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View User's Journal

Don't know don't care.
Chapter 1
Departure & Existence

Chapter 1...
The heels of scientist Jisella Nosefine clicked down the corridor of Hart Industries as she made her way to the latest test subject. With the file in hand she read over the necessary information. She truly disliked her job but she needed the money and couldn’t complain. “Hate to be this one.” She spoke to herself as she flipped through the clipboard. Her walk came to a halt as she stared up at the large steel doors. Her fingers grazed the numeric keypad and blipped as she touched each key. Entering the necessary code the doors opened slowly, letting a blast of mist escape from the room. The Cryogenic study rooms had always been a little on the chill side. She stood next to one of the tanks that had different wires and cords connected to it.

Jisella glanced around the room for a moment to make sure she was alone and pulled a small tape recorder from her chest. “Thus far Hart Industries is a fraud; they are experimenting on young teens.” She said quickly into the device. “They all have either been kidnapped or sent against their will. This is clearly unacceptable and must be reported.” Her eyes widened when she heard the locks on the steel door release and slowly open. Stuffing the device back into her breast area she took a seat and quickly began typing at the computer station. “Good Morning Dr. Nosefine, how is the subject?” A man’s voice spoke out as he entered the room. He placed a firm hand on her shoulder as he bent down to observe the screen. “Just fine Dr. Hart, I’m scheduling her next dosage of Xylophene.” Jisella replied sounding rather suspicious. She swallowed hard as she looked up at the man who was the head of the facility.

“Send me the results of her previous dosage.” He said removing his hand and walking over to the tank. “Her case of Dementia has ceased but still remains none the less. I would like for you to double the dosage and keep a check on the newest specimen.” He said running his fingers over the glass lid of the tank. “Please keep an extra lock on that tank; he was a bit hostile before his containment.”


Help me mother… The loud shriek came from her mother. Her eyes were barely open and the kitchen had become a blur. She couldn’t feel her arms or legs. Having collapsed from exhaustion she lay in a heap on the floor. The girl tried to speak but no words came as she stared back at her frightened mother. “Oh Ansleigh!” She shouted running over to her daughter and trying to pick her up. “Please wake up honey please!” She pleaded as she pulled off her apron and placed it under Ansleigh’s head. Ansleigh could hear the faint sound of a telephone beeping. After that she never recalled waking up.
-End Flash-

Ansleigh’s eyes stared back up at a young man. He was completely naked much like her self. She sat up slowly staring around at her surroundings. She was completely soaked to the bone and could feel the chill of the room. “Mother…” She called out faintly. Her voice was so small and delicate. The boy just stared at her and held a hand out for her to take. Ansleigh took his hand and stepped out of the tank. Instantly noticing the other tank. She was about to speak when he placed a finger to her lips and pointed at the computer screen.

“Damien.” He said quickly as he started to move about the room. She watched him slowly her own deep blue eyes staring in amazement. Here she could hardly move and he was here and there like a mad man. She moved over to him slowly when he pulled out two lab coats from a small storage locker. He handed her the smaller one and started searching through the locker again. “What are you..?” She asked quietly before being shushed again.

Damien pulled on the other lab coat and pulled out a few unused needles and a scalpel. “Weapons.” He said plainly as he handed her a needle. Ansleigh looked up at him as if he were crazy. She pushed her damp brown hair back behind her ear to keep it away from her face. Her hair was still the same, shoulder length like she remembered. She followed Damien slowly as he made his way to the door and started entering a pass code into the numeric keypad.

The mechanized locks released allowing the steel doors to open and reveal a corridor. Damien peeped out, checking for any scientists that might be searching. “We’ve got to move.” He said quickly as he stepped out of the room and motioned for Ansleigh to follow him. He glanced back to see her holding on to the side of the door out of breath. He sighed and went back to her to help her stand. “You really are sick aren’t you?”

She only nodded as she leaned on his shoulder for support. Being considerably shorter than him it was a little hard but she held on tight. A small cough escaped her lips as they slowly trekked down the corridor. The alarm that had gone off earlier had slowly died down soon becoming silent. The duo stopped as the corridor became a four way spawning off into three others.

He looked at each wondering which would be safer to take. Damien couldn’t remember the layout of the clinic. He decided to make a left and hope to find an exit. As they walked Ansleigh lost grip and landed on the floor gasping for air. “Come on be okay.” Damien said kneeling down to help her.

He was beginning to freak out slightly since her breathing became irregular. He didn’t understand exactly what her condition was other than it being a life threatening disease. He helped her up again and walked slower this time. He looked up his eyes locking with a camera that slowly zoomed in on the two. “Dammit.”


“Subject found.” A woman spoke as she typed away at a keyboard. The monitor in front of her zoomed in on the subjects identifying them both. “It appears another has escaped as well.” She said sounding rather monotone. “They are in corridor twelve.” She said looking up at the head security guard. “Thank you ma’m.” He said tilting his hat and leaving the small office that contained all of the monitors for each camera in the facility.

“Seal off all entrances and exits to corridor twelve but one.” The head security guard spoke up. “I want five men to apprehend them and carry tasers, we can’t be too careful.” He said with a smirk. “Now move.” He pointed to the door with his night stick as five of his men left the room. He loved being in charge.


“Security Locks Initiate.” A voice spoke out over the intercoms. The doors in the facility near corridor twelve were all automated and began to lock. Those doors needed a specific override code or electronic key. Worry filled Damien’s eyes as he found an open room and decided to hide in there. He knew they wouldn’t be getting anywhere if he had to carry her around. Placing her body on the bed gently he started searching the room.

It appeared to be a make shift infirmary. He noticed all sorts of first aid kit items. He tossed them to the side wincing a little at the sudden pain in his arm. He ignored it for now and kept searching the room for a place to hide. His expression brightened up when he found the door to a small storage room.

“In here.” Damien spoke softly as he helped her up. Ansleigh tried to move but it was a no go. Her legs felt like lead weights unwilling to move. She could feel him moving her into the small room and hearing the door close. They were enveloped in darkness and fear filled her features.

Tears slowly fell from her eyes as she found movement in her arm again and pulled him close. The effect of claustrophobia was slowly beginning to set in and she could feel it. Her throat was slowly collapsing and her breath began to shorten. Her airways felt constricted and she clutched Damien’s arm as she tried to speak. Barely a whisper she pleaded to him for help.

Damien could barely see her face in the darkness but could tell something was wrong. He heard her sharp breaths that sounded raspy and short. “s**t.” He muttered as he felt her squeeze his arm and pull him closer. He started reaching around the room for a light switch. The light above them flashed on showing full view of the confined room.

It was small and compact; full of medical supplies, a sink, and a mop. He noticed it was connected to another room and slowly stood up with Ansleigh still clinging to his arm. Damien peeped through the small window seeing a guy about his age strapped down to a table. Her breathing had returned normal as she wiped the tears away. Ansleigh stood on her tippy toes to look as well. They were shocked to see a group of scientists enter the room holding clipboards and talking with one another.

“This is Subject 22470 – Christopher Milich.” A scientist spoke out as he placed a hand on Christopher’s forehead. His green eyes glared at the man who stood over him. His mouth had been covered with a bandage of sorts to keep him from speaking. “It appears St. Colonial Asylum has sent him here.” A small grin appeared on the scientist’s lips as he looked down at Christopher. “Looks like your family couldn’t handle your violent behavior nor could the institution they sent you to. No worries son we’ll have you calm and full of bliss soon.” Christopher struggled against his bonds as he watched a woman hand the scientist a syringe full of a strange yellow liquid.

“This ladies and gentlemen is a prototype serum designed to reduce activity and put the mind at ease.” He said holding the syringe up into the light so the others could see. “The side effects have yet to be determined but it will be of great use to violent and hyperactive people worldwide. But first you Christopher must show us how well Aproizine works.” He said pulling up Christopher’s sleeve and prepping his arm for insertion. He placed the needle on his vein and inserted it slowly filling his body with the yellow liquid.


“Now now Christopher you be a good boy for your step-father while I’m out alright hun?” Mrs. Milich-Danistine said to her son as she gave him a hug. She was going to be away on an over night business trip and it would just be Christopher and his step-father Ian who he could not stand. Why his mother decided on marrying that incompetent fool was beyond Christopher. He and the older man did not get a long well at all. His mother had always been the barrier that kept them all sane in the house.

Only a few hours after she left all hell broke lose. “You can’t speak to me that way you spoiled brat!” Ian yelled at his step son. They were down stairs in the kitchen which was an absolute mess. “I told you to get off your lazy a** and clean this up now.” He said raising his nose into the air. “Do as I say boy!” He yelled raising his voice again.

“I don’t give a s**t what you say old man.” Christopher scoffed his temper growing. He could hardly bare being in the same room with the man his mother called the love of her life. He loved the woman dearly but she was clearly missing a few screws. He folded his arms glaring at the man as they argued back and forth about the broken dishes on the floor. The argument hit its final point.

Christopher pulled a knife out on Ian. “Oh how the tables have turned.” Christopher said to him as he stalked closer to him gripping the knife tightly. He was intent on stabbing that man until a fair skinned hand grabbed his own. “Drop that this instant!” She yelled smacking him across the face. The knife clattered against the floor as he turned to see his mother raising her hand again. She’d never hit him before even when he disobeyed her. She never struck him.

-End Flash-

Christopher’s eyes opened slowly as his dream faded. That was how he ended up in the asylum. He couldn’t believe his beloved mother chose that spineless thing she called a man over her own son. He sighed as he tried to move about only to find himself strapped down. “What…?” He asked out as he noticed a woman on the side of him talking about some drug. “Lady help me please!”


“Looks like I’ll be done here soon.” Jisella said to herself she placed her lab coat in her locker and took out her purse. She had been investigating Hart Industries for about two months now and she finally had all of the evidence she needed. She just needed to get the information back to her main office without being caught. That was the difficult part. She sighed and left the break room to go back to her apartment to get some rest.

Opening the door she bumped into the gentleman by the name of Michael rather hard actually. He seemed as if he were in a hurry and nearly knocked her down. Her purse hit the ground sending all of its contents over the floor. Mini tapes were scattered everywhere and her notepad. She scrambled around to gather all of the little pieces of evidence only to find Dr. Hart standing above her tapping his foot.

“It’s for research.” She said plainly as she put all of them back in her purse and stuffed her note pad in it as well. Jisella tried to walk past him but he still stood there glaring at her. “Dr. Hart excuse me but I have to get home.” She said a touch of worry in her voice. He stepped to the side to reveal two security guards who came at her. She screamed as they took her down and handcuffed her. “Let me go! What is this?!” She shouted as she struggled.

“How long did you think your little charade would go on Ms. Nosefine?” Dr. Hart asked as he watched the bulkier guard hold her up. Her hair had become disheveled from its bun letting her hair fall in her face. She looked up at him watching only smile as the guards dragged her away down the hall. Struggling was no use as they finally stopped at a room, using a key card to unlock the door. They undid her cuffs and tossed her into the room roughly and closed the door behind her.

Jisella used the wall for support as she stood up and turned to look back at the door. She had been so sure of herself that they wouldn’t find out but she was gravely mistaken. Jisella folded her arms and started to pace until she almost ran into someone else. “I’m so sorry.” She apologized before looking down at the girl in front of her. “I’m Brittini.” She said standing up and coughing as she looked over at the woman in the lab coat instant fear hitting her eyes. “No…no more experiments.”

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