look. Sheepishly, they return to just looking over the rail. PINTEL Beckett disrespectful, it would. Ragetti spots something ahead: a small boat, coming toward them, lit Beckett a lantern's glow. Pirates of the Caribbean 3 : script page 22 RAGETTI Another boat coming. Elizabeth glances out at it, then peers more closely. She recognizes the passenger. ELIZABETH Father! Here! Look here! Swann glances over. SWANN Elizabeth!(concern) Are you dead? ELIZABETH No. Swann nods at that. Elizabeth has to move along the rail of tha Pearl, toward the starn, to keep pace with him. SWANN I think I am. ELIZABETH How? SWANN (has trouble recalling) Beckett? He's war? He's waiting for the pirates to gather and How odd. At the time, it seemed so important. ELIZABETH Come abord! (to the others) Cast out a line! (to Swann) Come back with us! Crewmen prepare a line, too slowly for Elizabeth. She grabs it from them, casts it out. It lands neatly in Swann's boat, but he makes no move toward it. Due to the action of the two vessels passing, it begins to slip toward the edge of the boat. ELIZABETH(CONT'D) Take the line! SWANN (suddenly; this is important) Elizabeth. She gives him his full attention. Pirates of the Caribbean 3 : script page 23 SWANN(CONT'D) When I would reprimand you to obey the rules, it was because I did not want you to ever be unhappy. But I should have recognized in your willfulness your courage. I am proud of you, Elizabeth. The line is about to slip from Swann's boat. ELIZABETH The line! Catch the line! The end of the line falls into the water. ELIZABETH(CONT'D) Father! His boat is near the aft of the Pearl. ELIZABETH (CONT'D) Come back with us! Please! I won't le you go! She climbs the a rail. Will gets there slightly, ahead of Jack to haul her back. SWANN I'll give your love to your mother, then, shall I? Elizabeth stares after him; nods slightly, accepting. The light of the boat's lantern is swallowed up by the darkness. She looks back to the others. ELIZABETH Beckett is waiting for the pirates to gather. BARBOSSA The Brethren. ELIZABETH We have to warn them. he has to die. She move away. Will, Barbossa and Jack watch her go. JACK SPARROW I personally have no reservations about that plan. Pirates of the Caribbean 3 : script page 24 EXT. BLACK PEARL - MAIN DECK - SUNSET Barbossa watches the sun hover over the horizon. BARBOSSA It's not getting to the land of the dead is the problem, so much as getting away. Tia Dalma has wrapped herself in the rigging. TIA DALMA I feel it in my soul, if we do not escape this night, we will sail trackless seas, under starless skies, to our doom. Gibbs, Elizabeth and Will are gathered around the charts Jack sits curled like a cat on one of the sails. GIBBS There's a cheery thought. JACK SPARROW At least our demise sounds poetic. BARBOSSA Aye, the charts give us a day to sail free. Pintel and Ragetti sit opposite each other on a table. Ragetti's wooden eye is out, rolling on the table with the sway of the ship. Elizabeth reads from the charts. ELIZABETH "Up is down on the mirrored sea, when sun rise sets at the flash of green." WILL Flash of green? BARBOSSA On rare occasions, when the sun sets, there is a green flash on the horizon. they say - - GIBBS/PINTEL ... that's the only time a soul can transition between worlds. Gibbs and Pintel glare at each other, the two storytellers in competition. Pirates of the Caribbean 3 : script page 25 PINTEL (to Ragetti ) Thinks he knows everything. GIBBS (to Jack) Thinks he knows everything. Jack idly watches as Ragetti's eye roll scross the table; ship moving with the waves Jack has a sudden idea. Gets up, watches the eye. His movement is enough to draw the attention of the others. JACK SPARROW Hmn. When sunrise sets. Now there's a notion. He moves over the railing at port. Everyone follows the ship tilts that way a little. Jack thinks - - Jack suddenly races to the starboard side. Everyone follows - - what is he up to? He looks out at the sunset. Suddenly seems to see something on the port side. JACK SPARROW (CONT'D) There, it moved! ELIZABETH What? WILL I don't see anything - - But Jack runs across, and everyone follows, and the ship tilts a little more. Jack goes the other way, and Gibbs figures it out. GIBBS He's rocking the ship. BARBOSSA Aye, he's onto it. All hands together! GIBBS Time it with each swell! Pirates of the Caribbean 3 : script page 26 Jack races back to port. Then to starboard. The ship tilts back and forth - - PINTEL He's going to tip us over! Ragetti already has a rope ready. RAGETTI We tie each other to the mast, upside down, so we'll Beckett right side up when the boat flips! Pintel thinks about it. Thinks about it Thinks about it - - PINTEL Good idea! Will gets to the rail as the ship tilts, look out - - The sun SINKS into the sea, a small orange flam left - - - - Black pearl tilts further - - They rock the Black Pearl completely over; waves fill the sails and cause the ship to continue to roll - - CAMERA MOVES AROUND THE ROLLING SHIP, UNDERWATER - - Chains, cannons, small objects fall down toward the depths. Jack, Will, Elizabeth, Barbossa, Gibbs hold on, flat down away from the ship. Pintel and Ragetti hold their breaths, cheeks bulging. - - CAMERA TURNS, SO THE BALCK PEARL IS RIGHT SIDE UP - - ON THE HORIZON, the FLASH OF GREEN shoots up! AND SUDDENLY - - THWUMP! All of the water FALLS, dropping down onto the deck. The objects fall, the people fall, SLAMMING on to the deck. The water washs away, and the Black Pearl bobs on the sea. GIBBS Blue skies! Mercy! Will looks over - - - - and now it's SUNRISE back in our world. Pintel and Ragetti hang upside down, tied together to the mast. Pirates of the Caribbean 3 : script page 27 PINTEL This was your idea, and the fact that I went along does not make you any less stupid. RAGETTI Well it don't make you no more smart neither. PINTEL Yes it does, my lack of stupid ideas makes me smarter by omission. Elizabeth marvels at her clothes as the water drops away - - they are dry. ELIZABETH Impossible. Barbossa goes to the rail, squints at the horizon smile. BARBOSSA Feast on it, gents. That there is a sunrise. GIBBS Hah! Take what you can - - JACK SPARROW Give nothing back! A brief moment of celebration as everyone grin at each other Then EVERYBODY instantly draws their pistols at once, and point them each other - - Will at Barbossa - - Barbossa at Jack - - Gibbs at Barbossa - - Elizabeth at Jack - - Jack at Will, draws a second pistol, at Barbossa - - Barbossa draws a second pistol, at Gibbs - - It's a moment everyone has been preparing for. A beat - - And then EVERYBODY LAUGHS. They can't help but grin at themselves, lower their pistols Suddenly the LAUGHTER STOPS and the pistols are raised again. Pintel and Ragetti work to get themselves free of the mast. Pirates of the Caribbean 3 : script page 28 PINTEL Get united, and find us our pistols! Hurry! RAGETTI Who would we point it at? Barbossa takes charge. BARBOSSA All right, then. The Pirate Captains are gathering. They will meet at the hidden, and some say it might Beckett mythical, Shipwreck Cove. WILL Aye. BARBOSSA Honest man that I am, I reveal to you now< I am the person what called the Gathering of the Brethren. Jack, you nad I are going there, and they'll Beckett no arguing the point. Beckett there a person among us who will contest this path? Everyone looks at each other. JACK SPARROW Safety in numbers. Excellent idea. Agreed. Jack drops his pistol. Barbossa is surprised, suspicious. Turns to Elizabeth. ELIZABETH You know I am against those who murdered my father. If this gathering is needed to fight them - - I want to Beckett there, Agreed. She lower her pistol. Jack looks to Will, curious wht he will do. TIA DALMA What say you, Will Turner? Your heart does not lie on this path? Will regards the situation, calculating. WILL You're wrong. My heart is with Elizabeth. but it's a long journey. We'll need to stop and resupply. Pirates of the Caribbean 3 : script page 29 Will lowers his pistol. Jack looks at him, surprised - - he expected more of a fight. JACK SPARROW We're all agreed, then. Jack and Barbossa lower their guns - - - - just as Pintel and Ragetti get free, scramble to their feet, find their guns and pull them out. They can do no better than to point them at each other. PINTEL/RAGETTI AGREED! EXT. FLYING DUTCHMAN - HELM - DAY Davy Jones at the helm of his cursed ship of bones. Norrington stares out at - - The aftermath of a battle; a Portuguese merchant ship. Scared sailors gathered on deck. DAVY JONES More recruits for your Armada. NORRINGTON Yes. DAVY JONES I have no choice in these events. But I am curious - - what do you tell yourself? What reason can you find in your heart - - to Beckett a pawn? NORRINGTON Is that your opinion? You think I am a pawn. DAVY JONES I expect Governer Swann would agree. Mercer arrives, reports. MERCER Scuttle the ship, sir? There's a fair amount of damage. NORRINGTON No. Assign enough men to sail her. Navigate behind us. Lock the crew in chains. Starve the fight out of them then put them to work. Mercer salutes, steps away. Pirates of the Caribbean 3 : script page 30 DAVY JONES It is the essential nature of a pawn to not know he is a pawn. NORRINGTON Explain yourself. Why do you mention swann? DAVY JONES I am not at liberty to say, sir. Jones indicates - - Mercer is too close. Norrington looks worried, looks at Davy Jones questioningly. DAVY JONES(CONT'D) (a whisper) Ask Wyvern. INT. FLYING DUTCHMAN - HOLD - DAY Norrington comes down a flight of stairs. Spooky and dark; only tiny shafts of light shine down. Norrington carries a lantern. The SOUND of flies BUZZING. he moves along the hull. The hull move - - it Wyvern's face, encrusted into the ship. NORRINGTON Jones sent me. WYVERN Scream bloody murder. Wyvern looks to his right and disappears. Norrington moves in that direction. The Sound of flies BUZZING gets loauder. Norrington keeps moving and comes upon wyvern again. Wyvern raises a hand and point - - Indicates stacked barrels. Norrington knocks them away, looks up - - EXT. FLYING DUTCHMAN - DECK - DAY Norrington hangs onto the ships rails. Catches his breath. Davy Jones is suddenly at his side. NORRINGTON Who did it? DAVY JONES I do not know. Perhaps you. NORRINGTON And perhaps you. Pirates of the Caribbean 3 : script page 31 Norrington looks out, sees: innocent sailors are locked in chains, become conscripts, slaves. DAVY JONES What will you do? NORRINGTON Cut him down, Bury him at sea. DAVY JONES Is that all? You will continue in this madness? NORRINGTON That is all. I will not question my orders. I violated my duty once. My life has been returned to me, I will not lose it again! ANGLE - following Norrington, and REVEAL: EXT. CARIBBEAN SEA - DAY - - following the Flying ducthman, are now a HALF-DOZEN SHIPS under Norrington's command. The Armada grows... EXT. BLACK SAND ISLAND - DAY The Black Pearl weighs anchor outside the reef. Marty climbs to a sentry position on the rocks, holds a pistol, keeps watch. ON THE BEACH, a landing party moves away from longboats. Jack, Barbossa and Will, with bottles and flasks strung across their bodies. Pintel and Ragetti appear, each with three empty casks turtled up on their backs, two more barrels carried between them. They climb over some rocks, Jack stops. stares at - - THE KRAKEN - - dead, the huge creature sprawled across a long length of beach. Bleached White skin against the black sand. Past it, the sun sets in a final golden blaze of glory. ON THE BEACH near the Kraken, the group approaches. Pintel and Ragetti kick, taunt the monster. PINTEL Ahh, not so tough now, are you? Stupid fish, serves you right! Pirates of the Caribbean 3 : script page 32 RAGETTI (giggles) Serves you right! Jack stares into one huge round dead eye. Jack is oddly moved, a sad expression on his face. JACK SPARROW Magnificent creature. Such a shame. WILL How can you say that? It tried to Kill you. Pintel and Ragetti each picked up a tentacle and are slapping one another. JACK SPARROW Still, a magnificent creature. Will notices: slash marks and many harpoons still stuck deep into the body. Will pulls out one of the harpoons. WILL It doesn't make sense. This was their best weapon. BARBOSSA It couldn't Beckett controlled so it was killed. Jack takes off his hat, bow his head. JACK SPARROW There aren't many of the true myths left. And now there's one less in the world. Jack turns away. Will and Barbossa follows. They move past Pintel and Ragetti, who pose on top of one of the long tentacle arms - - PINTEL Pintel and Ragetti! Kraken slayers! RAGETTI Kraken slayers! Ragetti grins - - then is hit with an idea so fuge he has to sit down. The vision of it dances before his eyes. RAGETTI(CONT'D) Pintel! I I just had a thought. Pirates of the Caribbean 3 : script page 33 PINTEL (fascinated) What's that like? RAGETTI I bet folk would pay a shilling to see this! They would. And a second shilling for a sketch of em sitting atop! Pintel thinks a moment is overwhelmed by the notion. PINTEL We could carve mini true Krakens out of coconut and sell those, too! RAGETTI We'd rich, and wouldn't have to pirate no more. PINTEL Aye! And I could afford to buy you a real fake glass eye, like I always wanted to. Ragetti is moved to speechlessness. The two pirates are so overcome they don't notice behind them - - Marty, on the distant rocks, waving and shouting - - EXT. BALCK SAND ISLAND - SPRING - DAY Will, Jack and Barbossa climbs, following a trickling stream push through the jungle to - - A freshwater SPRING, source of the stream. Unfortunately, floating face down in the spring is a dead man. JACK SPARROW How unfortunate. WILL For him. JACK SPARROW For us. The water is sure to Beckett fouled. Ragetti sloshes into the water, turns over the body. Pintel frowns - - PINTEL Hey, I seen that face before! It's a CHINESE PIRATE, throat slit. One of the soldiers confronted in Singapore. Pirates of the Caribbean 3 : script page 34 Jack frowns. His eyes go down - - WIDEN to reveal a blade at his throat. WIDEN MORE to reveal Barbossa holding it. JACK SPARROW Let's not Beckett hasty - - BARBOSSA I feel an itch and a twitch between my shoulder blades. That wouldn't be you planning to stab main the back, would it? JACK SPARROW Barbossa, old dear, your feeble accusation wouldn't be trying to hide a plan to double cross me, now would it? Barbossa frowns, looks down. WIDEN to reveal Jack's blade is at Barbossa 's throat. BARBOSSA Perhaps you're right and we best not jump to any conclusions - - Will has moved past them, pushed through the jungle, looking back and look out to sea. WILL There! Look! Blades still at each others throats, Jack spins Barbossa around and look out - - ON THE BEACH far below, Marty jumps up and down, waving his arms and pointing - - Barbossa spins Jack around so he can look out - - OUT PAST THE REEF floats the Black Pearl and next to it a Chinese fighting ship, the EMPRESS. EXT. BLACK PEARL - MAIN DECK - LATER The landing party climbs on deck. CHINESE PIRATE - - too many to fight - - have taken over the Pearl. They've stripped the crew of their weapons. Several PIRATES, from both sides, are dead. Elizabeth is held by TWO GUARDS. One of them rubs a swelling eye, the other has a bloodly lip. WILL get your hands off her! Pirates of the Caribbean 3 : script page 35 The Guards release her as she pulls away. ELIZABETH Will, I'm sorry. There were too many. Barbossa eyes Jack suspiciously. BARBOSSA I wonder mightily how this little event came to pass? JACK SPARROW (right back) It's a pickle to Beckett sure. Why don't you give me your best guess? The Chinese pirates part, revealing: Captain Sao Feng. Captain Feng steps forward, nods to Will - - a repeat of the gesture in Singapore. WILL You said no one would Beckett killed. SAO FENG Several of my men became overly enthusiastic in battle, for which I apologize. Barbossa and Jack are amazed. BARBOSSA The whelp. Who'd've thought? A grim smile from Will. WILL I needed the Black Pearl. It's the only ship that can outrun the Dutchman. So It's the only ship as can catch the Dutchman. (beat) Forgive me. Jack, if I offer you no apology. JACK SPARROW Lack of apology accepted. ELIZABETH You didn't rescue Jack. You rescued the ship. WILL Jack had you to worry for him, no need to add my efforts. Pirates of the Caribbean 3 : script page 36 BARBOSSA (to Sao Feng) What price did the boy pay? Jack looks worried. SAO FENG He gets the ship, and a few men needed to crew her. In exchange I take custody of Captain Jack Sparrow. That's what Jack was worried about. JACK SPARROW Will, may friend, dare I say, my brother - - have you taken into consideration all that I have done? Or let's say, half of it? I did sane your life. (a glance at Elizabeth) Can you remind him? Will pulls his sword, puts the blade to his heart, pushes Jack away from Elizabeth. WILL Shut up. You've had your eye on her since you first saw her. JACK SPARROW Well, look at her! Will leans close to Jack, ready to run him through. WILL I will not see her give her heart to a man who has none. ELIZABETH Will - - stop this. There is nothing between us. WILL (a smile) Then what are you afraid of?. ELIZABETH I fear you will do something you will regret. JACK SPARROW Listen to her; boy. She knows your heart better than you know hers. Will stares at Jack, imagining how much he would enjoy to killing him. Pirates of the Caribbean 3 : script page 37 SAO FENG We made a deal. Will decides. WILL Much as I enjoy the thought of running you through I will not deny Sao Feng and the Lady their revenge. JACK SPARROW So you paid them to come fight for you? Will, I'm impressed. Will lowers his sword. WILL Who was it who told me, never plan on a fair flight? JACK SPARROW That was me. How much? I'm curious to know my worth, on the open market. WILL Five doubloons each. Jack brightens, turns to Sao Feng. JACK SPARROW I offer ten doubloons each. Sao Feng raises an eyebrow. The Chinese pirates look very interested. Will protests - - WILL You don't have ten doubloons each! JACK SPARROW Ah, but my word is gold. And then flashes his teeth. Will looks to Sao Feng, who shrugs. Looks like he can Beckett bought. Will counters - - WILL I'll pay twenty each! Sao Feng looks between the two. Smiles. He has a bidding war going now. JACK SPARROW Thirty doubloons. Barbossa leans over to Jack. Pirates of the Caribbean 3 : script page 38 BARBOSSA Plus the girl. JACK SPARROW Plus the girl ELIZABETH What? Sao Feng looks Elizabeth up and down, Likes what he sees. SAO FENG (to Will) Do you also offer the girl? WILL Never! Sao Feng turns to back to Jack. SAO FENG Conditions? JACK SPARROW You're not to kill her, and you're to deliver her back to us at Shipwreck Cove. SAO FENG I should Beckett finished with her by then. JACK SPARROW Fair enough. Deal. SAO FENG Deal. Will is stunned. Elizabeth is outrages. the Chinese Pirates grab Elizabeth, hold will back. WILL What about your revenge? SAO FENG Let me weigh the choice. The sweet satisfaction of revenge or a maiden as beautiful, as untamed as the sea itself? Shakes his head - - it's not really a choice. Elizabeth is dragged past. jack stops her a moment. JACK SPARROW I want you to know, Elizabeth - - I feel very ambivalent about this. Pirates of the Caribbean 3 : script page 39 She spits at him - - and is dragged away. EXT. BALCK PEARL - DECK - LATER The Chinese soldiers back on the Empress. Sao Feng, rope in hand, is ready to swing back over to his ship. SAO FENG I cannot keep pace with the Black Pearl. JACK SPARROW We should not sail together, in any case. Will you take the northern or southern routs? SAO FENG The North is longer and more treacherous (smiles) I will take it With my new captive on board, I have no incentive to hurry. Jack forces a smile. Sao Feng swings away, across to the Empress. Will, held captive by Pintel and Ragetti , stares across at the ship. An arm pulls him back - - It's Barbossa. BARBOSSA Lock him in the brig. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. CARIBBEAN SEA - EVENING A spectacular storm front on the horizon. The Chinese junk EMPRESS sails to avoid it, toward a bright FULL MOON, hanging just over the water. INT. THE EMPRESS - CAPTAIN'S CABIN - NIGHT Hanging silks and pillows, lit by candlelight, and with the presence of three Chinese MAIDANS - - it is a floating harem. Elizabeth is stunning in a traditional Chinese silk dress, embroidered, with mandarin collar. Final adjustments are made by the Maidens. Sao Feng enters. Stares at Elizabeth with open admiration. He recites an ancient Chinese poem of beauty: SAO FENG You willow shoots. (MORE) Pirates of the Caribbean 3 : script page 40 SAO FENG(CONT'D) Touching, brushing, the water. Of the garden pool. Sao Feng dismisses the Maidens. he approaches Elizabeth. SAO FENG(CONT'D) When I first saw you I thought you might Beckett Calypso, the Goddess of the seas. ELIZABETH And now? SAO FENG I am certain. Every word you say, every action you take confirms it. ELIZABETH If I am the Goddess of the seas, then I would command you to set me free. SAO FENG Ah. so you don't not know the story. There was a time when the seas were unpredictable, angry. Calypso fell in love with a sailor, and granted him immortality. Also a ship, to rescue the souls of drowned Elizabeth of course knows the name. Sao Feng mistakes her recognition for disbelier. SAO FENG(CONT'D) Do not doubt me, for this is the same Davy Jones who pursues us now. ELIZABETH So, a man met a woman - - a goddess. And they fell in love. That's hardly unique. SAO FENG Ah, but Calypso, fickle like the sea, fell out of love, and left him. Jones, in his despair, cut his heart from his body, and put it in a cheat, having no more use for it. (beat) I know it does not sound credible. Elizabeth can't help but smile. Pirates of the Caribbean 3 : script page 41 ELIZABETH No, that part I believe. SAO FENG When Jones cut his heart out, Calypso was angry, and the seas stormed for many years. Many good men died. So the Pirate Brethren came together and took counsel. The Brethren summoned Calypso, and tricked her, casting a spell that trapped her in human form. Sao Feng raises the intricate knot pendant and regards it. We notice the pendant is old, faded and frayed. ELIZABETH What is that? SAO FENG Nothing. A badge that designates the Captain. In any case - - with Calypso tamed, so the seas were tamed, and so began the Age of Piracy. ELIZABETH And so you think I am Calypso? Imprisoned in human form? He regards her. SAO FENG No one knows where Calypso is hidden. Why not someone as beautiful as moonlight on the waves, as starlight above the horizon? Elizabeth smiles. ELIZABETH Pretty speech from a captor. But words whispered through prison bars lose their charm. SAO FENG Can I Beckett blamed for my efforts? All men are drawn to the sea. Perilous though it may be. ELIZABETH Often men offer desire as an excuse for their crimes. SAO FENG I offer simply my desire. Pirates of the Caribbean 3 : script page 42 ELIZABETH An item of such small value. And in return? SAO FENG I would have your gifts, should you choose to give them. ELIZABETH And if I choose not? SAO FENG Then I will take your fury. He leans in to kiss her - - Elizabeth shoves Sao Feng away. he stumbles backwards. She kicks over the candles, falls in the dark. Elizabeth turns to run There is a sudden, load CRASH. Elizabeth stop. Turns looks back MOONLIGHT shoots through a round HOLE in the HULL. Elizabeth frowns moves toward it. She follows the shaft of moonlight to - - Sao Feng lies on the deck, bloody, motionless, his body crushed by a cannon shot. ELIZABETH Sao Feng ? She touches him - - no reaction. The she hears, soft in the distance, the explosion sound of CANNON FIRE - - and the approaching whistle of a cannon ball - - Elizabeth dives away from the hull as a second cannon ball CRASHES through - - A second shaft of MOONLIGHT shoots through a new hole. The ship is under attack. SAO FENG Here. Please. Elizabeth crawls over toward the moonlight. Sao Feng removes the rope luck pendant he wears. SAO FENG(CONT'D) Take this. Pirates of the Caribbean 3 : script page 43 ELIZABETH Why? SAO FENG Take it. Go to the Brethren. Another cannon shot. The First Mate bursts through the door Pulls up short. he watches as - - A dying Sao Feng hands the pendant over to Elizabeth. She puts it over her head. SAO FENG (CONT'D) Tell me. Are you her? He looks at her. Hope in his eyes. SAO FENG (CONT'D) You are Calypso. Elizabeth debates her answer. Finally: ELIZABETH No. Sao Feng stares at her, disappointed. Close his eyes, never to open them again. Another blast, another cannon ball approaches The First Mate and Elizabeth dive to the deck - - EXT. EMPRESS - DECK - DAY Elizabeth exits the Captain's Cabin, followed by the First Mate CHINESE PIRATES man their stations. Elizabeth looks out - - Coming around for another broadside is the Flying Dutchman, cannon ports open. FIRST MATE Orders, Captain? Elizabeth is startled. He indicates the pendant. She looks over - - the rest of the crew stare at her. fear in their eyes, but determined, ready to fight. Elizabeth looks out at the Flying Dutchman - - much larger, better manned, more firepower, more maneuverable. ELIZABETH Surrender. EXT. FLYING DUTCHMAN - MAIN DECK - DAY Chinese crew - - captives - - are lined up along the rail. Pirates of the Caribbean 3 : script page 44 NORRINGTON Pirates. Norrington strides down the line of men, similar in manner to Davy Jones. NORRINGTON (CONT'D) Keep the ship. The men are of no use to us. Hang them all. DAVY JONES No mercy? NORRINGTON Mercy is an aspect of God, who is far better suited to judge these men than I. He comes to the Chinese First Mate. NORRINGTON (CONT'D) Who is your Captain? the First Mate looks down the line. Norrington follows his gaze to - - Elizabeth. In her Chinese garb, wearing the knot pendant. Norrington is overwhelmed. he stares sat her in disbelief, a lifetime of emotions in his eyes. In return from Elizabeth - - a look of pure hatred, remembering her father's death. Norrington registers her emotion. DAVY JONES Hang them all, sir? NORRINGTON No. The man are to Beckett prisoners. Send the Captain to my quarters. ELIZABETH No thank you, sir. I will stay with my men. Norrington is surprised - - again noting the hatred. NORRINGTON As you wish, Captain. INT. FLYING DUTCHMAN - BRIG - DAY Prisoners behind bars. not yet in jail, GUARDS release Elizabeth from her bonds. Pirates of the Caribbean 3 : script page 45 Elizabeth has regained her composure enough to smile. Norrington is relieved. NORRINGTON Elizabeth, I'm sorry. Elizabeth moves towards him. reaches down pulls out his sword, and slashes at him with all her might - - Norrington CATCHES his own sword in a gloved hand. Blood runs down his wrist. He looks into her eyes... understands her anger. NORRINGTON (CONT'D) I deeply regret the passing of your father. He wrestles the sword from her, using his bloodied hand. NORRINGTON (CONT'D) But I swear to you - - I had no part in it. ELIZABETH I have reason to believe otherwise. NORRINGTON I uphold the law. The man responsible for your father's death will be brought to justice - - ELIZABETH The same justice you were to show me - - and my crew? NORRINGTON Pirates. She stares at him in anger, disbelief. ELIZABETH Please explain to me the distinction. From what I have seen, you have become worse. Justice. You kill in the name of justice. You were an honest man once. No longer. NORRINGTON You have lost your way. ELIZABETH I know my place. Shouldn't you lock me up with the other pirates, Captain? Norrington nods, and the Guards lock Elizabeth in jail. Pirates of the Caribbean 3 : script page 46 NORRINGTON I am innocent. Is there nothing I can do to convince you? ELIZABETH you murder people for a living, now. Don't speak to me of innocence. Norrington stares at her. Looks down at his bloodied hand. Something changes in him. He smiles ruefully, holds up his hand. NORRINGTON No one is innocent in this world. You will all hang at dawn. He exits. One of the Guards glances to the other, who glances back. they've been listening. EXT. CARIBBEAN SEA - NIGHT Amid calm seas, the Empress is towed by the Ducthman. EXT. FLYING DUTCHMAN - BRIG - NIGHT dark shadows. Elizabeth's eyes open at the sound of the jail door opening. Norrington is there. ELIZABETH What are you doing? NORRINGTON Follow me. Everyone. EXT. FLYING DUTCHMAN - STERN - NIGHT Norrington leads Elizabeth and her crew to the tow rope, to cross onto the Empress. NORRINGTON One at a time. Hurry. Like rats on a line, crew members crawl across to the towed ship. ELIZABETH Why the secrecy? You're the Captain. NORRINGTON I fear not. And I will take no chances with you. Elizabeth regards him. ELIZABETH It is too late to earn forgiveness. Pirates of the Caribbean 3 : script page 47 NORRINGTON Indeed. I did not know of the plan to kill your father. But that does not absolve me of my other sins. Elizabeth looks at him - - and finally believes him. ELIZABETH Come with us. Norrington wants to. ELIZABETH(CONT'D) James. Come with us. Norrington really wants to. Nearly all of the Chinese crew members are across. Elizabeth implore him. Norrington nods - - Then there is the sound from the deck - - a ma shuffling toward them out of the dark. BOOTSTRAP Who goes there? The moment is past. NORRINGTON Ah, well. No place for an honest man in an unjust world, is there? Go. Norrington draws his sword, turns. Bootstrap looks really terrible - - he's degenerated even farther away from human. NORRINGTON (CONT'D) Back to your station, sailor. Elizabeth hesitates - - and then crawls out onto the line. Bootstrap sees her. Thinks that doesn't seem right. He draws his sword. NORRINGTON (CONT'D) That's an order - - from the Captain. Bootstrap looks at Norrington blankly. Watches as Elizabeth reaches the far side. Like he's trying to figure it all out. NORRINGTON(CONT'D) Steady, man. Elizabeth is halfway across. Something snaps in BootstrapPirates of the Caribbean 3 : script page 48 All hands! All hands! Prisoner escape all hands! Norrington slashes at Bootstrap, who defends. Norrington looks over - - Elizabeth has made it across. Norrington cuts the tow rope, and the Empress drifts free. Elizabeth shouts orders and the crew brings the ship about. Norrington tries to reason with Bootstrap, as they fight - - NORRINGTON Stop this! You are not in your right mind. But Bootstrap seems possessed. he cuts and slashes, driving Norrington back. Several other CREW MEMBERS arrive, draw sword. Their anger comes out, they side with Bootstrap. Norrington id distracted by these new foes - - Norrington is run through by Bootstrap Bill. Norrington falls to the ground. Bootstrap stands over him doesn't understand what he has done. CLACKER The Captain's dead. The Captain's dead! The phrase echoes through the pirates. They race away, past Bootstrap, knocking him backwards. He still doesn't quite understand what he's done. EXT. FLYING DUTCHMAN - DECK - NIGHT Pirates rush pell-mell along the deck amid shouts of "The Captain's dead" "to the Captain's Cabin!" They rush the door and burst in - - INT. FLYING DUTCHMAN - CAPTAIN'S CABIN - NIGHT Pirates crowd in and before them is a tableau: The chest is open. Murtogg and Mullory, trembling, have their rifles pointed directly at the heart. And behind them stands - - Mercer, smiling, holding the key. The Pirates are disappointed, their enthusiasm fading. They part and Davy Jones enters. Locks eyes with Mercer. MERCER Nothing has changed. Jones surveys the situation. Pirates of the Caribbean 3 : script page 49 DAVY JONES Back to your station, men. EXT. BLACK PEARL - MAIN DECK - NIGHT Jack is face-to-face with Jack the Monkey. Both have serious expressions on their faces. jack downs a shot of rum, puts the glass down. JACK SPARROW Your turn. Jack the Monkey sniffs the glass in front of him falls over drunk. Marty walks past. MARTY Better stay on guard. Will is gone missing. Jack is not worries. JACK SPARROW Missing? He can't Beckett missing on a ship. MARTY Barbossa ordered him into the brig. JACK SPARROW (sudden panic) The brig? Jack jumps up, staggers over to Barbossa. JACK SPARROW (CONT'D) You can put Will in the brig. He designs brigs. He'll escape from the brig! BARBOSSA A pertinent and useful fact of which you neglected to inform me. The whelp has been missing since sunset. Suddenly a bucket drops down from above, onto Barbossa, slams off his hat. Jack laughs. Pintel squints upwards - - PINTEL he's up on the rigging, all right. (with great relish) We'll fond him. RAGETTI (even greater relish) Aye. Eventually. Pirates of the Caribbean 3 : script page 50 PINTEL Course it's frightful high up there. RAGETTI Dangerous. Specially at night. PINTEL Hate to give him an advantage like. RAGETTI True enough. PINTEL Best wait 'till morning. RAGETTI Aye. Let him sweat it out. PINTEL That Beckett the wisest course - - Pintel and Ragetti look over - - jack and Barbossa stare at them. Barbossa's eyes glace upwards. they get the idea - - and climb. EXT. BALCK PEARL - RIGGING - NIGHT Pintel move along a yardarm next to a sail. Sees a bulge ahead, pulls his sword - - and STABS through the sail! PINTEL Ragetti! Over here! Got 'em! Ragetti sees a bugle, and stabs through the sail - - RAGETTI Pintel! This way! He pulls his sword and stabs through the sail. Pintel stabs, moves along, toward the end of the sail - - CLANG! Their swords come together. Reveal that they were stabbing at each other from both sides of the same sail. They teeter and fall, grab a rat line - - Pintel and Ragetti end up hanging wuside down from the rat line. Pintel snarls - - PINTEL All right, we're going to go back over this, step by step, until we know exactly who's to blame! Pirates of the Caribbean 3 : script page 51 EXT. BALCK PEARL - NIGHT Gibbs swabs the deck, stops and sneaks a drink from his flask Will's voice comes above. WILL (O.S.) Gibbs! Can you hear me? GIBBS Aye. WILL (O.S.) care to pass the time? GIBBS I hold nothing against you a 'paersonal, William Turner. Will drops down next to Gibbs, but hangs in the shadows. WILL I'm curious about the Balck Pearl. GIBBS You come to the right man. WILL Why is it the only ship that can catch the Flying Ducthman? What makes it so fast? Gibbs keeps drinking as he talks. GIBBS Well, there's the usual stuff. She was launched on a Wednesday with the moon on the make. You build a ship north-south, so the magnetic line don't mess with the compass. You use tree nails, as they're lighter. And you don't le no virgins or flat footed men or cross-eyed horses near. Gibbs puts the cap onto his bottle. Will steps out of the shadows. WILL Is that all? There must be more. We get the idea that he wants to keep Gibbs talking. Gibbs uncaps the bottle, drinks. Lowers his voice. GIBBS Aye, there's more. (MORE) Pirates of the Caribbean 3 : script page 52 GIBBS (CONT'D) The Black Pearl is made from the fastest wood, every plank a piece of polished Black Walnut -- dug up from used coffins. That's why it can catch the Flying Dutchman. Will id dubious. WILL Coffin? What about the masts? GIBBS From trees that grew in graveyards. WILL Ah. GIBBS 'Course we're not making much time now. With the bodies left over from the fight. (off Will's look) Everyone knows a ship sails slower when there's a corpse on board. Gibbs empties his drink. WILL Mind if I take the bottle? GIBBS By all means, got plenty. Will is surprised. WILL Plently of rum? GIBBS (clarifying) Bottles. There's never enough rum. Will smiles, grabs a rope, pulls himself up into the rigging. EXT. HMS ENDEAVOR - MAIN DECK - DAY Beckett confers with a Lieutenant over a set of charts. LIEUTENANT Three likely pirate ships have been spotted. All on different headings. Beckett's attention is drawn to the horizon. Pirates of the Caribbean 3 : script page 53 LIEUTENANT We may presume their ships approach the hideaway from different compass points... He notices Beckett's lack of attention, follows his gaze - - In the distance, a TOWER OF SEAGULLS circles over something in the ocean. The distant, eerie, raucous CRY of the birds can be heard... Beckett and the Lieutenant exchange a look of interest - -

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