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Nightcrawler Gurl's Journal
This is where most of my "normal" journal entries will go, and maybe a chapter of Tales of Team Flare or two.
Chapter 10:
A Soldier’s Coming Home

I sat in my room looking through my old letters as I did a lot since October. It’s November now, a month later.
The letters seem so un real now that he’s gone, and the worst thing... they can’t bring him back. My eyes are so sore from crying almost constantly.
I loved Kakashi sensei, and he loved me, and now he’s gone. I know I have to pick up the pieces and move on, but I can’t seem to do it yet.
My friends have tried to cheer me up, but nothing’s worked.
It still all seems like a dream, a nightmare. One that won’t end no matter how hard I try to wake up. Trust me I’ve slapped myself silly trying to. Nothing. I’m still here, still without him, and still crying. And I have a feeling that’s not going to change anytime soon.
It’s right in the middle of fall now and the trees are losing their leaves gradually. Their rustling is just about the only thing I can hear now. Other then my own sobs, that it.
“July 28th Dear Zelda,
So there’s a song like that, huh? Sounds nice. I wish I could hear it. Maybe you can play it for me once I get home. So am I your travelin’ soldier? Ha ha.
I’ll keep the lyrics in my head and my heart. It’ll be our song. Is that alright with you? With Love,
Kakashi Hatake,” I read aloud.
Yeah, our song. That came true. I wiped a tear from my eye as I leaned back against the wall and tried to piece together my memories and the song.
♪Two days past eighteen
He was waiting for the bus in his army green ♪

I was working at the Konoha Café one day when Kakashi sensei came in.
“Oh, hey Kakashi. Haven’t been here in a while,” Shichiro, the owner, said to him.
“Yeah, sorry. I’ve been busy lately,” Kakashi said.
“ ‘S alright,” Shichiro said.
“Zelda!! Got another customer!” he the shouted.
“Coming!” I called from the back.
I quickly dashed out from the back.
“Yes sir?” I asked.
“Take Kakashi to a table and get his order will ya?” Shichiro asked.
I glanced as Kakashi sensei and said with a smile, “Yes sir. No problem.”
“Right this way, Kakashi sensei,” I said taking a menu then leading him to an open table.
He sat down as I handed him the menu.

♪Sat down in a booth in a café there
Gave his order to a girl with a bow in her hair ♪

“Do you want me to come back in a little or do you want to order? It seems like you’re a regular customer,” I said smiling.
“Sort of. I was hoping you were working today,” he replied looking down.
“You were?” I asked confused. “How did you know I worked here?”
“Shichiro told me, one of the days you had off. He said you’re his best employee,” Kakashi explained.
“Wow, I would’ve never thought that,” I said laughing a little to myself.
Kakashi kept looking down, but soon said,
“When do you get off? Or can you take a break soon?” he asked seriously.
“Uhh, sure,” I glanced at the clock, 7:38. “Is 7:50 soon enough?”
“That’s fine,” he said finally looking up at me.

♪He's a little shy so she gives him a smile
And he said would you mind sittin' down for a while
And talking to me,
I'm feeling a little low
She said I'm off in an hour and I know where we can go♪

I walked over to the railing surrounding the roof and leaned on it and asked,
“Isn’t it a great view from here?”
“It is,” he agreed.
It was quiet for a moment then he said, “Zelda, I need to talk to you.”
“I’m going on an important mission starting tomorrow in the morning and I don’t know how long I’ll be gone.” I turned around and looked at him shocked. “Lady Hokage told me that I have to check in every once in a while. I want you to get the messages from the gate and deliver them to her,” he explained.
“Why me? Shouldn’t Naruto or Sakura? Not saying I don’t want to, but Sakura’s training under Lady Tsunade and Naruto knows her better then I do. They’re actually your students,” I said.
“Who better to do it then my number one fan?” he asked smiling.
I looked to the side and blushed as my ears twitched once.
“I hope Shou won’t mind. That’s his name isn’t?” he asked.
“That’s right, but don’t worry. We broke up, it just wasn’t working. We’re just going to be friends now,” I said. “There never really was a connection between us to begin with.”
“Oh I see,” he said.
“Yeah,” I said.
“I’m sure it won’t be too long until I’m back,” he said then walked over to the rail and leaned on it like I had. “Who knows, maybe I’ll send something just for you.” He smiled as the wind blew over us making his silver hair dance. Some sakura cherry blossoms drifted off the trees and swirled around us.
My face reddened and I nodded softly.

♪So they went down and they sat on the pier
He said I bet you got a boyfriend but I don't care
I got no one to send a letter to
Would you mind if I sent one back here to you ♪

Dear Zelda,
June 4

I’m sorry I couldn’t say much in my last letter. It wasn’t really a good spot for me to stop and write. I’m still doing good. There’s been no problem’s on the mission so far, and I’m still getting closer to finishing it.
I told you that I would tell you what I had been thinking about, didn’t I? I’m in the town I mentioned before so I can write a long letter. I’m not sure how much I need to say to get my point across, so that’s good.
Zelda, ...I’ve realized something while on this mission. I’ve lost just about every important person to me. My sensei and my teammates, and now even one of my students. I was afraid of letting anyone in, afraid of being hurt more by loss. Everyone important to me has left me. Everyone...but you. My eyes widened.
No matter what it was, no matter what the danger or cost, if you could be there for me, you were. On my team’s mission when I needed help, you begged Lady Tsunade to come. When Itachi returned to the village you fought him to avenge and protect me even though you knew that you could very well die, that your curse mark could take over. You didn’t care. When Itachi had me in his Tsukiyomi you weren’t afraid to come and try to save me, although you didn’t know what was going on and I told you not to. When I was in a coma after that battle, you went with Guy to help Jiraiya and Naruto reach Lady Tsunade, even though you can hardly stand him. You fought with the Sanin and Kabuto in order to help Tsunade return faster and be able to heal me. When I was in the hospital, you were by my side every second that you possibly could be. You’ve protected me from everything from jutsu to weapons to even words. Whenever someone starts insulting me you always protect me by saying how great I am.
I don’t think that anyone has ever been with me more then you have. I don’t think I’ve grown closer to anyone since my teammates then you. Not even my students are that close to me. I can see now that you truly care about me, and although I tried to keep my distance... maybe there was something stronger then my will at work. I’m not quite sure what it is yet, maybe fate, destiny, or something beyond that. But whatever it is, I’ve realized that I’m glad to have met you and gotten to know you as well as I have.
I know that this may seem strange but... I think that maybe... I’m starting to fall for you.
I gasped as my eyes began watering.
Whenever I want to sleep in or take a break and read my book I picture you and the way you looked the day before I left. With the wind making your hair wave along with it and the cherry blossoms dancing around us. Once I picture that I know I have to keep going and get home as fast as possible.
This may be my best and hardest mission yet. Not only did I realize a lot, but I’m spending more time away then I ever would’ve liked if I had known this before.
Thank you for all you’ve done for me, Zelda. Thank you so much. Wait for me and I’ll be back as soon as possible, I promise.
With love,
Kakashi Hatake

P.S. Please write back and tell me what’s on your mind.

♪So the letters came from an army camp
From California then Vietnam
And he told her of his heart
It might be love and all of the things he was so scared of
He said when it's getting kinda rough over here
I think of that day sittin' down at the pier
And I close my eyes and see your pretty smile
Don't worry but I won't be able to write for awhile ♪

“It’s...” he stopped to sigh once more. “Kakashi’s,” Flare said.
“A messenger was sent to the village yesterday saying that it was reported that he died. Anbu went to check, and it was confirmed. They’re bringing his body back tomorrow,” Flare explained.

♪One Friday night at a football game
The Lord's Prayer said and the Anthem sang
A man said folks would you bow your heads
For a list of local Vietnam dead
Crying all alone under the stands
Was a piccolo player in the marching band
And one name read but nobody really cared
But a pretty little girl with a bow in her hair ♪
♪I cried
Never gonna hold the hand of another guy
Too young for him they told her
Waitin' for the love of a travelin' soldier
Our love will never endWaitin' for the soldier to come back again ♪

Suddenly there was banging and commotion downstairs. I put my letters away in the box I had kept them in since I started getting them. Then my room door slammed open and Izumo ran over to me and grabbed my arm.
“Come on, you... you have to come right now!” he said out of breath.
“I don’t want to, Izumo. Sorry,” I said and pushed his arm off.
“Look, Zelda, you’re coming with my voluntarily or I’m dragging you there myself. Trust me, you going to want to see this,” he said honestly.
I believed him, so I stood and he took my hand and began running down the stairs dragging me along behind him.
We ran all the way through the village and up the hill towards the front gate. Kotetsu was standing in front of the gate looking into the distance excitedly.
“Do you see it?” Izumo shouted. Kotetsu shook his head “no”.
Izumo and I finally got up to Kotetsu and stood next to him.
“What’s going on you guys? Why did you drag me out here?” I asked.
“Look,” Kotetsu said and pointed out to the horizon.
I looked, with a puzzled expression. I stared for a few minutes, but still didn’t see anything. But soon there was something! Something coming over the horizon slowly. It was silver hair, that’s all I could see so far. Silver hair that leaned to the right and bounced up and down as it got closer.
I stood staring in shock as the trees began bending in the wind. Autumn leaves blew off and danced across the area taking a small scrap of paper from Kotetsu’s hand with it.
“K...Kakashi sensei,” I said just above a whisper as his whole form appeared in front of the gate. His hands were in his pockets and he walked casually forward.
I ran forward automatically tears forming once again in my eyes.
“Kakashi sensei! Kakashi sensei!” I shouted as I ran.
His pace increased as he pulled his hands from his pockets. I ran to him and jumped into his arms. He put them around me and held me close to him.
“Oh my gosh... I thought I’d never see you again. Everyone said you were dead,” I cried into his chest.
“I know, it was all part of my plan. I didn’t want you to worry. I told Lady Tsunade that I wanted you to be informed from the beginning,” he explained. “Didn’t she tell you?”
“No! I thought you were dead this whole time! Kakashi sensei...” I cried more as he stroked the back of my head lovingly.
I leaned away from him slightly and looked him in the eye. I rose up on my toes and slowly reached toward his mask. I pulled it down below his chin and stared at his handsome face for a moment. Then I jumped forward and his lips met mine.
The wind blew again more leaves blew off and the scrap of paper went with them.
♪“Never more to be alone when the letter says
A soldier's coming home”♪

-----------------Owari The End-----------------

Chapter 9:
I woke up the next morning and got dressed in my black funeral outfit. I opened my room door and walked to the stairs. I stopped when I realized Jemima was coming out of her room wearing black too.
“You’re going too? Like last time?” I asked.
She opened her mouth to say something then hesitated, “A ...a-huh,” she said avoiding eye contact with me.
It was a little strange, but it would be rude to be late.
“Well we’d better get going, don’t want to be late,” I said beginning to descend down the stairs.
We left the house and got to the front of the academy. Most of the other ninja were assembling in their black above on the roof. Just like at the 3rd’s funeral.
But Flare sensei, Isai, Hina, Eddie, Kurt, and Misto were waiting for me. Jem and I walked up to them and I asked,
“Hey guys, who died? I tried asking yesterday, but no one would tell me,” I said sounding a little embarrassed.
They all looked away or down. Hina looked back up at my now confused face then grabbed sensei’s arm lightly.
“We have to tell her, sensei,” Hina said.
Flare glanced at Hina then sighed.
“Who’s funeral is it?” I asked again this time a little frightened.
“It’s...” he stopped to sigh once more. “Kakashi’s,” Flare said.
I couldn’t speak, it felt like someone had just stabbed me in the chest. I stood waiting to wake up from a nightmare.
“A messenger was sent to the village yesterday saying that it was reported that he died. Anbu went to check, and it was confirmed. They’re bringing his body back tomorrow,” Flare explained.
“I’m sorry, sis,” Misto said sadly.
My voice cracked, and I stuttered for a while before being able to sputter something out, “O... o-oh. S-so t-that’s ...that’s why no one..talked...”
“Come on, guys it’s starting,” Asuma said as he and his team walked up to the academy.
Hina took my hand and guided me up the stairs as Flare sensei, Isai, Kurt, and Eddie followed. Misto and Jemima stayed below as they did for the third’s funeral. Only shinobi were allowed to attend the actual funeral.
I stood by my team and Kurt and Eddie as someone began speaking.
“Today we are here to honor a great shinobi. One who sacrificed himself to protect this village, and will be remembered always for doing so.” I began bitting my lip to try to not cry. It’s a rule that we’re not supposed to, no matter what. “Kakashi Hatake was a great ninja, known for being one of the strongest there is. He died a valiant death. His name will be engraved with that of his comrades on the memorial stone, along with all the others who have died protecting this village.”
“Zelda,” Flare sensei said putting his hand on my shoulder as everyone began grabbing flowers. “You don’t have to hold back. You can cry. Everyone knows what he meant to you. No one’s going to hold it against you,” he said.
My eyes welled up with tears and overflowed with tears. I picked up a flower and walked forward and placed it in front of Kakashi sensei’s picture.
“Goodbye, Kakashi sensei. I love you,” I said softly to it.
My friends walked with me across the roof and toward the stairs. Suddenly someone said softly, “Zelda.”
I turned and saw Izumo and Kotetsu standing behind me. Kotetsu hand his hand out a little as if he were going to reach out to me. He had a guilty expression. Izumo looked sad too.
More tears slipped from my eyes as I turned and kept walking back to the stairs.
Once at home, I was washing dishes after dinner. Hina and Kurt had stayed for the meal. They sat quietly on the couch with Jemima.
Suddenly I threw one of the plates and dropped to my knees and screamed.
“Zelda!!” they quickly rushed over to me.
“Why?!” I screamed tears running down once more.
Kurt put his arms around me, but said nothing. There was nothing to say. Kakashi sensei was dead, that was it. Nothing would make me feel better about it.
♪I cried
Never gonna hold the hand of another guyToo young for him they told her
Waitin' for the love of a travelin' soldier
Our love will never end
Waitin' for the soldier to come back again
Never more to be alone when the letter said
A soldier's coming home♪

Chapter 8:
Unusual Behavior

“Hey look. There’s Zelda!” Hina exclaimed turning and pointing to me as I ran up to her, Flare sensei, Isai, Kurt, Misto, Kimpa, Jemima, Eddie, and Tabby.
“Omg!!” I exclaimed and hugged Hina tightly.
“Someone’s happy to see you, Hina,” Tabby said laughing to herself a little.
“Zelda...air...please...air,” Hina gasped.
“Oh right,” I said and let go then laughed nervously a little.
“What’s got you so excited?” Misto asked.
“You guys won’t believe it! Kakashi sensei and I are... well...we’re..kind of...” I said beginning to blush and kicked the dirt.
“What?! You two are what?!” Hina asked excitedly.
“Dating,” I said turning fully red.
“What?!” Jem and Hina asked. “No way!!”
I giggled and nodded, “Uh-huh.”
“Oh my gosh!” the both squealed and hugged me.
“Wow, who would’ve guessed it,” Eddie said shocked.
“What?!” Misto asked loudly.
“Hm, well... that was most unexpected,” Kimpa said smiling. “Congratulations, Princess.”
“Tee hee, thanks!” I said happily.
“That’s so awesome!” Hina said.
“But how?” Jem asked. “He’s on a mission isn’t he?”
“Yeah, that’s what Lady Tsunade said,” Flare sensei agreed.
“Well, yeah, he is. But I’ve been getting letters from him every week,” I explained.
“Time to party!! Ramen for everyone!” I shouted.
“Yeah!!” Isai, Hina, Flare sensei, and Kurt cheered.
...A couples months later...
Knock, knock! I jumped off the couch and went to the door. I turned the knob and opened it.
“Flare sensei! What’re you doing here?” I asked excitedly.
He kept his head down and didn’t look up.
“Tomorrow, there’s a funeral. A ninja died. Be there at eight,” he said then poof-ed away.
“Hm? What was that about?” I asked myself.
It’s October now. Everyone in the village knows about me and Kakashi sensei now. It’s made me quite popular actually. But I don’t really care. I’m just happy I have him.
Three weeks ago Kakashi sensei told me that he was at his destination so he wouldn’t be able to write anymore. But he said not to worry. He’d be home soon. I can’t wait to see him again. But still I wonder who died. I should go find out.
I put on my shoes and walked out of my house.
...Later that evening...
That’s weird, no one will talk to me. Everyone just keeps their heads down and walks away. Even Shichiro-san closed the store when I went to work today. He wouldn’t look at me either. I guess everyone’s having a “blah” day. Or maybe they’re all upset about this ninja’s death. I don’t even know who it is. I wish I did. I’d feel better if I did.
*(Once again, sorry it's so short. But hopfully it's good. No fluff in this one. Just lots of confusion on Zelda's part anyway. I wonder what it is that everyone else seems to know, but her.
Next Chapter 9: Funeral)*

Chapter 7:
The Answer

“Come on, come on, come on,” I mumbled to myself as I paced back and forth in front of the box.
“You’re making me dizzy! Knock it off!!” Kotetsu shouted from behind the desk.
“Kotetsu, you knock it off!” Izumo said.
“What?! She’s been here all day! Since 7 in morning, just pacing and mumbling to herself! Like her life depends on that letter!” Kotetsu shouted annoyed.
“I just might! You don’t get it! You don’t know what his last message said!” I shouted back.
“Is he in danger?” Izumo asked curiously.
“Tch, heck no. He’s the Copy Ninja remember?” I said crossing my arms.
“Then what’s so important about this letter?” Izumo asked.
“Why do you have to be here all day?!” Kotetsu shouted and was about to say more, but Izumo covered his mouth.
I looked down and blushed, “I-I, um, I don’t... I don’t want to say,” I confessed as I kicked the dirt lightly.
Kotetsu stopped struggling and both Izumo and Kotetsu stared at me in confusion. Izumo’s eyes shifted to the air as he looked up.
“Look! There it is!” he said and pointed as the bird flew to the desk.
“It is?” I asked excitedly.
I rushed over to the desk and untied the paper from it’s leg. The letter was summoned and I picked it up immediately then began reading it.
I gasped, then giggled, then “SQUEE!!” I jumped up and hugged Izumo excitedly. He just looked shocked and didn’t move.
“What does it say?” Izumo asked curiously as I let go.
Dear Zelda, June 5
It’s so good to hear from you.
I’m sure, 100%. My students don’t come close. They’ve never done anything for like you have.
Hm, I had a feeling that you might have.
No, Zelda. I’m positive that I’m falling for you. I’ve never felt this way about anyone, ever. My heart races even now as I’m writing this. I defiantly like you the way you like me. I’m in love with you, Zelda. I’ve never felt this way. It’s hard to describe. But you’ve been in my head during this whole mission and my heart races when I think about you. I’ve never felt this feeling before.
...I love you, Zelda...
With love,
Kakashi Hatake

Kotetsu and Izumo read over my shoulder and looked at each other after they finished.
“Heh, heh, heh, ...I’m dreaming. Kakashi sensei loves me... heh, heh...”, My face was completely red. “This must be a dream,” I said in an odd tone.
Suddenly I hit the ground with a grin on my face.
“Zelda!” Izumo shouted and ran out to me.
“What happened to the dumb kid?” Kotetsu asked.
“She fainted,” Izumo said looking at me.
Kotetsu walked over slowly, looked down, and said, “Geez, she’s grinning from ear to ear.”
“Can you believe it?” Izumo asked.
“Believe what?” Kotetsu asked back.
“That we’ve just witnessed what’s probably going to be the biggest talk in Konoha in a day or so,” Izumo said.
“Hmm, good point,” Kotetsu said and began thinking.
“What do we do with her?” Izumo asked sounding more like he was talking to himself then Kotetsu.
“I know,” Kotetsu said as he bent down next to me.
“Oh no you don’t, Kotetsu!” Izumo said.
“Shut up, I’m waking her up,” he said.
Kotetsu leaned down close to my ear and whispered, “Zelda, ...Kakashi sent another letter. He said if you don’t respond soon, he’s going to stop writing and never come back.”
“What?!” I sprung up immediately smacking right into Kotetsu’s face.
“Ow!” Kotetsu fell backward holding his nose in pain. Izumo tried not to laugh.
“Oh my gosh! I gotta go write another letter!” I rushed off to my house as quickly as my legs could take me.
Izumo and Kotetsu laughed.
“Hey!” someone shouted. Izumo and Kotetsu turned around to see Lady Tsunade standing over them.
“What are you two doing away from your post?” she asked.
“Oh, um, that girl, Zelda, fainted. We were making sure she was alright and then-”
“Nevermind that,” Lady Tsunade cut off Kotetsu. “I’ve got some books for you two to carry.”
“Great,” they both mumbled.

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