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11 pages of Power Rangers Awesome!!!

"Aaaah!, after 10,000 years I'm free! It's time to conquer EARTH!" Thus began Power Rangers, one of the most epic stories of our time. Let me tell you of the ostentatious tale of the Zordon era of Power Rangers.

Eons ago, good and evil were locked in a struggle that strained the seams of existence itself. After a long struggle, the leader of good, Zordon, of the wasteland planet Eltar, was able to seal the acting leader of evil, Rita Repulsa, into a space dumpster, which crashed on the Earth's moon. Also trapped were her henchmen, Goldar, Finster, Squat, and Baboo. However, Rita succeeded in trapping Zordon in an interdimensional time warp before she was sealed, thus rendering him without a physical body. The only means of contact with him were a tube of energy which acted as a catalyst. Alpha 5, Zordon's robot assistant, tended to Zordon in the California desert, near the city of Angel Grove, where they had set up the Command Center, due to Earth's proximity to the moon.

However, after 10,000 years of imprisonment, two human astronauts opened Rita's dumpster, and so she was freed. It was at this time Zordon, learning of the escape, commanded Alpha to summon a team of teenagers with attitude. Alpha obeyed, and teleported Jason Lee Scott, Zack Taylor, Billy Cranston, Kimberly Hart, and Trini Kwan to the Command Center. There, they told the reason for their summoning, and were designated the respective Power Ranger powers and costume colors of Red, Black, Blue, Pink, and Yellow. They "morphed", or transformed, into their suits by using Power Morphers, belt buckle like objects which contained a different Power Coin, the magical source of their power found by Zordon eons ago, for each Ranger. They differed in the design of the animal engraved on the coin, which matched the Ranger's power that possessed the coin. The Morphers were activated by holding them in front of their selves and shouting the name of their Dinozord, after one of the Rangers had called out "It's Morphin' Time!" Along with these, they were given Zords, robots with combination/transformation properties. Their Zords, titled Dinozords, were Tyrannosaurus, Mastodon, Triceratops, Pterodactyl, and Saber-tooth Tiger, respectively. These Zords had the ability to combine into Megazord, a humanoid fighting robot of titanic proportions. On a side note, Megazord also had a tank mode for mobile combat.

For a while, these five fought against the forces of evil, until Rita captured a human, Tommy Oliver, brainwashed him, and provided him with the Dragonzord Power Morpher, which instilled him with the Green Ranger powers, and that allowed him to control the mighty Dragonzord, created for use in the destruction of Earth. The main difference between Tommy and the others was that the Green suit ad a golden dragon shield affixed to the chest, giving him extra protection and power. However, the Rangers eventually stopped Tommy's evil, and converted him back to the side of good. It was revealed that Dragonzord could combine with Megazord to form the Mega Dragonzord, or combine with the mastodon, triceratops, and saber-tooth tiger to form "Dragonzord in Fighting Mode", which gave Dragonzord a more humanoid appearance and boosted its power. Together with Titanus, a separate brachiosaurus carrierzord, they could all amalgamate to form Ultrazord, the ultimate fighting machine. And thus, the defenders of Earth were six. Later, though, Rita used a magical Green candle to drain Tommy's powers. Although, before she was able to, Tommy transferred his powers to Jason, giving him the ability to use the golden dragon shield and dragon dagger. Jason gave these up eventually though, for after Zordon had recharged the Dragon power coin, Tommy returned to reclaim the Green Ranger mantle. The downside, though, was that his powers were fading and would occasionally fade out.

Not long after, Rita was ousted when her superior, the evil Lord Zedd, a tall, skinless humanoid with a visor and metal exoskeleton, returned after a stint in another galaxy, and was disgusted at Rita's failings on Earth. Hence, he loaded her into a new space dumpster, and sent her into space. He then summoned a powerful monster, which froze the Rangers' Zords. Zordon, realizing what they were now up against, called the Rangers to him. There, he revealed the situation, and told them of how he upgraded their Dinozords to Thunderzords. The mastodon, pterodactyl, triceratops, saber-tooth tiger, and tyrannosaurus were magically and technologically upgraded to a lion, firebird, unicorn, griffin, and Red dragon, respectively. The Dragonzord remained the same, however, for it was not frozen and could still fight. Due to Tommy's fading powers, it was best not used unless needed, for it was undependable and used Tommy's dwindling powers. Lord Zedd, being evil, exploited this weakness, and dedicated himself to ridding the earth of the Green Ranger, which he saw as Rita's biggest mistake. His goal was soon accomplished, and the Green Ranger powers were finally exhausted. Thus, Tommy once again was gone. Later, Jason, Zack, and Trini were called off to a peace conference in another country. To exchange powers with their respective replacements, Rocky DeSantos, Adam Park, and Aisha Campbell, they need the sword of power, located on a distant planet. To accomplish this journey, they were given Tor, the shuttlezord, a giant turtle who could transform into warrior mode. Lord Zedd pursued them in his own new Zord, Serpentera, a machine so large it could crush Tor underfoot. Its weakness though, was that it burned through fuel very quickly. Despite the chase, the Rangers achieved their goal, and the Red, Black, and Yellow powers were passed on. Soon after, Zordon and Alpha disappeared. The Rangers were confused, and Billy investigated. In the Command Center, he discovered the hidden Power Chamber, where Zordon and Alpha were creating a new ranger. News soon reached the others, causing a furor over the new ranger's identity. Lo and behold, Zordon and Alpha had constructed a White Ranger, and they gave the power to the recently returned Tommy. Along with this power, Tommy received Saba, a talking sword which acted as an advisor, and the White Tigerzord, which could transform into warrior mode. In warrior mode, it could combine with the other Thunderzords, sans the Red Dragonzord and Tor, to create the Mega Tigerzord. All of the Zords could combine to create the Thunder Ultrazord, though.

Meanwhile, Rita had managed to redirect her dumpster back to he moon, where she then escaped. She had come up with a devious plan to get back her power: marry Zedd. She then created a love potion and administered it to him, while he was oblivious to the whole thing. Thus, they got married and fought the Rangers with their combined powers. However, they continued to be unsuccessful.

Later, Rita's brother, Rito Revolto, came to the moon to celebrate his sister's wedding to "Ed", as he called Zedd. Rito managed to destroy the Thunderzords, sending the Rangers on a quest to find a new source of power. Zordon revealed that when he discovered their original power coins, a map was in the box as well. The Rangers followed this map to Ninjor, smith of the coins, and there he imbued them with new coins that held the power of the ninja. White, Red, Black, Blue, Yellow, and Pink received the power and Zord of the Falcon, Ape, Frog, Wolf, Bear, and Crane, respectively. These Zords could all combine without the falcon to form the Ninja Megazord, and with the falcon to make the Ninja Falconmegazord. They also later gained the Shogunzords, humanoid robots that differed only in color that could combine to form the Shogun Megazord; with witch the falcon could combine to form the Shogun Falconmegazord. Titanus was also revived from its slumber, and could fuse with the Ninja Falconmegazord top make the Ninja Ultrazord, or the Shogun Falconmegazord to create the Shogun Ultrazord. However, an opportunity came to Kimberly in the form of the chance to be a gymnastics participant in the Pan-Global Games, which she chose to train for, choosing Katherine Hillard to be her replacement as Pink Ranger.

Soon afterward, Rita's father, Master Vile, appeared on the moon palace. Disgusted by Rita's and Zedd's failings, he turned back time, destroying the Ninja powers. The Rangers were reverted to childhood, but Billy created a machine to change them back. Billy used it on himself, but the device was destroyed before it could be used on the others. Zordon then sent the younger versions of the Rangers into the world to search for pieces of the Zeo crystal, which would fix the planet. The Zeo crystal had great power, and cursed any one evil who tried to take. Lord Zedd had tried, and it had disfigured him into his skinless state.

To defend Earth in the Rangers absence, Zordon called upon the Alien Rangers of the watery planet Aquitar, amphibious humanoids with strange membranes on their heads that needed water to survive and possessed morphing powers similar to the Earth Rangers, to defend the planet. They managed to keep the Earth safe until the young Rangers could gather the pieces of the Zeo Crystal.

The Rangers returned to the Command Center, sans Aisha, who had stayed in Africa, where she had found her crystal, to help the people and animals there. Instead, Tanya Sloan was picked by Aisha to be the new Yellow Ranger. Zordon then activated the Zeo crystal, which infused Tommy, Adam, Rocky, Tanya, and Kat with the powers Zeo Ranger V-Red, IV-Green, III-Blue, II-Yellow, and Pink-I, in that order. They gained new Morphers, called Zeonizers, which were interlocking and wrist mounted, and were still only used after the proclamation of "It's Morphin' Time!" Billy had not received a crystal, so he received no new powers and became their technical advisor.

At this time, Rita, Zedd, and all of their henchmen were ousted from their moon palace by the Machine Empire, which was led by King Mondo, Queen Machina, and young Prince Sprocket. The goal of the Machine Empire was to simply conquer Earth. With their army of robots, they fought against the Rangers' new Zeo Zords. Each Ranger had a Zord designated with that Ranger's same number, and all the Zords were based off of Egyptian mythos. They combined into the Zeo Megazord. Later, Tommy was given the Red Battlezord, which could merge with the Zeo Megazord to form the Zeo Megabattlezord. Later an alien named Trey, of the planet Triforia, aided them under the guise of the Gold Ranger. When he was injured on Earth, he temporarily passed his powers onto Jason, the original Red Ranger. Along with this power, Jason received Pyramidas, a pyramid that could transform into a carrier or a humanoid warrior. When Pyramidas combined with the Zeo Megabattlezord in either carrier mode or warrior mode, it was called the Zeo Ultrazord. Around this time, Billy left Earth for Aquitar, in order to be with his alien girlfriend, Cestria. Soon afterward, the five original Rangers received the Super Zeo Zords, humanoid Zords with their pilot's shape as a design, which fused into the Super Zeo Megazord.

Trey soon recovered, and retook the Gold Powers. It was at this time that the Machine Empire staged its final siege, which it lost. Badly. Seeing how the Machine Empire had fallen, Rita, Zedd, and company returned and kicked the Empire off of the moon. However, they decided to leave for a vacation which left the mantle of evil open to a new villain…

The new evil turned out to be Divatox. A space pirate from another planet, she commanded a battalion of other evil space alien pirates. They came to Earth to get revenge after the Rangers destroyed her wedding ceremony. Unfortunately for our heroes, Rocky injured his back, and had to pass on his powers. Justin Stewart, a 12 year old, was chosen as his successor due to that he had uncovered their identities. Thus, all five Rangers, upon Divatox's arrival, were given new Turbo Powers, along with new Morphers, called Turbo Morphers, wrist mounted Morphers that were activated by turning a key in them, and they also gained the new morphing call of "Shift Into Turbo!" Their accompanying Zords were based on cars, Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, and Pink got Red Lightning, Mountain Blaster, Desert Thunder, Dune Star, and Wind Chaser, correspondingly. They combined into the Turbo Megazord, which fought Divatox's forces. Not long after this, Zordon decided to return to his home planet, Eltar, along with Alpha 5. Their replacements were Dimitria of Inquiris, a spectral woman in a veil, and Alpha 6, like Alpha 5 but more "street". The battle continued to wage.

Unfortunately, the day came when the original Rangers decided to retire. Tommy, Kat, Adam, and Tanya respectively chose T.J. Johnson, Cassie Chan, Carlos Vallertes, and Ashley Hammond as their replacements. Justin decided to stay as the Blue Ranger. Thus, any trace of the original Rangers was gone, succeeded by a new generation of fighters for justice.

During the continued struggle, aid appeared in the forms of the Blue Senturion and the Phantom Ranger. The Blue Senturion was a police robot from the future, come to aid our time. The Phantom Ranger was mysterious character whose power comes from Eltar, and his identity was never revealed. He delivers to the Rangers the Rescuezords, rescue vehicles which could take on humanoid warrior forms, and also combine to form the Rescue Megazord. The corresponding Zords to Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, and Pink are Lightning Fire Tamer, Siren Blaster, Thunder Loader, Star Racer, and Wind Rescue. Also given was Artillatron, a mobile base for housing the Rescuezords, which furthermore had a humanoid warrior mode.

Divatox soon tired of fighting, and called in a powerful monster to finish things once and for all. The Rangers self-destructed both Megazords before defeating the monster. To worsen it all, Dimitria had gone away on an important matter, leaving the Command Center unguarded. The forces of evil had a stroke of luck and found it, and then went about blowing it up. The Rangers, in a state of shock and defeat, saw Divatox head for space. Realizing what they had to do, they took Alpha and headed to space right after her. Justin, however, stayed behind to live with his father.

While in space, they meet up with Andros, the Red Space Ranger, who hailed from the colony planet of KO-35, which had been under attack by an entity known as the United Alliance of Evil, to which all villains of the galaxy belong, and abandoned because of it, who gave them new wrist mounted Morphers, which granted them Space powers. These new Morphers were called Astro Morphers, and were activated by opening the onboard keypad, pressing "335", which was followed by pressing "Enter", all of which happened after one of the Rangers proclaimed "Let's Rocket!" Correspondingly, T.J., Carlos, Ashley, and Cassie become the Blue, Black, Yellow, and Pink Space Rangers. They fought the evils of Astronema, sent to defeat them by the United Alliance of Evil, who had grown tired of Divatox's failings. The Alliance had also captured Zordon and its leader, Dark Specter, was draining him of his life-force. The Megazord here was the Astro Megazord, which was just the Rangers' Astro Megaship combined with their Astro Megshuttle. They later gained the Delta Megazord, which changed to the Delta Megaship. The two Megazords could fuse to make the AstroDelta Megazord. Soon, they were joined by the Silver Ranger, Zhane, another former resident of KO-35, who had been in a coma, but was now recovered. Soon, the Rangers, sans Zhane, gained Mega vehicles that corresponded to their numbers, and also combined into the Mega Voyager. Zhane received the Mega Winger, which featured both a warrior and vehicle mode. During this time, Andros came to the realization that Astronema was actually his long lost sister, Karone, who had been brainwashed into believing that she was the chosen heir of evil.

The battle continued until, in a last ditch effort, the United Alliance of Evil attacked all of the strongholds of good in the galaxy. Rita and Zedd attacked Triforia, which was defended by the Gold Ranger. The Machine Empire attacked Eltar, which was defended by the Phantom Ranger and the Blue Senturion. On Gratha, a heretofore unnamed planet of unknown importance, Divatox laid siege against the Alien Rangers. On KO-35, Zhane and some anti-Alliance rebels, who had stayed on KO-35, despite the danger, battled against an armada of foot soldiers. In culmination, Astronema was warring against Earth, which was defended by the Space Rangers. The forces of good were losing, despite the destruction of Dark Specter, and Andros managed to sneak aboard the flagship of the Alliance, where he found Zordon. Due to the death of Dark Specter, Zordon was back to full power, but still imprisoned. Zordon told Andros to smash his imprisoning tube, so his essence could purge the galaxy of evil. Just then, Astronema appeared, and began combat with Andros. Andros, not wanting to harm his sister, did nothing. Ironically, a laser from Astronema ricocheted and struck her, killing her. Andros was lost in grief, until Zordon brought him back to his senses, saying that the tube needed smashing. Andros struck the tube, shattering it, and Zordon's essence spread galaxy wide. Rita, Zedd, and Divatox turned into humans, while all of the rest of the evil forces crumbled and turned into sand, ending the fight, once and for all.

Andros then emerged from the dreadnought, crying over the loss of his sister, when suddenly, she awoke as Karone, and asked where she was. All the Rangers, powerless, yet happy for their victory, joined in on the galaxy wide celebration. Thus, the forces attacking the galaxy were gone, and the power protected them all. However, evil is always with us, waiting to strike, and good is always ready to send another team to meet it head on…

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  • 05/06/07 to 04/29/07 (1)

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    Delicate Dictator
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Mon May 07, 2007 @ 03:18am
    ...Well that was a bunch of BS...

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