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Hells Army
My journal is going to be used to write my book about Hells Army. PLEASE COMMENT ON MY JOURNAL, I would really appreciate feedback
Chapter 8- Snake Bite
After about an hour of being lost Hades finally fines familiar landmarks and makes his way back to Death's abandoned home. Hades carried Death out of his red Celica,carries him into the house and downstairs into the basement. Hades layed Death down on his bed and got ready for bed himself.
The next morning Hades woke up to the sound of someone upstairs, he quickly sat up and noticed Death wasin't in his bed. Hades walked upstairs to see Death looking through empty cupboards.
"s**t, forgot there was no food"said Death
"I know, that kinda sucks"replied Hades
"Don't you have tones of money, you used to be a computer animator, were's the millions of dollars you said you were going to have"said Death.
"Ya, they don't continue giving access to an account to a dead guy"said Hades
"Good point"said Death.
"Don't worry I gotta go to Condor's place, maybe we can mooch food off of him"said Hades.
"Nice, let's go then"said Death
"Ya, just let me get the rest of my stuff on, and you might wanna put some pants on too"said Hades, looking at Death who must have removed his pants when he become conscience the night before.
"Oh...ya...might wanna do that"replied Death.
"Ya, plus I gotta stretch too"said Hades making his way downstairs. After about an hour of getting ready, both of them were good to go. When they reached within eye-shot of Condor's warehouse they notice a man in black and blue turn into an alleyway beside the warehouse.
"Dude, check that out"said Hades pointing to the man just before he disappears out of sight.
"What about him"replied Death
"Let's go check this guy out, he seems a bit sketchy"said Hades.
"Sure, why not"said Death. Hades quickly parked in front of the building and they both got out of the car, making there way towards the alleyway. The alleyway was a fairly long alleyway with a couple of large industrail garbage bins, but no man in black and blue.
"There's no way he could have made it out between the time we saw him and now"said Hades.
"Your right"said a voice, just as a small can fell down.
"FLASH, FLASHBANG, COVER YOUR EYES"yelled Hades. Both Death and Hades managed to cover there eyes but still became slightly disoriented by the flash. The man in black and blue appeared from behind one of the garbage cans running full speed at them. Hades was the first to have the effects of the flashbang wear off, but the man in black and blue had already handcuffed one of his hands. Hades attempeted to pull the man by the hand cuff, but couldn't. Hades looked over and noticed that the other end of the handcuff was attached to one of Death's hands.
"******** Hades. Hades set his hand on fire to melt the handcuffs and noticed that the chain between the handcuffs wouldn't melt.
"What the ******** Hades.
"Watch out behind you"said Death. Hades turned around to be hit in the arm with two little metal rods. Almost seconds after hitting him in the arm, they began to shock him. The current from the electricity was powerful enough to be sent through the handcuffs and electricute Death. Suddenly, the rod's stopped sending electric currents and the man in black and blue began to laugh uncontrollable.
"When my head stops spinning, I'm going to kill you"said Hades and Death almost at the same time.
"And to think I though you could kick my a**"said the man in black and blue trying to contain his laughter.
'Dude, dude, dude, chill, its me, Matt"said the man in black and blue
"a*****e, I though I recognized you"said Hades out of breath.
"******** a*****e, you mean I had to go through all the ******** pain for nothing, I wanna at least kick somebody's a** man"said Death
"Your in pain, what about me, I go these stupid ******** rods sticking outta my arm"said Hades.
"Oh, sorry, let me get those for you"said Matt pulling the rods out of Hades' arm. "Now I gotta get my gun juiced and another flashbang because of you guys"said Matt
"Your fault"said Hades. Hades and Death follow Matt into Condor's warehouse.
"I gotta talk to Condor all be back in a sec"said Hades. Hades walks upstairs looking for Condor. Hades opens the door to Condor's bedroom and see's him in bed with a women and quickly closes the door.
'Woops"said Hades to himself. Condor comes out a few minutes after in just shorts.
"What the ******** are you doing coming into my room"said Condor
"Sorry man I....."said Hades being interrupted by Condor
"You what, didn't think, this is my room man, you don't walk into a man's room, if you need me, man invented a doorbell, use it next time"said Condor.
"Can you still get mine and Death's stuff, please"asked Hades politley.
"Ya, now that I'm up"said Condor. Hades followed Condor downstairs to a storage room.
"K, from now on, all your s**t will be in the cabinet or in this box"said Condor pointing to a section of the storage room. Condor opened the cabinet and pulled out a drawer revealing two Desert Eagles.
"Thanks man"said Hades taking his guns and holstering them.
"HEY JERMAINE GET OVER HERE"yelled Condor to Death who must have been far away. Death shows up a minute later.
"Like I was telling Adam here, this cabinet and box here is yours, anything that you have told me you wanted with be here"said Condor pointing to the cabinet and box next to Hades'. Death quickly opens the cabinet to reveal a shotgun and an M-60 hanging on a rack.
"Nice man nice"said Death
"I ain't done yet dude"said Condor "Check the crate beside the box". Death slowly walks over to the box, unlocks it and opens it. Death starts jumping up and down screaming in joy.
"Yo, yo, yo, what is it"said Hades.
"Its a rocket launcher man, with 3 ******** barrels, this ******** can launch 3 missles at the same time man."said Death with glee.
"Yo man, and it comes with a clip"said Condor with a smile
"It can relode, you ******** serious, this thing can relode you shittin me"said Death. Condor used what looked like a small crane to pull the rocket launcher out of its crate. The weapon was enormous, at least five or six feet long, and three feet at its highest point.
"Here all show you how to properly put it on"said Condor. Hades stood there in amazment at the size of the rocket launch. It had a belt and a long handle that carried most of the weight of the weapon. The button to fire the weapon was iside a steel glove.
"Your crazy man, I can't hold something this big, like, I know I've gotten bigger since we were kids but this think is huge"protested Death.
"Dont worry, I'll slowly lower it onto you, and with the clip in, it will only fall one foot"explained Condor
"Oh.... I'll give it a shot then"said Death. Hades slowly walks over to Condor and askes him "How much does that thing weight"
"'Bout 550 lbs"said Condor
"I dont think he can hold that man, even being as big as he is"said Hades
"I know, I wont let him get hurt, but I think it'll be funny"said Condor as he slowly lowered the weapon down onto Death, about 250 lbs of the weapon was lowered before Death couldnt hold it any longer and Condor put the gun back in its crate.
"Holy ******** that was hard"said Death stretching his shoulder.
"You didnt do half bad man, it was more then anybody else I've seen"said Condor
"You mean other people have tried to carry this gun"said Hades
"Ya, but most of then end up dislocating there shoulder from trying"replied Condor, at the same time Hades and Death cringed at that thought of someone's should dislocating.
The door opened and a women walked in. She had long black hair down to her waist, was of fair height, and had a beautiful hour-glass body. She wore on oversized T-shirt with baggy sweat pants.
"Hey Erika, hows it going, sorry about.......you know....before"said Hades
"Its alright, just came down to see what all the yelling was about"said Erika.
"That yelling was Jermaine recieving the MASSIVE "gift" from your husband"said Hades
"Oh, that. He's been working on that toy forever, it will never work. Its too big for someone to carry"she explained.
"Well Jermaine ma..... never mind"said Hades. Hades remembering a long time ago that Erika absolutley hate guns of any sort.
"Hey Erika, you got any food I could mooch. Since me and Jermaine being dead, we kinda don't have any money, or any way of getting any"asked Hades
"Ya sure, its upstairs in the kitchen, help youself"said Erika
"Thats why you rule"said Hades following Erika out the door. Hades still didn't want to impose one Condor and Erika, so he just made himself a bowl of cereal.. After Hades finished eating he when downstairs he could hear the sound of a machine gun, probably Death trying out his new M-60, he found Erika in a small room. The room had nothing but a couch, t.v. and a computer. Erika was sitting at the computer doing something on the computer.
"Close the door if your coming in"asked Erika. Hades entered the room and closed the door, the door closed with a noticable sucksion noise.. Hades noticed once the door was closed, nothing could be heared, at all. The door was also made entirely out of glass.
"Wow its quiet in here"said Hades aloud.
"Ya, Josh was sweet and made this room for me, its the only other room entirely sound proof, next to the bedroom"Erika explained with a wink.
"I though you were all against guns and stuff"said Hades
"I am, that's why Josh doesin't carry a gun"said Erika
"Really.....never noticed"said Hades
"Also, there are so many people out to get him he needs to protect himself, and me"said Erika
"The gangs are still after him for what he saw, but what do you have to protect youself, you don't even like weapons"said Hades. Erika place the hand closest to Hades under the computer desk and quickly threw her arm out at Hades. A blade launched out from what seemed to be her arm and passed dangerousy close to Hades if it werent for Hades moving his head.
"I compromised"said Erika
"Holy s**t that was ******** close, holy ******** Hades who was panting from the near death experience.
"You know I wouldn't have hit you"said Erika
"Ya, ******** Hades. The blade receided back into its shieth which was attached to Erika's arm. Erika then put her hand under the desk and removed it.
"Ya, so Matt was telling me about how he wooped you and Jermaine"said Erika
"Ya, well, we, well, I asked for it. We saw he leaving and we wanted to scare him, and he got us first"explained Hades.
"So, who made you that blade"asked Hades
"Technically....you did"replied Erika
"I did, when did I design that"asked Hades, at the same time Erika pulled out the blade and its sheith, it looked almost identical to a blade Hades designed he was a kid
"I remember that, but who got a hold of the plans, and how did they make it, those plans were flawed ......badly"said Hades dumbfounded
"I actually don't know, Josh just decided that I needed some sort of weapon, and a few months passed and he gave me them, ask him I'm sure'll tell you"explained Erika. Hades left to go check on Death. He was in the storage room putting his M-16 away.
"Dude you got anything I can eat, I got nothing at my house"asked Death
"Ya, upstairs in the kitchen, help yourself"said Condor. Death passed by Hades and went upstairs.
"So do you build all your weapons"asked Hades
"No, me and Matt manage to steal some weapons here and there. The only time I build weapons is when they don't already exist, like the swords you saw Erika with"explained Condor.
"You mean she's got two of those things......wait a minute, how did you know she showed me"asked Hades suspiciously.
"I got camera's everywere except the bedroom, but I didn't check them. Me and Erika have this bond, its freaky, like I can know were she is and know what she's doing just by thinking about her, and she can do the same. Its really wierd, but its helped me out in dangerous situations"explained Condor
"Cool, cool. So who made the swords"said Hades.
"Sorry I can't tell you who made associates are, you understand of course"said Condor, Hades suddenly stopped and stared at Condor for about 30 seconds
"Ya, I understand"said Hades as he walked away. Hades went upstairs to the guest bedroom. It wasin't anything special, it looked like basic military bunks. Hades sat on his bed with his eyes closed, listening. He heard Death in the kitchen, Condor walking down the stairs, and the sound of the lights, but not much else. The suddenly he heard
"Dude, my guns are so ******** awesome". Hades assumed he was listening to the thoughts of Death in the kitchen. He opened his eyes and started looking around the room. He got up and walked into the kitchen. There was Death eating what seemed like 4 hambugers and alot of fries.
"Dude..........pig"said Hades looking at Death.
"What, I said I was hungry, and Condor did say I could help myself"said Death who happily continued to eat. Hades went into one of the drawers and pulle out a spoon and retunred to his room. He started throwing the spoon up in the air and catching it. He then started throwing the spoon up in the air and tried to catch it with his telekanetic powers. He tried stopping it on the way up, on the way down, just as it left his hands. Death walked into the room and found Hades practicing his powers.
"Dude what are you doing"asked Death.
"This"said Hades stopping Death from walking over to a bed. For a second Death couldn't move but he slowly started moving again till Hades collapesed on his bed.
"Dude, you alright"said Death rushing to Hades's side.
"Ya, I'm fine, I think I just overworked my powers for today"explained Hades. Hades slowly prepared for bed.
"I think going to be a little early is in order"said Hades.
"Cool cool, I'm tired, too but I think all stay up and do some things"explained Death. Hades nodded and went to bed. Death left the room and closed the door.

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Apr 02, 2005 @ 01:56am
*POP IN and POKE the s**t out of him* whee

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