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My journal! yay! This journal will all be random, so deal with it.

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ZOMG! I TOTALLY forgot i had a journal! I'm sorry my dear fans! I'll try to respond more quickly! sweatdrop

So, school's started... for over a couple of weeks now (sorry for the delay) and everything isn't exactly going smoothly but it's better than what i've thought. Yeah, Chemistry is being a real b***h >< I kinda have no clue what's going on. Luckily i have Jacob and Shauna to help me, so it's all good 3nodding I almost have my drivers lisence too now. So close, but so far! *chases after floating drivers lisence*

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Yep, it's almost time for school... this summer felt really short, but i got to many good memoriable things ^^ Visit family in asia... Get married... Getting guitar hero... yeah xd

Our Wedding Ceremony
Oh how exciting it was! We actually finished it about 8 minutes ago xd IT took about 13 minutes for Jin to put it all together and edit it, but he was so good! ^^ I believe he just copied and pasted most of it, but at least it wasn't boring X3

Before the wedding, it was a normal day with my fiance until we started discussing about our vows... then Jin was online and i had a great idea of getting married today! So after about 30 minutes of getting the best outfit on with most exciting underwear underneath, we were abe to look quite snazzy when it started. Jin helped A LOT by supporting us with 5100-something gold X3 I need to thank Jin so much... If it wasn't for him, i'd probably have killed myself by now. Thank you for being there for me like an older brother Jin. I love you so much ^^ but not as much as my wife whee sweatdrop

We decided to do it at my wife's house... by 'Do' i mean the wedding... and soon after we did 'it' xd Ok, we didn't yet, but i bet one day we will X3 Then I started talking about our kids, and how the government will make a DNA splicer to create children from gay parents heart

During the wedding, my wife screwed up on the ring part xd It was pretty funny but she felt bad afterward so i had to comfort her. Then when the vows came, she was quiet for a little while... maybe she fell asleep X3 i don't know. I mean, it is a 5 hour time difference between her and me, and we got married at like, 11:45 PM, so... yeah... still not telling you her name ^^

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My heart raced when the woman i love said (rather typed) the words of matromony across my screen. It was cute, and odd at the same time. I actually would never have guessed that she would do something such as this heart

It was around midnight, so it was technically July 4th, 2007. We had just sent Personal Messages to each other (one about how our day was going, one with some fun sweatdrop heart , and another slowly becoming fun heart ) when i purposefully blurted out, "I wonder if our marriage- err- relationship will ever fall apart *shifts eyes*" as a mere joke... Ok, so i actually meant it but pretended it to be a joke. After a few more messages, she asks a question saying that's she's worried about my answer. I reply with my "Shoots, brah" kine attitude xd (A slang known as 'Pidgin' for you tourists who are not familiar with the Hawaiian culture) So she decides to go with it and types, "*Looks at you and pauses for a moment, thinking about if i should or not* if you think i should *gets down on one knee and takes your hand in mine* baby, will you be my secret, online wife?? *bites my lip, worried of what you'll say, and blushes*"

The message she sent put me into shock! I felt so happy, amazed, and befuddled at the same time. If it wasn't midnight, i would've squeled for joy!... Ok, maybe not cuz it's online, but it's better than nothing! I, of course, replied with an "I Do" and we've become engaged. heart Since it's a secret, i basically broke half of the secret, but i won't wpoil it and say who it was who proposed to me heart

All i'm worried about is who i can get to be the priest to join us in holy matromony... I'm thinking Jin, cuz he's the most spiritually powered guy i know... which is sad, cuz he's not that great of a christian, but he most likely does know most of the wedding speech thingy whee Hopefully my... (I can't believe i'm saying this) fiancé whee 4laugh heart blaugh sweatdrop will agree with me upon this chioce, if not get someone she knows xd

Well, this is Uriko, your friendly neighborhood freak of nature signing off ^^

Best of You - Foo Fighters
Another song I love! ^^

I've got another confession to make...
I'm your fool...
Everyone's got their chains to break...
Holding you...

Were you born to resist, or be abused
Is someone getting
the best, the best, the best, the best of you.
Is someone getting
the best, the best, the best, the best of you.
Are you gone and on to someone new

I needed somewhere to hang my head
Without your noose..
You gave me something that I didn't have
But had no use...
I was too weak to give in, too strong to lose
My heart is under arrest again
But I break loose
My head is giving me life or death
But I can't choose
I swear I'll never give in
and I refuse.

Is someone getting
the best, the best, the best, the best of you.
Is someone getting
the best, the best, the best, the best of you.

Has someone taken your faith - it's real
The pain you feel
Your trust - you must confess
Is someone getting
the best, the best, the best, the best of you.
Is someone getting
the best, the best, the best, the best of you.

(ohhhhhhhh oh oh... Ohhhhh oh oh!
ohhhhhhhh oh oh... OHHHHHHH!!!)

Has someone taken you faith - it's real!
The pain you feel!
The Life! The Love! You die to heal
The hope, that stops, the broken hearts!
Your trust, you must confess!

Is someone getting
the best, the best, the best, the best of you.
Is someone getting
the best, the best, the best, the best of you.

I've got another confession my friend
I'm no fool
Im getting tired of startin' again
somewhere new
Wouldn't wanna resist, or be abused...
I swear I'll never give in
and I refuse...

Is someone getting
the best, the best, the best, the best of you.
Is someone getting
the best, the best, the best, the best of you.
Has someone taken you faith - it's real!
The pain you feel! Your trust, You must confess
Is someone getting
the best, the best, the best, the best of you.

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I Want to Love You Madly - By Cake
Well, i love Cake (the band and the food), and i just felt like posting this song up ^^ Sorry if i ruined the lon slew of "A Cursed Love" Entries sweatdrop

I don't want to wonder if this a blunder
I don't want to worry whether we're going to stay together till we die
i don't want to jump in unless this music's thumpin
all the dishes rattle in the cupboards when the elephants arrive

i want to love you madly
i want to love you now (i want to love you)
i want to love you madly (wait)
I want to love you love you love you madly

i don't want to fake it, i just want to make it
the ornaments look pretty but they're pulling down the branches of the tree
i don't want to think about it, i don't want to talk about it
when i kiss your lips i want to sink down to the bottom of the sea

i want to love you madly
i want to love you now (yeah)
i want to love you madly (wait)
i want to love you, love you, love you madly

i don't want to hold back, i don't want to slip down
i don't want to think back to the one thing that i know i should have done
i don't want to doubt you, know everything about you
i don't want to sit across the table from you wishing i could run

i want to love you madly
i want to love you now
i want to love you madly (oh wait)
i want to love you, love you, love you madly

A Cursed Love Part 4
“Jenny?” Kira said in a dull voice. “The name of the moon is Jenny?”
“Oh, so you know it was the moon?” her father asked.
“Of course! How else would the moon NOT be there.” Kira explained.
“Alright. Well, time for you to go to bed. I’ll continue the story later.”
“Goodnight Kira.”
“Goodnight Dad”

Part 2
Atticus sat back down on the stump and the mysterious woman named Jenny sat next to him. It wasn’t exactly sitting though. She had crossed her legs and went into a sitting position, but she levitated the same height as Atticus had sat, making them both stay at eyelevel. There was a moment of silence when Jenny asked, “Is something wrong?”
“Err, well…” Atticus didn’t know what to say. For years he could talk to moon as if it was a living, breathing, being… and now… it IS a living, breathing, being. “It’s just that… I never really expected this to become real… I mean, I actually kind of fantasized it, but it was more of a dream rather a reality.”
Jenny smiled and laughed, “Actually… I feel the same… I am not even supposed to even be here…”
“What?” Atticus had no idea what she meant by that.
“The Order will not like that I came down to the earth just to be with a mortal…” Jenny explained.
“The Order?” Atticus asked.
“Yes, the Order of the Gods. You know of the Gods and Goddesses of the planet? As you may know, I am the Goddess of the moon. The people call me Luna, but I my real name is Jennifer.”
“Jennifer doesn’t exactly suit the name of a Goddess…”
“Hah… I know… but I am part of the order and must obey their rules.”
“But… You’re not obeying their rules…?”
“I guess I'm not… The Order is full of stuck up jerks who can’t take a vacation.”
“I would never think a God or Goddess would say something like that…”
“You’d think that, wouldn’t you?” Jenny made smile with her moth, but her eyes still looked as though she was in pain. “Many of the Gods need to live together in harmony, but so many of them hate each other. Luckily I don’t exactly interfere with anyone except Arundel, or the jerk of the sea. He seriously needs to calm down…” Jenny then stood up and said, “UGH! It’s always, ‘No! I should control the waves! Why let the moon have the job which I am the God of?’ and then father Nemphis is like, ‘Because I command it! I control all! A hur hur hur!” Jenny sat back down with a plop but this time actually hit the ground.
Atticus was slightly confused but understood the gist of it. Apparently this Arundel guy has a grudge against Jenny and the main God is trying to stop a battle between the moon and the sea.
“Why does Arundel want to control the seas so badly?” Atticus thought out loud.
“Because anything water based he thinks he should control. Of course if he did then their would just be tidal waves everywhere. Thank Nemphis that he doesn’t also control the freaking rain.” Jenny explained.
“For a Goddess, you’re pretty laid back…” Atticus smiled.
“I suppose you’re right… Then again, all I do is make waves and view the world from my boring little house above the planet.” Jenny slowly levitated back to her original sitting position and height and looked back at Atticus.
“So… Why is, or rather, why will the Order be mad at you? Don’t the Gods come down and visit the land they protect and walk amongst the people?” Atticus wondered.
“Only Nemphis and Melina get to walk among the mortals because their ‘The Parents of the Gods’.” Jenny said making her middle finger and her pointer finger of each hand move up and down.
Atticus was becoming more and more interested in her story now and asked, “And why are you here? To be with… me?”
Jenny seemed to have blushed once Atticus mentioned himself about the reason of her appearance. She seemed to have turned the other way and then looked back at Atticus. “The other God’s will beat me once they find out I'm here on the planet… I mean, I'm not even supposed to be here no matter what; especially for a mortal man that I lov—” Jenny quickly gasped and covered her mouth and faded away and reappeared back on the lake 20 feet away.
Atticus slightly blushed as he heard this and the feeling of amusement, embarrassment, shock, and excitement overwhelmed him. He coughed and sat him and scratched his head. He then looked up and locked eyes with Jenny who was still hovering above the lake with her hands on her mouth. She may have been 20 feet away, but her beet red face was clearly visible around her white, gray, and black uniform. After a short moment of silence, she slowly floated back over to Atticus. Although she was 3 feet in front of him, she was still silent as ever and was still blushing, although at a lighter shade. Atticus smiled and moved over on the stump and signaled Jenny to sit down next to him by patting the empty part of the stump. She lightly nodded and sat next to Atticus without uttering a single peep.
An arm suddenly but gently brought Jenny close to Atticus and she felt his head upon hers. Atticus closed his eyes and then whispered, “I love you too…” ever so softly into Jenny’s ear. She deeply blushed again and slowly laid her head upon his shoulder and they sat there snuggled against each other for some time.

“Awww… That sounds so sweet…” Kira remarked.
“Yes it does… They stayed like that for about 2 hours, not saying a word, just lying upon each other staring off in the distance. There were cold gusts but that just made Jenny and Atticus huddle even closer.” Atticus told.
“What happens next?”

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A Cursed Love Part 3
Atticus slowly began to let go of the Woman and ask, “Who are you? This is the first time we’ve ever met and yet you know my name… and you seem so familiar too…”
The woman smiled and wiped a tear from her eye and laughed, “I'm sorry. That was quite rude of me… Atticus, will you look in the sky for me please?”
“The… sky?” With that, Atticus stared up at the sky and saw nothing but stars. “It looks the same to m- wha?!”

“What was it?!” Kira yelled.
“Calm down! Listen, it’s time you go to bed! You have school tomorrow and I don’t want you failing classes.”
“Aww! Don’t be like that! Finish the story! Finish it or else I’ll be forced to stay awake and wonder just what happened!”
“Ok… fine… I’ll tell you what happened, but the rest is for tomorrow. Ok?”
“Alright… well, what Atticus saw was…”

“There’s no moon… but how can that be… moons don’t simply vanish out of thin air… unless…”
“Yes… Atticus. I have heard every story you told me, every song you sang, and every joke you told. As for who I am, well, many people have given me many names. But I like to go by… Jenny.”

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