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Bizzare Beginnings "Off with the faeries" - C'est dans la lune!

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guys are weird
hmm... i was just on the school bus, quietly studying my theory.. for i hadn't done my homework! lol and i was trying to figure out why a second inversion chord is also called a 6-4 chord..
and this guy who was standing up (who looked like he was in year 8 suddenly called out, is that 4th grade (as in theory)?? lol.. i had no idea who he was talking to. then he said it again and i turned around. and he asked again. then i was like, it's 5th grade. then he was like, oh wow! you're so good! then some other guy standing next to him was like, i hate theory. meh.. guys are weird.. who knew they could be impressed by a simple theory grade. xp

wouldn't it be great if the world was made with cadbury?
*sigh* i don't have much to talk about these days..
aiya.. i think i should try to keep a commitment with my journal.. -_-"
if anyone wants to try to find my 'msn space' my user name is strawberry_xx

meh.. i'm going to to library now.. i think i might type another entry during science or something.. xd

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holidays are almost here!!!!!!!!
yeah! there's a teacher's stop work tomorrow!! yipee!! ~
that means i don't have to get to school until like 11.20!!
hmm.. wonder what i'll do during the holidays.. maybe i'll see house of wax when it comes out.. lol

i wish it would snow.. mrgreen

*whistles*.. woops.. i guess i again haven't updated in AGES..
hmm.. i had my piano exam like a bit over a week ago.. mrgreen i'm glad THAT's over.. and i saw Star Wars III on sunday!!!! hehehe.. waited ages for that..

2 weeks til the holidays!! YAHOO!!!! xd xd xd xd xd

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time i updated
ergh.. haven't updated in ages..
basically.. so busy studying for exams for part 2 weeks! finally over! one exam to go!!!!! woohoo!!!

mrgreen mrgreen mrgreen mrgreen mrgreen mrgreen

Memorable Christmas
hey all,
first of all - the all important Christmas day...
My family had a normal brekkie and a barbeque lunch and another barbeque dinner..
hehe.. a little brief, huh?
let me go more into detail...
for breakfast, my wonderful family had chinese porridge...............
as i said above, for lunch.. we had a barbeque, we had some family friends over at our place for the barbeque.. these family friends included my dad's friend, his wife, and their two kids - Hazel and Alvin.. they are so adorable.. ok.. they're like in year 3 and year 2 respectively, but hey.. they're still adorable.. 3nodding
yeah... and we had the usual stuff at a barbeque.. including lots of junk food!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hehe.. xd xd
after lunch, we watched a pokemon movie.. on dvd... those two love pokemon.. not that i minded watching it with them though, it wasn't a bad movie.. it actually had a story line.. xp
and then we mucked around my computer and my brother's computer until dinner time.. (they stayed for dinner as well)
i find it really funny.. how Hazel is fascinated by my room... hehe.. everytime she comes over, she always asks to go to my room..
xd i wonder why she likes it so much..... 4laugh
... and then my lil brother taught both Hazel and Alvin how to play chess.. hehe.. so unusual of him.. he doesn't like little kids.. mrgreen ah well... i guess pwople can change.. wink
yeah.. and Hazel's family stayed until like 10pm or something.. it was a fun night.. xd
oh, and i forgot to mention that i had gotton my christmas pressies from my parents a little earlier.. so yeah... i'm not the kind to wait until christmas day to see what they are... xd especially because it wasn't wrapped... xd xd
oh.. and i also forgot to mention Hazel's pressie she gave me.. she's so sweet.. heart , she got me a box of *interesting looking* chocolates and this cute keyring... i say *interesting looking* because they look really pretty (as there are cartoon characters on them)... pretty looking - i didn't want to eat them.. they look so cute!
and my brother got some *marshmallows* in a shrek tin from Alvin.. my brother doesn't like *marshmallow* so he gave them to me.. xd

Boxing Day.... more family friends came over for lunch! xd this time.. another friend of my dad's with his wife and their kid - Gary, who just finished kindergarten or something..
yeah... and 'twas another barbeque lunch.......... same as christmas lunch.. basically.. xd
but this time.. the family didn't stay for dinner.......
and for dinner that night, we ate leftovers.. rolleyes

next day - 27th dec...
we went on a shopping spree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! post-christmas sales!!!!!!!!!! hehe.. sweatdrop yeah.. i know.. we're cheap... but hey, there are good sales after christmas.. xd
yeah... bought some clothes.. and a couple of dvds and jojo's album..
and then by the end of they day.. my feet were killing me.. --> the result of walking around the city all day..

did like nothing the following day......... a tuesday.. hmm..
well.. i rang up vampire_witch and talked about nonsense for like an hour or so.. xd and then got busted by my parents as usual.. for using the phone for so long.. xd xd ah well..

and the next day - a wednesday.. did nothing for the whole day except chores.. and then went to piano lessons in the evening.. sheesh.. i am so stuffed for piano...... aaaarrrrrrrrggggggggggghhhhhhhhhh
i have 6 pieces right.. and i have to memorise them all.. !!! aaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
does my piano teacher know how much work that is??????????????/
for those who don't know.. i'm in seventh grade piano.. and the pieces are soo long.... aaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggghhhhhhhh

ok. enough of me panic attacks... oh yeah.. and at like 9pm.. vampire_witch rang me.. and we talked about more nonsense.. and then i almost got busted again... and was made to go to bed.. sweatdrop

and today. hmm.. i got up at like 11 am or 12 noon or something... sweatdrop teehee... talk about being lazy.. ah well.. that's me during the holidays when normally i have to get up at 6am on a school day...... sweatdrop sweatdrop
and basically did nothing all day.....

oh yeah.. the latest song i'm totally crazy about:


There were places we would go at midnight
There were secrets that nobody else would know
There's a reason but I don't know why
I don't know why
I don't know why
I thought they all belonged to me

Who's that girl?
Where's she from?
No she can't be the one
That you want
That has stolen my world
It's not real, it's not right
It's my day, it's my night
By the way
Who's that girl living my life?
Oh no, living my life

Seems like everything's the same around me
When I look again and everything has changed
I'm not dreaming so I don't know why
I don't know why
I don't know why
She's everywhere I wanna be

Who's that girl?
Where's she from?
No she can't be the one
That you want
That has stolen my world
It's not real, it's not right
It's my day, it's my night
By the way
Who's that girl living my life?

I'm the one who made you laugh
Who made you feel
And made you sad
I'm not sorry
For what we did
For who we were
I'm not sorry
I'm not her

Who's that girl?
Where's she from?
No she can't be the one
That you want
That has stolen my world
It's not real, it's not right
It's my day, it's my night
By the way
Who's that girl living my life?
Oh no, living my life


who's that girl - Hilary Duff.. ahahahaha she so totally rocks.. ! xd

that's all for today,
the fluffy marsh_mallow heart heart heart heart

p.s. did i mention that i'm going to new zealand tomorrow? yahooooooooo!

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A Christmas Eve to Remember...
Hey all,
nothing much had happened all week from that oh-so-boring two-hour lunchtime on the last day of school.. until today

well.. it started pretty normally...
i got up at like 9am.. blaugh 'tis the holidays after all... and yeah did the usual morning stuff.. and had brekkie and went on the computer... and had a chat with some friends on msn.. all was well..
and my family went out shopping for a couple of hours.. then when they came back.. i had to do lots of chores..
ok, maybe not lots.. but a couple to keep me going for like 1 1/2 hours...
then came lunch.. and then i had to go with my mum to the city to collect our tickets to new zealand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
then it started to get kinda crazy....
ok, first.. my mum kinda took 15 minutes trying to decide where to park the car.. and then she finally found a place..
then we went straight to the travel agent in Chinatown.. it was a long walk.. took 30 mins..
then spent 45 minutes there.. sheesh.. it was kinda crazy.. the plane tickets costed about $2900... and there was all this crazy thing about money... my mum thought she had $3000 in the envelope.. but there was only $2900.. so we spent 15-20 mins counting the money numerous times... sweatdrop sheesh.. in the end, my mum phoned my dad.. and we found out that he had taken out $100 coz we only needed $2900... i mean.... SHEESH!!!! sweatdrop sweatdrop
and then.. when we finished up there.. we went into this other shop to buy a $10 phone card that my dad wanted....... and then it started raining..
it rained... and rained... and rained..
well actually.. it started off raining lightly..
by the time we were a third of the way back to the car.. it started getting much heavier.... so then we stood under a bus shelter... waiting for the rain to start getting lighter again.. we stood there for like 10 mins.. before we got a little impatient... 3nodding then we decided to continue walking the wretched-car-which-was-too-far-away... yup.. we continued walking.. walking.. walking.. looking like two crazy, soaking wet lunatics walking in the rain.. oh.. woops.. i forgot to mention that we didn't have an umbrella..
we kept walking and walking and walking.. and then suddenly.. there was this guy- who i think was drunk..................................... he came up to me.. (i was walking a little behind my mum..).. yeah.. or rather, he jogged up to me.. and handed me a random piece of paper with numbers on the front like those lotto papers.. and it said "Merry Christmas" on the back.. and his name (i think....) and a mobile number... and he kept saying "Merry Christmas" continuously.. (my mum and i had stopped there.. i didn't know whether or not i should run from this creepy man....).. and then he said to my mum.. "take care of her..".. this guy was kinda weird... i think it would be safe to assume that this guy was drunk.... eek
and then he went away.. oh yeah.. i forgot to mention that he patted me on the back... eek eek
yup.. and then he went away.. and my mum and i continued walking ... talking about what the man was going on about....
and at this *wonderful* moment.. it started pouring... sweatdrop
by then, my shirt was all wet.. and so were my jeans.. and my socks were starting to get wet.........
and then while it was pouring.. we ran to another bus shelter.. and this guy who was sitting there with his brown umbrella.. was looking at us with this strange look on his face.. i wouldn't blame him.. coz we looked like lunatics.. all soaking wet.. xd
we stood there for like another 5 mins.. before we were off walking again... on our long journey back to the car.. xd
and then we got to this * d a r n * traffic light.. which we were going to cross.. it was pouring.. we were all wet.. the * s t u p i d * traffic light crossing thingo.. sheesh.. we were waiting for the s t u p i d little green man to appear...... s h e e s h ..... then we got even more *soaking wet*.. if that's possible...
then finally we crossed.. then i saw this lady holdy two umbrellas.. sheesh! one person holding TWO umbrellas!!!!!!!!! i seriously felt like running up to her and asking her whether or not i could have her umbrella... xd
but in the end.... refrained from embarrassing myself... 3nodding
and then nothing much else happened on the rest of the way back home.... hehe.. my mum and i were soaked to the bone.. by the time we got back to the car.. xd
i looked like i had, had a shower with my clothes on... seriously. whee
then my mum got us lost -while driving home.. sheesh.. and then after 15 mins of driving around aimlessly, we (or rather her..) found our way back again.........
oh, i forgot to mention that while my mum and i were in the city.. there was this guy (i think he would be called a plumber... blaugh )... he came to our house to fix our broken sewage system.. (is that what you call it? all those pipes under the house that carry water from sinks and *stuff* from the toilets..?)... yeah well.. ours was broken and blocked.........
yup.. he finished fixing it by the time my mum and i got home..
and then my dad announced that his passport was extremely close to expiring.. like umm.. 'twould expire at the end of our holiday to new zealand........ that would mean that if we were lucky.. we could still go to new zealand... but i don't think we can........... crying crying crying crying crying crying crying crying
i was SO excited about the trip...!!! crying crying crying crying crying crying crying crying crying
i sure hope we can still go... that's my christmas wish this year... i sincerely hope that we can still go to new zealand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

'tis christmas eve... the night before christmas...
not a creature was stiring... NOT!! blaugh it's not exactly quiet around here at the moment.... blaugh blaugh blaugh blaugh
mum's cooking dinner.. i don't think there'll be anything particularly special about tonight's dinner.... xp oh well..
*sings* - all i want for christmas is to go to new zealand.................... NOT my two front teeth.. actually i already got my two front teeth years ago... xd

my hands are getting tired from all this typing... sweatdrop
have a very Merry Christmas and a *jolly* New Year!!!!
Happy holidays!!!!!!!!!!!!!

a soaking wet marsh_mallow heart heart heart

tra-la-la.. what another week... *hehe*
hey all,
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! vampire_witch is leaving my school... waaaaa!!!!!!! crying crying crying crying crying crying i'm gonna miss her sooo much! All the luck to her!
oh and to vampire_witch: you know how i was supposed to clean out your locker? well.. *hehe* i kind of forgot your pressie in there from april.. and yeah.. i won't be able to get it until next year.. coz your locker key is at home.. and mr. cleaver - incharge of lockers - isn't here today... please don't kill me.. eek
oh.. and i'm gonna miss you SOOOO much!!!!!!!! crying crying crying crying
oh yeah... and i am so stupid.. coz i forgot to give you your christmas card.. *woops*.. i'll mail it to you....

anyways.. umm... went shopping on saturday... bought a pair of *too-long* earrings... they're silver and have stars on them.. and yeah.. i'm wearing them at the moment.. xd yeah.. went on a shopping spree...
on sunday.. i did like nothing.. hehe.. went ont he internet for nearly all day.. and got busted by my parents... heheheh sweatdrop and i talked to vampire_witch on the phone for like half an hour.. would have been longer if she didn't have to go.....
monday - bludge day.. hehee... twas the second last day of school... and did like no work.. had a maths class party.. ate ice cream/ice-blocks in english.... and went on the computers for woodwork.. hehe.. a bludge day alright.. xp
today.... another bludge day... had drama - 'twas fun for once..., then watched this funny movie in french called Le Fugitifs.. hehe.. it was funny.. and kinda sad too.... it was a laugh.. then instead of sport.. we mucked around on the computer for a bit... and then lunch.. and i'm still in lunch... sheesh.. because of a teachers' luncheon thingo .. we have like a *2-hour* lunch... and i've been mucking around on the computer for quite a while... it's been 1 hour and 35 minutes... hehehhee.. still a while to go... 25 minutes to go... gosh.. it's getting so boring....

*dates to remember* blaugh
25th dec - christmas day
26th dec - boxing day.. and my family are going to have this christmas barbeque.. hope it will be lots of fun! blaugh blaugh
27th dec - post-christmas shopping spree!!! blaugh blaugh blaugh
31st dec - New Zealand - here i come! blaugh blaugh i can't wait!
10th Jan - going to the movies with this guy and vampire_witch... it's going to be a scary day.... sad sad sad all thanks to vampire_witch.. more about it in a later entry.. xp
21st jan - REUNION!!!! my year 6 class is going to have this reunion at an ice-skating rink... blaugh hope lots of people come! and hope it's lots of fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!! blaugh blaugh *grinz*
26th jan - Australia Day & daddy's b'day! xd wonder what to get him...
27th jan - brother's b'day... wonder what to get him too.. xd
31st jan - brother starts first of high school... hehe.. wonder if he'll have fun... blaugh
1st feb - i'm going to start year 9!!! hehee.. i'm so BIG!! going to be a senior soon... well.. we get to wear senior skirts in term 4 - year 9.... sweatdrop ah well... we'll be seniors in year 10.. and that doesn't seem very far any more... blaugh

that's all for my little calendar for a while.. xd
ah well... i'm getting really bored now... 15 more minutes of lunch... xp
i guess that's all for now.. xd

a happy marsh_mallow heart heart

p.s. i don't have another song i'm really into at the moment.... xd whee well.. that i haven't posted about already... blaugh

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whoa.. what a week...
hey all,
hmmmmz... what to talk about..
well.. did nothing on the weekend, had a merit assembly on monday (and had a couple of seriously *literally* breath-taking rehearsals for choir.. as the song was ridiculously high.... eek eek )...
tuesday - was presentation assembly... and it was really HOT..! and choir had to sing so many songs................
and then, that afternoon, we got our school reports and the Chronicle....
i didn't do too badly in my report.. blaugh blaugh blaugh i got only 2 under average!! woohoo! go me!! blaugh blaugh blaugh blaugh blaugh and i got all *excellents*...!!
blaugh blaugh blaugh blaugh blaugh blaugh blaugh blaugh blaugh meh.. i always get all *excellents..* and i'm going to keep that up! xd
and today... played games in latin.... actually had to do work in Mr. Cleaver's math class... folded HiHo's for french - gee that was boring.. sweatdrop ... and then we watched Whale Rider in english... it was sooo sad... crying crying crying crying crying crying crying crying crying crying crying crying crying crying crying crying crying crying ... but at least it had a happy ending..! biggrin biggrin biggrin
in FISH (ISCF) today, we had a party and did a skit on what the true meaning of Christmas is - Jesus blaugh , and we had lots of chips and chocolate!!! blaugh blaugh blaugh blaugh and kylie ( a FISH leader...) made these really nice Christmas cards, which she gave to each of us.. she was sooo nice for making them... and they're really pretty too! Thanks Kylie!!! blaugh blaugh blaugh blaugh blaugh blaugh blaugh

oh.. and last night, i had the most random conversation with vampire_witch, and this creepy guy who still likes me though he hasn't seen me for 2 years.. sheesh.. what a creep..
oh, and vampire_witch is COMPLETELY and UTTERLY insane for even setting it up.... sweatdrop sweatdrop


In these eyes, Were the words more than
Anything that I've spoken
As the skies, Turn to grey my heart's
Just about to crack open

So the story goes
There's something you should know
Before I walk away and I blow the ending

I never want to be without you
Oh I go here I go now you know
What I feel about you
There's no runnin'
I must of been wrong about you
Oh no there I go no control
And I'm fallin' so now you know

Feel so light, Craving not searchin'
All this truth's left me empty
When you run, Can you handle it
'Cause I need you to tell me

Maybe this is bold
But I'm hoping you will stay for the happy ending

I never want to be without you
Oh I go here you go now I know
What I feel about you
There's no runnin'
I must of been wrong about you
Oh no there I go no control
And I'm fallin' so now you know

No I won't look back when I tell you what I think about you (2x)

So the story goes, Yeah, you already know
So don't be a fool and go spoil the ending

I never want to be without you
Oh I go here you go now I know
What I feel about you
There's no runnin'
I must of been wrong about you
Oh no there I go no control
And I'm fallin' so now you know


- Now You Know, Hilary Duff
luv that song.. blaugh

newayz, dat's all for today..
the happy marsh_mallow heart heart

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