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I Follow the Fae Tarot readings that I've purchased and posted with permission from the reader or readings I have done myself with permission from my clients.

Celestine Glass
Community Member
General Example
The Request

Royal Crayon
Name: Amber Kreinbrink
Birthday: 11/22/91
Your Layout: General
Your Category: past, present, future, environment, life, and love.
Anything specific I should know?
✦ Trying to make it into the Air Force. I am scared I will not pass the physical
✦ My aunt is in the hospital.

Tip: 500g

Total amount due: 2k

The Read

Celestine Glass
Thanks for ordering a reading! I won't tell you the cards, because the explanation regarding those would likely only serve to confuse you. Please keep in mind that tarot is an imprecise art, so it may not be spot on.

Past: I see that you have been apathetic in your behavior. There has been many a time when you've been hurt so badly emotionally that you've simply shut down and ignored everything around you. It appears to me that a lot of back and forth has happened with another person or people. Your heart has hurt, but keep in mind that it doesn't have to be because of a love life - it could be family or friends, too.

Present: The events surrounding you are a wake up call. The safety that has always been there and has seemingly never faltered is failing under the circumstances. At the same time, though, you are afraid. You are afraid of things that you can only prepare for but cannot control. The cards say that you should be wary of your actions. The next time you have the impulse to do something, take a moment to consider the consequences of that action. Look before you leap, and remember that actions aren't everything. Hold your words close to you and think before you speak.

Future: There's a lot of good in the future, but be careful. All that good can disappear if you're not paying attention. If something occurs that seems to drag on and on, don't make a hasty decision just to get it over with. There is worth in everything that you complete, but that worth is only there so long as you believe in it. Don't make light of what is going to happen. Trivializing it by over-discussing something is easy, but don't ever forget that there are topics that have worth impenetrable by whims.

Environment: You may have had a balanced life, but something has come along to dash it all to pieces. In this case, that something may be either your aunt's hospitalization or your application to the Air Force. Something has shattered your sense of self, and it's important to take a break from everything and everyone else - when it's appropriate, of course - to meditate on who you are, what your ideals and morals are, and apply them to the people and situations around you. In doing this, you're effectively refreshing yourself - the more you remember you, the less you'll worry about what you're going to do or how you're going to do things. Just stay true to yourself.

Life: To put it bluntly, crap happens. You might not like it, but it's something you have no control over. Bad things will happen no matter who you are or where you are in life, but the important thing to know is that only you can control yourself. You might wish to lash out at others, whether physically or verbally, but it's probably better to think over your words. You don't have control over the situation, so what makes you think they do? For big decisions, especially the Air Force, your worry over making it in or not may render you helpless. Don't let it do that - if you think you won't pass the physical, work it off. Exercise won't kill you, and it's possible that the mindless repetition of movements may allow you to meditate or find your center. Don't forget: one of the side-effects of exercise is supposed to be a greater self-esteem!

Love: Relationships may or may not work out with you, but it's hard to think when you're getting swept away by your emotions. Don't worry so much about what'll happen, but at the same time, don't get so swept away that you forget what's going on around you. No matter what, don't forget that a relationship is made up of two people. If the going gets rough, let your partner know that you'd like to make something clear to him or her and get something figured out.

My advice is to remember who you are. Your perceptions are likely clouded by the events around you - worry, nervousness - and it's important for you to remember that that's not all there is to life. Everything has an end and all problems have a solution. Just relax a bit and remember that there are things important to and for you, too.

The Response

Royal Crayon

You did an amazing job with my reading. Everything seemed right on. It was very accurate EXCEPT the physical activity. I work out everyday. I only fear that I'm underweight.

Fork in the Road Example
The Request

Kowai Wolf
Name: Marilyn
Birthday: April 13th 1992
Your Layout: Fork in the Road
Your Category: Future
Anything specific I should know? Next week will begin my first year of college and I don't know what kind of major I'm even shooting for. It's not that I don't qualify or anything like that it's that I'm good at everything and the sky's the limit. It's hard to choose a path when you can't eliminate any of them.

Tip:Well since you have it set up so I can't see your work first none currently. Tips are usually something I add after getting what I'm paying for. So I guess if you do a really good job I'll just come back and tip your first post. You know like how you tip the waiter after the meal. It reflects what the person thought. biggrin That should work though, I'll do that.

Total amount due:
1,000 gold

The Read

Celestine Glass
Thanks for ordering a reading! My policy is typically to not tell the clients of the cards lest they grow confused, but in a case like this where the cards read loud and clear - and in very set directions - I feel as though I should, if only to defend my words. sweatdrop Please keep in mind that tarot is an imprecise art, so it may not be spot on.

Currently: You're in your comfort zone. You don't want to leave it, but life's got other plans for you and you really don't have much of a choice. It's not that you're afraid, though - you're bold, and you probably think of it as a bit like an adventure. No, you're just not sure how you'll hold up. Here are the two of many paths that you may find yourself taking. You'll see the benefits, downsides, and the probably outcomes of both paths.
Nine of Pentacles

The First Path
Benefits: This first path is filled with creativity as opposed to control. Instead of micromanaging both yourself and your time, you'll let yourself go to experience what you can experience. Creativity, love, and a great deal of pleasure lie down this path.
The Empress

Downsides: Be wary of your friends. Your successes may cause some jealousy, but you should keep in mind that any true friend would celebrate your successes with you.
Three of Cups

Probable Outcome: Your creativity and boldness will lead you to new and useful skills that you'll be able to put to good use. You'll be able to experience the joy of creating something unique and new, and you can enjoy the fact that you do it well.
Inverted Three of Pentacles

The Second Path
Benefits: Following your intuition isn't always the best choice that there is for you. Did you know that intuition is actually something that humans came up with to reassure themselves? The benefits of this path are filled with illusions and other dangerous beauties. Be very careful in the choices you make because the rewards that follow may have small secrets within themselves.
Inverted The Moon

Downsides: Risk-taking isn't a bad thing, but it's not a good thing either. On one hand, it might win you that gamble you were depending on, but on the other, it might knock your last support beam from under you. Weigh your pros and cons carefully before making any decisions.
Knave of Wands

Probably Outcome: Something went wrong - things haven't gone too well. Look to someone you can trust and find comfort in them. All things come to an end, and that includes bad things as well. Do your best to be positive, though it may be difficult.
Five of Cups

My advice is to let yourself experiment some. While most majors have their necessary courses, a lot of them also have transferable classes, by which I mean courses in which you can transfer your credits to another major in case you should decide you don't like the one you're working on.

The Response

Kowai Wolf
You did a really good job actually. I'm not sure about the second path but the first path was perfect. It matches my concenrs with it anyways. Also I'm not new to tarot cards so I know that they're not all ways exact and I don't expect them to be. Also feel free to use this as an example, it's your work after all.

Celestine Glass
Community Member

Celestine Glass
Community Member
General Example
The Request

M o c h i i B e a r x
Name: Athena
Birthday: 10/12/95
Your Layout: General
Your Category: Past, Present, Future, Success, Life.
Anything specific I should know?

Tip: Sure o:

Total amount due: 2,OOO

I never got a tarot card reading before * w *

The Read

Celestine Glass
Thanks for ordering a reading! I won't tell you the cards, because the explanation regarding those would likely only serve to confuse you. Please keep in mind that tarot is an imprecise art, so it may not be spot on.

Past: You have had many beginnings in your past, in life, relationships, and events. There have been many firsts, but there has always been some amount of thought behind them. You would worry over consequences, but there was probably quite a few times when said thoughts didn't exactly keep you back from making certain decisions... Or perhaps you were weighing the pros and cons, but there was something you didn't consider and you essentially did yourself a disservice. It's very likely that you worried over things you didn't need to worry over and did more work than you had to.

Present: Your balance is off. While you normally have a set idea on how you want things to go and how to get there, unexpected things continue to appear that challenge you and make you rethink things in ways that you might not have considered before. It's important to continue expanding your mind - unlike in your toddler years, it's okay to ask 'why' about everything because wisdom is gained with thought.

Future: Be wary of your commitment. It's good to be as devoted to things as you are, but you have to make sure that such devotions don't infringe on time and commitment to family and friends. Be wary of a sudden new job or sudden promotion. Work hard, but not so hard that you forget what you're working for.

Environment: You're committed to what you believe in. You think as much as you can on what you know about whatever situation or event presents itself to you and upon making your decision, you stick to it. It's an admirable trait, but you may wish to get the opinions of others as well. It's all well and good to weigh the pros and cons yourself, but remember that you've only got one point of view. It's likely that someone with another point of view can point out pros and cons that you may not have considered before.

Life: Life's been one great big ball of snow for you, and it's only going to continue. That snowball's big enough to start losing pieces to sticks and stones that are in the way, and it's possible that when you're faced with something surprising, all that you've ever believed will shatter in the face of it. Just remember to focus on yourself and who you are so that you can continue onwards. Adversity builds character, but so does survival. Keep in mind that life's an adventure with a goal line and keep on running the race. You've got a lot of good and bad in the way, but it seems as though the challenges will only make you stronger.

Love: This saddened me. Your sense of balance will be overthrown when your relationship is in motion. You'll feel overburdened with either worry or affection and too much of anything can be bad for you. Don't think too much about what you like and dislike about your partner, but just remember that it's about whether or not you can accept and love each other. Make sure you remember that you should come before work, and with you are those that stand close to you, such as family, friends, and significant others. Do not say yes to a proposal just to make them happy! You should be your number one concern.

My advice is for you to pay more attention to yourself and your habits. Your awareness has been curbed, but you're starting to expand your mind. Center yourself until you can define who you are not with the facts of name, age, and bloodline, but with characteristics, morals, ideals, and ethics.

The Response

M o c h i i B e a r x
    I think you did a great job o:
    The reading was really accurate (:
    I do tend to worry about the consequences o _ o

In-Depth Sample
Layout: The Circle
Interest: Love, success, and the future
Anything specific I should know?
✦ I don't really know how comfortable I am with my boyfriend right now - which is a pretty clear indicator to me that something's not right.
✦ I don't know how relevant this is, but we'll be off to college soon.
✦ I would like to know if this is temporary or will get better... Or if we'll inevitably break up.

The cards I drew were the inverted nine of wands, the four of swords, the two of pentacles, the ten of cups, and inverted Temperance.

The nine of wands usually stands for resilience or strength in my readings, so the fact that it was inverted startled me. While I usually consider myself strong in my typical interactions, I'm weaker than I had originally thought in terms of love. I suppose the best way to put it would be that the decisions that I have made are the decisions that have placed me where I am now. As I was responsible for getting myself to this point, so must I be responsible to get myself out. I am not strong enough as I am, so I must seek out a way in which to attain that resilience.

The four of swords symbolize a trial of sorts. Because of a great task, difficulty, or some other frustration, I have been worn out and I need to rest myself in order to regain my effectiveness. The keyword here is rest and the message it sends is clear: I am only human - take a break.

The two of pentacles shows a need for balance. I've been rushing around trying to solve all of my problems at once and that never ends well. This card indicates that I should pause and prioritize my tasks and remember that life is equal parts work and play.

The ten of cups reads as contentment. I do not have it now, but it is something worth striving for. It is a reminder of what awaits me in my future so long as I put forth the effort to get there. Almost a pick-me up, the ten of cups is essentially another voice reminding me that there's a life beyond struggling.

The inverted Temperance is yet another call for balance. If the card was upright, it would be a signifier that I did have balance, but the inversion details that I am lacking in that department. This particular trait is something that has been visible repeatedly through this read.

When I combine the cards to gather a clear meaning, the message is essentially that my decisions have brought me to where I am now, but I need to step back, relax, and regain my center of balance in hopes of getting that much closer to that goal of contentment.

Celestine Glass
Community Member

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