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Etillie's Junk Roleplaying junk, that is. :3 Samples, characters, and the like. Enjoy your stay. &3

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Sample: Literate+, hospital. Private thread.

There's always something about tears that can make any situation more awkward, even happy ones. To be frank, even when someone's crying from joy, it's painful to be around them, since you know you need to comfort them, but there's no way. Society has, literally, ran emotions into the floor. Who can handle these emotions? Therapists, psychologists, doctors and the like. Anyone who could make a buck off your suspense. Or, there were people like Riley. Awkward, unorganized, won't-take-no-for-an-answer people.

Crying was definitely a no-no for Riley. Not only was it an ugly, ugly thing, but it scared him, too. You can't fix things inside people like that. Sure, broken bones and torn muscles, but not tears. They came and went as they pleased, ripping whatever sanity anyone in the room had left apart. Bull. s**t.

At the sound of her sniveling, Riley had immediately raised his hand and opened his mouth, ready to tell the girl to clam down, and ask what he had just told her (that being “Not to worry”). But it was then she had started to speak. Sure, her heart ached, obviously, he thought to himself as he listened, feeling more and more out of place in front of the weeping kid. When he was a little kid, his heart pounded like hell when he cried (not that he'd ever admit to crying in the past ten or so years).

Her voice was tiny and pretty, as she spoke, looking nervously up at him. He lowered his arm and closed his mouth to give himself a more relaxed look, trying not to seem as angry as he really was; girls. Emotions. Crying. Stupid, stupid things. Ohhhh, my heart hurts to badly, he said to himself, trying to grin as she admitted to knowing the Children's poet. Then, you can leave. Ha, that's polite. Just, 'Get out,' basically.

Then he cracked. Visually, he twitched, his eye like a spasm, his head a bit to the side, quick as a flash, and a cold shiver went up his spine. All of a sudden, he felt like a total jerk. An a**. An utter fool. It all made sense.

What did?

First off, leaving for his own benefit of being near an awkward, confusing sick person. A patient. This made him feel bad. Awful. Like dirt. Like puckey. Something that didn't even deserve to be scraped off boots and into the trash, barely worthy of being run over by a truck. She hadn't said it to be mean, but to make the situation less strange. Then, oh, then...

So much for his blather about her heart. Suddenly, the only obvious thing was that she had something wrong with her heart. Disease, an attack, whatever... She wasn't here for show.

"Oh, damn," he said aloud by mistake, gritting his teeth as he looked down at her, feeling worse than ever. His brow was crunched, and his eyes wide, giving him a truly worried appearance. Riley's first stupid statement out of the way, he continued on after placing his broom and butler up against the wall.

"What happened? An accident, born with it? What... Skye?" he inquired, looking serious. Usually, someone like Riley wouldn’t ever try to feign such an act. But it wasn't said that the boy wasn't human. Some things, especially things that made him look bad, could really get through to him. This was, surprisingly, genuine concern.

"I mean, you need some company, right...?"

Sample: advanced literate, Naruto. Group.

With the clouds blocking the light of the moon, and the breeze stifled by the brick buildings all around, the trio was able to move unnoticed through the small streets of Konoha - or at least they thought they were. It didn't take long for the large calico to take notice of the staring eyes, far off on a rooftop, yet the beast kept it to itself, decidedly stuck on only doing what its master had asked, and being a look out wasn't in the description at all. The cat moved lightly on its feet, padding along with its nose in the air, trying to catch a whiff of something good.

Fish, cheese, rice... Scents assaulted the noses of the group, and Koneko dropped from Kiyoshi's shoulder to run ahead. Kiyoshi's tail twitched nervously, his head running through strategies and plans; what house, how, when, what? Even with the abilities of the feline form, if someone was cooking with that food, it would still be ridiculously difficult to get anything. Frustrated, Kiyoshi rolled his shoulders and popped his neck. The calico looked up at him, a catty smirk crawling along its face: "This would be easier if you were actually a cat, you know."

Kiyoshi looked down at the oversized cat, saying nothing. The cat stopped and sat with Kiyoshi following suit. The nin bent down to look the beast in the face. His cat-like pupils dilated to adjust to the change in light and his tail flickered back and forth, mimicking the twitches of the calico. The calico nodded towards the street ahead. Koneko was sitting patiently in front of a open door, mewing softly. Laughter came from inside the home, and seconds later a shadow appeared in the doorway. Kiyoshi tensed, but it was a false alarm.

A woman bent down and placed a bowl of scraps down in front of the tiny cat before bending down to stroke the Koneko's back. A pot of jealously boiled in his stomach for only a seconds before it faded away. He furrowed his brow and looked back at the calico once the woman had stood up and disappeared. "Do as he does," the large cat said simply. "You don't need to steal if they give it up willingly."

It took only a second for Kiyoshi to perform the jutsu; tendrils from his mind wrapping around the form of the calico cat to steal its appearance and traits. With a puff of smoke, he was suddenly a an alley cat; a brilliant orange to match his hair and shining green eyes. He meowed quietly to test his voice before telling the calico to hold its position.

The nin strolled over to Koneko and rubbed against the cat softly, purring out the code they had made years before when Kiyoshi had first transformed into a cat. The kitten-sized cat meowed loudly and rubbed back before moving over so they could share the dish. From inside, laughter ensued, and they could hear the chattering of the people inside, joking how the cat seemed to have bud and make another. Someone wondered aloud how many cats there actually were. Soon, the dish was empty of the treats it contained, and both the cat and the nin went to begging for more, rolling around outside the door and meowing pathetically.

Barely twenty feet away and hidden in the darkness, the calico rolled its eyes, wishing the summon would be broken already. Seeing his master roll so childishly on the ground made him wonder why it had ever signed a pact with the boy in the first place. It had no one to blame but itself, unfortunately. After all, he was the boy's first summon.

More food was brought from inside the house; two dishes this time. One with water and the other with more scraps. The two cats went quickly to eating again, purring their thanks. Three children wandered from inside to pet the cats, and after they were finished eating, the children picked them up and swung them around. Sick, Kiyoshi wished desperately to escape; to transform and get away. During his spinning, he looked over at Koneko, who seemed to be enjoying himself. It wasn't often that the cat had anyone else to deal with but him. Inwardly, he sighed.

The breeze blew harshly for a moment through the maze of brick, washing away the sick smell in the nose of the cat-nin. He was grateful - but only for a moment. The spinning continued, as well as added tugging and jerking as the third child begged for its turn. He caught sight of Koneko again: the cat wasn't faring too well either, now. With a sudden yelp, Koneko snuck his claws into the arm of the boy swinging him from side to side. Kiyoshi quickly did the same and the two cats were dropped.

A human voice echoed from the inhuman creature, calling the calico to hurry up and follow along. The children jumped aside as the larger cat pushed through at its own meandering pace. And then, as quickly as they came, the trio was gone, lost into the maze of alleyways, once again hidden from the hands of humans. They stopped to regroup and check to see if they were followed. No. That was good.

"You don't need to treat this as a normal mission, Kiyoshi," the calico stated, laying down. The small orange cat shook, trying to rid itself of the scent of children. "No," he answered in a human voice, though it was more high pitched than normal, but not to a squeaky, mouse-like voice. The calico's tail flickered impatiently. "Let me go."

Kiyoshi shook his head. "Later. I still need this form. I want to explore in peace." With a growl, the larger cat rolled onto its side. The nin sighed, grimacing at the large creature. Even now - after years of working together - he was as hard to deal with as always. Koneko rubbed against him, sensing his obvious distaste with the summon. The nin rolled his eyes and planned for their next step.

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Sample: literate, magical school. Group.

'Yes, I'm glad as well…' he thought to himself, smiling faintly. Jayme was still kind of upset with his lack of understanding with the subject. After all that researching, and he still didn't know squat. Maybe it was because he didn't know for ages? Yes, that's always an idea... He couldn't try to understand something he didn't even know existed. Jay stared off into the distance for a moment, and snapped back when he felt something... different.

The boy almost jumped when he saw Hikari's fangs for the first time. Just like people had described. Sharp like daggers, white as pearl. A sanguine feeling fell over him - but it wasn't his. Shivers ran up his back as the half-blood spoke to him, and he froze, rooted to the floor in fear. This was different, so terribly different. Had he done something wrong, was be bleeding somewhere? Questions and panic ran through his head as his eyes grew wide.

He could feel her breath on his neck. Without being able to control himself, his eyes rolled back. He felt as if he was falling apart from the inside. It wasn't painful, but it was agony to the soul. Then it ended. Jayme jumped lightly, shocking himself back into reality. What on earth? The human boy left cold all over, and he gave Hikari a nervous look. He realized he was shaking.

"W-what?" he stuttered, his mind viewing the event over and over. It took him a moment to register that she was speaking. "O-oh. Yes," he said, the cleared his throat, trying not to sound so nervous. "Yes, I did."

He paused for a moment, trying to make the best of situation. It was scary, but he supposed she was trying to pull it off like she was joking. But was she really? Jayme couldn't tell, but he wasn't going to fret over it that much. Maybe a little later. "Does it usually feel so…" he searched for the word. "Vivid?"

Sample: literate+, Pokemon. Private thread.

Ha ha. Wow. How sweet to know. Obviously, Shota wasn't a morning person. Loli didn't jump back at the growl, nor did she jump at it. Instead, she sat in quiet surprise, raising an eyebrow at the boy as he stood up. Looking down to gather the food, she luckily missed the lewd stretches, which were sure to break her poor, innocent mind. She yawned as she slowly moved the food back into her pack, clenching her eyes shut as she did so. Yawning was such an ugly activity, and Loli preferred if people didn't see her contorted face. She didn't mind seeing others - for she never took much notice to it, but her own? No thank you.

Finished scooping the food back into their bag, she placed in her pack before mimicking Shota in stand up for a quick stretch with arms above her head, then down to touch her toes. She did this in silence, not being able to decide whether or not she should be hurt by his comment, or if she should even respond. She stood with her arms folded behind her, lips pursed slightly and head cocked a bit to the side. A young, girlish look one could say, but it was often one of Loli's favorite - not to mention most natural.

"Well," she began, deciding that the best way to raise spirits was to chatter. ...Or did that not work with guys? Either way, it was worth a go. "we'll need to go through Cherrygrove, then through Violet City, I think." For a moment, she stood and looked up, trying to remember. It was difficult to see through the thick leaves and branches of the tree, but a bit of sunlight still bled faintly through, casting blocky patterns on her face. In the back of her mind, a thought popped up reminding her to wear her hat that day. The sun was getting slowly higher in the sky, and she could already feel the overwhelming warmth leaking into their shady hide-away.

"Cherrygrove is a big berry town, I've heard," she said quietly. After being raised on a berry farm herself, the idea of seeing more bigger farms was always something that woke her up in the morning. Johto was famous for their large variety of berries - almost fifty more kinds than Kanto would ever be able to grow, it was said. "Lots of people will work there, and we could stock up on more food supplies," she said shyly, looking back down at Shota. A bit of red came to her cheeks as she finally gave in her feminine ways.

Sample: literate, Final Fantasy CC. Group.

Already, the day was hot and humid, even with the sky cloudy and dark. It didn't look like fair weather was ahead, not at all. The time was nearing noon, Sah Nin figured, judging by the short, broken shadows cast beneath the trees nearby. The Selkie had perched itself on a fence near the center of town; to be factual, she was the center of town. The fence was the one that lead up the stone steps behind Tipa's large crystal savior.

Annoyed, she kicked her feet, letting them thud softly on the wood stakes, shaking the fence. Sitting a good five feet off the ground, usually Sah Nin wouldn't play with weak wood and the law of gravity, but today the weather and mission ahead had made her testier than usual. Today was the day the Caravanners met to resume their mission to collect Myrrh, and while most were home packing their things after their month long break, Sah Nin hovered, steaming, in the nastiness of the day. She had already packed, choosing to prepare herself over sleep (but really, sleep didn't come often lately).

The Selkie brushed her fair hair from her eyes, looking from side to side. A few villagers were milling about in the shady heat, casting wary glances at the dark sky before returning to their business. Sah Nin sighed loudly, gruffly; if it was her decision to make, the caravan would leave early in the morning, before even the rooster awoke... "Sani, Sani," she muttered, testing her new nickname out, rolling it with her tongue in an effort to pass the time. Her mother had called her it accidently only a week before, and everyone seemed to rather attached to it already.

Sample: literate, school. Group.

The way to Mistlethwaite was a long, dull road -- the only thing for miles at a time that could be seen were fields or crops. The taxi driver sighed with a grimace, counting down how long it would be before that obnoxious, crying cat would be out of his taxi. It didn't help that it's owner seemed to sleep right through the wretched noise. Finally, within a half an hour, they had pulled up to the school and the boy had been awaken with a loud, "Oi!"

Luka awoke groggily, still downright tired from his flights around the world. Australia to South Africa, to Egypt, to France, then the underground train to Britain. And now a taxi, driven to his home of four great years. He pulled himself out of the taxi, Yegor's pet carrier in one hand, while the driver got himself out of the car and around to the trunk to grab his bag. The exchange that took place was simple: pay the man, receive his belongings, and mutter a weary good-bye. The sports star looked up at the building, a small smile on his face as he listend to the taxi drive off, as well as Yegor's overwhelmingly angry voice.

The cat was something of a beast: it weighed twenty pounds or so, all muscle. There wasn't an ounce of fat on Yegor, and he used his size (the tip of his ears brushed Luka's knees) to the best of his ability: fighting, attacking, killing birds and rodents. The tom was a monster. Luka sized and dropped to his knees and openned the cage, watching as Yegor darted out with a hiss and into the bushes. Ever since Luka's freshman year, when the cat bit into a student, it was forced to live outside, but there weren't any complaints. They level of rats and mice dropped dramatically, much to the joy of the cafeteria and grounds workers.

The bushes rustled for a moment, then stilled, and Luka decided to head inside, pulling out a pamphlet from his back pocket: it gave instructions for students, as well as their class list and room number. Room five, same as last year.

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Sample: advanced literate, Pokemon. PMs.

Luka watched with a grimace as Celia got to her feet, looking a bit stunned from her encounter. His heart was still pounding, but it was finally thinking about slowing down, and his eyes rolled a bit when Olivia began to dance around him and Juke, checking for any injuries. They were perfectly fine, it was just the Jolteon and the Rapidash were worn out, and that poor Tauros... it looked absolutely miserable. He sighed, suddenly feeling very tired -- and this early in the day.

To make matters worse, Sir Turner appeared, backed by a load of guards, all looking confused and angry -- their normal face, Luka supposed, but it was almost frightening nonetheless. He turned his head to look at Juke, who had a similar look of distaste. All of the guards, the human ones at least, were moody and mean, using their power for the forces of evil. They liked to play tricks and get the other servants in trouble, and they had an especially good time around the stable. If no one was around, the guards would occasionally dump bins of feed, or tear latches off doors.

The man began raving almost instantly, hurriedly looking over the princess, and demanding explanations under his breath as he demanded the Tauros be seized and removed. The human guards looked wary, but a pair of Rhydon they had with them simply stepped forward, ready to do their job. Luka almost jumped when Celia spoke, rambling, it seemed, for the Tauros to be spared whatever fate they had prepared for it. For a moment, the Rhydon paused, looking at Turner for answers, when the man spat back his order.

Luka stared at Celia, brows high on his forehead, looking impressed. It wasn't often anyone spoke up to Turner. He was so high-strung that, occasionally, the King laughed abuot his influence while riding in the fields, Luka tagging along to keep a check on the Rapidash. Her mouthed sentence didn't slip past him though, and he nudge Juke with his shoulder, wanting him to help, hoping he'd get the gist when Luka said something.

"She's right, Sir," he began, after clearing his throat. Again, the Rhydon stopped, the two just about ready to lift the Tauros. "I mean, not to be impolite, but you'll have to house it in the stable anyway until you can deal with the beast, so why not let us handle it for you?"

Juke nodded, a smile coming to his face. "Yeah, yeah. You and your guards have better things to do than haul around a near-fainted Tauros, right?"

Sir Turner froze, looking angry at this suggestion. To him, it seemed as if all the servants were suddenly rioting, with all of these demands. But, strangely enough, as if deciding he did have better things to do, he nodded stiffly, called off the Rhydon, and turned to leave, but not before watching the pair shove the Tauros to its feet, and tying a length of rope around it's neck.

Before leading the beast off -- Juke leading with the rope, and Luka behind the Tauros to push -- Luka cast Celia a wary glance, as if questioning her on her decision. Either way, the Tauros would be there for her that evening, or the next, or however long until Sir Turner had the beast dragged away for treason, and it was sold, or, worse, put down. The two hands led the Tauros off, the Rapidash prancing behind them, and the Jolteon darting ahead, maknig a bee-line for the stable, where it would most likely fight the Growlithe for the straw. The Tauros lumbered along, mooing helplessly, and occasionally lifting it's tail to whip itself and Luka, leaving bright red, stinging lines. He grimaced at each one, but kept pushing until they reached the stable.

Inside, the fixed it up with a stall, getting it as comfortable a possible with fresh straw and hay for eating. It was nearly lunch by then, and the two boys used their time wisely, feeding the animals and chattering amongst themselves, considering Celia's next move. Only Luka knew of her studies, so he had to play dumb with Juke, but soon the two were moving off to lunch.

Sample: advanced literate, vampire. PMs.

Ah, New York. Take a breath: there's only a small chance you'll inhale something cancerous. Cigarette smoke, at least, regardless of where you are, the laws, or the people. It was night time; you know, the time when the monsters and goblins roam. Though here, it's more like rapists and freaks. Either way, welcome to the wild ride voted number one in the world: New York City.

The trend in murders around there were alarming. Everyday, it seemed like more and more of the city's baddies were falling to their knees -- or out windows, down stairs, or into the paths of moving cars -- drained completely of blood. A cruel, twisted trick, by the world's greatest killer? Not quite. Call it the signature of a very, very hungry kind of beast. And, one of those beasts, right at this moment -- the clock striking ten -- was enjoying the living day's out of themselves.

Laughing, Anna slapped the table with one hand, another hand up to cover her grinning mouth. No reason to go and frighten the bar goers with some pretty, pointy teeth so early in the game. Why she was laughing was debatable: the girl's system was running on 98% alcohol, judging my the number of frosty mugs and glasses stacked in front of her on the bar. The tender rolled his eyes, furious: this girl came it maybe once a week, and each time she drank near his entire stock, then disappeared without paying. Strangely enough, the cost of the drinks she had consumed found it's way to his mailbox a few nights afterwards, accompanied by a wonderfully large tip. So, he couldn't complain.

But now, she seemed to be bring friends along. Hobos off the street, most of them looked like. No one fit enough to have the right to sit at her side. Anna (though he didn't know her name) was in the prime of her life, probably no older than twenty-five or six -- he couldn't remember exactly. It had been so long since he had checked her ID -- with beautiful, rosy red hair, curled to a sort of unmoving perfection, though the ends bounced lightly as she walked. Her eyes were green and skin of a pretty, pale complexion. It wasn't uncommon that men were buying her drinks around the bar. But tonight seemed a bit different -- instead of being the life of the bar, sitting herself in the middle of the line of stools, she was over in the corner, hanging out with a bunch of drunken looking hobos.

The tender sneared as he looked their way: Anna looked as if she had even dressed up for this night, too, only to be bombarded by a bunch of idiots. Not that he even liked Anna, but her tips added up quickly enough for him to move into a bigger apartment, and hire someone to clean the bar out once a week.

In the corner, Anna spoke, babbling almost, through the liquor on her breath. The men around here weren't hobos, but others like herself -- all of them wishing to do what she had did. And that was to drink directly from the evil in the world. Sitting with her legs crossed, in a dress of a fine, black velvet material, she leaned forward, chattering quietly about what she did. It wasn't often she exposed her vampire secrets, but when she was drunk enough... anything could happen. For a moment, she stopped to take a breath, closing her eyes as she suddenly felt dizzy. Maybe a bit too much to drink tonight, she thought, eyes watering behind the lids. With a lithe hand, she readjusted the straps of her sleeveless dress, pushing them higher up on her shoulders. She might've dressed unreasonably for the crowd around her, but there was no way she was going to dress sluttily as well.

The newbie vampires around her jostled each other in her silence, muttering cruel things about each other. When would they learn that being a vampire had nothing to do with how mean they were? Anna, surprisingly, was a kindly sort of person -- downright sarcastic and hotheaded, but she adored the simpler, nicer things in life. But there was always that feeling, buried beneath her seemingly human exterior, that demanded blood-- death, evil, misery... Maybe she could understand these foolish little vampires after all.

With a sigh to herself, Anna continued, speaking mostly in riddles and repeating herself: she had been one of the few vampires lucky enough to learn from the master himself, all those years ago, when she had first been bitten. Personally, Anna thought these scum off the New York streets should learn for themselves, but they seemed to think of that as impossible. Oh well.

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Sample: literate, fantasy. eMail.

Near dusk, Tais had found the place she wanted to settle: a small open grassy field in the middle of the woods, lined with berry bushes and tall grass. She, Kiov, and Grem had passed it earlier than day, while scouting, and Grem had recounted the history of the spot, and how it had managed to stay so well kept without any outside influences. Strangely enough, the reason was magic. Centaur magic. The magic they had lost when they traded their powers for those of reading the night sky.

It was, apparently, a special place of power, where two centaur lovers had been attacked by a gang of goblins, and the lady had been slain. The male gave his life to defeat her murderers and provide her with a proper burial. One of beauty and respect. Tais wasn't sure if having an elf stay there was disrespectful, but it was one of the few safe places in the forrest, and definitely the only one nearby.

She had dumped the elf and wandered off to find a stream or creek to water herself down. To help close the wounds on her shoulder and side, and to wet down the burnt skin and fur on her side. Tais, simply, was a mess.

It was well near midnight when she returned to the clearing, walking softly over the brush, eyes looking every which way. In her attempts to protect herself against infection, she had forgotten that the elf would've most likely awoken during her absence. There was a large possiblity that he was planning an attack of some sort on her, and that a single step into the clearing meant her death, with no beautiful burial.

Strangely enough, the elf was still there, lying exactly where she had left him,the only difference being that his bounds had been broken. But that was no surprise to her. The real surprise was the fact that he was still there. For a moment, Tais kept still, watching the elf nervously and glancing around the clearing, looking for any traps. Maybe he had meant to stay, if only to trick her.

Soon enough, though, she had made up her mind: no use in being a pansy. To die with the rest of her fellows in an attempt to rid the land of elves was more than enough honor for a centaur. She stepped through the bushes, almost wincing as the rustled. It seemed so much louder in the night.

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