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First chapter, Frist book
New years day

"Hey shouldn't you go dance with someone before the years up"? "Shut up Bush! " a voice comes from a large garage" " unlike you, I need to work"."Suit your self (he takes a long pause), I like to party!" Bush screams outside.

Far in the sky a battle rages on between five FFR's (flying fighting robot) a yellow, and dark red, the others light blue with a splash of purple- colors of the military. "Hey commander what should we do we are losing to one FFR?" " what is the other one doing?" "Staying back probably back up."

"Leader if you keep playing with them your batteries will run out!" "I'm not, the ray's (radiation aerial yaw) are very low here in the North Volk county" as the FFR climbs upward the machine's wings move forward, and slows to a stop as four military FFRs pass.

In a area some what in the middle of nowhere there is a town called Volk, an out of the way garage has noise ruminating from it and next door a party rages on threw the night to celebrate the new year. "Hey Leif shouldn't you stop working and relax for once in your life" an odd silence as two teens stare blindly at each other " fine have it your way but if you ever want to meet girls you have to do some thing." " An over worker will never be lucky with the ladies" a teen emerges from under a large engine" Allot coming from a "perv" like you" a voice comes from under the machinery. " Allot of talk coming from the son of "the hero." " He was no hero he was a man who died for no reason of what we know."

Three FFR's battle one on two the yellow FFR climbs upward and stops and drops down from the highest point, a missile pops out of the wing armor and falls in the air as the enemy flies into it and explodes and purple oil gushes out as blood."Nice going leader, one more left!" as the two machines battle in a raging fury a large ship shaped like a futuristic flat bottom skipper ship and a small ship sending messages to the battling FFR. " Send Nia out I will be done soon." As soon as the message is sent the battle FFR flips around and and pushes its self toward the enemy and takes out a knife and slices the other in half. Soon after that a white and red FFR catapults from the large ship and heads toward the reconnaissance ship.

" Two minutes left till the new year!" As soon as that is said a large FFR rushes out of the sky and whips around to the side garage as two teens watch it go around them in a perfect circle to only crash in the the side mountain. The two teens rush to the mountain side they notice the FFR is not a military type or a custom brand type. As they come toward the craft they notice a pilot is emerging from the type and in the clear light. As the boys stare mesmerized at the sight they are staring at it is a girl the same age as them with clear blue eyes surrounded by light pink outlines, wearing a custom military uniform suited for her. "Are you OK!" bush screams at a high tone as he is rushing up the craft to the mysterious girl.

Leif pauses at the sight of her and as her face emerges out of the shadows of the fallen trees around the FFR Leif stares threw the snow blowing in the wind to a familiar face of a girl he once knew.
" Owen!" a voice pierces threw the air" What, they won't let us land here?" " No they will not let YOU land here."As Owen thinks of a plan to dock, the rest of the crew figure that Owen is a criminal and could be turned in as bounty and use the money to dock.

"Well this is what I get sold to the military..... as a bounty..... as my own crew live debt free!" "OK dock at any time and my men will be there soon for prisoner 00746829128 with the money."

Hello I am the narrator I will help you with the story as of the past of the planet and lives of the characters. This world they are on is called Nova as of when the people left Earth and settled here as of a supernova explosion that happened around there soon after they got there. After the supernova explosion happened the air was filled with weak and harmless ray's (radiation aerial yaw)that mean that they are energy that are in higher elevations in long strands and where fused with the planet that actually started to recover them and refuel the rays. Over time human evolved with these rays and used them as free energy. The military rules over all as like an Chars government.

The Hero the main characters told us about is the man who sacrificed himself to actually save the world. Nothing is known about the incident other than the military information officers and the leaders of Nova the Highs which is comprised of a certain number of people that magnify the power of each points of the planet and one from the military. There are currently three leader called the Queen, King and Ace on what high commander is used as the fourth leader which is called a Joker. When there are all accounted for they are called the Deck.

As you have read there are two young men who live together they have since birth. Lief is me of course, he is fourteen with curly brown hair and lives only to race. Bush is Lief's step brother when he was born his mother died and his father died soon after, he was adopted soon after by Leif's grandfather and after the adoption was finalized Leif was born. Bush has red hair that is very rare on this world and he is Leif's rider.

Also have you read there is a crew of people who has revolted against the military. The leader of this is Owen which that was in the military but quit for unknown reasons. His crew is comprised of a pilots, mechanics, civilians, and a marksman. They are all in a large ship called sheath with means to protect.

The sport that dominates is a speed race comprised of different ways to race and ways of speed. But the older form is about when you race you fight the first one that crosses the finishes the race or destroys the other competitors. But now is outlawed by the deck but is slowly leaking out because of the military that uses the form of fighting to enforce the laws.

There is one more thing that I have to tell you there is one more power that is also revolting against the military in a worldly mater. As we return to the world remember respect the unexpected.

As we come to, threw the eyes of a mysterious girl we look around and appear to be in a small garage on an old couch. As the girl looks around to the machine in front of her its her FFR and it looks like its been polished lately.

"You are up!" as she looks around for where the sound is coming from she notices a pair of shoes under her FFR and as she gets up Leif emerges from the bottom of the machine and stands. "Sorry about my attire but I had to fix you FFR, are you OK?"

"Um, yes"," Oh almost forgot there is no user chip on Enzo, sorry I pulled up data up on it?" "Whats a user chip?" She asks.

'' Your asking what it is, it a card that displays the pilots info and allow the pilot to communicate with the FFR." Lief explains

"Oh I have it right here" "OK lets look it up" as he insert the card into his computer for verification the girl grabs his hand and pulls it away from the computer.

"Please don't, if you found out what I do you may arrest me!" " Right, more trouble I would get in if people found out I have a fighting FFR in my garage, remember they are illegal!"

As she lets go of the card he slips it in the computer card reader and slides it out the information displays on his laptop screen. "What is with this card it says password verification, so what is the password?" As she pauses she sits down and starts to cry.

"Hey Leif your grandpas....home" as Bush pauses he notices the girl is crying and rushes to her for comfort. "Hey, you didn't need to make her cry" "I didn't look" as he points to the laptop Bush looks at the screen and reads the item bar ''PASS...WORD...VER...IFICATION, this item bar is only for the militarist's highest secrets" as Leif reads to Bush. As Bush asks "whats the password?."

"I don't know" she answers " Is this your card?'' Bush asks. There is a long pause as Leif recommends "why don't we subside the password, retract the information threw the militarist's data stream threw my dad's name"

As soon as he says that Bush inputs the information a screen comes up. As the boys look on it displays her information. As Leif reads "Your name is Nia, your currently fourteen....... thats all it reads." At the same time Leif says " where is the rest of the information?" Bush asks "How about tonight?"

"What?" "I don't know" Nia replies. "Bush!!!, are you asking out another girl!" a shout come from the side of the garage as Leif's grandpa enters and he looks up and sees the FFR standing right in front of him. "What the hell is the Enzo prototype 2 doing here!, Why do you have this thing of all places here?"

"Why are you yelling at her she crashed in th-"Leif was interrupted "Get this thing out of here now!" "This thing your killed your father !" He reaches into his pocket and gives a user card to Leif. "Read it in the computer." So as told Leif takes the card and slides it into the computer and a warning comes up on the screen it read [WARNING IF SUBJECT INSPECTED THOU COULD BE PROSECUTED]. "What should I do?" All of a sudden the program quits and Nia runs out of the garage.

"Walk the prisoner foreword and my men will pass you the money!" the army general shouts. As Owen walks to the other side of the bridge a soldier slowly walks by ready for what to come, he places the briefcase in the middle of the bridge and walks backwards. As they take Owen inside, a large door opens and Owen looks back and smiles. "We completed docking the plan can start, contact Nia and tell her where to meet.

"Nia!, wait!," as Leif slows to a slop he come toward Nia. "I have ..to go." Nia shudders. "Go where?" as Leif reaches for her shoulder she turns around and in her hands she has snapped the card in half. As Lief looks down she drops the card pieces and runs toward the garage. A moment later the Enzo flies out of the garage and sprints into the air.

"Lief!" as Leif looks over his shoulder he sees Bush running toward him and their grandfather peering over threw the garage door. "Where is she going?" as Bush halts to a stop. "Leif are you going to sit around and do nothing?"

“I know you want to see her again,” he hands Leif a type of riding board. "Thats a hover board, is' t that like fifty years old?" Bush examines the board.

"This is my old board this can take you about 180,000 ft in the air without help, it works as of the board itself gathers Rays and spreads static around it so that it creates a stable platform. Then there is an ionic engine in its base that forces electrified Rays out in a pattern of jets. Its a win win situation that forces the board to go forward at high speeds."

As Leif walks over to Bush and takes the board from him he looks for a switch. "Where is the on switch?" Leif's grandfather snorts and looks him straight in the eye "There is no switch you insert your user card into it and then you have to call the Rays to you.”

As Leif puts his user card in the slot on the top of the board, "Remember you have to be in a life and death situation for the board to read your thoughts."

As a battle rages on in the sky above Leif runs toward a cliff. "Am I sure that I can do this?" as Leif thinks, I can die from trying this but this town is way to boring to actually live here any longer one, two, three and run! As Leif runs to the edge he jumps too short and falls flat on his face "That was stupid, OK jump!" Leif dives of the edge of the cliff and looks up and sees a large military FFR falling out of the sky toward him and crashes into the side of the canyon wall.

'Remember what grandpa said, this board has secrets, people should never know.' "Believe in the board find your center, look down, come on, work!!!" As Leif looks down he feels light and all of a sudden Leif looks at his board and it starts to glow a heated clear color. Leif positions the board under him. Leif looks down and about 1000 feet more to go and all of a sudden the board lifts him up and forces him up over the canyon edge and into the air.

"Where is Nia she should be here by now," " Settle down Ava, she is fighting six E510s" he takes a long pause "Enzo reporting" the radio buzzes with Nias' voice "military fighters... overpowering need..... back up." The connection quits.

"Send out the COLT 2 and 3," As Ava gives the command the docking bay in the back of the Sheath opens and two fighter FFR launch out the back, one a midnight blue and one a dark red.
The battle rages on in the skies as Leif tries to navigate threw the battle zone. Leif looks around to find the Enzo and take up a plan to intercept it. "Where is she, Where?" as soon as Leif says that a large E510 appears in front of him, as he tries to swerve around it the M510 notices him and tries to swat him out of the air. Leif grabs the handle on the center if his board, the inertia of the wind hitting him forces his hand to turn and to his surprise turns the handle and he notices his board has turned into a large sword.

As Nia battles in the sky she notices that the Sheath has launch the two Colts and she turns into speed mode and runs toward the military ship. "Looks that she is finally done playing with the military."

"Nia, Owen is in the right side of the tail of the last flagship but be careful about the enemies around the center flagship." The radio rings with the sound of Ava.

"Roger that, Nia braking connection." Nia closes the connection to the Sheath.

As Leif looks at his sword and stares at its brilliance of the red blade on the past edges of the board. The FFR in front of Leif shudders at the sword and reaches for Leif. Leif is broken from his admiration and the words of his grandfather running threw his head as of the FFR is to close to dodge, Leif blocks the hand of the FFR with his sword. The FFR pilot stares at his monitor as that he thinks it is broken and notice that its working properly, that his right hand has been sliced in half by the sword that Leif is holding.

As Leif spots the Enzo he races off toward that direction. the FFR pilot pauses and races after Leif as his eyes are set on to kill him, as he doesn't notice that one of his fellow pilots crash into him and a large explosion draws the attention of Leif as he looks behind himself.

"Owen here whats taking so long" weirdly speaking into his collar button. "Shut up, your going to be executed in front of the Highs in three days."

As Leif closes in on the Enzo he forces himself to a curve and turns to incline himself to get into position to land on the Enzo dock, and is just about to land when his eyes are distracted by a canon fire and the Enzo is in its sights. Leif dives to avoid it but its already to close to dodge. Leif thinks "Is this it am I going to die here of all places!"

Leif wakes up dazed of what happened he looks around his surroundings and notices that he is in a large room, as he focuses his eyes to the light he arouses to see people staring at him. "He's awake now?" a small girl looking down at him screeches threw his ears.

As Leif looks around the room its rather dull and boring and there is only two pieces of furniture a large turntable and speaker hook up, and a very large couch. Leif sits up and turns himself toward the door as the small girl runs out of the door a few seconds later the door opens again and Nia steps in the room.

"Nia are you OK?!" Leif notices that she has bandage around her hand, Nia runs to Leif and bends down "here are you hungry?".

"No sorry" Leif places the plate of food on the ground, and grabs Nia's hand "what happened?". "Oh the glass in the Enzo cockpit because of metal that came from a FFR." Leif lets go of her hand and notices his hands are wrapped heavily, "whats with this?" Leif pulled the blood soaked bandage off his hand slowly. "Stop your badly wounded after that battle" she pauses , "see look I'm fine, just a little scar."

Leif stands up and looks his body over, what happened? Leif feels his chest and notices he has bandages around his rib cage and neck. As Leif takes off his shirt he asks "Nia do you have more dressing, it looks like I need more." Nia looks astonished of how he can even stand up with the wounds on him. "Yeah I'll go get it" "no its OK I'll come with you, oh where are we any way.
`As Leif walks to the door Nia stands up and walks to his side as he opens the door the door automatically slides to the side and to his surprise about seven people are or used to be leaning against the door and falls toward Leif's feet. "What are you guys doing?"Leif seems aerated.

As the crew disperses threw the hallway Leif looks on as he did something wrong. "The health office is to the right" Nia speaks slightly questioned.

As they walk down the hall Leif stops and stares at the ground "what happened and why am I here.'' Nia pauses and takes Leif's hand and drags him toward her. "Owe, that hurt I can't handle that type of pain" Leif says silently.

As Nia pulls him toward her she grabs his other hand and puts her head on his chest. "I don't know?'' she starts to cry. Leif looks down at her. "Are you OK" Leif whispers in her ear as he pulls her away from himself. "I don't really care at least if your safe" Leif calms her down.

"Why isn't this a pretty picture" Leif looks up to see a woman leaning against the wall. "So your the kid that saved us?" the woman speaks. "And you are?" the woman shudders "oh I'm Ava the pilot of the sheath that you are riding in."

Threw the hallway Owen comes up to a door and as it slides open he notices the room where he left Leif is empty. "I wonder where he is," as Owen walks down the hallway he slips and falls on the ground. "Crap I haven't got my bearings yet" as he looks up he sees Ava leave the health office. "You should leave them alone for now let Leif get his bearings back too" Ava explains to Owen. "Just I can't trust him here after what happened," he lakes along pause as a mental picture appears in his head.
The picture appears to be a glowing red human form holding up a slaughtered corps in the middle of a battlefield, holding it up only by its hand burning into its skull as smoke comes piercing off it as it is a fire.

In the health office Leif takes off his shirt and starts to unwrap his dressing, it was a mess in here how much blood did I lose? "Hey Nia its OK to look, got the dressing?" As Leif inspects his wound he notices he still bleeding threw his stitches.

"The stitching is very fine who did it" Leif asks "I did" Nia tells him bluntly. "Do you have some peroxide to heal some of my small cuts, as Nia hands Leif a big brown bottle "its heavy so-" shes interrupted. The bottle falls toward the ground and in a split second Lief turns around and catches the bottle. Its not that heavy, Nia looks at him astonished. As Lief wraps his chest he looks toward Nia as she is dressing her hand, he finishes up quick. "Need some help?" Leif asks "I guess so" she pauses. As Lief sits down close to her he grabs her hand and lightly unwraps her bandage.

"You were in a hurry to wrap this, huh?" Leif asked as he is finishing taking off the bandage. "Yeah, I had to hurry to help you," they pause for a second. "OWE, that hurt" Nia cries "There's glass and loose skin thats in the wound," as Leif picks at her hand. He notices that she hasn't been bleeding enough for this type of wound ,weird.

The door opens "what are you doing?" a young girls screeches to them. "Hey Lena this is Leif" Nia explains, "Lief this is my little sister the one that was in the room when you woke up." Leif walks over to to her and bends down "Hi I'm Lei-" as Leif finishes his sentences Lena spins around and kicks him in the face. As Leif's head is turned to the side his body hasn't moved, he turns his head to her and says "Hi I'm Leif" unfaded by the attack. Lena thinks (this guy is as solid as concrete).

"Oh so thats where you have been" as Owen looks into the room. "And you are?" Leif asks ,"I'm Owen the captain of this ship." "Follow me Leif" as Owen walks out the door he. As Leif follows after him Leif asks "Owen what happened to the extent to my body?" Owen stops in the hallway, "you were badly injured but your sword saved your life- if you don't remember you activated it as the active cannon fire was close." Owen starts to walk Leif not noticing he started "so what happened to my board?" as he notices Owen has turned the corner "wait Owen!"

As Leif turns the corner he bumps into someone "oh sorry about that" as Leif looks up he notices its a girl his age. The girl looks down "need some help getting up" Leif blushes (shes bountiful in two of something around here). Leif reaches his hand out and she grabs his hand "thanks - " he pauses "oh I forgot I'm Saleen I rewrite programming and install new software constantly" Saleen tells him. "Um where did Owen go" Leif asks "I think he went to the bridge" Saleen explains how to get there "you go past the EIPM (enemy interceptor propeller mechanics), then left and right go straight. "OK thanks'' Leif tells her, (Well he's kind of cute for my age) Saleen thinks.

As Leif turns the corner he notices the area in the front of the ship is very dull and boring, there is only two support stations, and a cheap couch. Leif looks at the support stations he notices that they surpass the military most top secret technology, something catches his eye- its my grandfathers briefcase. Leif examines it and his grandfather locked the case tight for some reason other than keeping him out, as Lief reaches into his tool side bag he finds a lock pick. As Leif is picking the lock on the case a small tap noise comes from the tumbler inside the lock. The briefcase opens and to Leif's surprise its his computer, clothes, some tools, and about three computer chips labeled upgrade for _______, weird that he didn't put whats it for. "Leif come here" at Leif's daze is subsided he turns around and Owen in looking at him, "you picked the lock?, oh well he said you had the key somewhere. '' Wait, when did you talk to my grandpa?" Owen looks at him and turns the corner, "Owen wait!"

Leif follows after Owen to the head bridge, he notices it the highest quality controls and technology systems. "Leif, do you know what happened back there?" Owen asked "I remember that I was riding my board that I was very close to the Enzo when I looked to the left and noticed high energy cannon fire aimed at the Enzo, I slashed my sword at it and thats all I remember."

Owen's mind is still rolling over what happened (Leif did slash his sword at the cannon fire but the second aimed shot came late that all the strength Leif had in him was used in taking out the first one, but the inertia forced him in the path of the second.

He fainted on the first shot Leif moved to the second shot and a large crowd of smoke appeared and blood spread out like a red flower but all of a sudden the blood was pulled back in as it was like a black hole appeared. As the smoke dispersed Owen could see a faint glimpse of a crimson figure with black eyes, this figure was frozen in the air as the Enzo did not notice the figure rushed in the enemy's ship and broke into Owen's cell to free him. As Owen stood horrified to the sight of the figure it dispersed and broke loose toward the FFRs and to his astonishment the figure tore the head off the FFR and threw it at the other FFR.) after that, Owen was already too far away to see it.

"Owen do you know what happened?" Owen shudders (I better not tell him the truth)" Well you broke both lines of fire with your sword one you know and one when you held your sword in your hand." As Owen stands up " Your grandfather told me to take care of you but its up to you if you want to stay, look around the ship but I can tell you we need a good fighter like you you grandfather said you are better than him."

Leif pauses for a second as he thinks things threw "Owen I'll stay here on the ship also I need to do something with my life." Leif stands up and looks at the main controls "you need to upgrade the reaction time on the controls like a ship like this." I take that as a yes Owen thinks.

Leif plugs his computer into the main system he looks at the data being pulled up on the screen, Leif thinks( tight system but I can crack it but to be safe I better call Saleen). He take a headset from the dash and talks into it "calling Saleen to the bridge."

Soon later Saleen shows up in the bridge "what do you need now" she looks up and sees Leif sitting down in front if a small computer, "what are you doing I'm securing the mainframe of the system. It takes a few second to kick into her mind "WHAT, I WORKED FOR DAYS ON THAT DESIGN" she screams, Leif explains "wow do get so mad I'm just going to patch it so it won't be hacked later on. "But I made it hacker safe," she whines as she sits in the commands chair "I can hack into this easily with my custom format.

"What format are you using?" she asks "I'm using a Ziggy128 format its what I name every thing I create with technology." As Leif shows Saleen what areas are open in the mainframe he looks at the area they are in and where are they heading on autopilot. Leif looks at the surrounding where they are in the word as of autopilot also using GPS.

Leif is astonished the ship is in the southern hemisphere, he was in the the north it would be a trip of ten days by even high powered jets. "How long was I asleep Saleen?" Leif asks "about two days," Leif is astonished of the distance to time ratio. "How did we get here so fast?" Leif mildly asks "we took the latitude RAY creek," Leif sits astonished "did the ship ride the creek?" Leif turns to his computer and looks at the construction of the ship, he notices it has a Nicosia laced exoskeleton and ionic engine to propel the ship great distances.

"Leif did you know that the sheath is one of the military most top secret ship. "This is a military ship!" Leif yells "no it was the military our leader Owen stole the ship from them and is now using it as a flagship."

Leif stands up and takes his computer to the table. He looks at his computer he links his computer to the sheath's wireless Internet connection and imports files and documents from the ship.

As Leif looks at his computer Saleen sit next to him and scoots over so that there touching on purpose. "Leif what do you think about me?" Leif brushes and clears his through "w-ell I don't k-know you that well to make any clear judgment." She stares at him and thinks (well get to know me fast or your miss me).

"Oh I almost forgot that your grandfather left some big box in the garage," Leif looks at her "do know what it is?"

Leif follows Saleen down the hall to the back end of the garage, "wow this is huge," he looks inside there is three FFRs and as they walk in the shop and to the left there is one more FFR the Enzo.

He looks at the the Enzo and notices its got its canopy shredded open he looks at the main body and its severely dented and mended that it has a problem transforming. "Leif the I found the box its heavy," Leif jumps off the Enzo and looks at where she's at it looks like a large box about three feet tall and two feet wide. "This is it?" he pulls the box out and examines it, Saleen looks away "the box is very heavy we might need some help to lift it" she turns back around a notices the box is gone she looks up to Leif's face. Leif has the box on his shoulder he moves forward toward the entrance.

Leif places the box on the ground and takes out a box cutter "will you do the honors?" Leif asks "no you do it, its your box!" Leif cuts the top of the box opens and opens the top lid, he looks inside and he is amazed. "Leif what is it?" Saleen asks, "its all my plans," Lief is astonished how his grandfather remembered all of them. As they take out the plans Saleen looks at them, "Leif, are these plans yours?" "oh course, why?" Leif asks. "Well these plans are over military spec and way beyond technological advances in the next thirty years," Leif has a blank look on his face "I have a total number of 125 plans and counting."

Saleen looks over the plans and the dozens of inventions "Leif this one is dated fifty years ago!" Leif looks at the document that she is holding, "this isn't mine at all" he examines the artist of the plans it reads Felious Vocal. "Thats my last name but I don't know that name at all?" Leif thinks for a while. All of a sudden the door opens and and a small girl walks in, Lief doesn't notice her "stupid, what are you doing here alone?" she looks at Leif and twitched and picks up the nearest object an old metal pipe and throws it at Leif. Leif is still thinking ignoring her as the pipe comes closer to him and Leif turns toward her and catches the pipe and bends it in a square shape and places it on the ground behind them.

"There play with that," Leif says silently as he places the pipe down. "Leif how did you do that?" Saleen asks, Leif looks up and looks at her with a confused face "that?, oh I'm well very strong for my age." She looks at him blindly and looks back at the documents "I think my grandfather's alias was Felious for safety reasons of the military."

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User Comments: [2]
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comment Commented on: Wed Apr 04, 2007 @ 08:27pm
Also the book chapters are named after songs, New Years day is U2

comment Commented on: Sat May 12, 2007 @ 11:12pm
I have to remember to read and give an actual comment on this. So I suscribed! n_n

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