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l[0]z[3]rz r0[x]'z W3b l0G Inside this journal you will find me writing small entries of inspiration, telling random stories and sometimes writing a small role-play between a friend. Rarely will you find me talking about my real life because it much more complex then you think

l[0]z[3]rz r0[x]
Community Member
Monster- A Story A Wrote For Myself
Life for me has always been a rainbow of colors. Day after day I would get the color treatment from inside a miniature closet surrounded by darkness. The light of the room didn't matter much though; I might not have been able to see the colors that drifted from my body, but I knew they were there all the same and no one could take that fact away from me. The only thing they could do to me was punish me with this treatment, every single day of my pathetic life. When my therapy started, blood would be the first thing that started to ooze out in dreadful blobs of crimson liquid. In this action of the routine I was forced to hold a knife up to my skin, puncturing my own flesh until it broke opened entirely. Whatever doctor was prescribing this subscription wanted me to give the medicine to myself, now matter how painful it might be for me. The next step was a simple one that didn't require any moving. All I had to do was lean against the rack next to me, and it would do the rest. The intoxicating heat beside me would start to warm up as I felt the burn of fire press against my bare skin as it began to turn slightly ginger. I would scream in pain, but yet no one would hear my calling for help, something I shouldn't be too surprised about in the first place. The stinging would cause me to wet myself. You can't be too shocked about these kinds of things. I was eight at the time and if you were in a situation like that, you would wet yourself too. All I had to do was wait until my golden urine failed to stream down my leg, before I leaned over and gagged out olive puke from the nauseating aroma. The whole situation made me go into a since of alarm and my skin would go icier until my whole face was a light tone of sapphire. This is the part of the therapy that got me slightly exited. I knew that the horror was almost over and that I wouldn't have to worry about anything until the next day. Right before I was given my treatment a rope would always be tied around my neck before I went into the room of darkness, and now was when it took in some action. Slowly I would be lifted off the floor for a good ten seconds, and then set back down again. The same actions would be repeated over and over again until I was gasping for a breath. The reason this was done, was so I would chock for air, but not enough for me to die. Then they would give me the opportunity to pull the rope off of my head and feel the marks around the outer area of my neck that were now a deep shade of indigo. After going over the medication multiple times, I realized the joy of having a few hours of peace and no pain. I learned to accept the fact that my life would never make a difference, and that I would just have to pray until I finally die. The last color of the rainbow as you all know is violet. My doctors save the best one for last. As my last part of my treatment, I would get a flower placed onto of my chest, one that means 'I'll always be true', a Violet.
The childhood memories that I have gone through only come back to me when a random soul says something out of the ordinary that gives me a twinge of remembrance. It is tricky, trying to forget about my dangers as a boy, but I do manage to keep those thoughts clouded in the back of my mind, at least while I am in public. See, when I do think back to my past life, I end up bawling over a pillow for hours as I some how get trapped into an emotional break down. I wouldn’t want the community seeing me so, weak. When I am out in the open where other people can see me, I am considered an outcast. I’ve never really had anyone that I could call a true friend. Around others I always feel like I am being rammed into a brick wall. No matter how many times I am forced against the wall of emotions, I can’t feel anything, not even the pain. Just once I wish I could understand what it is like to know you are being hated by everyone. The problem is that I don’t really care, and never would have cared, at least until I meet Raven Bates. Raven is only one person I would ever trust with something as important as my previous life and she just happens to be my best friend. If I had to describe Raven, I would say she is one of those 'her way or no way' type of girls’, meaning if she wants to do something, you either do what she wants, or don’t do anything at all. Not only is she my best friend, but Raven is also the only one that I would ever consider dating… or killing. Yes, I said kill. Ever since I met her, I have been having dreams that consisted of me killing someone else, especially her. It gets even weirder when I wake up because I don’t get those dizzy after attacks like most people when they dream about death: part of me is even wondering if I enjoy others pain. Lately I have been having strange feelings when I am around Raven, and just recently I’m getting reminded of my childhood while words come out of her mouth. I can tell something is going wrong. Things like this just don’t happen out of the blue, especially not to people like me. If nothing is done soon, harm is going to either come to her or me, and one thing is for sure, I’m not going to wait around until it happens to me.
Typical, I had asked her one simple thing and Raven always has to be fashionably late, like she didn’t plan doing it ahead of time. She loves making me wait for her, just so she can get me to start worrying, plain mean. Raven can be late and I will forgive her, but just this once. I have a surprise for her and I am pretty sure she won’t ever be late again as long as I am around. As usual I told Raven to meet me at the entrance to the ally right off the corner of 5th and Main, and just like always I was the one freezing my butt off while I waited for her to get on all her cosmetics and walk two blocks down to where I end up standing alone. Today happened to be colder than what I was used to, and now was the one moment in history that I regretted not brining a coat. My teeth started to rattle as I recited the same sentences over and over again, the whole time my body was attempting to adjust with the wind. “Hurry up. Hurry up. Hurry up already Raven.” I hardly noticed when my best friend came dashing up behind me to astound me with her famous backwards snuggle attack. While the majority of me took the full alarm of her tackle, my mind somehow didn’t want to corporate with my feet and before I knew it, both of us were sailing toward the ground in a small heap of two completely messed up teenagers. My eyes were glued together when I felt the ground come in full contact with my face and it took me a long time to realize that Raven was terribly struggling to push me off of her. Raven’s face was blushing dreadfully cherry, as I failed to understand that she wanted me to move. Finally my mind flashed its warning sign and I felt my body heat up as I lifted myself up, sitting down on the ground beside my best friend. The aroma from the mix of make-up produces lifted into the air, surrounding my nose and causing me to blink in amazement. Staring over at her, I felt something I never experienced around anyone before. The beating of my heart suddenly started quickening until it felt like it was going to break through my skin and start speeding down the street like a rocket. Veering my head to one side, I gawked at Raven, long after I knew she was feeling uncomfortable with my expression. “Blake, are you alright?” A shiver crept up my spine as her wonderful voice flowed through my ears, planting a memory in my head forever. Beaming foolishly, I leaned my body in towards Raven and batted my eyes. “I’m just fine Raven, what makes you think that I’m not alright?” She wasn’t convinced; it was easy for me to read her thoughts by looking through her eyes and seeing the true Raven scared to death, begging for a way to tell me what she was actually feeling. The sensations to touch her suddenly became to strong for me to over come, and before I knew it, we were trapped together in an enormous hug, making me weaker than I could possibly get. Bending in toward her face, I started the string of events that would soon turn into my dirtiest deed that would cause everything I love to go away.
Having my lips touch Raven’s wasn’t exactly what I expected it to be like. I assumed it would be a peaceful sensation that would make my whole body lift off of the earth for a few sweet seconds, but like always I end up being the one who is mistaken. At first when Raven and I shared a dead locking kiss, it seemed to be going as I planned. What I didn’t expect to happen, was to get slapped over the back of the head with her hand, then shouted at like I just committed a crime. “You pervert!! Have you ever heard of manners? That was disgusting, what slight piece of information made you start thinking that you could kiss me, and right out in public too! God! Don’t do that to me, talk about scarring me to death!” Lowering my eyes, I felt my body slam against the wall of emotions, and this time it cracked down the middle, pilling up on top of my clustered carcass. The huge difference this time was that I could feel every twinge of pain ever possible, and it wasn’t something I should have enjoyed, but I did. At least now I have a reason to hurt her with out feeling as much guilt, and I would most certainly damage her, in every way possible. I couldn’t figure out how to react to what Raven had said to me. Her words were so hard and immense, yet they were all true, not something to get exited about. “Raven… I thought…” All the words I wanted to say to her were right on the tip of my tongue, I just couldn’t figure out how to speak them out so I would be heard. Finally I came up with the easiest saying that I could, and it only required me to say one word. “Sorry…” Nothing that I said mattered much now, I knew she hated me all along and now she just proved it to me by giving me a nice hard hit right of the back of my skull. Raven remained silent for a moment before she spoke very softly comparing it to her normal voice. “… I forgive you.” I almost started laughing after she started lying to me right through her gut. Even I wasn’t foolish enough to fall for her fake apology. Either way, I didn’t argue with her and kindly accepted her apology, even if it was nothing but a band-aid to cover up her true feelings about me. “Raven, I understand that you aren’t extremely pleased with me right now, but would you still be willing to accept my offer on hanging out over at my place.” That’s when she grinned at me, and nodded in agreement. Finally, something was going to go the way I planed it. Faking a smile in return, I lead the way toward my place.
Like all the other houses on the street, mine was formed the exact same way as the other ones and with out even making a list I can tell you what my home looks like, just look to the house next to ours, talk about living a dull life. Raven and I decided to jog over the base of my house to open up the door that was identical to all the other ones on the road. As if nothing happened, both of us were laughing like best pals again and plopped down on the couch, whispering the latest gossip and rumors. This was the fun times, when Raven and I would throw all our troubles away and just relax away with a long conversation that will be forgotten later. “Blake, did you hear that Ginger doesn’t shave her legs?! Isn’t that so gross? I can’t even imagine what she dose with herself, I would die if I didn’t own a razor!” Like I have said before, Raven is the only person I can talk to about personal things, and one of those things is gossip. Come on people, you know everyone loves to gossip, no one knows why but it is joy filling to talk about other people’s problems when you know that it isn’t happening to you. Wrinkling up my nose I gave a disgusted look. “Wow, no wonder I never liked her. Oh, and did you hear about Heidi? She threw up during her gym period! That must have been really embarrassing, but god that must have been hilarious.” I had let my hopes go to high on my chart, and made another horrible mistake. I watched as Raven’s face turned white and she muttered back my words. “H-Heidi?” Blinking at her, I nodded to her question. “It wasn’t Heidi who got sick during Gym. That was me!” I felt my eyes widen slightly. Today was just not my day to be hanging out with Raven; things keep going from bad to worse. “Oh.” I hesitated, wondering how to respond to her. “What did it look like?” Raven turned her head in disgust and it looked like she was going to be sick. “Excuse me?” The enunciation was on the beginning of excuse and I knew that she was mad when that happened. “You know, what did it look like? It had a color, right? Or was it clear, because if it was that is really weird.” Raven remained still for a few moments then broke out in a piercing rage. “Blake, stop it already! Your behavior isn’t necessary, and it is really how uncivilized how you are taking this so seriously! You are plan nasty!” I smirked at her then felt my eyes roll up toward the ceiling. “Personally I think everything I am doing is necessary and I think you are the one that is taking all this too seriously, because I am actually finding all of this extremely entertaining.” Raven cocked her head to the side and swung her hand backwards, planning on striking me clear across the face. This time I was ready for her. Once her hand came down, I grabbed it with both my hands and twisted it until I felt the ball of her wrist pop out at me, perfect shot. Once I let go of her injury, all I heard was the intake of Raven’s breath as she backed up and fell over onto the floor. Her free hand was immediately around her busted wrist and I saw small droplets of blood flow between her fingers. “B-Blake, what… why…” Her voce traveled off as she remained completely silent, striving to get over the shock of what I did to her. I smirked as I lowered myself down to the floor and took her broken wrist carefully into my hand. “Don’t worry Raven, your safe now.” Amazingly my lie had a great effect as Raven let me take her wrist back into my murderous palms. As calmly as I could, I pressed my fingers into the wound, watching the cut break open further and just seeing the tip of her socket appear in the dry air. The bone was cracked right were I wanted it too, right down the center of the ball, so she would have to possible way to use her hand. Removing my fingers, I glanced at the area around the wound and just like my treasured flower after my rainbow treatment, Raven’s wrists were violet. Glancing into my victims eyes, I gave her a concerned look. “I’m sorry Raven; I didn’t mean to hurt you like this. Everything got out of hand, I am so sorry. I’ll go get something to clean this up, and then you can go to the hospital. I promise.”
Silently I sprung onto my feet and scurried over to my bedroom. I quickly gathered up my bed spread and carried it out into the living room were Raven was still motionless on the floor, petrified in fear. “I’m sorry, I don’t have any towels but here are my bed sheets. I can get the blood stains out later. Come on, let’s head to the bathroom and wash you up good.” Cautiously I lifted her up into my arms then headed toward the bathroom. Stepping into the empty room, we both gazed up to see the bathtub already filled with water, and about a dozen candles lighting the edges of tub. “I was planning on doing something romantic with you tonight, too bad all the candles went to waste.” With out even bothering to strip Raven of her clothes, I dropped her into the water and watched as she screamed in pain as her wrist started to burn from the poisoned water. Leaning over her I grinned, enjoying her discomfort. “Now you partly know what it was like for me every single day of my childhood life. Yes, I said only partly. You will never know what it was like for me, no one will. Every morning my doctor, or should I say mother came into my chamber and took me down to her torture cells. You have no idea how it feels to be hated by your own mother by being born when she didn’t want you. I never could call her mother, or even by her first name, Hannah. No I was to call her nothing. It was disliked when I even spoke a slight comment. It is even worse when no one lets you scream while your whole body is throbbing, millions of times worse than you are felling right now, so just shut up! This is nothing! Nothing I tell you!” The inside of my eyes turned blood shot as I took a few moments of silence to calm myself down. “Unlike my life though, you won’t have to suffer from this everyday. What you are bathing in is a flammable substance, a type of liquid known most commonly as gasoline. I hate to tell you this now, but I didn’t plan on a romantic occasion with you tonight, nor did I even love you in the first place. All I wanted to do tonight was end your agony, and to do this.” Grinning, I pushed the first candle over into the tub and watched as everything before me went into flame. “One… Two… Thee…” Attempting to look through the jumping flames, I saw the blurry image of Raven’s head fight against the flames. “It wasn’t any use; she would be dead in a matter of seconds. One thing I didn’t’ expect her to do was start talking moment away from her death. “Blake… you…. are…. monster!” The words stunned me as I felt guilt start to trickle into the pit of my stomach. Turning my head slightly, I put my hand to my chin and chuckled. “Hmm, you might be right there. I guess I am in fact, a monster.”

User Comments: [3]
Rad Popsicle
Community Member
comment Commented on: Tue Jul 10, 2007 @ 04:54am
Wow. That is deep.

comment Commented on: Fri Jul 13, 2007 @ 05:28am
Really? sweatdrop

l[0]z[3]rz r0[x]
Community Member
Kiss From a Razor
Community Member
comment Commented on: Fri Jul 13, 2007 @ 06:16am
*speachless yet again*
Your just..
*blinks for the first time since i started reading*

User Comments: [3]
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