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View User's Journal

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woolooolooloolloolooloo frist comment
159. What is your favorite kind of dog?
160. What is your favorite website?
161. Type a random word.
162. Do you think the end is coming up?
163. Do you have a mule?
164. Have you ever kissed a big spider?
165. Do you donate to your friends?
166. What is your favorite letter?
167. Where is your computer located?
168. Have you ever choked on a gumball?
169. Have you ever got stung by a bee?
170. Have you ever had warts?
171. Have you ever had zits?
172. Do you use face cleanser?
173. If you do is it clean and clear?
174. Have you ever had a accident in your bed after the age of 10?
175. Have you ever sneaked into a movie without buying a ticket?
176. Have you ever hacked someones account?
177. Have you ever talked to yourself out loud in school?
178. Have you ever got coal for Christmas?
179. Have you ever accidently flushed your favorite thing in a toilet?
180. After Christmas or Easter, have you ever seen Santa's or the Easter Bunny's footprints around the house?
181. Have you ever slept with a blankie?
182. Have you ever punched your mom or dad?
183. Have you ever seen a UFO?
184. Would you rather freeze to death or burn to death?
185. How long are your showers?
186. Do you like getting mail?
187. Do you like cheese?
188. how many posts do you post a day?
189. Bump once.
190. Can you dive?
191. Whats your worst fear?
192. Do you like someone?
193. Whats their name?
194. Are you in love?
195. Do you believe in love?
196. What do you like most about Gaia?
197. Whats the scariest thing you've done?
198. Are you listening to music right now?
199. If so, what kind?
200. Do you know how many pints are in a gallon?
201. Do you hate me for typing so many questions yet?
203.Have you ever seen a squirrel?
205.Do you believe in Faires?
206. How much more gold do you think youll get?
207.Why did you choose that user name?
208. So, are you gonna stick around to get in the Hall of fame?
209. Take the poll if you havent already.
210. Are you observant?
211. Positive or negative?
212. Do you have more gaia friends then real life friends?
213. Do you remember what question 12 was?
214. Do you like the movie Napoleon Dynamite?
215. What is your favorite website?
216. Is this quiz stupid?
217. Is it getting boring?
218. What is your favorite cereal?
219. Can you force yourself to burp?
220. Where would you like to go in the world?
221. What are you going to do when you finish this quiz?
222. What time is it now?
223. What time did you start this quiz?
224. What time do you think you'll finish?
225. Did you know that it is not even half over yet?
226. Have you done things you wish you could take back?
227. Do you wish some people could just go away?
228. Do you ever wish time could stop?
229. Do you wish I would just go away?
230. How much gold do you have now?
231. Do you like family guy?
232. Have you seen corpse bride yet?
233. If not, Do you want to?
234. Do you like turtles?
235. Do you hate babies?
236. Name one thing you can't stand about people?
237. Name one thing you can't stand about media?
238. Are you drinking anything right now?
239. If so, what?
240. Have you ever eaten a worm?
241. I like ladybugs.

Name one song by the folling bands/singers/rappers if you don't know any just put n/a.

242. Linkin Park
243. System of a down
244. Eminem
245. Kittie
246.Guns n roses
247. ACDC n/a
248.Kelly Clarkson
249. Lindsy Lohan
250.Brittany Spears
251. Maroon5
252.Pink Floyd
253 Silverchair
254. Good charlotte
255 Simple Plan
256. Avril Lavigne
259Did you know a lot of those bands?
260. What time is it now?
261. Own something one of a kind?
262 Do you Like Riddles?
263. What about unscrambling words?
264 What is 12x12?
265Are you as bored as I am?
266What does it take to make you happy?
267Has anyone saying I love you hurt you?
268. Have you looked at how many questions there are yet?
269 How much gold do you have?
270. How much more gold do you need to reach your quest?
271. Are you going to Finish?
272. Have you have splurged on something for yourself?
273. If so, what did you buy?
274. What's your favorite music to dance to?
275. Do you think it easy to rap?
276. Do you go to concerts often?
277. What was your favorite Summer Movie?
278. What was your least?
279. What is the worst food in the world?
280. What is your favorite Skittle's Flavor?
281. What is your least favorite number?
282. What Brand of Lotion is your favorite?
283. What is your favorite thing about me?
284. Why do you think I worry about what you think about me?
285 What is your Favorite kind of Headband [ex: Doll Ears, Fox Ear, Angelic Headband etc.]?
286. Do you have any new ideas gaia should use?
287which item annoys you to death?
288. Why?
289. Do you use 1 player or Multi Player in fishing?
290. Do you join other people's games or do you start your own?
291. How many friends have you taken off your friend list lately?
292. Why would you do such a thing?
293. Do your Friends Comment in your journal?
294. Does anybody comment in your journal?
295Do you hate Quest Threads?
296. How Many Quest Threads have you made?
297How many Quest Threads have you donated to?
298. Are you Greedy when it comes to gold?
299. What is the ugliest item on Gaia?
300. What is the Weirdest?

What is your�

311. Grade level?
312. Eye Color?
313. Hair color?
314. Short or Long hair?
315. Height?
316. Style?
317 Personality?
318. Looks?
319. Hot or Cute?
320. Muscular, Really Skinny, or fat?
321. How do you want to die?
322. Have you been to the mall lately?
324. Do you get along with your Parents?
325. Do you think your Attractive?
326. do you shower Daily?
327. What age do you want to lose your Virginity?
328. Hate anyone?
329. Are you Straight, gay, or bi?
330. What age do people think you are?
331 What age do you wish you were?
332 Are you happy with your hair color?
333. Do you dye your hair?
334 are you Left handed, right handed, or ambidextrous?
335. Obsessions?
336 Have a favorite quote?
337. If you do what is it?
338. Do you have a web page?
339 If you do what is it?
340. If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?
341. Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool?
342. If you were another person, would you be friends with you?
343. Have you ever played poker?
344. Have you ever thought you were going crazy?
345. Have you ever killed an animal by accident?
346. Been on the radio/TV.?
347. Had a dream that kept coming back?
348. What kind of cologne/perfume do you wear?
349. do you Believe in life on other planets?
350. what about Miracles?
352. do you Believe there's a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?
353 Do you wish on stars?
354 Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or going on a blind date?
355Have you ever wished it was more "socially acceptable" for a girl to ask a guy out?
356. Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive?
357. What's the last present someone gave you?
358. Who gave it to you?
359. Do you like it?

Was there anytime�
360. You wanted to kill?
361. That you laughed at?
362. That laughed at you?
363. That turned you on?
364. You went shopping with?
365. That broke your heart?
366. To disappoint you?
367. To ask you out?
368. To make you cry?
369. that you thought about?
370. You saw a movie with?
371. You talked to on the phone?
372. You saw?
373. You thought was completely insane?
374. You wanted to be?
375. You told off?
376 You trusted?
When was the last time you?
377. Smiled?
378 Laughed?
379. Cried?
380. Bought something?
381. Hugged someone?
382. Watched your fave movie?
383. Had a nightmare?
384. Talked on the phone?
385. Listened to the radio?
386. Watched TV?
387. Went out?
388 Helped someone?
389. Were mean?
390. Sang?
391. Saw a movie in a theater?
392. Skipped class?
393. Eaten a bug?
394. Crashed a friend's car?
395. Done drugs?
396. Been in love?
397. Been dumped?
398. Shoplifted?
399. Been fired?
400 Been in a fist fight?
401. Snuck out of your house at night?
402. Had feelings for someone who didnt have them back?
403. Made out with a stranger?
404. Gone on a blind date?
405. Lied to a friend?
406. Had a crush on a teacher?
407. Killed someone?
408. Been in a car accident?
409. Seen someone die?
410. Been on a plane?
411. Cheated on a test?
412. Stopped reading a book 20 pages before you finished?
413. Made a snow angel?
414. Played dress up?
415. Cheated while playing a game?
416. been lonely?
417 fallen asleep at work/school?
418. Used a fake ID?
419. Felt an earthquake?
420. Touched a snake?
421. Ran a red light?
422. Been suspended from school?
423. Had detention?
424. Worn a outfit that you later regretted wearing?
425. Had someone tell you your outfit is ugly?
426. Witnessed a crime?
427. lap danced?
428. Given a striptease?
429. Been lost?
430. Been to the opposite side of the country?
431. Felt like dying?
432. Cried yourself to sleep?
433. Played cops and robbers?
434. Sang karaoke?
435. Done something you told yourself you wouldn't?
436. Laughed till some kind of beverage came out of your nose?
437. Caught a snowflake on your tongue?
438. Kissed in the rain?
439. Sing in the shower?
440. Been embarrassed in front of your boyfriend/crush?
441. If you have please tell of your horrifying experience.
442. Had a dream that you married someone?
443. Glued your hand to something?
444. Gotten your tongue stuck to a flag pole?
445. Worn the opposite sex's clothes?
446. Sat on a roof top?
447. Not showered for a week?
448. Ever too scared to watch scary movies alone?
449. seen such a scary movie you slept with your parents that night?
450. Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?
451. Been told you're hot by a complete stranger?
452. Been easily amused?
453. Laugh so hard you cry?
454. Cry so hard you laugh?
455. Mooned someone?
456. Flashed someone?
457. If youre a girl tried to pee in a urinal?
458. If youre a boy worn makeup to school?
459. Forgotten someone's name?
460. Slept naked?
461. Gone skinny-dipping in a pool?
462. Been kicked out of your house?
463. Played a prank on someone?
464. Gone to a late night movie?
465. Failed a class?
466. Choked on something you're not supposed to eat?
467. Played an instrument for more than 10 hours?
468. Eaten a whole package of Oreos in one day?
469. Bought Mardi gras beads?
470. Thrown a shoe?
471. Felt like killing someone?
472. Ran away?
473. Been kidnapped?
474. had detention and not attend it?
475. Yelled at your parents?
476. Made parent cry?
477. Cussed at your parents?
478. Cried over someone?
479. Owned more than 5 sharpies?
480. Dated someone more than once?
481. Have a dog?
482. Have a cat?
483. Own an instrument?
484. Been in a band (school does count)?
485. Had more than 25 sodas in one day?
486. Broken a CD?
487. Shot a gun?
488. Was it real or fake?
489. Been on Gaia for more than 5 hours straight?
490. Slept in the same bed as someone of the opposite sex?
491. Have a dream come true?
492. Been kissed unexpectedly?
493. Tried to break a record?
494. Entered an eating contest?

Do you?

495. Cook?
496. Want to know me?
497. Want something that you can't have?
498. Think this quiz is too long?
499. Own more than 6 pairs of shoes?
500. Get on Gaia daily?
501. Like to write?
502. like school?
503. Own a pair of cuticle clippers?
504. Enjoy listening to music from games?
505. even if you've never played the game?
506. Read magazines?
507. What kind of magazines do you enjoy to read?
508. Like to listen to music?
509. Ever get cramps?
510. Ever get migraines?
511. like kitties?
512. like dogs?
513. like animals in general?
514. Crave something right now?
515. like chocolate?
516. Think the sun is too bright?
517. Do you shop at Abcrombie and Fitch?
518. Wish I can stop asking these stupid questions?
519. Wish you never started this quiz?
520. When was the last time you missed someone?
521. When was the last time you fought with a family member?
522. Fought with a friend?
523. Had a serious conversation?
524. How long have you been doing this quiz?
525. How much gold have you gotten so far from doing this quiz?
526. How much longer do you think you can take it?
527. Can you not wait till this is over?
528. Do you hate me for asking all these questions?
529. Do you know your multiplication tables?
530. What is 12 times 16?
531. What is 135 times 674?
532. Do you know how to divide?
533. What is 72 divided by 9?
534. What is 6789 divided by 3?
535. What is 144 divided by 12?
536. What would you do if you were going to die in a day?
537. Favorite breakfast cereal?
538. Do you like coffee?
539. What's your favorite restaurant?
540. What do you like on your pizza?
541. Have you ever tried to make a pizza?
542. Do you eat the cream out of the Oreo first?
543. Do your teachers like you?
544. Are you a teachers pet?
545. Would you ever run for president?
546. Would you ever marry someone for their money?
547. What is the date?
548. What does you dream home look like (please describe vividly and if you can post a picture of what it might look like)
549. Have you ever laughed so hard you peed in your pants?
550. Has someone ever told you your avatar was hot/cute/sexy?
551. Have you ever told someone that their avatar was hot/cute/sexy?
552. Have you ever been stung by a jellyfish?
553. What are you thinking about right now?
554. What would you do if an Alien landed in your backyard and asked for directions to the White House?
555. What would you do if your room was painted neon orange puke green and highlighter yellow?
556. Do you like anchovies?
557. Do you actually carry out your New Years resolutions?
558. What's your favorite subject?
559. Why do you like it?
560. Which subject do you absolutely hate?
561. Why do you hate it so?
562. What grade are you in?
563. Do you like school?
564. Do you eat cafeteria food?
565. Ever work in the cafeteria?
566. Ever started a food fight?
567. Aced a test you thought you wouldn't?
568. Have an overdue library book?
569. Do you still have that over due library book?
570. How long have you had the over due book?
571. How much do you think your fine is by now?
572. ever been in a school play?
573. Are you in any of the school clubs?
574. If so witch ones?
575. Seen a school play?
576. Is your school private or public?
577. If its private do you wish it wasn't so you didn't have to wear a uniform?
578. Do you actually use the hangout option on Gaia?
579. Do you make your bed?
580. Do you wish this survey was over?
581. Do you make bad jokes?
582. Do you take candy from strangers?
583. Do you wish you had facial hair?
584. Do you have any skills you'd like to brag about now?
585. Do you ride the bus/drive/ or get driven to school?
586. whos your best friend?
587. Are you weird?
588. Do you act like you're on drugs but your actually not?
589. Can you flare your nostrils?
590. Do you have the soundtracks from your favorite movies?
591. Do you still have a VCR?
592. Is it even plugged in?
593. Do you own scented markers?
594. How many posts have you made?
595. Whats your rarest item?
596. What are your goals in Gaia?
597. Why do you play Gaia?
598. What do you think the point of Gaia is?
599. What is your total gold?
600. What is the total gold that you increased?

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