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Celaes' Blog
I keep all my fanfictions and stupid happenings here! Check them out ok?
Matrix Part 1 of 3
(Alright, this actually was written as one chapter but it's a bit long so...yeah. Sorry about splitting it up o.O)


I could feel the heartbeat of my victim begin to slow as he lay dying in my arms. The venom welled in my mouth as his blood flowed smoothly down my throat, soothing the aching burn. All too soon I heard his heart stop and his arms grew limp. I pulled away from his corpse, the scent of blood hanging heavy in the air. The weakness the man displayed took any thrill the kill may have had away. Such ignorance humans possess! The man had never seen me coming, even though I had tried to make my approach obvious. With a last pitying glance at the frail human’s body, I walked on out of the alleyway.
The cool moonlight poured over my skin as I left behind the shadows of my previous location, allowing my already superior sight to double. There were very few humans left on the streets at this hour, but their blood called to me nonetheless. For once, I ignored the urge to feed and walked steadily on. I enjoyed the look of appall in the eyes of humans as I passed, clearly they’d never seen someone like me out so late. I imagined how I must look to them; long, thick auburn hair hanging in spiral around my face, green eyes and pale skin gleaming in the moonlight, hands swaying ever so slightly as I made my way down the sidewalk. I stifled a chuckle. To them I probably looked surreal, like a goddess. But no matter what the ignorant humans thought, I had business to attend to.
The thought of my nearly-forgotten task would have sent my heart pounding, if it still beat. Heartbeat or not, the idea still sent a shiver of excitement through me. I picked up my pace and tried to look casual the last 2 blocks of my journey. At last, I reached my destination and crossed the street after the briefest of hesitations.
A long, winding drive met me as I stepped onto the opposite side of the road. I paused for a moment and took the time to take in the sight of the house just up the drive. It was clearly not your typical house, certainly not what you’d expect to find just a block outside of the city. The house was painted with rich colors that suited each other perfectly, giving the house an almost Victorian look. The doors were slightly disproportionate to the rest of the house, but somehow it looked normal. There were no windows in the upper floors of the house and the ones on the ground floor were still surprisingly small for such a large house. The hedges and plants around the entrances were neatly trimmed, not a leaf out of place. I smiled to myself and ran up to the entrance, coming to a stop at the front door in less than 10 seconds; not a hair out of place.
Before I could even lay a finger of the wrought-iron knocker the door swung open to reveal a devilishly handsome, dark haired man.
“Well if it isn’t Aubrey.”
His blue eyes glinted in the moonlight as he smirked at me.
“Cutting it a little close aren’t you?”
I glanced behind me to see the first rays of dawn breaking over the horizon. I hadn’t realized how long it had taken me to get back. The thought of being caught late, and by him no less, annoyed me. I scowled in his general direction.
“Shut up Aiden.”
He simply grinned at me and pulled me inside. The door slammed behind us and I felt a new pair of arms replace Aiden’s. The slight smell of leather and soap washed over me as cool lips pressed firmly against mine. I felt his arms tighten around my waist and after a long moment he broke away. I leaned my head against his chest and smiled to myself in the dim lighting.
“Hello Carson.”
He chuckled and rested his head on top of mine, which he could do with ease seeing as he was only a few inches taller than me.
“Welcome home Aubrey.”
We stood there for a moment, completely immersed with simply being with each other again. I would have stayed there forever if Aiden hadn’t interrupted.
“If you two lovers are finished here, we have business to attend to.”
His voice came from somewhere down the main hall. Lucky for him, otherwise I would have done something incredibly unlady-like that would have involved an awful lot of blood to fix. Carson sighed and let go of my waist, content with placing an arm around my shoulder as we walked into the living room.
The lush smell of satin and velvet met my nose as we entered the room, reminding me of the only sense of home I’d ever had. The lighting was dimmer still here, but to us it made no difference. I made out the distinct figures of our three other coven members seated on the couch. One of them jumped up and walked over to me with vampyric speed.
Her arms squeezed against my neck as she pulled me into unwilling hug. I wobbled slightly in response to the strength of her assault.
“Hey Paige.”
She pulled back and smiled a little too happily at me, blond curls swaying as she did so. Pleased with herself, she returned to her seat of the couch next to her mate, Luke. Luke, however, paid little attention to me and engrossed himself in playing with a loose lock of Paige’s hair. Probably still sore at me for choosing Carson over him.
I rubbed the back of my neck and stood uncomfortably for a moment before Carson pulled me over to the loveseat. He pulled me into his lap and kissed my neck lightly, despite the disapproving glare he earned from Luke in doing so. Aiden chuckled and sat down on the floor in front of Noelle’s feet.
I looked at the two for a moment. If you didn’t know any better you’d assume Noelle and Aiden are a matched pair, seeing how much time they spent together and how close they were, it would only be a natural assumption. However, they are in fact twins. Noelle’s dark hair and blue eyes matched Aiden’s; in truth the only difference between the two are their genders. They are the only vampires among the six of us that were even remotely related.
The tingling on the back of my neck broke me out of my slight reverie. I looked up to see the eyes of four, excitement starved vampires trained on my face. I smiled slyly and let them sweat for a moment, figuratively of course. Paige shifted in her seat and Noelle flipped so that her legs were resting on the spine of the couch and her head hanging by Aiden’s. I could tell by the looks they were giving me that the suspense was killing them; they were dying to know what Riley had summoned me into town for.
Riley is our….guardian you could say. He’s the one of the last surviving member of the Matrix, an organization dedicated solely to hunting down vampires and supernaturals who have long outlived their welcome among the mortals. It could almost be considered an assassin agency, if you really wanted to get technical about it. After the fall of Matrix the members scattered to form small reincarnates of its original headquarters. Riley is one of those vampires. So now he shares all of his knowledge with us and we carry on the job of hunting down those who are a threat to our secret existence.
I glanced at their tortured faces once more and twirl a lock of my hair around in my fingers. Carson tightened his grip on my waist and I sighed. Game over, time to spill the blood…or beans I suppose. I nestled back against Carson’s chest and began my story.
“Headquarters have changed again, we’re underground now. Riley says the humans at the last location started to get used to our compelling...which also means we can’t hunt here anymore. The mortality rate of the city is a little too high to be normal so we should hunt in the next town over.”
I took my time in telling them the minor details of my meeting with our guardian, trying to save the best for last. Unfortunately, stalling only lasts so long before a roomful of 2000 year old immortals figure you out.
“Oh for god’s sake Aubrey just tell us who the hell is getting the assignment this month would you!?”
I smirked. I had a feeling Paige would be the first to lose her cool. I chuckled and tilted my head back to look up at Carson.
“Should I tell them?”
He grinned at me.
“I suppose so…I’m dying to know as well.”
An indescribable emotion flitted through me as he spoke. God his voice was perfect. Hell, all of him was perfect; his perfect brown eyes, blonde hair, muscular build...I smiled to both myself and him.
“All right, I suppose if you all want to know.”

Why yes, yes I am a Junjo Romantica fangirl. Why?
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Because it's the only instance a Terrorist couple could EVER be a good thing!

(Alright, well I wrote this for a contest a while back...although I happen to think it's one of my worst pieces sweatdrop )


I stood on the roof of one of the few remaining skyscrapers in all of New York, hands braced against the cement wall that acted as a rail between me and the ground below. My eyes raked over the crumbling buildings and broken windows of the city. The gray sky only added to the sullen atmosphere the city had been giving off since the bombing of 2059.The once beautiful city had been abandoned after that, save for the Division.
Division had quickly moved into the wasted city after the bombing, setting up their headquarters underground so they wouldn’t be found. 2 years of tunneling underneath the city had resulted in the labyrinth that was their home base, their labs, even their black market to an extent. Here their agents train and receive instructions, occasionally weapons. Their efforts are examined for a month or more, then they are given a mission…and their choice.
Finish the mission or die.
Paige’s voice shook me out of my reverie and I turned to face her. Her blonde hair was tied up in a bun and her black attire accented her blue eyes nicely. She caught me staring and smirked at me.
“Are you done staring or do you want me to stand here a little longer?”
I laughed.
“I have a choice?”
She scowled and stepped over to me so she could smack my arm. I held up my hands in surrender and she glared at me.
“You’re such an a**.”
With that she pulled out our target information and glanced out over the city, as though she were worried someone could see us.
“So. What’s Division got us on this time? Recon, ambush, cuts?”
She sighed and held up a mug shot of a man in his early thirties.
“Ah, cuts.”
I took the picture and studied it, committing the face to memory. She pulled out a sheet from the file and whistled.
I looked over her shoulder to see a pretty impressive rap sheet: murder, mass murder, major theft, the works.
“It’s amazing he wasn’t been cut before now…”
Paige put the sheet back and held out her hand for the photo. Without a word she slammed the file shut and reached into her bag for our weapons. She pulled out a twin set of silver guns, already loaded. She zipped the bag shut and stashed it under a loose cement brick. Her gun clicked as she cocked it.
I smirked and cocked my gun as well. Reaching out her arm, Paige pressed a button on the edge of her silver Division bracelet. I did likewise with my belt buckle. A few seconds, that was all it took for our boards to appear. About 4 feet in length, our hover boards were standard Division transportation. They could take you anywhere, if you could stay on.
I leapt onto mine and assumed a crouching position and my board shot off. Guiding it with the shifts in my weight, I dodged the remains of the city and gained speed as I did so. By the time I reached the city limits my estimated speed was 250 mph, at least according to the gauge on the board. The gray sky and tones of muted greens and browns of the scenery whipped past as the board shot through the countryside. By my guess we were getting close to the territory that was once called Kentucky, the only way to really tell was there was greener here. The bombs’ devastation hadn’t been as severe here as it had in New York.
I glanced behind me to see Paige right on my tail, taking in the scenery as well. I shot her a smile and she scowled at me. Chuckling to myself, I checked the boards speed. We were down to 175 now. I watched as the scenery around us slowly became visible and less blurred. The boards lurched to a stop at the far limits of a crumbling town similar to the one we’d come from. They dumped us unceremoniously to the ground and sped off to Division headquarters to be reprogrammed.
I stood and dusted of my clothes and glanced around. Nothing seemed overly suspicious, but you never could tell. People play dirty when they’re cornered. Together, Paige and I sprinted into the city to find the target. According to the file he was hiding out here, somewhere along the edges of the city. As we ran, the hairs on the back of my neck began to stand up. I slowed to a jog, earning a panicked look from Paige.
“Zane? What the hell…?”
I motioned for her to shut it and signed the signal for ‘being watched’. After a moment’s hesitation, I pulled out my gun and walked over to a nearby building. Pressing my back against its wall, I scanned the nearby rooftops in an attempt to locate our stalker. The flash of metal on the roof top directly across from us caught my attention. Paige noticed it too and shot out into the street to enter the building. A second later the flash became a gun aimed directly at Paige.
She paused right there in the street, enough to allow the bullet to miss her by a fraction of an inch. She cursed and kept running to the building. I swore and followed her, gun in my hand and heart pounding in my chest. I followed the sound of Paige’s footsteps and ended up at the foot of a stairway.
She didn’t answer. I cursed and mounted the stairs two at a time. Somewhere above me a door opened and a second round of gunshots followed short after. I doubled my speed and burst through the door to see Paige and our target facing off, guns pointed to kill. The man paled as he saw me and cocked his gun. I pointed my own gun at him, panting a little.
She nodded, indicating she was unharmed but never taking her eyes off the man. I sighed and took a few steps closer to the man but careful to stay out of Paige’s line of fire. I made my face emotionless and addressed the man.
“Hunter Nelson?”
The man didn’t answer, but I noticed his jaw twitch in recognition. Despite my experience in this sort of job a knot of dread formed in my stomach. I’d always hated this part.
“You have been found guilty by Division for mass murders and association with several major thefts and kidnappings. As a punishment for your crimes, you will be cut.”
My stomach twisted painfully as I said the last words. I had to kill this man now, tear him away from the life he knew and send him into a wasteland even worse than the god-forsaken earth we lived on now. Against my better judgment, I began second guessing myself and Division. Should I really be doing this? Could I shoot this man, right here on this rooftop?
Yes, yes I could.
“Prepare to die.”
With that I took aim and pulled the trigger. The man jumped and fell to the ground, motionless. Now that the deed was done, my doubts melted away. This was my job, to be judgmental. To rid the world of criminals like him.
With the last ounces of adrenaline still burning in my veins, I turned to face Paige. Her face was solemn, but her eyes burned with the same energy as mine. Together we returned to the bottom floor and stepped out into the street. The gray sky parted slightly to let a little sunlight through, giving the crumbling city a hopeful glow despite the still strong smell of gunpowder and blood. Paige pressed the intercom button on her bracelet and spoke clearly into the microphone…

Why yes, yes I am a Junjo Romantica fangirl. Why?
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Because it's the only instance a Terrorist couple could EVER be a good thing!

It's just occured to me, via my best friend Adonis, that writing a fanfic based on one of my RP's would be a great idea! wink so check it out would ya?

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