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*insert funny name* Just a little something to make time pass... When I remember it...

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I hate humans!

No, hate isn't strong enough. I ******** loathe them! No, not good enough either... THERE'S NO ******** WIRD TO DESCRIBE HOW MUCH I HATE HOMO SAPIEN!

This group of people at my school is doing some evening/night event and has asked if they could use my computer for some video. Fine, I'm cool with that, as long as I get to set it up and make sure everything is working.

All is peachy. I go down, set up, then leave for a bit because I have some other things I need to do. When I get back, I'm first not allowed inside, then, when they let me inside, I'm not allowed to see what is on my computer because it's top secret and has to do with the thing they're doing. I can understand that, but when I hear how they totally ruin my touch pad because the idiots have no idea how sensitive my touch pad is, because I actually know how to use it. They still wont let me over to my computer. It just so happens, that I already know the video they'll be showing. So when I get that across to them and get it in behind their thick skulls, they start prissing about me getting mad over them having ******** everything up by shutting down all the things I had running to make sure everything was working. Then the 3-4 guys sitting there, a part of the stuff, starts prissing about how I am such a b***h and that this is what they get for being nice to me when I snap at them. GODDESS! Get a grip! I'm a b***h, yes. But there's no way they get to speak to me like that. Then they suggest that they can just use one of the other girls' computers. Why the hell hadn't they thought of that the first time?!

Oh, and not to mention. I'm a tech girl. I like to know what is going on with my things. They wouldn't let me. I get prissy. They cant handle that. Not my problem. I'm trying to help them, they get on my nerves, I snap. I'm not the faulty one, they are. They know by now that I'm a tech girl and that what I do is technology and that technology is the most important thing in my life.

I think I'm done ranting now...

But yeah. Homo Sapien = Major Suckage.
Anthro = Major Rulerz!

I just cannot understand them!

So here's the story.
My best friend at the school, Julie, is talking to her ex again. Yes, her ex. And I have nothing against that, when I see the way they look at each other. I swear, they are so sweet together, Julie just needs to learn to talk to him. But yeah. She's acting weird. Like, really weird. Not just her normal kinda weird, no, but really really weird. And she wont tell me what is going on and her ex, Kevin, has no idea either, so no one but her knows anything. Which is really lame. But they talked and I think they figured some things out, but I'm not sure. But once again, I'm left in the dark. I'm gonna start making her talk once we're on the train.

But Kevin... He's a royal pain in the a**. He keeps teasing you even when you tell him to stop and he loves to tickle people. Which is really annoying when you're ticklish.

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Hoh boy...
I just cant seem to do this, can I? I never update this thing... and When I do, there's nothing to tell...

Well, Puppy has been gone since the 27th of May, if anyone sees him, throw me a PM telling me if he's Dead or Alive and in the case of the latter, tell me his location so I can kill him.

I'm doubting my love for Chris, but I dont. Yeah... Hormones and excitement is my guess.
Oh yeah, and I'm starting a boarding school thing, but only for 18 weeks. One of which, I'll be going to France with the school and another where I'll be going to Mallorca with my family. Whom I hate.
So yeah. I'm a mix of happy and hateful these days. Happy that I'm off to the other end of the country, hateful that my mother is being a worse mother hen than ever because I'm going 200miles away, if not more.
********, woman stare

Anyway! I just need to do some complaining here, before I go to the extremely boring part...

Yes, there is a boring part, believe it or not!

TWO PEOPLE LEFT A COMMENT! ... not that there was any one who just viewed it, but still! Is it just because I dont do main forums anymore, or do people just not like me in general? I mean, one of those two people who commented last time was my friend. In real life. The other one... I have a feeling I should know that person/avvi but I dont remember where from. So yeah, I'm just complaining again.

Comment please? It gives you precious gooold


The Tests I've Been Doing Because I'm Freakishly Bored!
Sounds like a blast, huh? *Wiggles eyebrows*

Your Ideal Relationship is Polyamory

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You want to have your cake... and everyone else's.
Which isn't a bad thing, if everyone else gets to eat too!
You're too much of a free spirit to be tied down by a traditional relationship.
You think relationships should be open and free, with few restrictions.

What's Your Ideal Relationship?

You Are 48% Sociopath

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You're not a sociopath, but you're very prone to antisocial behavior.
Other people's opinions matter little to you. You live your own fringe life - for better or worse.

Are You A Sociopath?

You Are 76% Brutally Honest

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Most of the time, you tell it like it is. Even if it's hard for people to hear.
Sometimes you hold back though, because you never want your honesty to be hurtful.

How Brutally Honest Are You?

You Are 72% Evil

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You are very evil. And you're too evil to care.
Those who love you probably also fear you. A lot.

How Evil Are You?

You Have Low Self Esteem 88% of the Time

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You're definitely in a low place right now, but you also know deep down that you can get out of your funk.
Take a chance and make a new friend or try a new interest. Shaking things up will give you the self-esteem boost you need!

How is Your Self Esteem?

People please!
Ok, so I was just looking at how many people have actually looked at my journal and I'm like eek WTF!? WHY ARENT PEOPLE COMMENTING?!?!?

Its turns out I have 84 views on one of my 'latest' entries. Why dont people comment!? I mean, leave a note saying '-insert gaian name- was here' or some s**t. It gives you gold too, you know. I dont care what you write, really. I just think ist cruel that that many people read/look at it and doesnt commetn if they actually do read about my pathetic excuse for a life. Why not!? Brighten up a depressed and parnoid girl's world once in a while! Wouldnt hurt ya, ya know. You'd get something out of it too. The feeling of having done something good and getting pixel gold. What could be better?!

Ok... so... yeah...

Anyway... Chris has been banned from gaia and we have a suspition its because of a link he had in his sig. The banner/link led to his own forum,
AniOnline.net (Which totally rocks, by the way), and we think it might be because the Gaian mods are afraid that Ani might steal away their members.
Well, NEWSFLASH! Ani only takes in cool people who doesnt cheat and has brains to spell that long word that Mary Poppins is so fond of. I only know the danish version though. Thank Hell I'm Chris' b***h or I wouldnt have gotten in sweatdrop

Buuuut all is good, I'm bore as usual and I have finals next week... Written, though, so it shouldlnt be all that hard...

But as last year, I'll try to keep any one who might actually have an interest in my shitty life updated and try to remember to actually write stuff in here...

OH! I almost forgot.

I got a B+ on and English paper.

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... okay...
Okay... so...

This weekend, I'm goin to my ex's house. Needless to say, my boys arent all to happy about it, especially Chris. I have a feeling the guy thinks I want to hook up with my ex again. I DONT! Yes, I care for the boy, yes, I want him back in my life, but not as a boyfriend. The absolute max will be friends with benefits, but he's got a girl already and I've got my Chris, so neither of us need that. Plus, he live faaaaar away from me.
But if my ex's girl is gonna be there, I'll lock myself up in the attick and not come out until someone breaks down the door.
That, or I'll pretend to be like Phoebe from Charmed and act like I get a vision where the b***h does something to really really really hurt my ex.
I'm not evil, its just the way I do things *Smiles innocently*

Anyways, my life has been going ok... I got contacts for christmas, met my Chris, broke my webcam, made it work again made an account on Neopets because I was bored
(Click it!) and I'm now wasting time playing cheat. Winning too, actually, even though I suck at playing cards.

Not much is going on in my life...

OH! And I'm getting extra classes in german because I'm getting D's... Dont you just loooove 3rd lanuages

Ok... so I lied...
I know I said back in *goes to check* ... July that I would type up the holiday thing and al that, but uhm... I got kinda busy with starting college, trying to get new friends, a ton of homework every week (I should really be writing a danish essay right now *whistles innocently*) and a job here for x-mas. I have trouble keeping up in school, but I'm surviving. Its only for Christmas, so I can read up on everything after that.

I've had a few fights with Chris, but its all good, found out what he's buying for me for when I come to London to see him, know what he's getting for his belated b-day and belated x-mas prezzie, so now I just have to order it home.

I've been through a lot the past 5 months, I just dont remember half of it xp School has been taking up a lot of my time (not), and I havent really had time for writing here or in any of my other journals, much less my fics... So yeah, I've been a bit busy...

Think I'll stop here... I need to get working on thay essay...

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*mumble grumble* ... spoil sport...
if I was anywhere near you right now, Jono... I dont think you would be missing a head... stare

anyway... I'm leaving for holidays tomorrow and wont be able to get online for a whoooole week! what shall I do?!?!
I'm bringing my comp, no matter what! thats for bloody sure. the whole family is going... my parents, my two cousins, their parents,me and my grandparents who is buying the whole thing, just because its my granma's b-day. no, they're not rich, but my granpa is not far from dieing, so they wanna spend as much time with us all as possible. understandable, really, but the most stupid part, in my eyes anyway, is that they come up with all kinds of excuses.
like a few years ago. my b-day is in march and a few years ago they bought the family a trip to Fuerteventura for my b-day so we could celebrate there. its nice and all, but that they have to come up with excuses is just... I dunno... stupid?

so... on this holiday we're staying in Denmark on a little hotel thing called Christiansminde (Christians memory. dont know why its called that) and its right down to the water so there's plenty of oportunities for a nice cold bath...

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we're gonna be where the little ring is. thats, obviously, Christiansminde. we're gonna drive around the island, visiting different tourist places, like the castle Egeskov and Odense zoo. its gonna be fun, but I'd rather I could have brought a friend. it might get boring with only my cousins and me. sure my oldest cousin is turning 14, but we still have to babysit the younger one who's 7 or 8.

I have a lot planned for the evenings when we're back in our rooms and has nothing to do, and no, Chris, I'm not going to start hitting on my cousin so she'll ******** you next year.

anyway, mom and I were out shopping yesterday. I got this great new outfit. a pair of black pants and a black top which goes around the neck instead of over the shoulders. its awesome and shows quite a bit of my cleavage if I want it to. I can adjust it pretty much as I want. found a chain for my black dress, which I bought a week ago or something like that, too. its really sweet. its made in some sort of metal and it has little flowers look-a-like thingies on it.

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thats the one... picture taken on my wonderfull blue/grey carpet sweatdrop

my mom is running back and forth from the living room to my room and back again trying to get everything packed. its crazy... but I dont mind... keeps her off my back for a bit.

hmm... I believe thats it for now...

toodles and ta ta and all that crap... I'll remember to type down everything I do and post it here for no one to read. aint life grand? at least it helps me on my savings. I dont do quests. I do saving. thats much more fun. and you can buy stuff in between.

Mission: accomplished!
my dear "ex-boyfriend", kivex, has told me my last entry was near impossible to understand. two words: Mission Accomplished!

I kinda meant it to be like that. the whole point with the journal entry was that no names were to be said and that it should be confusing. I didnt want it to be obvious who it was about. that it sounds like I'm talking to my hentai, or whatever it was he said, making me sound crazy, is just an added bonus.

no, I'm not going to explain what I meant by the last post, that would kinda ruin it all, now wouldnt it?

it was written between 1am and 2am, so it isnt supposed to make sense. I think that maybe if you know me and the people I spend most of my time talking to, you would know, but I'm not sure. I suppose you should know me very good to be able to see through my ranting and understand what I was trying to say.

I'm not even sure Chris would understand it... but who knows... he prolly doesnt read this thing anyway.

oh well. his loss...

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just a rant... really...

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