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Gilver's RPCs
Here lies the information on my RPCs
My fantasy rp dude, also premade.

Name: Vergil

Age: Unknown, was born during the first age

Weight: 11 stone

Height: 6ft

Appearance: Appearance: Silver slicked back hair, cold piercing eyes and pale skin. He’s roughly 6ft tall and likes to wear dark clothing, normally being seen in a long blue three tailed trenchcoat with a thorny decoration around the collar going down the edges. Said trenchcoat has a red lining that fades into yellow near the base with some subtle decorations of dragons and similar demonic creatures. He wears an armless padded jacket top underneath this that looks almost like armour and a cravat around his neck. He has dark blue/black trousers and knee length brown boots as well as brown biker/driving gloves. When training or in a tough fight he tends to take off the coat to give him better manoeuvrability and speed as it’s weighted. He holds his sword, Yamato, in it’s sheath in his left hand and uses this as his primary weapon.

Personality: Vergil is very driven and honour bound in what he does, believing that he has to live up to his heritage and is highly competitive. He aims as high as he can and usually achieves his aims even if the odds are almost completely against him. Thanks to this, he is utterly adamant in protecting others and will do almost anything he can to gain the power necessary to serve his leader Nero.

Class: Samurai, Sorcerer, Warlock. At omega tenth level in all classes.

Race: Half Devil, Half Human

Spells/Abilities/Tecniques known: Vergil’s powers

Equipment: Vergil’s gear-Yamato, Force Edge, Beowulf, Summoned Swords, Phantom Blades

Fighting Style: Fast, furious and close ranged. He will blitz the hell out of his opponents, often cutting them down before they realise they’ve been hit. He can make a cut fine enough to leave no pain except a mild irritation where the cut was made, if he cuts all the way through an opponent if they don’t move they’ll live for quite a while with only a thin stream of blood coming from their wound.

He tends to utilise iaido but when he finds he’s being outmatched he will simply throw the sheath away and fight in a more conventional way. Vergil is capable of adapting to almost any situation and fighting style, his half devil nature giving him powers that most beings find frightening from something apparently so mundane as a human.

Strengths: Strong, fast body, extremely skilled at close combat. Excellent at controlling his powers.

Weaknesses: Vergil is extremely proud and if challenged will never back down from a fight. This can be incredibly dangerous for him if he is exhausted and challenged by a powerful demon he will inevitably accept the challenge, something that has brought him near death in the past. Additionally, when he is enraged he will become incredibly vicious in his fighting style but becomes sloppy in energy conservation, tiring himself considerably when angered. Also, he’s pathetic at ranged combat in comparison to his brilliance with melee combat. When he’s injured enough as well, his physical abilities will become more like a human’s, as will his control over himself and magical powers.

Picture Reference: http://content.answers.com/main/content/wp/en/thumb/3/38/300px-920607_20050106_screen059.jpg

History: At the dawn of Terra the angels and demons were created to serve their masters. One of these demons spent the first age fighting zealously for his master until he met in battle with an angel of darkness. Their battle was long and tiring with neither gaining the upper hand. Eventually they both agreed to stop their duel, exhausted both mentally and physically before leaving the battlefield to recuperate. This was the first defeat the demon suffered and it sent him into deep depression. He wasn’t sure if his cause was the one that should be fought for or even if he was the most powerful of his god’s warriors anymore. After healing fully he returned to battle, slaughtering anything that opposed him.

The endless death he wrought didn’t help the demon’s depression, watching pitiful lives end that didn’t have a chance when he was commanded to sow terror and pain throughout the fledgling worlds. The great power he displayed drew many to his master’s cause, those who wanted such power pledged themselves and almost all died needlessly for a cause that the demon was now highly confused about. The evil god noticed this and decided to reward his most powerful knight with the title “Sparda” or sword in the demons tongue. He trained for a long time to avoid having to go on another butchery mission but was eventually unable to refuse, being sent to a small village of humans. However, after killing a young man and his mother he met with someone he didn’t expect to see.

The Angel of Darkness he had drawn with before stood before him, radiating such malevolence that the demon was taken aback. The sheer hate and rage that he felt washing over him from the being was more than he’d felt before, even the evil god hadn’t shown him such emotion before. They fought a vicious battle but the angel’s rage left it open to attacks that Sparda took, slowly but surely chipping away at its body until it was losing the battle. This was different however, the angel seemed like it would give everything it had to defeat him rather than do it because it was told to. Such rage and emotional content in the battle shocked Sparda and as he defeated the angel finally realised what he was doing wrong. Walking away from the angel’s body he saved the remaining villagers and hefted his sword into the air. He’d named it Sparda after himself and the title and then went back to the home of the darkness demons. He decimated almost all of them. Only those that weren’t present weren’t annihilated and he even faced down the god of evil. He found himself incapable of killing him and knew he’d lose eventually so he settled on sealing the god for the remainder of the age. He left the place and settled down in the same village he’d defeated the angel, eventually having a child with one of the women there.

During the boy’s infancy Sparda realised that his seal upon the evil god had almost been broken and so he sealed the Sparda’s power, transforming it into Force Edge and left his son with the Yamato and half an amulet. After this he left, telling only his wife that he was “going to fulfil his destiny”. A few years later, when the boy was nine, his home was attacked by an army of low level demons. They razed the village to the ground and decimated all those living in it (to his knowledge) except for him. They attempted to kill him and almost did, but they made the fatal mistake of impaling him on Yamato. The seal his father had placed on his blood to control his powers was broken and he released them, destroying the army with the blast alone and changing the landscape at the same time. After discovering his mother was dead he fled the place with only Yamato and the amulet, wandering Terra as a vagrant for years.

Eventually he was accepted into a fighter’s training school and managed to rise to the rank of samurai within the year. His half devil nature and drive to live up to the fairy tales told about his father as a warrior for justice meant he had both the power and the control to rise up to such a high rank with incredible speed. After a few years of wandering around offering his blade to those in need of him he met an upstart vampire who was preaching an ideology that was alien to him. To forsake both good and evil and join him in fighting not a person’s ideals, but the wars and vices that tore at Terra’s physical body and soul. The idea appealed to Vergil so he went with the vampire for awhile, warning him that he still hadn’t made up his mind. After travelling with Nero for a year he watched as forces of good attacked forces of evil, even those that had betrayed their master and no longer fought for anyone. He witnessed acts of incredibly barbarity and viciousness at the hands of those he used to worship as the greatest of good.

On the verge of accepting Mordokku’s offer he was assaulted by an angel slaying squad that had picked up on the darkness element that Vergil was tied to, and the devil’s blood in his veins. He fought them off but was almost killed when they called reinforcements. It was Mordokku that saved him, swooping in and annihilating his attackers, leaving Vergil with his life indebted. Under his new master’s tutelage Vergil grew to be a powerful sorcerer, second only to his Lord in their army. He delved into the arts of the Warlock too, finding his devil heritage a natural boost in such skills. It was rare for a demon to defy him and even if they did he would soon beat them into line. His warlock powers also allowed Mordokku’s army to grow in size, with various demons tired of fighting ceaselessly and wanting to be free becoming great warriors in their force. Eventually Vergil went on a quest alone, fighting his way across the continent and eventually finding a path into the demon’s domain where he snatched his father’s sword, Force Edge, from under the most powerful demon’s very noses. After returning he recovered his position as Mordokku’s right hand man and continued preparing for the battle that would take place in the future.

Name: Devil Trigger

Level (Out of ten): 5

Effect: Vergil can transform his body into the body of a devil. Gains a boost in all stats by X2 and regenerates his soul. Can be used to give a X3 version known as Super DT or SDT (NOT STD…). It also allows him to fight at full power even when nearly dead. Looks like this: User Image

Drawback: Can’t be used indefinitely, will slowly corrupt Vergil. The drain on magic stamina is very high, especially when using the super version. Can use both versions for 7 posts.

Recovery Time (number of posts): 2 posts if he uses SDT for 7 posts, none for DT.

Name: Phantom Blades

Level (Out of ten): 7

Effect: Vergil can summon incredibly powerful but incredibly brittle swords in various formations to attack his opponent.

Drawback: Can’t just be summoned and fired one at a time. Magic resistant beings can resist them

Recovery Time (number of posts): 1

Name: Summoned Swords

Level (Out of ten): 6

Effect: Vergil can summon weaker but more durable swords in various formations to attack his opponent. Can be summoned anywhere within Vergil’s line of sight and can be summoned while he attacks in close combat.

Drawback: Haven’t got very high attack power (not something to let yourself get hit by though), can be resisted by magic resistant beings.

Recovery Time (number of posts): N/A

Name: Judgement Cut

Level (Out of ten): 5

Effect: Vergil can use the dark powers he inherited from his father to cut in the air and then move that space to where his foe stands.

Drawback: Slower than other attacks. Can be interrupted.

Recovery Time (number of posts): 1

Name: Nelo Devil Trigger

Level (Out of ten): 7

Effect: Vergil can transform fully into a darkness demon, gaining a X5 in physical stats except speed and increased resistance to darkness elements. It also allows him to fight at full power even when nearly dead. Looks like this: User Image

Drawback: Is only as fast as in his normal, human form, can only attack with darkness and takes extra damage from light. Consumes copious amounts of magical powers, only useable for 7 posts before he has to revert.

Recovery Time (number of posts): 3 posts.

Name: Trick

Level (Out of ten): 7

Effect: This move allows Vergil to “burn” his magical energies to give him extra speed. He can use this to give him up to a X7 speed boost.

Drawback: Requires concentration, if Vergil loses it he’ll no longer be able to manipulate his magical energies effectively enough to use this move.

Recovery Time (number of posts): N/A

Name: Air Trick

Level (Out of ten): 3

Effect: By projecting himself towards a set point Vergil can warp or teleport to it.

Drawback: See Trick.

Recovery Time (number of posts): N/A

Name: Trick Up

Level (Out of ten): 4

Effect: Instead of projecting himself to a set point Vergil can warp directly above himself to a height of thirty feet.

Drawback: See Trick

Recovery Time (number of posts): N/A

Name: Trick Down

Level (Out of ten): 5

Effect: Instead of projecting himself to a set point Vergil can warp directly below his position unless there’s something in the way, in which case he’ll trick backwards to a distance of up to thirty feet.

Drawback: See Trick

Recovery Time (number of posts): N/A

Name: Side Trick

Level (Out of ten): 6

Effect: Instead of projecting himself to a set point Vergil can warp directly to the side of his position to a distance of up to thirty feet.

Drawback: See Trick.

Recovery Time (number of posts): N/A

Name: Regeneration

Level (Out of ten): 9 (cuz of how powerful it is razz )

Effect: Any wound created on Vergil’s body will instantly close. The only way to overcome this is by cutting through a bodypart and leaving the cutting instrument between the severed bodypart. For example, if an arm were to be cut off you’d have to place a large metal sheet between the arm and the stump to keep the arm from healing and reattaching itself. If a lost bodypart is recovered and placed back on the body it will regenerate itself.

Drawback: Every injury taken by Vergil injures his soul itself. Once his soul is damaged enough it will literally leave his body, causing death.

Recovery Time (number of posts): N/A, always on.

Name: Final Judgement

Level (Out of ten): 10

Effect: Vergil draws himself back as if he was about to use a Judgement Cut but DTs and then dashes forward, disappearing from sight. After this Judgement Cuts begin to appear all around and sometimes concentrated on the opponent.

Drawback: Vergil needs to rest for a moment to regain his composure after using the move.

Recover Time: (number of posts) :1

Name: Dark Guard

Level (Out of ten): 9

Effect: By concentrating his magical energies into his arm Vergil can use it to block any melee attack, absorbing the power behind the attack and those weaker than him in close combat will also be knocked off balance for a post, leaving them highly vulnerable to attack.

Drawback: Has a delay of a second after it is lowered, leaving Vergil completely vulnerable after his perfect defence.

Recovery time: 1 post

Name: Dark Release

Level (Out of ten): 9

Effect: When attacked Vergil can draw and slash Yamato at his foe, most often in a simple attack from bottom right to top left (as seen in the final hit of his in game 3 hit combo) and reflect not only the damage they intended to do to him but injure them with the pent up energy he’s absorbed through Dark Guard.

Drawback: Is able to barely injure elemental beings as a fire creature being hit by fire isn’t going to be injured.

Recovery time: 1 post.

Name: Mana Shield

Level (Out of ten): 5

Effect: Vergil can surround himself in an impenetrable spherical shield for three posts.

Drawback: Anything trapped inside the shield (corrosive gas, explosives or whatever) will still injure him, keeps him from attacking in any way other than using phantom blades or summoned swords.

Recovery time: N/A

Name: DT Explosion

Effect: By summoning up his magical energies Vergil can release a large explosive attack from his body that looks sort of like Vegeta’s final explosion but smaller and less powerful. Also is blue in colour.

Drawback: Will tire Vergil for a post, uses up his magical energy used for DTing.

Recovery time: 1 post.

Name: Yamato

Appearance:User Image

Special power: Unbreakable, is said to be capable of cutting through anything (if enough force is put behind it). Also does darkness elemental damage

Drawback: Weaker against dark elementals

Casting time (if a magic spell): N/A

Name: Beowulf

Appearance: User Image

Special power: Attacks with element of light, unbreakable.

Drawback: Weaker against light elementals.

Casting time (if a magic spell):

Name: Force Edge

Appearance: User Image

Special power: Hidden. Will be revealed in a quest or later eps

Drawback: N/A other than it's essentially a normal claymore (albeit a cool looking claymore)

Casting time (if a magic spell): N/A

Name: Summoned Swords/Phantom Blades

Appearance: User Image

Special power: Are magical swords summoned by Vergil which can be summoned in various formations.

Drawback: A magical being can use their magic powers to resist them.

Casting time (if a magic spell): Summoned swords can be summoned extremely fast and all formations for both Summoned Swords and Phantom Blades can be done in a single post.

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