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(( Characters:
Envy (Ashe)
Roy (Kar-monster) ))

Envy yawns as he sits upon the stage of the empty strip bar that he works at. He checks the time and sees it's well after when he should be home... But does he care anymore...? No, not at all. Now that he knew Kimbley was never coming back, because of his mistakes... nothing really mattered. He took a swing from a beer and fervently wished that homunculi could get drunk.

Pushing the door open, the smell of stale cigarettes, old alcohol, and urine filled Roy's nostrils. Ever since he recieved that note from Envy, it plauged him as to what the hell was going on. He stepped into the dank, dark club and noticed Envy on the stage. Slowly and carefully, he walked over to the homunculus. "....Envy?"

Envy looked up from the bottle that was pressed to his lips, eyes slightly wide. He lowered it slowly and stared at Roy, just staring. It had been a while since he had seen the other privately and one of their last meet ups included Envy telling Roy that he just raped Ed, but was sorry for it. "...?" He refused to speak, for fear of his voice breaking on him.

Roy approached the stage and stopped, tear stained note in hand. He slowly extended his hand toward Envy, showing him the note. "I'm actually afraid to ask, but....What is this?"

Envy looked down to the note, well aware that it was the same that was written with red ink by his own shaky hand. "It's what it looks like." The monster responded, pulling his knees up to his chest and staring at the note. "A note."

Slowly inching closer to him, he raised his voice a little higher, and a littler more demanding. "I asked what the hell this is Envy. I didn't ask for a wise a** remark. Now, what the hell is this supposed to mean?"

"It means that I would very much like company," Envy said, still staring at the note with dulled violet irises. "On the day that I celebrate Kimbley's death... Celebrate... No... That's the wrong word, isn't it...? Mourn... That's better."

Roy stared as the words "Kimbley's" and "death" entered his ears. He knew that he must have misunderstood what Envy had said. There was just no way. "What? Kimbley isn't dead. What are you talking about?"

Envy laughed shrilly, seemingly breaking his somber spell. "Don't you think that's what I said to myself?! But Ed told me! And Ed does know everything, doesn't he? Smart alchemist, precious alchemist, knows all, seen the Gate, he has! Just like myself! And now Kimbley too."

The insane laughter pierced Roy straight through. Whenever he heard that crazy, maniacal laugh he knew that something was wrong, and that Envy was somehow behind it. "Don't bring Ed into this! What the hell happened to Kimbley?!"

"I don't know! Apparently I killed him, my darling Kimmy, why would I do something like that..? But for some reason Ed seems pretty damn sure that it was me. Who am I to argue? I'm not exactly mentally stable, Mustang."

"You've never been stable you jackass! Why on earth would you kill the man you love? Doesn't that just not make any ******** sense Envy?!"

"I don't know, I really don't know. Maybe he is still alive, like I know he is... Yes, precious Kimmy, dear Kimbley... He's not dead..." Envy crooned to himself, rubbing his bare thighs nervously.

Without a second thought, Roy lifted his hand and smacked Envy clear across the face. Not only was he pissed, but scared. If Envy could do this to the man he loved, what would he do to those children? "Snap out of it. What the ******** happened?! TELL ME!"

Envy's head turned to the side once Roy's hand connected with his cheek. He reached up and touched the red skin gingerly as it sparked, slowly relieving the painful tingling he had felt. He glared at Roy for a moment before opening his mouth once more. "I don't know what happened, and that's the god honest truth. I could've sworn Kimmy told me he was gone on a military mission... But... But Ed said that I killed him, so there was no way that what I thought was possible."

The onyx eyes stare in disbelief at the words flowing from Envy's mouth. There just had to be some other piece of the story that Envy isn't telling him, and he was going to get to the bottom of it. "You getting off work any time soon?"

Envy gestured around the bar with a hand. "No one's here... I can leave whenever I feel like it." He stared at the bar silently, watching the bartender snooze on the counter. "The others left hours ago..."

Instantly, Roy grabbed Envy by the wrist, ready to drag him from the smelly, dank hell hole he worked in. "Lets go. I want the full story and I want it now."

Envy didn't protest to the hand around his wrist, he merely stared at it silently. "I already told you everything I know..." He answered, truthfully.

Roy shook his head, gently pulling on Envy's arm to signal for him to get up. "No. I want Ed's side of this too."

Envy shrugged and slipped from the stage, standing beside Roy and looking as if he were going to fall over. It seemed like he was torturing himself once more, due to the scars that he had carved through his Oroboros that he had chosen not to heal.

Roy took notice to the physical damage Envy inflicted upon himself, but decided to deal with it later. Finding out what really happened was more important. "Do you have anything you need to get?"

"What could there possibly be...?" Envy asked quietly, though he shook his head to signal that there was nothing he needed before he leaved.

After Roy released his wrist, he began walking toward the door, and opened it. He stood in the fresh air, taking a deep breath. "Let's get out of here. That smell is making me nauceous."

"It's not that bad, once you get used to it..." Envy said quietly, though he also took a deep breath of the fresh air. His violet eyes wandered up to Roy's dark ones for a moment before he looked back away, staring at the ground.

Taking a deep breath, he looked over Envy's skinnier then usual frame. He looked lost, not like the usual nutcase he had come to know. Instinctively, he wrapped his arms tightly around the homunculus, embracing him like a child. "I'm sorry."

Envy stiffened at first before relaxing slowly in the embrace, shakily moving his hands up so that they were partially around Roy. He was trembling now, threatening to begin crying at any moment. The sheer capacity of his sadness, combined with the gentle treatment was more than enough to make him burst.

Feeling the trembling body in his arms only caused Roy to hold him tighter. He knew the pain of loosing someone, and quite ironicly, the person he lost was killed by the person he was trying to comfort. "It's ok to cry..."

Envy dug his nails into the back of Roy's shirt, opening his mouth and whispering "I miss him so much." in one, shaky breath. Tears were rolling down his cheeks, landing on the other's clothing. "I miss him so much..."

"I know you do...It's hard, I know..." The nails digging into his back barely phased him, for Roy was more concerned with Envy. Not once had he seen this...this thing break down, and now it was happening within his own arms.

Envy trembled uncontrollably, pressing himself hard against Roy. "Damn it... I don't know w-why... I don't understand!" He screamed, confused and hurt. He couldn't believe that he was the one who killed his lover. He could never believe that.

As tight as he had been holding onto the other changed as he pulled him in somehow tighter. The sting of tears were burning in his own onyx eyes as he tried desperately to comfort Envy. "Listen...We don't know that...Let's find out what really happened ok?"

Envy sniffled and nodded, trying to calm himself down. He knew that there was no point in getting worked up like this, like he had been doing for the last few days. "O-Okay..."

Slowly releasing him, Roy opened his eyes, and brought them down to the usually vibrant violet orbs of the homunculus below him. He showed a pained smile, trying to easy his tension. "Let's go talk to Ed, ok?"

"Okay..." Envy responded quietly, trying to coax his shaking self back into its normal, somber state of mind. He didn't want to think about what he apparently did to Kimbley... And he didn't want to think about what was going to happen if he snapped again.

(( Just a random ficlet))

He brings the little razor blade lazily to his wrist. He pauses above the dry, pallid dead skin and wonders why he's even doing this. Sure, it will hurt for a few moments or so before the pain disappears and he's as good as new. On the outside... He thinks to himself, rather bitterly.

He lifts the weapon up and admires the little flat piece of metal as it shines and glints in the light overhead. He mostly concentrates on his reflection, on the cheek-stained tears that are being mirrored by the reflective metal. A glare forms on his and his reflection's face before he tosses the blade to the bathroom counter. "Despicable."

As he washes his hands, he vows to dispose of the blade carefully so no one will ever get hurt from it. Though, as he scrubs the soap bar along his hands and watches his reflection in the mirror in front of him, a new idea slowly stokes his brain into movement. An almost devious smile lights up his eyes and his face as he looks back to the blade. Drying his hands on the towel, he speaks aloud to himself. "No one will get hurt," He seizes the razor in his hand and stares back at his reflection once more. "Other than myself."

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Anyone who wants to respond to this journal may... It's kind of like Envy telling everyone how he and Kimbley got together.

With the pole held tightly in between my hands and thoughts racing through my mind faster than the speed of light, I began to do what I did best... or at least according to the manager of the club. He told me I was born to be an erotic dancer and entertain men, not women, with my small body. Since I had little else to do and wanted to get a job so I could get everything off of my mind, I eagerly agreed to take up the job as a pole dancer, lap dancer and many other things. Sometimes when I did a really good show that night, people would pay me extra for a night of fantasy roleplaying. That was one of my favorite parts because I got to dress up in different ways... the only thing that bothered me was the sex. But, it was my job and I had to be good at it even if I didn't need the money. I needed the job more than I needed money, isn't that sad? I needed it so I could keep my mind off of other things... Well, people actually. I needed my job so I wouln't think about Ed and Roy... Those thoughts almost always led me to a suicide attempt that was usually stopped by Ed. Roy tried to help stop me too, but of course he never really did stop me... I guess the only reason why he tried was so that Ed wouldn't have any grief if I did die. Oh well...

As I moved my body along to a beat that was pulsing through the club, I got a call to come down from the main stage and to one of the little ones that were at a table. I hopped down from the stage and walked towards the group of men, all drunk of course. My heels hit the ground hard with each step and the tight mini-skirt I was wearing felt like it was revealing too much. But I ignored these feelings and stopped in front of the table, giving a dazzling smile to the men.

"Oi, my buddie here wants a lap dance." One of the men said. He had dark hair that was cut in a traditional military look. Were these people from the military, I couldn't really tell if they were or not. The other men laughed loudly at the man's blush, pointing at him and encouraging me to hurry up. A shrug passed my shoulders and I crawled onto the table, then onto the man's lap. He had long, black hair that was tied back and in the front it looked like a pissed off barber really screwed up. Oh well, he was cute with that blush and those pissed off golden eyes.

After they had paid me, all of them laughing and the man, Kimbley I think his name was, had a strange look of embarassment and denial on his face, I hopped onto the table and then onto the floor... Before I heard them calling me back. I turned to stare at them, waiting to see what else they wanted from me. Kimbley ( was that his name?) was slipping from the booth with red cheeks and a roar of laughter and clapping from his friends. The man took my hand in his and I half considered jumping back... Boss told us no one was supposed to touch us unless they paid. But I didn't jump back, instead I looked up at him cluelessly.

"Hey... What do you say to coming back with me, I'll pay you of course." He added the last bit in quickly, looking embarassed beyond all reasoning. "I-I can see if you don't want to though, I mean..."
"No, I'll come." I replied, still trying to figure out the man's name. "How do you want me?"
Kimbley stared at me for a moment before figuring out what I meant and mumbling beneath his breath. "Torn apart dress, heels... On your hands and knees."

Later that night, I arrived where he told me to come in the appropriate attire. Kimbley eyed me hungrily and then tackled me to the bed almost immediately, eating away at my body with his rough kisses.

Before I had known it, the night had ended and it was time for me to go back home to Roy and Ed's place, which conviently happened to be right across the street. "Well, good night." I said, waving a little before I started to head out of the bedrooms.

Kimbley growled though and clapped his hands together, forcing them onto my back. "If I can't have you forever, than no one can." He snarled as my body began to rearrange. I felt my eyes roll into the back of my head and my mouth foam before I exploded violently.

While my body was attempting to regenerate, Kimbley was standing there in awe as he watched. Once I was finally standing again, I shook my head and blinked as if to toss away confusion to what just happened. Kimbley was staring at me with a dropped jaw and I merely shrugged my shoulders once more. This process was repeated a few times until finally, he collapsed on his bed and I was able to leave.

Thus, this meeting began our relationship.

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