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Just a Living... Well this is me and my Gaian day. I'm new and adjusting.

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Day 24: Ninja's Departure
'Here I lie,
An instrument of gold in my hands,
Its silvery notes drifting out
and ringing through my mind.'

Well, not much of poetry but... Miffix put down her pencil and journal, picking up the white guitar and strumming a note. It rang through her mind so clear and light. It felt like air in her hands... like it floated in her arms. She loved its every curve and string and outline. The author and artist gave out a happy, deep sigh. This was beautiful...

She got up, and the guitar transformed into a thick band that wrapped snugly but comfortably around her neck. The girl had a feeling that this band would become a quite loved and familiar thing through days of wear.

The artist got up with her sketchpad. She was glad. Mike Ruin had enjoyed her gratitude, which she had shown in the form of a picture she'd done for him. He had been so impressed and Miffix had felt so flattered. Miffix gave a soft laugh and hugged the original sketch to her white shirt gladly.

Slowly she made her way through town when suddenly she saw Ninja. Ninja was there... and as soon as he saw her, he stopped completely and ran over to her. Strangely, Ninja was not wearing his demon arm which freaked Miffix out to the max when she was standing next to him.

"Hey, I wanted to let you know I'm going to be gone a while, and I um, wanted you to have this," Ninja pointed to the Gambino bank and Miffix ran to there to her pending trades, completely not understanding what in the world he was giving to her. As soon as the bank accountant showed her the trade, the girl's jaw dropped.

"A-a.... A guitar...?" Miffix could scarcely say more as she gasped this out. "I-I can't accept this...!" Ninja followed behind her and walked to the case, opening it up and taking out the guitar in his arms.

He nudged the Guitar of Demonica towards her. "I want you to keep it while I'm gone. I need someone that will take good care of it," Ninja stared at her in an intent way.

Miffix nodded willingly as he placed the Guitar of Demonica in her hands, where she held it very carefully and gently as she glanced down at its surface once. "I'll be very gentle with it! You'll find it just the way you left it when you come back!" the girl gave another sharp nod to assure him that he had left this care into capable hands.

Ninja gave a tiny chuckle and a smile. "When I come back," he looked down at her, the grey-blue hair being swept and played with by the warm breeze. "I want you to keep it."

The girl stared at the black guitar in her hand, feeling the strings with care. How... how? Only.. only a day ago Mike Ruin had given her the other guitar... and now... in her hands... She could scarcely keep breathing. To her, this, these guitars of Angellus and Demonica, were the most valuable possessions she could ever attain and now.. within two days... both of them... by the two boys. Her bright blue eyes widened into large spheres.

"But... Really?" he nodded and she gazed on for ten seconds. "Thank you!" she threw her arms around his neck and could barely control herself from doing more. "I can't believe it! I-I'm just speechless!! How could this happen so quickly?!" Miffix smiled and laughed as she hugged him tightly.

Ninja laughed back. "I'm glad that you like it. Now... keep it. Never sell it or give it away," he put his hand on her head and smoothed her hair down. "A part of my soul is in that guitar. If you keep it with you always, you'll always have a piece of me in your hands."

Miffix stared up at him. She already knew she wasn't giving this away for squat. It had been so important to its owner. Her blue eyes twinkled in the shine of the tangerine rays of sunlight.

Ninja looked away to the sunset. "Well I must be going now. I'm very happy that you like it," he gave her a last hug, giving her a kiss on the forehead, and vanished into the air... into the light of the sunset...

The artist held the instrument gently as she stared out from her perch on the beach, the ocean wind spraying her river-grey hair into wispy strands around her eyes. Miffix then, with a quick motion, swept the guitar onto her back, its weight fair as it touched against her Angellus neck band. There the ebony guitar was kept as the sunset faded with one last play of light on the black surface of the sable instrument, the Guitar of Demonica.

Day 23: Donations
My goodness... Miffix thought as she stood up and looked at her newest fashion. She'd saved up for those Torque pants finally. They were beautiful and blue and she loved them so much. Ninja had given her 1K just for these and she'd saved up the rest for a cat tail. The wavy feline tail slendered out spendidly behind her and she stared at it, controlling it automatically, watching it follow her every thought wonderfully. She wrapped it around her leg and then held it in her hands. That was really nice of him... My first donation... I wish I could give out donations like that. My cruddy donations are like, worth nothing compared to how much the people get each day. She was really grateful for these and for Ninja's donation that helped so much in getting them. The girl gave a thankful sigh and moved to the pier, letting her tail play back and forth. This had been day 13.

Now it was day 22. Just yesterday she had gotten the most amazing offer. A guitar of Angellus... by Mike... Mike Ruin. The girl couldn't believe and Miffix could only stare out at the beach of Gambino convincing herself that he was joking. However he came in for the hangout quickly, wearing a strange white band with gold markings. Miffix knew a little bit about it, didn't know what it was, but she'd drawn one before for Ninja's avatar. "Hey," he came up and smiled, his blue eyes giving a shine. After a couple minutes of random talk he showed her the white band. "Do you know what this is?" his smile grew.

"Uh-uh?" she didn't reach out to touch it, it looked very expensive.

"It's yours..." Mike took it off of his neck and held it out as it transformed into a guitar, "Your Guitar of Angellus," the boy placed it in her arms as she just stood there not knowing what to say.

"It's... It's mine?" she couldn't think of what to say. This was the most amazing thing she could ever imagine on Gaia. Mike Ruin. Giving her a.. guitar of Angellus. This... "THANK YOU SO MUCH MIKE!!" she squeezed him happily, absolutely shocked.

"I take it you like it?" he asked with a smile.

"YES!" she was all over him for five minutes, thanking her mind off, and took off with him, buying clothes to match the guitar. Angelic clothing for the guitar of Angellus. Now... Mike said, they could look like opposites. Angelic and Demonic. It was a great plan and by the end of the hangout... she was a new person. She was so happy she was giddy.

And now, in the wake of the Gaian sunrise as she stared out into the flamed white rays, she held the guitar of Angellus gingerly in her arms, smiling down at it. "Thank you Mike, this is the best gift ever..."

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Day 3 Still: Oh pretty Seedkins, jump into my bucket!
Miffix sat with Ninja at the pier, a bit downhearted. Both were about to go fishing when Miffix had to get offline and do chores. She hadn't been able to come back on until the end of the Gaian day, but Ninja didn't seem to mind now. He was reeling in fish and smiling.

Miffix kept fishing, not catching anything, but often looked at Ninja's catches to see what he got, and Ninja got some interesting catches. She saw a fish she'd never seen before that had a yellow puppy-eyed like lip, and blue stripes on its back. They were either pink, blue, or green, but he caught mostly pinks and blues. She watched with wonder as a rainbow trout was reeled in and placed in the bucket by the happy fisher next to her. "Wowie..." she gasped. "What are those?" she asked with a bursting curiousity.

"This?" he picked up the rainbow trout in his fisher's glove. "It's a rainbow trout. This one is a warm version. The other one, frozen, is worth more money," Ninja explained but then Miffix pointed at the other fish he'd just caught.

"What's that one? The one with the stripes on its back?" she inquired, her eyes wide with curiosity. Ninja stared at her eyes, surprised at how into this she was.

"It's a seedkin," he said after staring into her big blue eyes. She nodded and her eyes turned from the childish wonder look to their calm and pleased expression.

"I wanna catch one!" Miffix promised and cast her rod, but all that came in was an old tire. Miffix's hopes sunk. "But... all I catch at this port is garbage... and nothing..." her shoulders sank. Ninja put a hand on them.

"Hey try this. You know how you said you caught nothing? Wasn't the rod jiggling too fast, like it was trying shooting to the left and right?" Miffix nodded. "That's a fish!" he told her. "Fish here move much faster than garbage, unlike Bass'Ken where you can't tell the difference. You can tell when it's a fish here! So when the rod wheels to the right, pull it to the left, and vice versa! Try," Ninja offered as she cast and hooked something.

"This is a fish alright!" Ninja said and guided the rod by clamping his hands on top of Miffix's while she reeled it in. And the next thing Miffix knew there was a shiny pink seedkin sitting on her lap, staring up at her with big black eyes as it flopped in her hands. Miffix couldn't be happier; her eyes were shining as she set it in the bucket. "Those are worth 7 gold," Ninja told her but not sooner than he was done he was hugged by Miffix.

"YAY!!! My first seedkin!! I'm so happy!!" she shouted out happily. "Yee!!" a kitten's smile decorated her face while Ninja smiled at her.

"You're pretty easily pleased!" he laughed.


"Well," Ninja gave a smirk and raised his left eyebrow ever so slightly, "you better watch out or it'll jump back in the water," a look of fear came upon Miffix's face as her eyes widened and she checked her little seedkin.

"NO!" Miffix panicked. "But I caught 'im! I wanna keep 'im!!" she panicked again. "Are you sure!?"

"Of course not!" Ninja laughed hard, his laugh being the type that was happy and boyish, and fell backwards chuckling. She actually fell for it! The girl whacked him with her rod.

"Meanie!!" her face was pouty and then she laughed too. "But then why am I laughing?" she gave up answering that question and spent the rest of the night having a good time fishing with Ninja. And to the great relief of Miffix, she found that seedkins never do jump out of the bucket.

Day 3: Ninja
Miffix looked at the note in her hand. They would meet soon. She was standing on the edge of Barton Town, staring out of gates splashed by the colors of the sunrise painting along its edges magnificently as though the sun were a great artist. The girl gave a little sigh of relaxation as she watched the sun, holding a bucket and rod in one hand. Her crimson hair was sprayed orange by the sunrise colors and her skin golden. Ninja and her had planned to go fishing.

Next thing she knew Ninja was there with his cloak on and a strange whitish collar around his neck, but Miffix knew that this was another strange Gaian ornament. She loved the looks of them but had no money for the cause. No matter, he smiled as he spotted her and she returned the favor. "Hiya! I've been waiting for you!" she laughed at Ninja and he smirked, drawing her close with his arm. She giggled, then did a trick she had learned since joining Gaia. Now online, she had control over her form, and now using that fact, she transformed into a black-furred fox being held in the human arms. She jumped off and stared up at Ninja with glinting amber eyes then darted off with a foxish grin, knowing that Ninja was not planning to fish just yet. The boy watched Miffix run off then smiled.

"You're not getting away that fast!" he alleged and darted after her, but she was really pouring on all her speed. "Get back here!" Ninja gave a laugh and kept after the playful vixen. Miffix ran on the banks of Bass'ken Lake then lept into the water, swimming off into the lake with a confident fox paddle. "Ooh, I'll get you now," Ninja said to himself then lept into the water, changing into a werewolf, he himself not being oblivious to the shapeshifting possible on Gaia. The wolf broke into a brisk stroke, speeding across the water easily.

Miffix turned back confidently, expecting him to still be on the edge of the water or far behind, but instead saw the twilight wolf right on her tail. The amber eyes widened and she increased her speed, changing to a human to swim faster. She reached the shallow water and stepped onto it then ran up the bank to keep away. Miffix stopped to grab her bucket and rod as she darted by them. She'd lure him to the pier so he couldn't get out of fishing anymore. The girl looked behind her, but there was no Ninja, and he wasn't still swimming. Where was h- Miffix was grasped gently but firmly from behind by furry darkish blue claws that changed to human hands and twilight sleeves once they had her. Ninja kissed her on the cheek from behind. "You're not getting away from me now," he smiled while Miffix turned beet red.

"Weren't we going to go fishing?...." she said after several long moment with him smiling at her. He nodded as he spied the rod and bait in her hands.

"I've got my bucket at the site already. I'm taking you to the Port of Gambino. You can get some nife stuff there. Let's go," he motioned and the two began strolling to the port.

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Day 2: Friends
Miffix got up from the sand. Today was the new day, even though she still wanted to sleep she got up from the grassy banks of Bass'Ken Lake and looked about. She saw the fishers on the piers chatting away. She watched as they caught anything from trash cans to bass.

She ran into the fishing store. "CAN I PLEASE HAVE A ROD!!?" she shouted, desperately wanting to join the fishers. A bearded man in goggles leapt from his seat in surprise.

"Calm down miss! What type would you like?" he inquired, dealing with her as though she were a high-wired Jack Russel Terrier.

"Something not too expensive please?" a basic rod was shown to her. It looked primitive, but its sanded length fit smoothly into her hands at least.

"100 gold... and I'll throw in a can of bait for 25 gold," he held out the offer to her with a sweep of his glove. Miffix nodded and payed the gold to him. "Oh, and there are some things you might like to try on over there," the fisherman pointed, and as he pleasantly tossed it into his money stash, she burst out the door in fishing gear he had let her borrow. She took place by herself on a lonely perch.

Fishing was wonderful! At first she only got garbage in the lake of Bass'Ken, but then, OH A GUPPY! she reeled them in enthusiastically, staring with gleaming eyes when she caught several bass. She was not very good, but boy was she enjoying herself. Then she entered a pier with some others, the one place by herself becoming too lonely for fun.

The group that Miffix sat with was a great bunch, exchanging conversation between catches of guppies and bass. Ruin, a boy with auburn hair and big blue eyes, sat near Miffix. Next to Miffix was Jose, who had fox ears that perked high as he cast his rod. Then there was Freak, who was quite a fashionable looking woman with sharp eyes and a forehead jewel, and then there was Forest, who had the most awesome spiked hair. They talked and talked about how Ruin should get a red forehead jewel, what he should do to make himself look cool, Miffix jumped in on conversation and they joked, rubbing their yellow guppies for good luck, Jose playing around like a lady killer with Miffix and Freak.

Miffix saw the time, and had it flew... she felt awful about going, so she made sure she knew all their adresses for further contacting. The happy girl ran off with her catch of mostly guppies, totalling out the profits in her head. A profit of 35 gold. Not bad! She smiled. Boy what the day!

Day 1: The Newbie...
My name is Miffix. No last name, no nothing... I'm new to this place... I walked into Gaia, straight into Barton town for the first time ever. The raggedy dress I wore I found embarassing, and my search was desperate for new attire. With the newbie money of 400 gold pieces in my hand I went into the shop while the owner smiled. He knew for sure that I was new, but hid the knowing smile with a understanding expression.

"May I help you?" he asked. I nodded fervently.

"I'd like to find the shirts please?" the clerk with the leaf in his pilgrim-like hat pointed down a shelf, his cloak ruffling with the gesture.

"That way m'am," he replied and I walked in the direction, finding a red shirt. I returned, payed and went to Gambino. The place seemed alive with the tropical air, and the casino shone its lights at me even in daylight. I went into the shop and was friendily greeted by Sasha, who introduced me to a pair of nice shorts. I tried them on and loved them. My outfit for now was complete as I ran off barefoot in the streets feeling much better. Back in Barton Town, I explored the forums and had a blast, making a new friend with Ninja in his name, but I noticed that with my shopping my newbie money was almost exhausted. I'd have to come up with something more than posts on the forums.

It was fun, but inside I felt the urge for something more. But what? I didn't know Gaia's pleasures to their extent... not quite yet. However I felt my day complete as I shoved my feet into the sand, my new friend Ninja now offline as I stared at the night sky of Isle de Gambino. Tomorrow was another day, for now I was happy with my new friendship and for meeting up with old friends here.

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