Ok.. now onto subject. Society vs. God
Everyone, or atleast some, beleive in god. Others beleive in nothing or what society wants them to beleive in.
And kitty likes it when I scratch his neck. I just wanted to add that. He's important. Unlike you others.

Hmm.. where to start. Well. I guess I could start with the kreator of all. The father of time, space, and matter - God.

One day there was this dude named God. He got down with a lady, and then six months later Jesus was born. Everyone knows those two are the same, right? Exactly. So when I refer to jesus I am talking about god. O.k.
So jesus was talking with his friends and was getting kind of bored with the usual forgiving and what not. Anyways.. he was like, "I shall create the universe! I will fill it with magical stars! And then I will create the planets! The sun! THE EARTH OH HOW JOYOUS!" So he snapped his fingers and everything he said was done. However, the earth was still plain. He had some serious issues to work with. How would he be able to satisfy himself with a universe, and some planets? Not to mention Earth.. He then had a great idea. That if he created demigods such as Mother Nature, and Father BDSM, that everything would equal out. Mother Nature would create all that we see today. The beautiful trees, grass, water, mountaints, and stuff like that. And then Father BDSM would equal that out with hideous factories, ugly vehicles, deadly chemicals, and other stuff like that.

Now that we got that all down. We must learn about how society will be born, and later delve and lavish the things they are given.

A long long long time ago.. or a long a** time ago we should say, a little seed was planted in the pre-historic gravel by god. This seed would one day become society. But not right now. So god planted the seed.. and he urinated on it just because he was that evil, and he needed to equal everything out. Remember that! Equality is a must! Back in the other reality Mother Nature was still to be sculpting the planet society will be living in. She needed to create disasters. Tornados and tsunamis were created to shape the land. And then Father BDSM needed to create niceness. He created candy shops and Lamborghinis.

It was three years later that the seed God had planted had finally grown into a human. Actually, two of them were there. A male and a female. It was their duty to have sex and populate the planet they lived on. The two humans were very 'randy' and had no problem with that. Many years later.. the population of Earth was 600 million. Soon society was starting to develop. The media was just being introduced all around the world!

Now we must talk about the religion of society. Say the only religion society had was the religion of mondula omblingata. Beleif in god. It was society's duty to go to church and worship their god. Only on Sundays, and Fridays. To be able to beleive in something was important to them. If no one thought god existed then society would run loose. That is until God decided to take a stand.

Back to our lovely Jesus. He was starting to get bored again with the humans.. so he seriously needed to do something to them to entertain himself. He took a thunder bolt and struck a guy in the arse with it. He died. And that was the start of society. Not because someone died, but because everyone thought that god hated everyone. Then god took thirty thunderbolts and killed 30 people. This is what we would call a disaster. Society was starting to get angry. Religion was starting to fail them. Was the god they beleived in starting to turn on them?

Many years passed and society started to calm down. It was now the year of BDSM. Yes. BDSM. The legend of Father BDSM coming to earth was true. He would floatheth down and bless society's mind with horror. Images of women and men tied up and used as coffee tables raped their thoughts. Everyone thought that god was evil. The religion of mondula omblingota perished. It was time for 'society' to start creating their own religion by the media. They could control anyone they wanted, they thought. This was true.

God was starting to get pissed.. he thought he was being ignored. He couldn't accept that. So this time he brung out the big guns. He murmured a spell and conjured up all of the fire in the world up into one huge a** fireball. It was time to lay the smackdown and teach them who is #1. So this huge fireball was about to smash into the Earth and destroy everything. What was society to do? They could do nothing - except for one thing. There only choice was to gather all of the wizards and sorceress' to create the ultimate water ball and intercept.

Society did best to get as many wizards and sorceress'. They all huddled in one big pile and chanted all the spells they knew. Fast enough they created the biggest ball of water. It was much bigger than the fire ball, and that was nearing earth faster than ever. Now the only trouble was being able to control the water ball without over powering it. They needed a gangsta ounce technique. The only place where that exists is the ghetto. So society did that.. they gathered all the gangstabouncers they could, and all together, they destroyed the fire ball. Steam filled the air and over half of society was killed from extreme heat.

The times were getting bad. Food was running low. Society now had to face another trouble. Cannibalism. Everyone ate eachother.. the last two strongest men on earth were the only surviors. This kind of made God glad. He knew he had every power known to man. Jesus took his magical hands, said some magic words, and cast a spell on the two men. They now couldn't control each other. They started fighting each other like mad dogs. Finally one fell and the other survived. God got pissed again so he took a thunder bolt and threw it at the survivor. He was killed, and society was no more.

Thank you.