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Chapter One: The Fluffy Liddle Fox, The Homicidal Maniac, and the Spirit of Foxfire

Johnny opened his eyes slowly. Light flooded the room instantly, blinding him and causing him to shut his eyelids tightly. It took him great effort to turn his head slightly, so tired was he. Johnny saw a orange blur, and a small, bright-eyed vixen fox was leaning over him, a rather excited look upon her face. One of the fox's eyes twitched slightly as she stared at him. Johnny sighed, "What? Why are you waking me up at 2 'o clock in the morning?" he asked her as she grinned widely.
"Tis 3'thirty, sleeping beauty! Time fer breakfast!" the fox replied.
"Breakfast?" it took him a moment to wake completely. The orange fluff before him tried in vain to yank him from his small bed as he blinked tiredly.
"Fox, it's so early, can't I sleep for a another hour?" Johnny pleaded. It seemed to have no effect on Fox, who was still using every bit of energy to pull him from his bed.
Johnny groaned as he felt his head crack against the floor painfully. Apparently, she had succeeded and was very proud of herself in doing so. Johnny ran is fingers through his jet black hair. Fox had already gone to the kitchen to prepare a bowl of Trix. She made a great amount of noise which made Johnny's head throb. He pulled at his sleeves lazily and rose one side at a time. His lean body slid on the old, wooden floor as he attempted to get up. Fox, who was at the table eating as if she hadn't in weeks, looked up from her Trix at him. She was so happy. But Johnny knew she wouldn't be for long. He hoped Alcharotare would wake up, otherwise Fox would certinly be upset. And by upset he meant saying 'Nnnnnnnnnooooooooo!!!!' dramaticly over and over again.
Johnny returned her smile and half-walked-half-stumbled to Al's room. The door creaked eerily as he opened it. It was pitch black in her room and a mist-like fog curled and twisted up to his knees. Alcharotare opened her silvery-gray eyes and gazed blankly in her ghostly way. Her short, beautiful, red hair hung over her eyes as she looked up, nose on her pillow, at Johnny.
"The fluff is up. You know what that means." Johnny told the fatigued spirit. She smiled weakly. Fox's morning quirks tickled her. Alchare loved that little fox like fish love the ocean. "It means she'll have a fit if I don't get up and kiss her nose."
"Yep. C'mon. Let's go get breakfast."

PART TWO: Alcharotare

Alcharotare followed Johnny as he walked down the narrow hallway, his hands in his pockets and his eyes shut. Alcharotare wondered if Johnny was really awake, or if he was in some sort of trance. She had experienced this sort of thing, as Al had put Fox in a trance several times to get her to sleep. If this was not done, Fox would stay up later than the wee hours of the morning. Alchare heard him sigh quietly, so he was clearly awake, but she had her doubts.
As they entered the small kitchen, Fox leaped, as if she had just sat in a bowl of nails, into Al's arms. Alcharotare laughed and wiped the milk from Fox's face as she proceeded to lick the ghost's nose. Johnny took one look at the scene, and had to control himself to keep from bursting in laughter. Fox yipped happily and wriggled from her hands onto her shoulder, then put her face in Al's hair and sniffed all over her head. Alcharotare giggled and put the little fox on Johnny's head. Fox licked the inside of his ear as he flenched slightly. Alcharotare rolled her eyes and kissed thier noses and headed for the icebox. Johnny blushed and smiled to himself, while Fox licked her own nose to retain any kiss that may have wandered up her snout.
Alchare scanned the icebox for any form of food that could be scavenged, as it was quite bare. She stuck out her bottom lip in sadness. Al then shifted her silvery gaze to the frozen Johnny and the fox, who was literally bouncing off the walls. Fox then randomly exclaimed "Spider-Man!". Alcharotare sighed and raised her hand slowly. As she did so, Fox began to float in the air and into Al's loving arms. Fox, who was very excited about what had just occured, yipped loudly.


Johnny watched in slight disgust at the antics of the two females, who were showing much affection by licking, yipping, and sniffing, kissing, hugging, and giggling, like too-happy schoolgirls. Johnny sniffed and wiped his face on his sleeve, then headed back to Fox's room to see if she had completely destroyed it. Various posters were tacked to the walls, one of Jack Sparrow, another of The Gorillaz, and many others, including Greenday. Her bed consisted of a basket of fuzzy, green pillows and a poofy green blanket. Fox's dresser, which was considerably small, held a black sweater, a black jacket, and just about every other item of clothing, of which were all black. Many pictures of Alcharotare were stuck into the corners of her mirror, also one of 2D, Murdoc, Noodle, and Russel. One of Johnny was in the very center; it was a photo of Johnny holding Fox in his arms, both of them smiling, and Alcharotare's hand making bunny ears on Johnny's head. He smiled as he noticed Al's fingers upon his head.
Johnny paused for a moment to remember the day Demonday, one of Fox's and Al's friends, had taken the picture. That day Fox had contracted rabies and she was put down, but, of course, was brought back to life by the spirit Alcharotare. He slowly walked out of the room, thinking about all the three had gone through. All of them, especially Fox, had experienced alot in the past year.


Fox glanced over at Johnny, who was trapped in pensive thought, and leaped over to him. She wagged her tail and panted, smiling in her foxy way. Johnny looked down at her with a blank expression. Expecting to be rejected, Fox began to turn away, but Johnny scooped her up and hugged her tightly. Fox, who was used to being squeezed by Alcharotare, was not harmed. She looked up at him and licked his face, then surprised to taste warm tears. He was crying silently. Fox cocked her head to the side, then licked all Johnny's tears away. "What's de matter?" Fox asked, concerned. Johnny simply replied, "I'm sorry."
Fox heard keys jingle, and quickly shot up her head. Alcharotare was headed for the door. Fox barked, and Al turned around. "Oh, I'm sorry Fox, did you want to come?"
"Oui!" Fox exclaimed, but then returned her gaze to Johnny. Johnny smiled and carefully put her down, he was sniffing, but did not show any other sign of crying.
Fox smiled back, and rushed after Al.


Canta slid her sowrd into it's sheath, it's blade stained with dark red blood. The wind played in her golden hair, twisting and waving, like deep, gold water. Her grip on the silver sowrd tightened, and she spun around quickly, piercing a large, black, demon through the gut. It let out a bellowing roar of pain, and fell to the ground. The Demon-Slayer Canta strode out of the dark alley, humming a happy tune. "I wonder if Quicky-Mart is open. I need some bactine and chocolate." Canta thought to herself.

As she entered the gas station-side store, she walked past a strange-looking man wearing a black trenchcoat, his eyes closed. She watched him as he passed, and he glanced over his shoulder long enough for Canta to see his sad eyes. The black-haired man walked slowly to a Icee machine, and grabbed a plastic cup, and proceeded to fill it to the brim with cherry-flavoured ice. He looked over his shoulder again, staring into Canta's greenish-blue eyes. She stared back. "I'm Johnny, Nny for short." the man said. Canta was surprised that he told her his name. She guessed he noticed her staring at him, and thought she wanted to talk, or something. "Canta." she replied. He smiled and gave a dollar to the cashier. "I'm sorry sir, but Icees are three dollars." the cashier told him. Johnny's expression quickly changed from happiness to anger. "Take the dollar." he replied firmly. The cashier shook his head. "No."
"Take the dollar." Johnny repeated, his ire rising.
"I'm going to call the police."
"No. No you're not."
Johnny suddenly pulled out a long knife and held it to the cashier's neck. "Take it and let me go home." Johnny said through gritted teeth. Shaking with fear, the cashier took the dollar and slowly put it in his cash register. Canta watched all this through truely fearful and confused eyes. Her hand moved to the handle of her katana. Johnny stepped away from the cashier and slowly walked towards the exit, drinking his Icee in silence. Canta followed him in equal silence, hand still on her sowrd.


Canta followed him as he headed home, her hand on her weapon. Johnny raised his eyebrow in confusion. "Why so jumpy?" he asked her. Canta stared at him silently. Johnny sighed and stopped walking. He suddenly whirled around and pointed a shakey finger at her, "Why are you following me?!" It seemed that he had finally realized that she was following him. Canta blushed, truely embarrassed, "Well, I kind of jumped to the conclusion that you......might be a demon....erm, yeah."
"Now what ever gave you that idea?" Johnny questioned.
"Um, just the way you....handled that situation.....seemed...."
"Evil and thoughtless?"
"I see...."
"I slay demons. It's sort of my mission."
"I paint blood on a wall to feed a monster behind it so he'll stay there. I also live with a ghost and a very....special little fox."
"Ooooookaaaaaaay......I'm not sure I understand, but alrighty."
Johnny smiled, and pointed to a old building; it looked almost as sad as he did, it was so gloomy, so broken. "This is where I live." he said. Canta smiled an uncertin smile, and walked to the faded dark green door. As soon as her hand was an inch from the doorknob, a rather strange-looking girl opened it quickly. Her eyes, a light gray-silver, were hard and stared down upon Canta. "Hello." Canta said shyly. The girl slammed the door in her face and called out someone's name. She opened the door again, a smirk on her face. Canta heard the pitter-patter of claws on wood, and a bright-eyed she-fox pounced on her. Startled, she was surprised by the small fox's strength, for it had thrown her backward with it's pounce. "I SHALL CLAW THY EYEBALLS FROM THY EYE-SOCKETS!!!!" the fox cried. "Fox! Stop it! She's my friend, not a girl scout!" Johnny told the rabid little fox. Alcharotare cleared her throat. "Sorry, I thought you might be selling something."
Canta was gasping with each breath, so startled was she, "A talking fox?!?! What next? I thought I'd seen everything!"
"Hi, I'm Alcharotare, I'm dead."
"I'm a fox. Call me Fox."
Canta fainted, obviously, the very thought of all this made her brain bleed.


Johnny was surrounded by women. The worst nightmare for many a male. The scaryest part was the fact that them BOTH became menstral at the same time, so once a month Johnny was overwhelmed by a very moody fox and a snappy she-ghost. And now, this strange girl Canta was in the house.
"Where did you and Fox go, Al?" he asked Alcharotare.
"To the store. There was barely anything to eat."
"How did you buy it? We have no money."
"Johnny. I'm a ghost. People usually don't see ghosts when they don't want to be seen."
"You have a point there...."
Canta shifted her postion upon the couch on which she had been lain, and her eyes fluttered open. Alcharotare peered over her. Fox was playing video games quietly. Johnny sighed and began to unload the groceries. They consisted of two brown paper bags, both very full of canned goods; especially fox-chow (vienna sausages). He opened one of the "fox-chow" cans, and almost as soon as it opened, Fox appeared before him, tail wagging. He tossed a sausage to her and conteniued to distribute the cans into the pantry. Fox licked Johnny's hand and returned to her PS2. Instead of washing his hands, like he usually did, he left the fox kiss there. He smiled softly to himself and put the last can into the pantry.


"I'm glad you finally woke up! What's your name?" Alcharotare asked the flustered girl.
"It's Canta. Where am I?"
"On the couch."
"Yeah, but what is this place?"
"Number 777. It's an old house. Johnny lives here. And, no, it's not heaven."
"So it wasn't a dream...."
"Nope. You ain't dream'n.
"So, you're a zombie, or something?"
"Naw, I'm a ghost."
"How'd you die?"
Alcharotare paused and turned her unblinking gaze to her bare feet.
"I don't want to talk about it right now."
Canta's stomach growled quite loudly and she rubbed it comicly.
"Want some food?"
"Yes, please!"
Alcharotare strided to the cabinet and peered inside with her long neck. Canta followed and sat at the table, still confused, and waited impatiently.
"What do you want? We've got Trix, vienna sausages, coco...."
"Coco, please!" Canta said.
"We don't have any coco."
"But you just said--"
Johnny entered the kitchen and laughed softly. "Don't try to understand her, Canta. You'll only get a headache." Even his laugh was sad.
Canta blinked. These people were getting stranger and stranger.

PART NINE: A Summary of Canta's Relationships with the Inhabitants of Number 777

A few days had passed, and Canta had warmed up to her new friends, even Fox, and had returned to her funloving, chocolate-eating, kind of crazy self. Alcharotare and Canta had become good buds brushing eachother's hair, dressing up Fox, painting nails, washing dishes, messing with Johnny, hunting bloodthirsty demons, you know, girl stuff. Al even suggested they become blood brothers (sisters in this case), but then remembering that she could not bleed, suggested that they go to the mall.

Johnny had gone out for a while to 'get fresh air', and returned a few hours later with a rather peculiar smelling bucket and retreated to his basement. Canta had decided to follow, and found out quickly why they call him 'Johnny the Homicidal Maniac'. He explained why he was painting his wall with blood, and the both of them.....bonded in a way. Thier relationship is shakey, since she still ponders over whether or not to kill him, thanks to her strong sense of justice.

Canta is quite fond of Fox, actually. Although, she does run away from the door after ringing the doorbell to enter. They are both....unique individuals who share some common interests, like hanging out with Johnny, pestering Al to make them coco (when they don't even have any), eating chocolate, and, of course, discussing the wonderous art of typing without looking. Yes, it is an art, and one poor Fox has yet to master. But who can blame her? She has paws for pete's sake.

Canta's past remains a mystery I plan to reveil throughout the story.

Chapter Two: Behold, it is Love that Shall Tear Thee Apart

Love. What a strange and fragile thing.


Fox had finally rid herself of her infamous sugar rush and was her normal self again. Well, almost normal. Less wierd than usual. She was watching Naruto, as usual, ranting over how beautiful Sasuke Uchiha is, while Johnny, Canta, and Alcharotare stared at her with confused looks on thier faces. "Do you wanna tell her?" Johnny asked Canta.
"Oh, no. You tell her Al."
"Eck! Never. You do it, Nny."
Johnny leanned down to Fox and tapped her on the shoulder. Fox slowly looked form the screen to his face, her eyes bloodshot and dry from having her face practicallly pressed against the television screen. She blinked even more slowly and her left eye twitched. "Er, Fox, um....you know he's not...real, right? He's just a cartoon character." Johnny prepared himself for an explosion of arguments from the little fox, but she just stared at him with a slightly disturbing gaze. He stared back through expectant eyes. Fox bared her teeth and let a low growl escape her lips. Johnny backed away slowly and whispered cautiously to Canta, "I think she angers at me, Canta. We'd better leave her be."

heart ninja heart

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