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A Knights Journal A knights journal, names itself

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A Knight...
A knight is nothing more than a soul with armor, it protects his soul so he can protect others...

It has been days since his attack and Flame felt a certain closeness to the village.

"Flame Flame! Come watch us play!", a young boy with glimmering brown eyes spoke tugging on the knights tattered cloak, "They won't let us play if no one is watching over us..." his voice sounded disappointed, almost sad infact.

"Don't worry little one, I will come watch over you and the children, I am a knight after all", Flame walked out with the young child a very small smile slowly crept over his lips as he walked out seeing the villagers. "Yay! Lets play!"

Flame watched over at the children as they enjoyed their play, there were still innocent. He looked around watching the very village he'd protected, it was wonderful. Had he really saved this village? Where the others as beautiful as this?As peaceful? Suddenly, it didnt matter if they were or not. Sadnessed once more grew over his heart as he looked over at the very hunters who saved him and he knew what he had to do.

"Sir Flame, why are you a knight?", a little girl spoke holding onto his cloak as he walked watching the children.
"It's because I protect the innocent little one"
"But if you protect the innocent and thats good, why do people hate you?"
"Because not everyone things the innocent should be saved..."
"So you're here to protect us forever from those bad people?" she looked up into his red eyes, hers brilliantly blue filled with the innocence only a child holds.

He looked at her for a moment but with a soft sigh looked up at the sky. "I wish I could stay little one, I have grown very fond of people here... the hunter. But I cannot stay... I am a soul that helps... my purpose has been set." She looked up at him with her innocent eyes now full of sadness, "But why can't your purpose be here? The village likes you... why cant you stay here with us?"

"Because I am the Lone Knight..."
"Then lone knight... why do you always stare at her?", she said as she ran off with the boys off in another area as Flame stood there almost paralized.

"Its... because I've grown too accustomed to this town..." He whispered to himself and looked out at the sunset. "Every soul has a purpose and every purpose brings happiness. My soul gives it to others but cannot hold it as its own. That is why I must keep going... no matter what...." He whispered to himself as he began to walk into the forest once more, this time as he left town he felt his heart sink but he knew his purpose could never be fulfilled there.

A Knight Falls
"Every heart has a reason to live, once that reason is taken away there is nothing left but a shell we call the body."

"Oh come now Flame atleast fight back" the vile creature spoke as he raised Flame's tattered and broken body in the air "You're still alive aren't you? For now atleast"

"Why did I ever survive after them? Why did stay?" His mind and soul wandered in the darkness of its own pain "He's right, I am just a parasite on the world. I should and will accept my fate, all I've done is brought others pain...What reason do I have to keep fighting" "Fl....e... F...ame" It was a voice, another voice in that darkness but who was it?

"Flame!" It was the woman from the village and the hunting pack. "Demon leave our protector!" "Flame get up!" "Leave him be!" The hunters said as the charged at the demon. "Pety humans! Do not trifle with matters that are beyond your control" He threw Flame to the ground leaving him in a puddle of his own blood. "Can't you just smell the blood in the air? Can't you just see your protector is dieing?" He smirked walking towards them, his spider-like legs spread as he looks at them "You cannot do anything for this fool because he cannot do anything for himself, he's given up and you should too!" He quickly swung his claws throwing them all back with minor wounds then turned to Flame. "Your protector is no more."

"F...me... Flame!" He quickly opened his eyes. It was the villagers, they were his reason. As he looked slowly at them he saw one single woman standing up, it was the girl from the village. He'd been awful to her but she still stood up. "You cannot kill him because he will fight for us!" The demon ignored her and pierced Flame's side lifting him in the air as Flame cried out in pain holding onto the claw so it would now rip his side off. "Ah so you do scream do you?" he raised his other claw which became a pointed sword "Drake sends his regards to the maker..." "Flame!" It was the same cry once again as a bright light came and went instanly leaving only smoke and dust.

As the dust cleared all that lay there was Flame's tattered body with the claw still in his side and ashes of what once was a demon. "Quickly everyone lets get him back to the village! Alexis, you and yoru team take him. The rest of you take his sword and protect the group" The leader ordered as everyone moved into action.

The light hurt his eyes as he opened them and focused them on a face. "W...who are you?" he muttered as his eyes bagan to focus. "Shh... don't move I am Alexis and you sure took a beating out there." "Where am I?" he closed his eyes once more "You're somewhere safe, thats all you need to know." She finished bandaging his wounds and broken boned and sat there watching him "Flame why didn't you just stay in the village like I said? Why were you so stupid?! Why didn't you fight back?!" She was mad as she screamed at him as he just let out a soft sigh letting a single tear run off his cheek. "Fl...Flame?" Alexis spoke with surprise "I didn't gith back because I deserved it.. because it's my fault that I have no one left..."

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"Sometimes it's the past that hurts us, not the present"

"Stay?... what a stupid concept!" Flame mumbled as he walked "Who does she think I am? I am not like all those humans, I am Flame the Lone KNight and guardian of Fire" He kept walking still bothered by his thoughts. He walked forward farther and farther from that village and that girl until he heard a voice, the familiar voice.

"So you're Flame correct?" glowing red eeys spoke from the shadows. "Who are you?" He spoke softly as he held the hilt of his blade pulling it out looking around "Another demon ready to die?" He smirked a bit, he'd been looking for something to distract his mind.

"Oh Flame I am soo hurt you dont remember me, why don't you remember those nights? The night you let your parents perish and the night you sent me to hell?" Flame fell back dropping his blade as a man in dark clothing and glowing red eyes emerged from the shadows. "H...how?" Flame studdered. He was the reason they died, he was the reson he protected humanity, he was the reason he had become the Lone Knight.

"A so you do remember me. How you ask? Well lets just say I am like a shadow, I disappear but always come back" He smirked pacing around Flame "So you grew up? You kept living after their death? What a pitty, your parents gave their lives for nothing. It was your death that was ment not theirs" "N...no... you killed them" the memories of that night were rushing back to him and now he stood again before this creature, paralized.

"Oh really? We have been hunting you all this time and think of the countless lives that have been lost in our search for you. Now you cannot tell me it's not your fault you lost your family now can you?" he smirked picking up his sword "You deserve to die and join them don't you? You should atleast pay back their sacrifice with yours, shouldn't you?" Flame stood there paralized "Y...yes" he muttered, his mind and soul lost in the endless pain. He was right, people did sacrifice their lives for him.

"Then let me help you repay that debt" he pushed the sword into Flame's right shoulder pinning him to a tree with it as the blood trickled out of the wound "Such a pity, you slayed many of my comrads and now bleed like a pety human" Flame's now dull eyes just stared at the creature "I do deserve to die... I should take my destiny.." He began to speak softly and almost chanted as his mind and soul left his body lost in the darkness.

"Yes you should take your destiny" He smirked "and I will not lead you to it." He pulled the blade out and let Flame fall onto his knees. "I should just kill you now, but where would the fun in that be? I think I will get rid of your precious sword first" He took the sword into his hands and chanted a few words starting to bend it. The sword was made of the strongest steel known to man but with one bright glow and one strong twist it now fell broken onto the ground. "Now don't worry Flame this is only the beginning" He smirked and walked forward, his claws and spider-like feet tearing through the human shell he'd been wearing. "This is only the begining...."

A twisted heart...
A tear... any tear cannot change anything yet us humans still cry, Why do we do it? Is it because we do not realize that it will change nothing? No it's because we are human that we can shed tears...

"But wait hasn't the princess already killed you inside?" Those words resonated in Flame's skull. "The princess... she was human... and I am..." he let out a sigh looking at his hands. "I am a guardian, a Lone Knight. If this is so why do I still remember the pain?, Why did Drake's words still hurt me?" He sighed and closed his eyes, the memories and pains rushing back as he clutched his heart and let a single clear tear run off his cheek to the ground.

"Thank you Flame, you saved us!" the villagers cheered as they cleaned up the remains of their village, but Flame was in no mood to cheer or celebrate. You see the human heart is a delicate thing, it can be torn, can be broken down, hell you can even step on it a couple times but it will never learn. Love is that way, you take the risk of your heart learning a lesson but also can have joy right before it."Sir Flame" said a beautiful young woman as he stood silently "Thank you for saving our village... we trully owe you everything." she said with a brilliant smile. "Then go home girl... go home and be happy." He said in a harsh tone not turning to face her "W...wont you stay? I mean I'm sure the chief would let you-" she started,"No!, A knight like me cannot stay anywhere. I am to travel alone and live alone", he spoke sharply and cold "Oh... so your as cold as your brother." she said with a sigh "you don't even know what your protecting. You call yourself a knight?! Your nothing but a coward!" she screamed, angry at his lack of emotion

He turned quickly "It's not like..." he started angrily but saw her face and just stood letting his voice soften "It's not like that...". "Then how is it Flame? I have not once seen you smile, not once seen you laugh, are you even human? Do you even have a heart?" she inquired looking at him. "I..." he spoke very softly and closes his eyes turning as if to leave but stood still "I do have a heart... and I am human... you just don't understand." he continued in the same soft tone."Then explain it to me, explain how your different form your brother. Explain to me how you even know what your fighting for" He winced at her words, his heart twisting from his memories. "I wasn't always alone, I once had someone. She was a princess and I was her protector, she is the one Drake spoke about." Thrown back by this, the young woman walked slowly towards the knight standing next to him. "She was supposed to be an assignment and nothing more... but the human heart plays tricks with you. I fell in love with her and she with me. A couple years went by and we were happy, but happiness has it's limits. I guess I pushed them because soon I lost her... not to death but to another." He said opening his eyes, a red glow emitting from them "so you see young one, I cannot stay because I have a wounded heart... and a wounded heart only has one remedy which I am scared to use..." He said walking away into the darkness leaving her and the village behind.

"I am scared to use the remedy because it is the very poision that has infected my heart... but if I am to defeat Drake that heart will hafto stay cold and broken..." he whispered to himself walking in the darkness.

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The Human Soul

Every creature searches endlessly for happiness; some find it, others search endlessly for it but for this search there must be shadow and light, without it happiness is nothing.

Flame was like every creature and looked for his own happiness, no soul could ever live off of giving others happiness but Flame was no regular soul. You see his soul was split from his birth, the duality taken away; of course he was obliivious to it. Flame is one of two, the good to the bad, the light to the darkness; the name of the darkness is Drake...

"Why must life always be so... so empty" Flame spoke to himself as he wached the stars. "Each night and each day this thought haunts me, haunts my dreams and haunts my thoughts... why was I left behind?"

"Because you are a fool", a voice spoke from the lost darkness, "you use your power for these humans who saw you fall and let you fall to your knees". As those words were spoken a man that almost disappeared in the shadows walked out.

He was a mirror, a dark mirror of Flame...

"Who are you?", Flame spoke calmly and coldly standing infront of this shadow of a man that stood before him.

"I am a shadow this world calls Drake", with a smirk he bows, "So your the infamous Flame Knight, what a pitty you waste your power this way. Tell me how does it feel being the only knight in this god forsaken planet? how does it feel to be alone?... How does it feel to know you'll never be happy again"

"Shut Up! You have no idea who I am! You have no idea who I've been!", furiously Flame stood blade in hand and blinded completely by his anger and hidden pain.

"I know who you are, I am your shadow. The fates have really had their fun with us, I am your darkness Flame. Your parents death wasn't mere coincidence, it was my doing. You are the reason they are dead"

"Liar! You Lie!"

Blinded by rage Flame attacks, each slash of his sword firery and more fierce than the next but never hitting this shadow, never even touching him.

"Whats wrong Flame? Do you fear your own shadow? Your own heart? I am what you will never be, powerful..." he said with a smirk opening his hand and shooting a barrage of fireballs at Flame instantly knocking him down.

"Your weak Flame, your heart will always weaken you just that much more! Expel your heart and become like me or choose this life of solitude to meet your maker!"

"I choose solitude!", Flame screamed standing.
"I choose the life of a knight!"
Flame quickly slashed at Drake with a new found strength
"I want happyness not darkness!"
He quickly charged and knocked Drake back.

"Seems you've choosen your own misery Flame Knight", He spoke as he touched the fresh wound on his chest, "You shall pay with your very life, maybe not today but you will pay"

Drake walked back into the shadows and disappeared as fast as he'd appeared.

"Pay but not today Drake, not today"

That day I gave up on my search, gave up on any type of search for anything more than teh protection of innocence. From that day forward I'd protect the world from the shadow that came from me. Each soul must pay for what their darkness does, one way or another...

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Each soul chooses what they remember and what they don't but what would happen if the past always haunted us? What would happen if our past became us?....

It was twelve years, twelve years since the day I found that blade. In a modern life like this, what could a sword like that do? Anything I wanted it to.

Flame was all grown up now; The red tips in his hair long gone, his young bright red eyes now just turned into dull red burning eyes. "It's been twelve years yet I still live. But for what now? For the world...", he spoke walking silently through the darkness of night. It's been the first time he'd returned "home" it was so empty now.

He walked slowly, his mind betraying him and breaking his concentration. "M...Mother... Father... ", he spoke as he walked through the alley where he had lost everything, the place where he had lost his very soul, "Why? Why was I left behind? Why was I left in this wo..." Before he could finish he head the same clatter and same voice from his memories.

"Well well well, it seems you've returned here Flame... all grown up yet still mourning over your parents. What a weak soul, I'd think your scars would've been closed", spoke the voice in darkness with those glowing eyes, the reason of his misery and pain.

"I am grown up... and you shall no longer haunt me!", he growled at the darkness, "I am no longer a mere mortal, I am the Lone Knight!"

Laughter broke the silence of the dark. "The Lone Knight? Don't make me laugh boy! Knights died at our hands just like your father, your mother, oh and that old man you called grandfather. They were like twigs compared to us! You are nothing more than" Before the sentance was finished there was the sound of blood splatter.

"You never speak of my family that way", Flame spoke a tear running down his cheek, "No one has the right to speak of my scars" Slash splatter "No one deserves the right to take another soul and tear it down" splatter, splatter, tear.

"You stupid mortal.... you may have hurt me, but you cannot run from your past. Your alone Flame... you were always alone. You will die alone and live alone, forever." ,the creature spoke from the darkness as Flame just kept slashing tears running down his cheek.

"You are the reason I am alone, you are the reason I cannot move on!", Flame screamed into the darkness the blade glowing red now but his heart far too lost to care, "You are the reason I am alone! The reason I will never again see my happiness!"

Fire broke out in that alley, I don't know if it was me or if it was my anger. All I know is I had burned my past, my past now lay there in this dead creature. I had never been so angry, never let my pain take over. It's my pain and sorrow that let me kill that creature... yet I don't feel any better, the scars in my heart are still open and will not close. It's a fools quest to try and forget the past, I was a fool to believe I could ever change that I was alone. I am now and forever, Flame the Lone Knight...

I still remember the day I woke up from what I thought was a nightmare, the day I realized I wasn't me anymore. I was just a shell of the boy I was, a shell covered in the blood of those who made me whole....

"Why did fate leave me?", Flame spoke softly as he walked alone through the darkness of the forest. His once happy and innocent smile had faded, all that stood in its place was the signs of a lone soul.

As he walked slowly he kept reliving the pains in his head, such a frail little boy left alone now... alone on his day. He wasn't a soul that deserved the solitude nor a soul that needed to live anymore yet he still walked.

"Why am I still here?... Why wasn't I taken with my family?", he spoke to the darkess which now surrounded him.

"Why was it all taken away?", he spoke closing his eyes.

His mother, his father, his grandpa... mother, father, grandpa, grandpa, mother, father, father, mother, grandpa, everyone gone... gone to the place of no return. Gone to the place young Flame now wished to join. He walked on, the memories in his head tearing his very soul appart. He was never ment to live as the guardian of fire, hell he didn't even know about guardians then, but that didn't matter.

"Flame... Flame your path wasn't with them... Your path is a greater one", a voice spoke to him, it seemed to come from every direction of this unknow wilderness.

"Flame, your path is one of light or darkness. Your path is one of the guardians..."

"But I don't want that path! I don't want anything! I just want to be alone! I want my family back! I want... I want my heart!", he screamed at the darkness in tears, "all I want is to stop crying...."

"You cannot change what happened to your family, you can only change your own path. You can only change your own soul", the voice spoke but faded, faded into the empty darkness from whence it came.

"Come back!... Come back!", Flame cried out running through the darkness at something he couldn't see until he stumbled and fell face first.

It felt like he fell forever... it was both freedom and emptyness, nothing mattered in that fall until he hit the ground.

Thump, the silence was broken as young Flame now stood slowly. He stood only to see a dim object, a sword. A sword with the engravings "The flames of the heart will carry this blade and with it bring this world to light or tear it into pieces, but sorrow will come to it's weilder".

"Bring light to this world... one soul is worth the happiness of millions of others", Flame muttered as he picked up the heavy sword, "one soul can change the world for the better"

With a broken soul, I took that blade. I did it not to bring the world to it's knees, I took the sword in order to bring this world light, even if it kept my soul in this eternal darkness...

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The Birth of a Knight V.2
"Happy Birthday Flame!" said those smiling faces I could remember so vividly. My parents... such innocent human faces, if they only knew their fate...

"Daddy Me Tired" said a small voice emerging from a small boy being held in an old mans hands, it was young Flame. His eyes were always an odd red color, eerie to most but to his family it was just what made him more special, and his hair always managed to end with red tips and messy over his forehead.

"He he I told you little one, you can never beat me", said the old man his face wrinkling up; not in sorrow nor anger but instead his eyes were bright and happy as he held his grandson.

"Oh Peter tell your father to help us pack up, we need to head home. Little Flame is soo tired and he needs to open gifts..." before the woman could finish Flame was up and running over to his parents.

"Yay presents presents...", he yelled with a bright smile.

I thought I had the world at my fingertips, I had the happiness and the compassion I now long for, but as most things... they don't last....

"Come on Flame lets race mommy and daddy home!"
"But grandpa your legs are too long how will I ever beat you?"
"Well my boy, its not how long your legs are, Its how much you wanna win... Now, Go!" the old man began to run as the little boy ran by his side laughing and smiling his parents both closely following until an abrupt stop.

"Now now what do we have here?" spoke the dark eyes from the shadows
"Why brother I believe its the infamous Flame" spoke another set of eyes from behind

"Susan stay behind me, Who are you creatures?!" spoke Peter as he protected his wife as his father soon followed protecting young Flame.

"Creatures, so ironic that you call us that..." as the vile creature spoke it emerged from the shadows, the claws clicking as they walked forward.

Click click, one brother moved forward, click click, here comes the other.

"Leave us al...." a thud and silence... time seemed to stop for the scene was horrible, at Flame's little feet lay his father. The heart once held in his chest in this creature's hands as he walked back into the shadows and the terrible silence was replaced by the screams of a mourning wife.

"You took my son! My only son! Die you vile creature!" The old man attacked the creatures now hidden in darkness, he was blinded by rage... what a mistake.

Crack, Crack, SNAP and down came the body of a slain fighter... his brittle bones broken like glass.

"Mom... mom i'm scared... their gonna kill us their gonna k..." Susan's screams had stopped, but why?

"Mommy?" Flame said looking up slowly only to find a horrified face and empty eyes.

"Your mother isn't here little boy, the shadows are here to consume you... and you shall never find your way out of them, will he brother?"
"Never again shall you find the light, the shadows will engulp you and destory you" the shadows said, their eyes now glowing and their endless click clack from their vile blood stained claws.

"Then take me, kill me and let my life end with theirs! Let me loose myself in the shadow!" he screamed falling into a pool of blood, his generations where here, all his life lay here in a pool of cold blood.

"Don't worry boy your suffering will end here!" one of its bloody claws tore into his side and his brother tore into the other

The piercing pain tore his body appart but it was nothing more than what he'd already endured as instantly a light broke the shadows... was it his soul passing over?

I still wonder what happened... all I remember is the day after... I woke up somewhere else, I woke up still covered in their blood but now... I stood alone... alone again in the shadows, just like 10 years ago....

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