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Inside The Mind Of A Phoenix
One of the many names that I'm called is "Dragon Guardian." I guard and protect all the dragons. There are several different kinds of dragons. There are chrome, gem, metallic, planar, and faerunian dragons. They all hail from different planes. I have picked up some info from various sources of some of the dragons. Feel free to read.

Chrome Dragons

Chromatic dragons make up the evil branch of dragonkind. The are agreesive, greedy, vain and generally down right nasty!

Black Dragon (Water) (Chaotic Evil)

Black dragons are evil tempered, cunning and malevolent, characteristics that are reflected in their crafty and sinister faces. They are sometimes known as "Skull Dragons" due to their deep socketed eyes and distinctive nasal openings. Adding to the skeletal appearance is the gradual deterioration of hide around the horn base and the cheekbones. This increases with age and doesn't harm the dragon. On hatching, a black dragon's scales are thin, small, and glossy. As the dragon ages, they become thicker, larger, and duller. Helping it to camouflage itself in its preferred hunting ground, which more often than not are swamps and marshes.
Black dragons lair in large, damp caves and multi chambered subterranean caverns. They smell of rotting vegetation and stagnant water, with an acidic undertone. Older dragons hide the entrances to their lairs using plants. The black dragons primarily dine on fish, molluscs and other aquatic creatures. On occasions they hunt for red meat but allow it to pickle in the ponds of stagnant water in their lairs before eating it.

A black dragon's breath weapon its spitting out lines or gouts of acid depending on age.

Blue Dragon (Electricity) (Lawful Evil)

Blue dragons are incredibly vain and territorial. They are one of the dragon varieties best adapted to digging in the sand. The blue dragon is distinguished by dramatic ear frills and a massive single horn on its snout. Its scales vary in colour from an iridescent azure through to a deep indigo, polished to a glossy finish by blowing desert sands. The size of the scale increases only a little as the dragon ages although they do become thicker and harder. Their hides tend to hum and crackle with static electricity. These effects intensify when the dragon is angry or about to attack, giving off a strong scent of sand and ozone. Their vibrant colours make blue dragons easy to spot in barren landscapes however they often burrow into the ground so that only their heads are visible. Blue dragons love to soar in hot desert air, usually flying in the daytime when the temperatures are at their highest. Some but not all blue dragons match the colour of the sky and use this coloration to their advantage.
Blue dragons build their lairs in vast underground caverns. They are sometime forced to eat lizards snakes and plants to sate their hunger but they prefer herd animals such as camels and take pleasure in cooking them with their lightening breath.

A blue dragon's breath weapon is a bolt of lightening which increases in strength with age.

Brown Dragon (Earth) (Neutral Evil but some exceptions have been found)

Brown dragons, also known as great desert dragons, are ferocious, wingless dragons that burrow beneath the desert sands. Brown dragons have scales the colour of desert sands, ranging from a dim brown at hatching to almost white in old age. They have small webbed claws that are well developed for digging and very large very long snouts. Their scales are leathery unlike other dragons and not as hard as other dragons hide.
While intelligent brown dragons view humans as their kin and as their food, and find the idea of conversing with their food peculiar. They can subsist on a mineral diet even sand for long periods of time, but prefer meat, especially horses. Brown dragons carve out vast caverns deep below the desert sands and are the hated enemies of blue dragons. The two types are continually battling over territory.

A brown dragon's breath weapon is a line or gout of acid, just like a black's.

Green Dragons (Air) (Lawful Evil)

Green dragons are aggressive and tend to attack without provocation. Their fierce toothy jaws and arrogant crests warn others of their aggressive nature. A green wyrmling's scales are thin, very small and vary from a very deep shape of green to almost black. The scales grow larger and lighten with age varying from emerald, forest and olive green, which help them blend into their wooded surroundings. Clusters of hornlets at the brows and chin enhance their fearsome appearance.
Green dragons make their lairs in forests; the older the forest and the bigger the trees the better. They prefer caves in cliffs or hillsides and can be detected by the stinging odour of chlorine. Although they are known to eat practically anything, including shrubs and small trees when they are hungry enough they especially prize elves and sprits.

A green dragon's breath weapon is a cone of acidic gases, which increases in size an potency with age.

Red Dragon – (Fire) (Chaotic Evil)

Red dragons are the most covetous of all dragons, forever seeking to increase their treasure hoards. They are exceptionally vain, which is reflected in their proud bearing and disdainful expression. The scales of wyrmlings are small and bright glossy scarlet in colour, making them easily spotted by their enemies so they stay underground and don’t venture outside until they are more able to take care of themselves. As they age their scales turn a deeper red and a smooth dull finish replaces the glossy finish. As the dragon ages the scales also become thicker and larger and stronger than most metals. The neck frill and wings are an ash blue or purple-grey towards the edges and they to darken with age. The pupils of a red dragon also fade with age and in the oldest reds they look like orbs of molten lava.
Red dragons lair in large caves that extend deep into the earth, which shimmer with the heat of their bodies and that of magma chambers and are marked by a sulphurous smoky odour. However, they always have a high perch somewhere nearby from which to haughtily survey their territory, which they consider to be everything within sight. This high perch often intrudes into a silver dragon’s territory, for this reason reds and silvers are often bitter enemies. Red dragons are meat eaters by preference and their favourite meals are humans and young elves. Sometimes they charm villagers into regularly sacrificing maidens to them.

A red dragon’s breath weapon is a cone or gout of fire, depending on their age.

White Dragon – (Ice) (Chaotic Evil)

Among the smallest and least intelligent of dragon kind are the white dragons. Most of them are simply animalistic predators but there are always exceptions to this. Their faces expresses single minded ferocity rather than the shrewdness of their more powerful relatives. The scales of a white wyrmlings glisten like mirrors. As the dragon ages the sheen disappears and by very old age, pale blue and light grey scales pockmark the white hide. A white dragon is distinguished by a beaked, created head and a faint, crisp chemical odour.
Whites usually lair in icy caves and deep subterranean chambers that open away from the warming rays of the sun. Although white dragons, as like all other dragons, are able to eat almost anything, they are very particular and will consume only food that has been frozen first. Any prey that it freezes with its breath weapon it eats there and then, otherwise its stores its kills in snow banks until they are suitably frozen. White dragons tend to avoid fighting other dragons but as always there is always an exception to the rule.

A white dragon’s breath weapon is a cone of cold, which increases in power as the dragon grows older.

Gem Dragons

The gem dragons are the neutral branch of dragonkind. They all posses psionic powers but to most their pyschic talents are indistinguishable from sorcery. Gem dragons tend to be aloof, solitary and self centred.

Amethyst Dragon – (Earth) (True Neutral)

Amethyst dragons are wise and regal. They sometimes serve as intermediaries between warring dragons. An amethyst dragon has lavender skin and scales that are shaped like naturally formed mineral crystals. When it first hatches its scales are a light translucent purple shade. As the dragon ages the scales gradually darken and take on a crystalline quality. Amethysts live in deep underground caves and have a staple diet of minerals.

An amethyst dragon has one breath weapon and that is a line of concussive force.

Crystal Dragon – (Air) (Chaotic Neutral)

Crystal dragons are the friendliest of the gem dragons. They are always curious about the world, so they enthusiastically converse with willing visitors. A crystal wyrmling’s scales are glossy white. As it ages the scales become translucent. Moonlight and starlight cause them to become luminescent and full sunlight lends them a dazzling brilliance.
Crystal dragons live in incredible ice palaces atop high, cold mountain peaks, where they can watch the stars and create sculptures out of ice and snow. Whites and crystals often come into conflict and crystal dragons are known for making off with white dragon eggs to foster the white wyrmlings and help them grow into friendlier dragons that they would otherwise become. Such white dragons are extremely rare but exist nevertheless.

A crystal dragon’s breath weapon is a cone of brilliant light, which temporarily blinds its opponent.

Emerald Dragon – (Air) (Lawful Neutral)

Emerald dragons are inquisitive, particularly about local history and customs. These dragons are rather paranoid so developing even a passing acquaintance with one can be quite difficult. The scales of an emerald wyrmling are a translucent sea green and as it ages the scales harden and take on every imaginable shade of green from deep emerald to mint, and the scale scintillate in even the dimmest light. The emerald’s eyes fade as it grows older and in the oldest dragons they are nothing but featureless glowing green orbs. Emerald’s like to live in areas close to an area that is partly inhabited by civilized beings, such dragons tend to make their lairs in either extinct or seldom active volcanoes.

An emerald dragon’s breath weapon is a cone of keening sonic energy, which it uses to deafen and disable opponents.

Sapphire Dragon – (Earth) (Lawful Neutral)

Sapphire dragons are quite territorial, particularly when it comes to other dragons that intrude on their territories. Sapphires tend to be anti social towards all beings but view anything of evil alignment as an enemy and sometimes go into direct conflict with them over matters concerning territory. These dragons don’t go for small talk unless the discussion revolves around a military strategy, a subject on which they consider themselves experts, if not geniuses. In fact a sapphire dragon may forgive and intruder if the intruder offers it a game of strategy. Of course it is never wise to let the dragon lose.
A sapphire’s scales range from light to dark blue in colour and they scintillate in any light, creating a cascade of ghostly glints on the walls of their cave lairs. Unlike other dragons a sapphire’s scales do not change colour as it ages. Only its eye change and they fade in time to featureless glowing orbs of sapphire. Sapphire dragons like to lair in deep, dry, rocky caverns and often share their lairs with their favourite prey.

A sapphire dragon’s breath weapon is a cone of near inaudible sonic energy which it uses to panic it opponents.

Topaz Dragon – (Water) (Chaotic Neutral)

Topaz dragons tend to be unfriendly and selfish. Though they are not malevolent, their erratic behaviour makes any dealings with them unpleasant and dangerous. A topaz wyrmling’s scales are dull yellow with orange highlights. As it ages its colour brightens until the individual scales become scarcely visible. From a distance the dragon looks as if it had been sculpted from pure topaz. A Topaz’s eyes fade as it ages, so that by the time it’s a great wyrm its eyes resemble swirling orbs of fire.
Topaz dragons, lair on secluded beaches or caves below the waterline. These dragons love to lounge on outcroppings, which are lashed by waves and wind-blasted sea spray. Of course such vantage points allow them to spot passing prey such as sharks and large squids. They inhabit similar territories to bronzes the two species often come into conflict. Duels between the two are fierce and deadly

Topaz dragons have one breath weapon and that is a cone of dehydration.

Metallic Dragons

Metallic dragons make up the good branch of dragonkind but are every bit as aggressive as their evil cousins when threatened or challenged. They also tend to be covetous and proud.

Brass Dragon – (Fire) (Chaotic Good)

Brass dragons are talkative and have supple, expressive lips. They love to gossip and when it comes to sharing information concerning other dragons they will only do so after a long rambling conversation and hinting for a gift. Upon hatching a brass dragon’s scales are a dull, mottled brown. As the dragon gets older, the scales become more brassy until they reach a warm burnished appearance. Their grand head plates are smooth and metallic, and they sport bladed chin horns that grow sharper with age. Wings and frills are a mottled green towards the edges, which darken with age. As the dragon ages its pupils fade until they resemble pools of molten metal.
Brass dragons love intense, dry heat and spend most of their time basking in the desert sun. Their presence is accompanied by a tangy metallic or sandy smell. They lair in high caves, preferably facing the east so that they can enjoy the warmth of the sun’s morning rays and their territories always contain several spots where they can sunbathe and trap unwary travellers in conversation. Brass dragons can and will eat almost anything if the need arises. They normally consume very little. They are able to get their nourishment from the morning dew, a rare food in their habitat and have been seen lifting it off plants with their long tongues. Brass dragons share their habitat with both blues and browns and thus the three types are worst enemies. The large blues and browns have the advantage over brasses in one-on-one confrontations so the weaker brass will evade confrontation until it can rally its neighbours for a mass attack.

Brass Dragons have two breath weapons, cone of sleep and they spit lines or gouts of fire depending on their age.

Bronze Dragon – (Water/Electricity) (Lawful Good)

Bronze dragons are inquisitive and enjoy polymorphing into smaller animals. They are fascinated by war and will eagerly join an army for a good cause. A bronze wyrmling’s scales are yellow tinged with green showing only the tiniest hint of bronze. As the dragon approaches adulthood its colour deepens to a darker rich bronze tone and the very old dragons develop a blue-black tint to the edges of their scales. Being powerful swimmers they have webbed feet and smooth flat scales. A bronze’s pupils fade as the dragon ages and in the oldest of bronzes they resemble glowing green orbs
Bronzes love to be near deep pools of fresh or salt water. They often visit the depths to cool off or hunt. They prefer caves that are only accessible from the water but their lairs always remain dry. A faint smell of sea spray lingers about them. Bronzes love nothing better than to feast on aquatic plants and some varieties of fish, they particularly prize shark meat and have been known to eat the occasional pearl.

A bronze dragon has two breath weapons cone of repulsion and bolt of lightening.

Copper Dragon – (Earth) (Chaotic Good)

Most copper dragons are incorrigible pranksters, joke tellers and riddlers. Most are good-natured but have a covetous miserly streak. They are powerful jumpers and climbers with massive thighs and shoulders. In hatching, a copper dragon’s scales have a distinct ruddy colour with a slight metallic tint. As the dragon ages the scales become finer and copperier, assuming a soft warm gloss by the time the dragon is a young adult. The scales of very old coppers pick up a green tint and their pupils fade until they resemble glowing orbs of turquoise in the great copper wyrms.
Copper dragons like dry rock uplands and mountains. They lair in narrow caves and conceal the entrances using rocks and rubble. Coppers are determined hunters and consider the sport as important as the food. They are known to eat everything and anything including metal ores. Above all else they prize poisonous creatures such as scorpions, they claim that the poison sharpens their wit and they are the only type of dragon that can stomach these types of creatures and remain unaffected by the poisons. Coppers often inhabit hills insight of red dragon lairs and conflicts between the two are inevitable. The smaller coppers usually run for cover until they can either even up the odds or work cooperatively with a silver to subdue the red.

A copper has two breath weapons a cone of slowing gas and a line or gout of acid depending on the age of the dragon.

Gold Dragon – (Fire) (Lawful Good)

Gold dragons are graceful, sinuous, and wise. They hate injustice and foul play, often embarking on self-appointed quests to promote good. On hatching, a gold wyrmling’s scales are dark yellow in colour with tiny flecks of gold. These flecks get larger as the dragon matures until the scales become completely golden. A gold dragon’s face is sagacious and whiskered; as they age their pupils fade until they resemble orbs of molten gold. They are also distinguished by the smell of incense and saffron. The lairs of golds are always secluded and always made of stone, be they caves or castle ruins. Conflicts between golds and chromatic dragons, the gold will always attempt to parley first if that fails then a fight is inevitable, The gold is the largest of all known dragons and almost always has the upper hand in a fight.

A gold dragon has two breath weapons a cone of fire (superheated steam when underwater) and a cone of weakening gas.

Silver Dragon – (Air) (Lawful Good – sometimes Chaotic Good)

Silver dragons are regal and statuesque. They will cheerfully assist other good creature and other good dragons who are in genuine need. A silver wyrmling’s scales are a blue-grey with silver highlights. As the dragon approaches adulthood its colour slowly brightens, until the individual scales are scarcely visible. From a distance these dragons look as if they have been sculpted from pure metal. They are sometimes known as ‘Shield Dragons’ because of the silvery plates on their heads. As a silver dragon grows older, its pupils fade until in the oldest they resemble orbs of swirling mercury.
Silver dragons seem to prefer human company to their own and often have mortal companions, on occasions even forming deep friendships. Silver dragons have a taste for human food and can live off it indefinitely. Due to the fact that they lair in similar territories to reds fights between the two are furious and deadly, the silvers generally gain the upper hand by working together against their foes, occasionally with human allies.

A silver dragon has two breath weapons, cone of cold and a cone of paralyzing gas.

Planar Dragons

Here we find the planar dragons, they are all good aligned and have native homes outside the material planes (the world as we know it) They hail from outer plains including Celestia and Ysgard Unlike most other true dragons, they are not innate spell casters but they do have a large array of spell-like powers, they don't have a natural affinity for sorcery like their material plane dwelling cousins. Despite being native to the outer planes they can survive perfectly well in the Material Plane.

Battle Dragon - (Sonic) (Neutral Good)

Battle Dragons are glorious creatures that exult in valourous combat. A battle dragon at rest has a dull brown sheen to its scales. However as soon as it takes wing , allowing the sun to strike its armoured skin, it gleams like the finest gold. They are notorious optimists, and always seem to find the silver lining to any cloud. This emotion is often contagious, as they inspire others to bravery and valour in battle.

Breathweapon: - A battle dragon has two breath weapons. A cone of sonic energy and a cone of fear gas.

Chaos Dragon - (Varies from dragon to dragon) (Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral or Chaotic Evil)

The very personification of unpredictability, a chaos dragon is a whirling cyclone of barely controlled power. No two dragons look exactly alike, and some people claim that even the same chaos dragon changes its form over time. While all chaos dragons are roughly the same in appearance, each has unique scale patterns and markings that differentiate it from others of its kind. In general chaos dragons seek to tear down structured societies and civilisations. Those that tend towards good might use positive means to effect change, but those that tend towards evil are mearly violent and murderous.

Breathweapon: - A chaos has two breathweapons, one is a line of energy (which changes each use, ie electricity one breath and then sonic the next) and a cone of confusion gas.

Ethereal Dragon - (Air) (True Neutral)

Ethereal dragons spend most of their lives floating though the Ethereal Plane, spying into the Material Plane for valuable treasure. An ethereal dragon's natural colouration is a pearlescent brown-grey, which accounts for their nickname of 'Moonstone Dragon'. They have needlelike claws and teeth. They are naturally curious and inquisitive, and often spy on those who live in the Material Plane. They are also greedy, and may come to covet the valuables carried by those they spy upon. In these cases the dragon might visit the Material Plane just to gain these items and then return to their native Ethereal Plane as soon as they can.

Breathweapon: - An ethereal dragon has just one breath weapon, and that is a cone of force.

Oceanus Dragon (Water) (Neutral Good)

Oceanus dragons appear much like great winged eels, with relatively short limbs ending in webbed fingers. Though capable of flight most oceanus dragons prefer life in the water to life in the air. The typical lair of an oceanus dragon is a hidden cave, either in a river bank or completely underwater. Most oceanus dragons spend very little time in their lairs and more time patrolling their stretch of water for good creatures in need of assistance.

Breathweapons: - An oceanus dragon has two types of breath weapon. One is a line of electricity and the other a cone of tranquility gas which is used to dazed opponents. Both of these breathwepons function fully underwater.

Radiant Dragon (Air) (Lawful Good)

Radiant dragons are simultaneously wonderful and terrible, awesome in their righteousness and fearsome in their dedication to destroying evil. A radiant dragon seems to shine with a heavenly glow, though it can douse this brightness as desired. If you can bear to look upon its form you can make out that its perfectly shaped scales glisten like molten white gold. Its proud, regal bearing is unmistakable, and its voice rings like heavenly thunder. Radiant dragons prefer lairs that allow plenty of sunlight, and often place gems and other bright valuables in places where they will refract the light, creating marvelous displays displays of colour and radiance. To creatures that display nobility and justice, they are the staunchest of allies to, offering succor and healing to any in need. But when faced by those who foster chaos and evil a radiant dragon becomes a furious whirl of colour and light, destroying all who oppose it.

Breath weapon: - They have two types of breath weapon, a line of force (sonic energy) and a cone of light which it uses to blind or dazzle foes.

Here you will find all you need to know about the fiendish dragons of Terra. Yes admitedly they are planar as well but these ones are particularly nasty peices of work. Trust me you wouldn't want to meet one of them on a dark night...and you thought the Chromatics were evil!

Howling Dragon (Sonic) (Chaotic Evil or Chaotic Neutral)

Howling dragons are brilliant, scheeming and really quite insane. They are long and slender, with short, thin legs and narrow wings. Long spines form a frill behind its head and clusters of similar spines sprout from its shoulders. Its scales are mottled purple and black, darkening as the dragon ages. Its yellow eyes are large and ferel looking with tiny pupils. Howling dragons make their lairs in isolated caverns amid twisting underground tunnels. Howling dragons will feed on anything that they can catch (undead and contructs included) they enjoy the sensation of biting into a still-moving morsel.

Breathweapon: - A howling dragon has two breathweapons, a cone of howling sound (sonic energy) and a cone of maddening wails that it uses to drive its foes insane.

Pyroclastic Dragon (Fire) (Lawful Evil or Neutral Evil)

Pyroclastic dragons are creatures of elemental fury, embodying the forces of fire, earth and rumbling thunder that move earth and shape continents. A pyroclastic dragon is solidly built and powerfully muscled, conveying a sense of inmovability. Its scales resemble fractured obsidian and glowing magma, forming a mottled pattern of reds, oranges, blacks and greys over its entire body. Its large wings seem almost to be made of ash, but despite their flimsy appearence they are quite capable of bearing the dragon's weight aloft. They enjoy swimming through magma but lair in caves carved out of volcanic rock thus they only live in volcanic regions.

Breathweapon: - A pyroclastic dragon has two breath weapons, one is a disintergrating line and the other is a cone of superheated ash combined with waves of sonic force.

Rust Dragon (Earth) (Neutral Evil or Lawful Evil)

Rust dragons are creatures of tarnished metal, embodying the forces of corruption and decay. Rust dragons bear a strong resemblance to the metallic dragons, but appear covered in rust, tarnish or verdigris. Despite some dragons resembling coppers and others silvers for example, individual rust dragons' abilities do not differ. Their scales appear pitted and lined with corrosive colour and the membranes of their wings are very thin and iridescent. Rust dragons tend to feed on metal ores and snack on fresh meat, especially vermin, to clense the palate between ores.

Breathweapon: - A rust dragon has two breath weapons. It can spit gouts of acid like a black dragon and it has a cone of a rusty coloured liquid that corrodes metals, and only metals.

Styx Dragon (Water) (Neutral Evil)

A styx dragon has a long serpentine body with tiny flipper-like claws that are useless on land and in combat. Its wings are far too small to carry it aloft but help to propel it through the water. Its tail splits in two long bladed whips that it can use to slash and grab its prey. A styx dragon's scales are slimy and range from dark brown to rusty red in colour. Its eyes glow with a lurid yellow light. Styx dragons make their lairs by burrowing into the mud on river banks and are also found in areas of fetid water like swamps. They enjoy devouring fiends but will also eat carrion and rotting flesh. (Styx dragons only have tail and bite physical attacks)

Breathweapon: - A styx dragon has two breath weapons. It can spit gouts of acid, which does considerably more corrosive than that of any other dragon and a cone of stupifying gases which it uses to render its foes stupid.

Tarterian Dragon (Shadow) (Neutral Evil or Chaotic Evil)

Tarterian dragons are skeletally gaunt, with leathery scales stretched tight over withered looking flesh. Their wings have a tattered appearence but they can still fly fast and ably. Their teeth and claws long and black while their scales form a striped pattern of grey, black and olive green. Ghostly green light flickers in their black eyes, and their faces seem to wear a perpetual sneeering grin. Tarterian dragons can live anywhere, from cold mountains to steaming jungle swamps to the cavernous underground. They delight in recreating the jailhouse atmosphere of Carceri when ever they can. They are accustomed to feeding on fiendish flesh and condemned souls. They do not enjoy other food but will eat literally anything.

Breathweapon: - A tarterian dragon has two breathweapons, a line (beam) of destructive force and a cone of will-sapping gas which it uses to inflict a feeling of crushing despair on its foes.

Ashroth the Black Phoenix
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Ashroth the Black Phoenix
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