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Usagi-Baby and Friends!
Various tales and accounts of the misadventures of Usagi and the other sailor senshi...
Jessie and Sabrina's Playtime
From another game, enjoy! =3


"Play with me." -Said Sabrinas doll, appearing suddenly and seemingly behind Jessie when she was trying to sneak into the Gym. The dolls eyes would then begin to glow, along with the rest of the body as from all around, telekinetically lifted objects such as dolls, rattles, a large pacifier, and diapers suddenly began to fly about-

Shivers ran up and down Jessie's spine when the doll spoke up, deciding it was a very bad idea to try and pull a solo job. "Eeek!" She squealed and jumped up as the different items in the room started floating and whirling around her, attempting a mad dash back to the window she'd snuck into. "Blasting off sounds awfully good right now!!"

"Tee hee. You can't go away now. We haven't even started." -The childish doll giggled, as Jessies body would glow and she would find herself being raised up intot he air as well. Her clothes would then begin to flutter and tug themselves taunt... Before trying to forcibly pull themselves off of her body-

The female rocket freaked out as she unwillingly took to the air, scrambling and flailing as she floated off the floor, even trying to swim through it, but to no avail. Her clothes seemed to take on a life of their own, pulling away from her until every last garment was off her body, quickly curling up in a ball in an attempt to cover herself, blushing as red as that fire engine hair of hers.

-The doll would giggle and smile, as a tin would open up, and a large pink powderpuff coated in baby powder would fly out of it like a humming bird and rappidly pat-pat-pat-pat across her backside as it buzzed around her-

"Eep! Gah! Stop that! Cut it out!" Jessie flailed and squirmed, trying to dodge the oncoming fluffy advances of the flying powdery puffball, sneezing a bit as some of the fine baby powder wafted around her during her attempts to avoid it. "This isn't funny, when I get down from here, you're gonna be in so much trouble!" She declared, attempting to pose in midair, then sweatdropped. "Oh right, James isn't here.. we really do that too much, don't we?" She groaned, not really asking anyone directly.

-Unfortunately the pose opened her up as two large disposable diapers glomped onto her backside and folded up between her legs, fastening themselves securely at her waist before an extra thick fluffy cotton diaper wrapped itself around both of those, two pins stabbing intot he material, and clicking securely closed-

"Gah!" Jessie cursed herself for leaving herself wide open like that, trying to stop the diapers as they latched onto her, trying to pull or rip at them but with little to no effect. "Do I look like some kind of baby doll to you?! I'm a high level member of Team Rocket, and you're going to pay for this when I figure out how to get back on the ground!" She shouted and yelled, still rather freaked out but getting quite upset too as well.

-As she yelled, red objects would fly at her... As wooly booties and thick fingrless mittens suddenly looped up onto her feet and hands and the ribbons on them cinched tight around her wrists and ankles, even as a red bonnet plopped itself on her head. Immediately, more makeup and strange spray bottles would begin to fly around her face, and spraying at her hair, the bonnet lifting temporarily as they buzzed all around her face-

Coughing and gagging as she was sprayed at and blotted at by the oncoming makeup and spray bottles, blushing as she shook her mitted fists at the offending possessed items, swinging and kicking at them, making herself spin around a lot, ending up doing a complete 360 before ending up upside down in midair. "Ugh, I think I want off this ride now.."

-Shed soon be dropped down to the floor... a large full length mirror near where she could get a good look at herself. her face and skin had been powdered to a far whiter complexion, and heavy red had been painted onto her cheeks in circles. Her hair, sprayed with the stuff from the bottle now felt hard and stiff and looked like plastic.. she looked like a doll. And in diapers and a bonnet, she looked like a large baby doll-

"I look ridiculous!!!" Jessie screamed, her eyes growing big as she stared at what was hard to believe was her reflection in the large mirror. "This is crazy! I look like a clown! Or some sort of freaky china doll! I've got to get out of here!" She cried out, making another attempt to run, having a hard time getting any traction or footing with her hands and feet covered by the thick soft mittens and booties, before ending up flat on her stomack with a loud "Oof!"

"Awww, Baby Faww Down?" -Came the dolls cutesy voice as it walked over to Jessie, its maryjane sh oes clapping along the hard floor. All it took was a move of the small dolls hand as Jessie would immediately be flipped over onto h er back- "Did the baby have a booboo? Maybe Baby shoould stay on her hands and kness... Where she belongs." -it stated, a bit sternly-

"Waah!" The padded and dolled up rocket girl shrieked as she was flipped over with virtually no effort on the girl's, er, doll's, whatever's part, her legs spread apart by the triple thick diapers she was locked into. The doll's voice had been creepy enough as it was, but when she heart it take a bit more serious tone, Jessie shivered and gulped, trying to back away from it. "I-I said I'm n-not a baby, you s-s-stupid doll! G-Get away from me!!"

Of course your not silly. We're playing pretend. " -The doll said as if it was the most obvious thing of the world as it marched forward in its voluminous white dress and wide brimmed sun hat, shading its eyes and long hair as it continued to walk forward as Jessie squirmed back, dragging her diapered bottom along the floor-

When her back met the wall, Jessie stared back at the creepy possessed doll, "A-And if I said I d-didn't want to play, w-what then?" She asked, trying to sound defiant in the face of her tiny yet powerful enemy, or at least look like it.

"Then you can go in the toybox." -The doll said as a wide smile formed on her face, as she would feel her body begining to tingle, as her skin began to feel harder and limbs less mobile, as she saw her body slowly begining to shrink and turn to plastic-

"This isn't happening, this isn't happening, this isn't happening!" Jessie repeated in a panick, flailing around terrified as she felt herself changing, her movements slowing down as everything seemed to grow bigger all around her and feeling incredibly funny. "No! Please no! Don't! I'll play! I promise! I'll be a good baby! Really I will! Don't lock me up in the toy box! Please!"

-She would stop shrinking, just as joints would form on her plastic body. She was now shrunken down to the dolls height, still dressed and looking like a baby doll while the sabrina doll looked fancy and priceless as always. Making a stark contrast between them- "Then dolly will play like a good baby?" -The doll asked, repeating what she had said as it smiled-

Jessie gulped and nodded her head, trembling before the doll girl who she was now no bigger than. "Yes, yes, I'll be a good dolly, I promise! Anything you want!" She said, blushing more and more under her already painted red cheeks

-The doll would grasp Jessies hand and turn to run off, giggeling towards a plastic playhouse setup in the dark backroom. The inside seeming to light up magically as she pushed Jessie into a highchair, as the tray would flip down and fall infront of her, locking-

"Eep!" Jessie squealed, toddling behind the more dominant girl doll, crinkling loudly like a real baby dolly as she was dragged along, forced to be her personal plaything whether she wanted to or not. When shoved into the awaiting highchair, she blushed as she was held in place by the built in tray, leaving her unable to move.

-The doll would turn as a telekinetically called bottle would fly in. The doll grasped the bottle between both of its hands as it stepped up onto a step stool and immediately stuck the bottle between Jessies lips- "Din din" -the doll would declare-

Poor Jessie didn't even have time to resist as the bottle was popped into her mouth, blushing more and more as she was forced to play along, still feeling the doll girl's eyes upon her, knowing full well things could get much, much worse if she didn't follow correctly, starting to suckle from it slowly.

"Gooood Baby." -The sabrina doll said, as she kept it held up high as Jessie sucked down the almost stale tasting water inside the bottle, staring at Jessie with a smile as she giggled softly and continued to hold until the bottle was empty, and pulled it back-

"Ugh.." The Jessie doll, er, Jessie groaned, the water really did taste off, like it had been sitting there for who knew how long. She knew of course water didn't expire, since it was, well, water and all, but still. it definitely didn't taste fresh as she was forced to drink it all down like a good dolly, with mommy watching her the entire time until it was all gone... the doll! The doll watching her! She was not her mommy! Why did she think that?

-The doll set down the water bottle and picked up a silky hanky to dab at Jessies lips and cheek before she left the room and returned with a jar of greenish brown mush. The doll giggled as she pulled up a chair, and had to stack a few books on it before she could rise up enough to reach the shrunken jessie in the highchair. Scooping up a spoonfull of the mush, she began to push it to her lips-

"Bleh!" Jessie made a face when she saw the putrid looking muck the Sabrina doll was attempting to spoonfeed her, not looking the least bit appetizing and wanting no part of it. Keeping her mouth firmly closed, she turned her head side to side with each advance made towards her, gagging slightly just from looking at it.

"Dollie needs to have her yummy yum yums" -The doll would say in a childish voice as she would lean forward against the tray, continuing to try and tease at her lips with the spoon when she got off balance and the spoon tipped, dumping it down across jessies chin and smearing down against her body-

"Ick!" Jessie cried out, releasing her tight lips as the mush was dumped on her, running down her lips and splattering on her chest, making her look more and more babyish than she already did in her doll-like state.

"Oopsie." -The doll said, but she would still giggle some as she pulled back and picked up a cloth to clean off Jessies face and body, of course mostly just smearing it around with the dry cloth. She would then scoop up another spoonful and attempt once again-

Jessie groaned as the gunk was smeared around on her, making her look messier than she had been, then blushed as the spoon managed to make it into her mouth that time, blinking for a moment or two before turning slightly green, not liking the taste one teeny weeny bit.

-The doll suddenly looked up then smiled- "Oh goodie. Another challenger." -She said as she hopped off the books- "I'm sorry Dolly i'll be back to play with you later." -She said cheerfuly, as Jessies body would suddenly begin to jerk and tingle again.. as she soon morphed into a smiling diapered jessie dolly, with her mind intact, but body stuck in a cute pose with diapers-

User Image
"In the name of the moon, I will pu-- *deep blush* .. oh poopy. *toddles off, her diapers sagging behind her*"

Usagi-Baby and the Hypnosis
Another one from a game session. Enjoy! =3


"Feel so... funny... head so.. empty... ooo, pretty..." Usagi said as her eyes drifted in and out of focus, almost drooling a bit as her mind went completely blank, her eyes following the pendulum being held out in front of her, watching it go from side to side and putting her further and further under it's owner's spell.

"Ow wow! Ami you really did it!" "Of course.. Now. If i'm right, she should be susceptible to any kind of hypnotic commands... Hmmm... oh I know! Usagi, as you watch the pendulum swing back and forth, you will find your mind going back... back back.... To your childhood." " No way this will work... Even Usagi's not that air headed" -Rei said as she crossed her arms, watching for several minutes. Till Makoto sniffed the air a few times then widened her eyes. "Uh... Ami-chan? I think you took her TOO far back.." "Ewwww!!!"

"Of course, Usagi is still the cutest little girl there is, even if she is a bit 'tinky." -Makoto would say, tickeling beneath Usagis chin, while Rei and Minako sat in a daze and blank expression, while Ami just smiled- "Told you hypnosis lessons were worth the investment."

Usagi giggled happily as Makoto tickled and fussed over here, soaking up the attention like a bubbly little blonde sponge. "'Sagi 'tinky!" She repeated her, smiling bright.

- Makoto smiled - "I think we'll go through with Usagi. " -She commented, as Ami nodded softly and issued her commands to the other two. That they would forget the events of that night, go home, and would not notice anything strange going on with Usagi, her, or Makoto. While Ami was doing this however, Makoto would stand up and suddenly scoop Usagi up in her arms, carrying her to a table-

Usagi waved to the others as they left, blissfully without a care or even a clue what was going on, giggling happily when her taller, stronger friend picked her up, cooing softly and popping her thumb in her mouth as she nuzzled against her, smiling up at her sweetly.

-Makoto lowered Usagi down onto her back, and carefully began to undo her skirt and slide it off, exposing the messy panties before she plucked off her socks as well, fingers softly tickeling along her feet and toes, even as Ami came in behind Makoto and wrapped her arms around her waist, smiling and leaning into her-

The half naked infant minded blonde giggled and squirmed as Makoto tickled her feet, totally enjoying all of the attention she was getting and not seeming the least bit bashful about it. "'Sagi tickwish!" She chirped, her speech cutely childlike, no doubt due to the mental regression she'd been subjected to.

"Shes a precious princess, isn't she?" -Ami asked, as she planted a soft kiss on Makotos cheek- " Definately. I'm glad you thought of this Ami-Chan... Something always felt off. But I think now we've found our missing piece. Can you bring the diapers in here?" -She asked, as Ami smiled and nodded as she turned to dash off, coming back with a thick stuffed diaper bag and setting it on the table. Even taking out a changing pad and sliding it in place as Makoto raised Usagis legs and hips up off the table-

Usagi giggled as her bottom half was lifted up, wiggling her feet as she was set back down with the pad beneath her, about to be diapered for the first time since she was a real baby. Her fingers ran through her long twil trails of golden hair, giggling at the feeling of the silky strands slipping through her clumsy feeling fingers.

-Carefully makoto peeled off Usagis panties, and dropped the mess into a waiting trash bag Ami had. Then, taking out an ample amount of baby wipes, she proceeded with the messy task of cleaning up the big baby moon princess while one hand kept her legs high in the air, constantly cooing down to her cutely- " If I was her mother, I don't think id have ever let Usagi out of diapers in the first place." -Makoto said with a giggle-

"Mama!" Usagi chirped, her hands reaching out to the doting amazon as she was cleaning up her messy bottom, her train of thought, or in her case, her choo choo of thought seeming to peg the taller girl with the role.

-Makoto smiled and leaned down to playfully rub her nose with Usagis- "Shes so cute with the mind of an infant. How long will it last?" - "It'll come and go. But don't worry, theres enough post hypnotic commands set in... She'll obey us both without question even if her normal mind comes back up, and won't be able to tell anyone else whats going on." -Ami said as she lovingly handed the powder over, as Makoto began to apply it liberally-

Usagi giggled, leaning up and rubbing noses Makoto when she leaned in to do it with her, smiling brightly as her bum was covered heavily with the silky soft baby powder, wiggling her bare bottom cutely.

-Ami then handed over a large disposable diaper, as Makoto slipped it up beneath Usagis bum and folded it over, fastening it nice and securely before she leaned in and kisses Usagis cheek- "There we are! All fresh and clean now!" -Ami even smiled as she leaned in to kiss Usagis other cheek in time with Makoto-

Usagi giggled happily as her two matenal minded friends planted one on both of her cheeks, all sorts of happy and pleasant feelings running through her mind as they finished working on there, no doubt quite the sight to behold in her uniform shirt and the thick, crinkly disposable diaper.

-Ami giggled as she took hold of Usagis hands and helped her to the floor carefully- "I'll keep watch on Usagi, alright Makoto?" -She asked, which the tall brunette smiled and nodded as she turned to busy herself with other things, as Ami would carefully lead the crawling blonde back to the living room where they came from-

Usagi stepped down a bit wobbily as her bare feet touched the floor before being brought down onto her hands and knees in a crawling position. She felt a bit odd at first, tilting her head for a moment in thought. She could walk, right? Was she big enough to be walking? Ami-mama was walking, and she was bigger than her, as was Makoto-mama. Had she always had two mommies? Shaking her head some, the babied blonde smiled big, proceeding to crawl on all fours behind the brainy bluenette, those thoughts fading from her mind as quickly as they had seemingly appeared.

-Ami would smile as she led Usagi on, thinking she saw a bit of Usagis mind showing. But it just faded back. She giggled, figuring the baby usagi personality was probably alot stronger right now. and that was fine. Humming, she led Usagi on until they reached the living room where she would carefully sit herself down infront of Usagi- "You want to play a game?" -she asked her with a smile, reaching out to tickle and pinch at her cheek-

Usagi followed Ami-mama all the way to the living room, her padded butt crinkling and swaying with each move of her legs, her diaper bunching nicely between them as she did. When her leader came to a stop, Usagi sat back and plopped down on her bottom, the diaper hissing slightly as the air was pushed out from inside of it. At the mention of a game, the babyfied blonde let out an enthusiastic squeal, clapping her hands together. "Pway! 'Sagi pway!"

-Ami smiled and nodded as she picked up Usagis hands and held them out, and began to play a game of patticake with her. Giggeling some at the ludicrous look of the teenaged blonde friend of hers in diapers playing such a childish game.. then again, she was never that mature to start off with, so now the diapers just seemed like a sensible precaution-

When Ami started playing and giggling with her, Usagi couldn't help but to giggle as well, playing along and seeming to genuinely be enjoying herself just like any other baby would be. She clapped her hands against Ami's whenever they met, sitting back with her knees folded under her, rocking back and forth on her plastic covered bottom.

-Ami played patticake, giggeling back and playing along as Makoto returned.. Now dressed in an almost see through green nighty that went down almost to her ankles and holding a much shorter more delicate blue one in her hands on a hanger- "I'll take over from here, if you'd like to go wash and change to, Ami." -She said with a smile as Ami nodded and stood up, brushing herself off-

As Ami stopped playing, the diapered blonde lifted her head up and stared up at the changed Makoto, her mouth forming an O as she looked her over with her head cutely tilted to the side. "Mama pwetty.." she cooed, a finger pressed to her bottom lip.

"Why thank you Usagi." -Makoto said with a smile and a smirk as she slowly walked and sank down into the couch, crossing her legs gently and picking up a remote to turn the television on and to the cartoon channels-

As soon as the light of the TV came on, the babied blonde whirled around, quickly finding herself under the spell of another powerful force, namely the warm glow of the boob tube. Her mouth hanging out, the mesmerized blonde let herself be lost in the cartoons played out in front of her, the only sounds she made being occasional giggles.

-Makoto smiled and giggled some to herself as she leaned back in her chair and enjoyed the sight of Usagi sitting there, lost in the cartoons.. not too dissimilar to her being lost in a Sailor V show or a video game. Of course, the obvious big white diaper was the big difference as she hummed and smiled- "Sooo cute"

As the show ran on, Usagi wasn't really paying attention to much else, if anything. So she didn't hardly notice a slight pressure between her legs, shifting around a little bit and making her diaper crinkle doing so. Giving a soft sigh, she continued to watch her show as a barely audible hiss came forth, the front of her diaper growing a bit warmer as it continued, her cute baby blues still glued to the set.

"Ut oh! Did Usagi make her diapers alll soggy?" -Came Makotos cooing voice, as she had watched the entire process of Usagi wetting herself without ever leaving her spot. She giggled some as it did make a sort of refreshing change of pace from her suddenly making a mad dash whenever the commercials would come on-

On cue, Usagi's head whirled around once the commercial was on, looking back up at Makoto with a confused look, seemingly oblivious to what she'd done at first. When she shifted around to face her, the warm diaper sagged a little bit between legs with a fair bit of saturation, having soaked up every drop of her wetness. Suddenly, it dawned on her, and the adorable little big blonde looked down, her hand patting the front of her diaper, and she gave the cutest "Ut oh.."

-Makoto giggled as she began to stand up- "Let me" -Ami said, as she finally came back in in her nightgown that came halfway down her thighs as she picked up the diaper bag from the table in the living room and hummed, walking her way back towards the living room and kneeling right down next to Usagi, setting the bag down next to her-

For a moment, the soaked blonde blushed, a look of shame building on her face, possibly another lucid moment creeping up. However, it didn't seem to last long, andUsagi smiled brightly when Ami returned, crawling towards the nightgown clad genius as she entered the living room with diaper bag in tow.

-Ami hummed as she gently pushed on Usagis shoulders to guide her to lay back down on her back- "Alright now Usagi, lay still." -she said, before she picked up a large pacifier out of the diaper bag and began to gently thread a ribbon around the ring holder of it and tye it into a necklace shape

Going down easily with Ami's guiding prodding, Usagi was soon enough flat on her back, looking up at her and watching her as she worked the ribbin through the ring of a fairly good sized pacifier, watching her like it was the most interesting thing she'd ever seen. "oooo.."

-Once it was tied securely, Ami would lean in over Usagis body, using one hand to prop herself up as she held the pacifier in her hand and began to guide it down to her lips, gently pushing it into her mouth- "Theeere we are."

Slipping easily between her lips, Usagi happily accepted the pacifier without fuss, taking to suckling on the soother almost instantly, giggling cutely as she laid there at Ami's feet.

-Ami smiled- "Good girl" -She praised before leaning back and propping up Usagis legs before she would move to carefully peel away the soggy diaper, opening it up and then raising her hips so she could begin to clean

Usagi beamed when Ami praised her, smiling brightly and clapping her feet together before she went to work on the task of changing her wet diaper, blushing slightly when the cool air rushed to her damp skin, making her shift around a bit uncomfortably. With the warmth gone, she wasn't liking the soaked garment much now, and couldn't wait to be back in a dry pair of panties.. diapers.. big girls wore panties, and she wasn't a big girl yet, she was still just a baby. Babies wore diapers, not panties... but, hadn't she been wearing panties earlier? Right before her first accident, when the rest of the girls were still there.. doing.. she couldn't remember what. She was having a hard time remembering a lot of things for some reason, a look of confusion spreading on her face.

"Oh my. Are you waking up now, Usagi?" -Ami would ask with a bit of a giggle and warm smile, as Makoto watched on lovingly as the love of her life changed the diapered blonde girl that was one of her closest friends. Smiling, Ami would lightly pat Usagis tummy as she pulled away the soggy diaper and as Usagi tried to clear things in her mind, shed just push the clean diaper beneath her-

Blinking a few times, the confused and dry blonde glanced around the room, before seeming to focus on Ami-mama again, a sweet smile on her lips as she sucked cutely on her pacifier. Ami was pretty, and she and Makoto-mama were so good together, she and the other girls had always agreed on that... but of course, they were her mommies, of course they're good together, they couldn't take care of her together if they weren't right? .. Somehow, that didn't feel right to her though. Ami and Makoto were a good couple, that was not in question, but... Rubbing her eyes, Usagi felt like she was shaking out a lot of cobwebs. "... Ami.. chan?"

User Image
"In the name of the moon, I will pu-- *deep blush* .. oh poopy. *toddles off, her diapers sagging behind her*"

Baby Kimmy and Nurse Shego
From another game, this time with more Kimmy/Shego goodness. Enjoy! =3


"Hmmm... With this helmet. I can infiltrate Kimmies dream and find out her deepest darkest nightmares." *Slips it on* ".... Why am I in a nursery?"

*And little misss 'Can-Do-Anything' was lounging among a large pile of Cuddle Buddies, the biggest of them bearing a striking resemblence to Rufus, smiling happily with a pink dummy in her mouth, and very thickly padded* "~big happy sigh~" ^_^

-Sweatdrops- "This.. is a nightmare? For me maybe..." -She said, then again. She could work with it, smirking she popped her fingers and changed, her clothes resembeling a green tinted nurses uniform with rubber gloves- "Gootchie gootchie coo!" -She said with a smirk, as she began to stalk her way towards the large pile of stuffed animals-

Sliding her way down the colossal mountain of plush toys with an adorable "Wheeee!", the pampered teen do-gooder giggled as she landed at the bottom with an audible crinkle, looking to be completely enjoying herself, unaware of her uninviated guest in her subconscious. "Dat was fun!" She chimed in, sounding more like a carefree toddler than a world renouned adventuerer cheerleader.Getting up to her feet, she shook her head some, her orange hair tied off in an adorable set of pigtails, and a green and yellow bib tied around her neck with the words "baby kimmy" embroidered on it in crayon themed text.

"... oh yeah... im definately going to need therapy after this..." -Shego muttered, seeing h er teen foe like this almost made her want to hurt her head. Still, it held high hopes, particularly the thought of getting revenge on hall her past defeats. She moved quickly and quietly, before her hand would suddenly dive out... Slipping down into her diaper as her other hand grabbed her shoulder- "Does Kimmie Cub need a didee change?" -she said, with a smirk-

Blinking at the sound of the new voice, Kimmy blinked for a moment, seeming a bit confused, then turning her head sharply to look back, her eyes meeting Shego's instantly. She didn't say a word for a moment or two, and barely reacted at first, until a great big smile spread over her face, and she proceeded to do something the green skinned mercenary probably next would have expected: she pounced her and hugged her. "Shego!" She cried out happily, smiling brightly. "Shego came to see Kimmy!"

"Ack... What.. but.... No! get off!" -She acked at the hug, eyes wide as she squirmed and tried to push her off, squirming- "You're not supposed to be excited to see me!" -She protested at the turn of events-

The overgrown teen toddler just giggled, oblivious to the older woman's protests as she showed her so much affection. Finally relenting her stranglehold of a hug, Kimmy sat up and smiled back at Shego. "Why nots? Kimmy's always happy to see Shego! Shego's fun!"

-Shego acked and grumbled- "This is not what I had in mind." -She said- "I was supposed to see your nightmares. Bleh, i'm leaving." -She murmered, reaching up to take off her helmet.... but then just feeling around, still feeling her head- "Uh.. wait... wait how am I supposed to take it of now?"

Kimmy's eyes grew large, latching onto Shego's legs, giving the big sad puppy eye routine she was so famous for. "Nooo! Shego can't leave! Shego just got here's! Pweeeease? Kimmy wanted to pway!"

"No.. GRAH! DRAKKEN!!!!" -She shouted, before feeling the cling to her legs.- "I'm probably stuck here till Kim wakes up... great..." -she facepalmed, sighing softly and looking down at Kim, icking softly- "Uh.... yeah, sure.... What do you want to play?" -She asked, feeling a little awkward. Sure she could just... wail on Kim, she was still her foe. But for some reason, beating on a toddlerized Kim just didn't sound that fulfilling-

Quickly going from sad and pouty to bright and happy again, Kimmy squealed and glomped Shego once again, hugging her tightly. "Yaaaay! Shego's gonna pway with Kimmy! Shego's the gweatest!" She proclaimed, then got up again and looked around her 'nursery'. "Kimmy's got lots of things we can pway.. lots of games and toys and stuff! Kimmy always comes here to make herself happy!"

-Shego put on a nervous smile as she nodded and sighed, moving to follow Kim as she rolled her eyes- "Im going to kick Drakkens a** when I get out of this... Till then." -She muttered, walking around the nursery in her nurse uniform, taking note of all the toys and large baby furniture, hmmming som-

Kimmy held onto Shego's hand as she gave her the 'guided tour', letting her see how elaborate it really was. Finally coming to what had to be the biggest toy box the former hero turned badgirl had ever seen, Kimmy let go of her guest's hand and ran, or rather, toddled up to it, flipping the lid open and started to rummage around inside, occasionally tossing things out of her way, like oversized dolls, more plush toys, the occasional rubber chicken, and various other sight gags.

"Glad I don't have to clean up this place." -Shego commented, dodging the occasionally flying doll or toy, to avoid being hit or struck by them as she made her way closer to the box to look in for something to suggest. Just something she could spend her time with till Kim woke up.. Then she could forget all about big baby kim, and go back to beating up on her kim-

"What does Shego wanna do?" She asked, looking up at her with an innocent look on her face. "Mommy alkways said I should ask friends first if they want to play something." She said matter of factly, nodding her head as she sucked cutely on her pacifier.

"Um... How about a board game? Do you have board games here?" -She asked, sweatdropping as she saw her slurping on the pacifier, blushing some and looking to the side, trying not to laugh at how she looked, softly crossing her arms across her own breasts-

"Yeahs!" Kimmy declared, running over to a large shelf. "Kimmy's got lots of games! Lots and lots of games!" Looking over the shelf, filled up completely with various boxes with different labels on the, she tilted her head to the side, trying to look serious for a moment as she studied each one, no doubt looking completely silly in the process. "Mousetrap, Hungry Hungry Hippos, Guess Who, Clue, Candyland, Sorry, Trouble, Uno, Connect Four, Go Fish, Old Maid, Checkers, Chess, Dominos... Kimmy got so many choices..."

"... its a dream. Of course you have alot of choices...... uh. how about Sorry?" -She asked, moving to follow Kim once again, blushing deeply as she saw her thickly diapered hips wiggeling infront of her as she ran, sighing some and moving to sit down on the floor where a clear space was, adjusting the short tight skirt she wore-

"Okkie dokie!" She looked around the shelf for a moment, trying to find the game again, then gave ah triumpant "Ahh!" before pulling it out, accidently dislodging a few other ones as well, making them clatter on the floor much to her surprise, just standing there a moment staring at it, before giggling cutely. "Oopsy!" She chimed in, then waddled back over to where Shego was sitting down at, plopping down across from her, crinkling cutely in the process.

-Shego acked as she saw the boxes plummeting, wincing and shielding herself from being hit, before sweatdropping- "Ah... its okay.." -she said, nodding a little as she watched Kim slip down to sit near by, h earing the thick plush diaper crinkeling as she fidgeted herself. She doubted shed be able to look at Kim the same way again after this-

Kimmy giggled, happy to get to play with the older woman as she set up the board game, giving the green pieces over to Shego while taking the red ones for herself. "Kimmy doesn't play much... too busy keeping RonRon out of troubles.. so Kimmy is happy Shego wants to play with hers." She smiled.

"I can imagine.... I have enough troubles keeping Dr D out of trouble.... Honestly, i'd think those two were seperated at birth." -she said, huffing and blowing some green hair out of her e yes that stuck out past her nurse hat as she moved to draw a card to play-

Kimmy giggled, watching Shego go first, crossing her legs in front of her and resting her head in her hands. "Kimmy remembers when RonRon and Drakken switched places... scary that Ronron was a better baddy than Drakken was.." She commented, moving her feet back and forth idly.

"True. Or that Drew wa- well... I guess him on the side of good wasn't that hard to see." -she murmered, pushing her pieces around boredly, as she continued to play. Watching Kims feet wiggle some, still feeling awkward watching the full teenager act like a preschool toddler-

Switching to being down on her tummy, Kimmy kicked her legs behind her as she drew her card and looked at it. "Drakken's a nice man when he wants to be... and Shego's nice too, even though she acts all grumpy and mean... and doesn't like Kimmy much..." She pushed her piece along the board with one finger, her eyes following it while she made car sounds.

"Well thats life, Kiddo." -She said, playing her turn as well... Sighing as she looked around and saw a clock... which was completely useless as it had no hands on it. Who knew how long this dream would go on before Kim woke up... She really needed to think of something to help pass the time better than this game. Fidgeting some, also begining to wonder if shed get hungry like this, in her dream-

Rolling onto her back and watching Shego move, Kimmy plucked her paci out of her mouth, bringing her legs up and holding her feet in cute poses, like watching her was the most interesting thing she'd ever done. A soft sigh left her lips as she smiled. "Even if Shego is mean sometimes, Shego's still fun to play with, and Kimmy always loves the workout Shego gives her." She commented, popping the n****e of a large bottle between her lips, filled with what appeared to be strawberry milk, which hadn't been there moments before obviously.

-Shego sweatdropped at the size of the large bottle suddenly appearing... But chuckled- "Heh. Thats convenient.. atleast I don't have to worry about feeding you." -she commented as she finished her move to wait for kim to, watching her suckeling down the bottle of strawberry milk-

Kimmy giggled, holding up the long end with her feet while reaching back with one hand to make her next move. "Sowwies... did Shego want to feed Kimmy?" She asked innocently enough, smiling sweetly up at her like it was the most natural thing in the world.

"Nooo thanks. You have it under control." -The nurse shego said, shaking her head as she sweatdropped. She was never good around kids, and being around a full grown baby of her rival didn't exactly appeal to her much. As she made her move as well, watching Kim the entire time as she fidgeted-

"Okkies," the babied redhead giggled, continuing to drain the large baby bottle, drawing her next card. "... aww.. I gotta go back.." She pouted cutely, moving her piece back two spaces. The real Kimmy would've probably been mortified by this point, but dream Kimmy seemed perfectly at home playing games with her rival, on display like the adorable tyke she was dressed as.

-If one thing, atleast Shego seemed to be winning so far.... still, she felt a bit ridiculous, sitting there in the adult-style nurses outfit, with the diapered Kim possible across from her, hmming-

Kicking her legs abit, Kimmy sighed, watching Shego move along, a bit annoyed to be losing at the moment... as she had the bottle nearly empty, a soft, faint hissing noise could just barely be heard between them. Oblivious to it hersself, Kimmy didn't pay it any mind, but the source soon revealed itself as the pink lines down the front of Kimmy's diaper started to fade out.

-Shego tensed as she heard the noise... shaking her head as she moved to move her piece when she felt a strange urge overtaking her. She eeped some, pushing herself up... Not in full control of herself as she felt compelled to make her way to the changing table and fetch supplies-

Kimmy blinked, watching Shego get up from the game, "Awww..." She pouted and sat up, her diaper squishing just a bit from having been just used. Blinking again, looking a bit confused, the babyish redhead looked down, pulling out the front of her diapers, blushing sweetly when she realised what she did. "Ut ohs...."

"Is Kimmie-Wimmie ready for a diddee change?" -Shego said in a cutely sweet voice, before she suddenly blinked- "D-di.. did I just say that?" -She said, eeping as she stood there with a huge plush diaper in one hand, and a can of wipes and power in the other-

"Uh huhs..." Blushing cutely, Kimmy-Wimmie nodded her head and put her thumb in her mouth. Watching Shego standing over her with her the new diaper and the changing supplies, the poor baby girl looked up at her, a shy expession on her face. ".... Shego change Kimmy?" She asked

"No.. I.. er.. mean...." -Shego blushed, as she would find herself kneeling down next to kim and gulped.- "Of course, sweetie." -she said, though not entirely meaning to. To Shego's horror shed find her hands gently spreading Kim's legs wide and moving up to undo her diapers and draw them down.... softly raising her legs to tug them away

Kimmy laid there as Nurse Shego went about changing her out of the wet diaper, completely naked save for the bib tied around her neck, her legs spread out and showing off her smooth hairless cunny. No surprise there, after all, how embarrassing would it be for a cheerleader to have another pompom between her legs while doing routines?

-Shego pulled out wet wipes and held Kims legs, as she proceeded to wipe and clean her up from her wet accident... much to Shegos horror, embarrased as she found her own body wanted to do its own thing, and properly clean Kim up even though she didn't. Then, tugging her hips back up, she pushed the even thicker diaper beneath her and began powdering-

Giving a happy sigh, Kimmy laid there wiggling her toes, enjoying the attention she was getting from the older woman, soaking it up like a sponge. Perhaps part of her subconscious liked the idea of Shego taking care of her, playing with her and all that, hence why Kimmy seemed to go along with it so much. Or maybe it was just the fact she was dreaming, and didn't even realize any of this was happening in her head. Who could be sure?

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"In the name of the moon, I will pu-- *deep blush* .. oh poopy. *toddles off, her diapers sagging behind her*"

Ami and the Makobot
From another game. Enjoy! =3


"How may I help you?" -The robot said as it came to life, a warm smile crossing it's face. It's appearance was uncannily similar to that of Makotos, not only from it's design but also from the fact that the clothing it wore came straight from Makoto's wardrobe, although she thought it had gone to a garage sale. -

The mechanically inclined genius gave a delighted 'squee!', jumping up and down as the robotic doppleganger fired up perfectly. She was afraid it wouldn't work, even with her -mad skillz- with computers and the like, but here she was, looking up at the mirror image of her stronger and well endowed friend. "... this is... so cool!"

"We could get you a sweater if you are feeling too cool, Ami." -Makobot said in a warm caring tone of voice as she smiled. Infact, without even waiting for a confirmation she would turn to walk towards Amis bedroom and begin looking through her dressers for a sweater for Ami to wear, humming as she did so-

Wearing one really big grin on her face, Ami did the happiest little dance no one besides her and the walls would see. Perhaps years of studying and cramming her head full of knowledge had finally caused her to lose it, but she didn't care. She had her own personal Mako-chan! =3 Granted, she didn't know how she'd explain this if any of the other girls found out, but she'd cross that proverbial bridge if she came to it. Right now though, she had to go help her new toy find a sweatshirt. Away!

"This one should be warm." -Makobot commented, finding a sweater buried at the bottom of the drawer, a gift from Amis grandmother possibly. Unfortunately it was rather... Awkwardly made. Being a size or two too big, and having sleeves that were too long for her arms... And the material, felt a little prickly itchy. To top it off, the front of it was covered in blue and pink rabbits dancing around a goofy smiling sun. As Ami stepped in, Makobot would turn and hold it up against her, smiling widely-

Ami's eyes fell onto the sweater, and sweatdropped, having sworn she had stashed it away somewhere else. Of course, it was a warm sweater, especially on cool days such as this, but as one might expect, it was indeed itchy, though that was easily rectified since she normally wore another shirt underneath. It was the pattern on the shirt that got her, proof her grandmother perhaps thought she was still in the single digit age group sometimes and not the double digits. ".. really, it's okay, I'm fine, really." She said, holding up her hands and smiling weakly.

"You said you were cool, Ami... I can't let you catch a cold now." -The makobot would say as she stepped forward, tossing the sweater over one of h er shoulders as she reached out to grasp at the waist of Amis then shirt while her hands were held up defensively, and immediately began to pull it up and trying to work it off her head and her arms, moving as necessary to complete the task-

"Eep!" she said, realizing she'd kind of left herself open on that one, but sighed and smiled once the sweater was pulled on. She'd wanted this after all, this maternal version of her beautiful friend, who wouldn't judge her for feeling the way that she did, and this was just part of it. ".. I did, didn't I?" she smiled slightly, then nodded her head. "thank you, I'll be quite warm in this." she replied, trying not to scratch too much for her to notice.

-Once Ami had her normal t-shirt off, Mako would tug on the sweater and then smile and nod- "I'll just go and put this into the laundry." -she would say, as she turned to toss Amis shirt in the hamper. It was a very advanced machine, probably one of its kind, but still without extensive testing there would really be no idea how it would react in most situations... Maybe not the best thought out plan, but it was almost like having an extra caring version of Makoto about-

Even the logical part of Ami's brain admitted it wasn't exactly the most brilliant thing she'd ever done, but again, an opportunity she just couldn't pass up on. After all, she'd seen first hand, embarrassingly enough, what the unit was already capable of, so any other secrets on it's part were well justified and worth the risk in her mind. And plus, how many other people did she know who had their own honest to goodness robot girl? There were fanboys and fangirls all over the world who'd envy what she had, if the mangas and animes that Usagi watched were anything to go by, so why not enjoy it?

"What would you like to eat, Ami-Chan?" -Makobot asked as she walked past Ami, one hand reaching up to ruffle her hair softly as she made her way through the house to the kitchen and already began to look through the fridge, as in her mind she would flip through a series of recipes, with every one that Makoto personally fixed being specially earmarked to be preferential to be fixed-

Ami giggled cutely as her silky blue hair was tassled by the cyber brunette, following behind her as they made their way through her home, trying to decide what would be good to eat. Admittedly she'd skipped out on lunch that day, what with trying to finish getting her into working order, along with her other assignments for school and such, which caused her petit tummy to rumble a bit. ".. I hadn't really thought about it. Something nice and filling.. Mako-chan always makes such good things anyway." She said with a smile. She was referring to the original, of course, but her new Mako-chan didn't need to know that.

"Something filling it is!" -Makobot said cheerfully, as she would turn to begin cooking... One thing that could be said for the mechanical Makoto, is that she would be alot more effecient than the original makoto was. Able to perfectly cut into even portions, measure weight by feel or sight, and perfectly multi task as soon the entire kitchen was piping as she began to cook. The smell of chicken dumplings began to fill the house, as well as some veggies being set into a steamer for a side dish as well as a nice ample bowl of mashed potatoes... Makbot hummed calming, occasionally glancing back to Ami-Chan and giving a cute wink to her. -

Ami smiled brightly as the wonderful sounds and smells of cooking danced around her, closing her eyes and taking a nice deep whiff of everything, practically salivating already as she watched the robot girl go to work. She was almost tempted to tell the original later about her, and see if she couldn't maybe compare and suggest ways to improve it's cooking, but as she'd already thought, there was no telling how the others would react just yet.

"Alright, it's ready!" -She would declare, as she set the table.. Of course she only set it for one, as she did not require to eat. So it was a bit odd for her to cook up such large portions, but then it couldn't be helped... It was easier to cook up more than less, and it would just be leftovers. Suprisingly however, Makobot would take a napkin and suddenly bring it about Amis neck, securing it behind her- "There, don't want to ruin your pretty sweater now, do we?" -she asked, as she would poull up a chair to sit down next to h er-

"Nuh uh," she replied with a smile, her eyes looking out at the rather impressive spread the cyber homemaker had prepared. Admittedly the regular Mako-chan also had a habit of cooking larger meals, but that was mostly due to her and the rest of their friends always being around to share things with, and Ami knew the amazon loved to show off her culinary skills. With it just being her alone, more or less, Ami was certain she wouldn't be able to finish it all, even with how hungry she was, but then again, the only thing better than Mako-chan's cooking was her leftovers.. well, the ones that didn't end up getting wolfed down by Usagi when everyone else wasn't looking.

-The Makobot reached out and suddenly picked up Ami's fork. Then, after fixing her plate for her, she would fork up a portion of the food, one hand cupped beneath it as she brought the full forkfull to her lips- "Say 'ahhhh...' " -she said with a warm smile, leaning in to pop the fork into her mouth when the oppurtunity presented itself-

Blinking for a moment as she did this, Ami couldn't help but giggle when the Makobot attempted to feed her, rather liking it. Opening her mouth wide, she gave a cute 'ahhhh!' for the waiting automaton, leaning in some as the full fork slid into her open mouth, giving a satisfied 'Mmmm' when the delicious bite passed her pallet.

-Makobot giggled some, obviously pleased when it appeared Ami enjoyed her food. Immediately she would scoop up another forkfull and hold it back to her lips, going 'aahhhh' in response to her. Being careful not to spill a bit... The machine getting quite a level of enjoyment out of this apparently, possibly in response to an inbuilt desire for Amis happiness, and this providing a direct response-

Ami responded in kind, opening wide again and accepting another delicious bite, looking quite happy with her meal so far, and the excellent service the doting machine girl was giving her, and this was possibly the most at ease the teen had been in who knew how long. "Yummy!"

"I'm glad you like it." -She said, as she would pick up the napkin from around her neck to bgin wiping at her lips and face, before she would bring the fork back in to continue feeding, not allowing Ami a chance to raise even a finger for herself-

"Very much so!" Ami chimed in, giggling after she wiped her face with the napkin, downing yet another bite of the yummy foodstuffs, licking her lips a bit if anything did manage to slip before getting taken care of by the fussing mecha girl.

"There, now wasn't that yum-uh-my?" -Makobot said, once she had finished Amis plate, her voice hiccuping a bit as she smiled warmly and turned to set down the plate and stand up, smiling down at Ami a bit oddly-

Giving a delighted nod, Ami sighed happily, now having a full and warm tummy, she didn't even notice the slight tick the mechanical Makoto had momentarily displayed, too wrapped up in the warm and comfortable feelings. "Really really yummy, Mako-chan."

-The Makbot would stand there for a minute or two, as it utilized it's built in wireless modem to access Ami's internet... A slight glitch in the system had caused something to reset itself, and now the advanced machine was trying to fill in a few gaps on what the instructions was supposed to do. Then, suddenly, she would turn and walk off into Amis bedroom and begin to rummage through various drawers and cabinets-

Ami blinked, stretching some before finally making herself get up out of her chair, much to her full tummy's resistance. She briefly thought about cleaning off the table, to make things a bit easier on the other girl, but then again, she was programmed to handle things.. and with her having just walked off, she found herself curious to see what she was up to. Making a compromise, she picked up her now empty plate and silverware and deposited it in the sink, then headed off into the rest of the house, trying to find out where she'd gone off to.

"There you are, Ami." -Makobot would say as she was just walking out of the bedroom as Ami came to look for her. Smiling warmly, the robot would walk forward and move to rustle her hand through her hair once more before suddenly crouching down and scooping her arms behind her, lifting her up off her feet exceptionally easy due to her mechanically enhanced strength and turn around, carrying her back into the bedroom- "What a good girl you are, finishing all your food." -She would say, as her hand began to move up and then rhytmically pat her back, seeming to know JUST the amount of strength to use to avoid it being painful.. It was amazing how easily the machine could switch from being wonderfully gentle, and inhumanely strong-

"eep!" Ami squeaked, blushing adorably as Makobot picked her up, finding herself clinging to the super strong maternal droid as she praised her for finishing her meal. She felt a little silly over that, but the rest of her seemed to like the attention, smiling a bit while she patted her back. "Th-thank you, Mako-cha-urp!" A big blush spread over her face when she did that, reflexively hiding her face in her shoulder cutely.

-Inside the bedroom, Ami would find what the duplicate bot had been working on.... On the bed was several old bedsheets, folded up over and over into an oddly familiar shape. And laying near was a pack of wet wipes and talcum powder from the bedroom. Stopping by the bed, the Makobot set Ami down on her feet and immediately grabbed the waist of her pants and underpants, giving a firm yank downward as it kneeled-

Another "eep!" left Ami's lips as the Makobot pantsed her, barely having a chance to cover her bare womanhood with her hands as her cheeks turned bright pink, giving the touchy feely robot girl a brief glimpse of the tiny blue patch between her legs.

"And up we go, Ami-chan" -The makobot stood, her hands sliding up her sides as she picked her up by her armpits and suddenly put her down ontop of the folded cotton sheets on her back... Her strong hand looping around Amis ankles as she raised her legs high into the air and picked up the talcum, usually used for after baths, and began to apply a thick coating to her bottom, releasing one leg only long enough to spread the legs to apply an equal amount to her crotch-

Ami blushed as she was set down on the soft mattress of her bed, feeling rather funny with the thick sheets arranged under her.. but not as much as when Makobot started with the talcum powder, doing a rather thorough job of coating her with it, just like she was getting ready to... to... Ami gulped, laughing slightly nervously. "M-Mako-chan? What're you d-doing?"

"Giving you a fresh change, Ami-Chan. Silly girl." -She said, as she then reached down, and suddenly folded up the thick cloth... However, being without suitable pins to fasten, the amazingly adept brunette bot would use its strength to twist the edges of the sheets, and fold them in.. Tying them off at Amis sides. A fear impossible for anyone of human strength, or human dexterity... Ami's aamazing robotic skills had effectifely made her diapering all the more possible- "There we go!" -she said, helping her to sit up, even though the sheets would be exceptionally bulky, and heavy between her legs-

Forced to sit bowlegged due to the thickness bunched between her legs, Ami blushed cutely as she sat there in just her shirt and new "diapers", no doubt a sight to see for anyone who might've observed it. 'I think I underestimated how.. capable she would end up being,' the padded teen genius thought, giving a slightly embarassed smile to the maternal machine. "Th-thank you, Mako-chan.."

"You're welcome, Cutie." -Makobot said as she leaned in, and planted a soft kiss on Amis cheek as she would then move up to begin pulling back the covers on the bed- "I think it is overdue for your naptime, Ami-chan. And after such a big meal, you must feel soooo sleepy." -She said, almost cooing to her-

Blushing a bit, Ami smiled a little from the gentle kiss, actually finding herself yawning widely much to her surprise. "... maybe..." Of course, she -had- been working hard all morning as well, plus eating so much had left her full and comfortable, and maybe just a bit suggestable. With as cool and dark as it'd been due to the weather that day, it did make for excellent napping conditions.. yawning again, she rubbed her eyes cutely, just adding to the childish charm she seemed to have.

-Makobot turned and exited intot he closet, before returning a few moments later... Gone was the clothes she had been wearing before, instead replaced with a pale green nightie that was almost transparent, and a pair of green panties... The very thin material giving a full show of Amis handiwork in design, as the Makobot would give a smirk and sit down in the bed, patting the other side of the bed next to her before letting down her hair..-

A deep, deep blush spread over the pampered girl's face as her eyes lapped up the marvel of science and breathtaking beauty that was beckoning to her. All doubt she'd had up to that point seemed to melt away, and the babied bluenette crawled over to the gorgeous cyber amazon, snuggling up against her happily.

-She smiled, her hand reaching out to give the thick diapers a soft pat as she laid down, wrapping both her arms around the bluenette. Those strong arms would be impossible to break the grip of... Even though they held on gently, they might as well have been fused together as she held the petite blue haired girl close to her body, the soft material of its covering almost like skin, and the machinery beneath proving a warm sensation to the touch.. It was just as if being held-

Such powerful arms, holding her so tenderly, easily capable of breaking her but instead keeping her close in such a loving manner, Ami felt.. safe. She wasn't sure how else to say it, but knowing the robot girl was there for her and only her... She knew she'd programmed such things into her computer brain, but still, actually having her here, treating her like this... she felt special. Hugging her back, the petit and padded senshi snuggled into her, giving a soft sigh.

"Begining nap period... One h-hicu- two hor -hicu- Three hou -hicup- Four hour nap period." -The Makobot said, each hiccup extending the designated sleping period. Laying close, the Makobots eyes would close to give it a chance to recharge its batteries while Ami would get a chance to nap... Of course, with the Makobots arms securely around the blue pampered girl, there was going to be no moving from the bed, effectively trapping her there beneath the sheets. Though, atleast she had something warm to lay against during that period-

Yawning widely, Ami found herself quite drowsy, no doubt her full morning and her fuller tummy catching up with her. Since her time limit was being inforced, she deemed it okay to make the most of it, and nuzzled into the soft mounds of the Makobot's chest, her 'talents' making for an extra soft pillow as sleep finally overtook her, smiling widely as she nuzzled into the two perfect orbs, such wonderful dreams drifting through her mind as she slipped into unconsciousness.

-The hours would pass quietly in the bedroom... Looking so peaceful, noone knowing the difference between a sleeping Makoto and Ami, and a girl and her fembot. During the sleep, Makotobot would have her brain go under a scan to repair any errors... A few mistakes having happened during her initial startup that her errorchecking was able to fix upon reboot. By the time the four hours had passed, Makotobots eyes would open, and then gaze down at Ami sleeping there... Her hand began to lovingly stroke Amis back, when the hand reached low and felt something... Quickly identifying as a diaper.... This raised a red flag in the robots mind. Why would her creator be wearing diapers? Immediately her wifi would kick in, to seek the answer.... Over the internet!-

Giving the softest of moans, Ami fussed a little bit as she laid in the mechanical girl's arms, seeming to be dreaming so peacefully. For whatever reason, one of her thumbs had found it's way between her lips while she'd been napping, and combined with the discovery of her new "underwear", made for a very cute scene. Nuzzling into the confused robo amazon's powerful embrace, she shifted a bit when she felt her stroking her back, making the sweetest noises as her fingers danced down her skin.

-Eventually Makobot managed to find a source of reference in which to decide her behavior.. It took a fair bit for her to download a new set of protocols for this behavior, but when it was finished, the Makobot felt secure that it would provide for its creators needs and desires. Loosening her grip, Makoto reached down and peeled off the sweater that Ami wore, tossing it to a nearby hampet as she would carefully draw back, skillfully positioning Ami so shed lay sleeping without the need for the machine to be laying there. Standing, Makobot looked about the house, she found Ami's purse and dressed herself before leaving the home quietly to go purchase necessary supplies-

Stirring very briefly, a small frown formed on Ami's lips, no longer feeling the warmth that had been holding her so closely, whining adorably as she curled up into the fetal position. Rolling over a bit, she soon found herself in the spot where the robogirl had been laying with her, her scent still lingering there as well as the warmth she'd been putting off. Seeming content for the moment, the half asleep teen sighed, soon drifting back to sleep, but not before uttering a soft "Mako-chan.."

-It was amazing how easily the robot ha dbeen able to pass as another human being, noone even questioning as she used Ami's credit cards to purchase a large amount of objects and su pplies... Before returning to Amis home and putting them away to where they would be needed. Taking out some tools, the robot began to make out plans and did some much needed altering and quick construction of some of the things she had purchased..... Once completed, Makobot would make her way back to the bedroom, seeing Ami aparently still asleep. Carefully, she walked over to the bed and then pulled back the covers, her hand moving down and pressing her fingers intot he legholes, checking the state of the diapers-

It could've been any number of things: perhaps the change in the weather, perhaps she was coming down with something, perhaps it was one of those waterfall dreams, who knew... but at some point during her nap, as Makobot would soon discover, her sleeping creator had, in fact, lived up to her status as the 'water' senshi. The makeshift diapers were soaked. Whining softly when the covers had been pulled back, Ami found herself stirring again, reaching up with her free hand and rubbing her eyes, the other's thumb still planted firmly between her lips, no doubt oblivious to it.

-The Makobot took note of the wet diapers and nodded, but made no move to begin changing the diapers. Instead, she stood there, keeping her fingers inside the diaper as Ami woke up, her face taking on a stern expression and waiting until she was certain that Ami was completely awake- "Ami-Chan! You've been very naughty! You're positively soaked!" -She scolded angrily- "And you're supposed to be a grown girl, aren't you ashamed of yourself?" -She said scoldingly-

".. mya?" Ami blinked, hearing Makobot saying something. Finally taking notice of the two fingers she had plunged into her thick underwear, the groggy bluenette looked up at her briefly, before feeling an odd, cool sensation between her legs... before gasping and blushing red. She hadn't.. she couldn't have... there was no way.. Hearing the motherly machine scold her, she gulped before looking down, pressing on the front of it, making the wetness of the inside press into her skin, confirming things for her.

"What was that?" -Makobot asked upsettedly, as she reached up and grasped Ami by her ear. Her research had found that many people looked for humiliation and chose to wear diapers, and the Makobot was more than willing to provide what it thought Ami needed... a strict stern dommy mommy. Obviously, that was why she was built taller and stronger than her, and why she activated with Ami in a diaper. Standing, the Makobot turned to begin leading her into the living room-

"Eep! Mako-chaaan!" Ami cried out, her face bright red as the much larger, much stronger robo girl pulled her out of bed and out of her room, forced to toddle behind her as best she could due to the heavy, sagging diapers, causing her further embarrassment and confusion, certain she hadn't programmed her to be this cross with her.

"I think it's obvious, what you need, little girl." -Makobot said, as she marched her through the house in just the diapers and into the living room before she would sit down on the couch and suddenly yank Ami across her knees. One arm coming down to hold her securely across the back as her other hand began the difficult process of untying the thick soggy cloth-

"Eek!" The poor wet and confused 'little' girl cried out as she was pulled across the stronger girl's lap, her nervousness giving way to anxiousness while being held down as Makobot fussed with her soaked diapers, still blushing profusely over that. She hadn't had any accidents since she was a little girl, and she hadn't wet the bed since she was about Chibiusa's age, so she didn't have any idea why this had happened. At any rate, she squirmed nervously as the upset android finally succeeded in undoing the wet garments, leaving her damp bottom on full display.

"now this hurts me, more than it does you Ami-Chan. But this childish behavior cannot be tolerated." -The makobot said, as she raised her free hand up and brought it down sharply... The well calibrated strength of the machine making sure she struck only enough to create a stinging slap against the damp naked backside of the bluenette, before the hand would rise, and fall again... and again....-

"Aaah!" "Aaah!" "Aaah!" The sharpness of the robotgirl's slaps against her damp bottom made the stunned teen jerk under her, still pinned down by her other hand, with no signs of being let up anytime soon. She'd almost never been punished like this growing up, so being subjected to such punishment was enough to bring feelings of shame bubbling up inside of her.. which were soon followed by hot tears running down her cheeks and soft crying, which quickly picked up in volume, until by the seventh or eighth slap, the whimpering bluenette was into full blown sobs, crying like a real baby.

-Once Ami was crying, the Makotobot would pull up the diapers and, using pins it had purchased, refastened them... Letting the cold damp diapers squish against her stinging backside as she helped Ami to sit up and wrapped both her arms around her, guiding the Bluenetts head to her shoulder as she would shush and rub her back- "There there, Mako still loves you Ami-Chan. Even if you are an immature big baby. " -She would say in a humiliating tone of voice, one hand reaching to pinch her facial cheeks lightly-

She wasn't sure which stung more, the dampness of her wet diaper against her hot, burning cheeks, or the condescending words her Makobot used to describe her. Sniffling and whimpering, she clung to the taller girl, her face red with embarrassment.. and.. other feelings? "... it.. it w-was an accident.. r-really..."

"Of course it was, a babyish accident for a babyish girl like you. Honestly, and you always went on about how intelligent and mature you are Ami. But look at you... Infact, I bet you still have to go, don't you? That little accident didn't completely empty your bladder, did it?" -The Makobot would tease, her hands grasping Ami by her sides as she would begin to bounce her on her knees- "Why don't you finish the job, you're already a soppy sobby little baby, what is a little wetter diaper? What difference would that make?"

Ami sniffled as Makobot continued to tease and taunt her, each shot stinging like each slap she'd taken to her sore bottom. "I-I'm not... I'm not a.." She stammered, even as the dominant robot girl started to bounce her up and down, her wet diapers smacking into her with each jaunt. She opened her mouth to protest again, when a strange feeling hit her, a warmth that seemed to be spreading from... from her... oh gods. If it had been anything other than cloth, it might've been more noticable to the ears, but the warmth spreading between her legs, and the increased dampness made each bounce feel more and more embarrassing.

"Theeereeeee..." -Makobot said, as her hand reached up and cupped Amis chin, her thumb and forefinger clamping gently onto her cheeks- " Thats better isn't it. You wanted this... You wanted to wet yourself for me. You're the itty bitty baby, and i'm the big strong Mommy, aren't I?" -She said, completely misjudging the moment. Her mind acting on information acquired from various not for public sites she had accessed... Now her programming insisting that this was what Ami wanted. Ami wanted this, so she had to give it to her. Even if she acted like she didn't, she really did and it was just pretend.... No, no matter how Ami would protest, this was how it was in Makobots mind-

Ami's face flushed with embarrassment and shame.. and just a bit of arousal. This was wrong, this was humiliating, this was.. incredibly hot. She didn't know what had come over her Makobot, perhaps another malfunction or something.. but part of her didn't want it to stop. This power she held over her, this authority, she liked it, she didn't understand why, but she liked it. Struggling to find her voice for a moment, the embarrassed and wet teen finally managed to put her words together, and managed a small nod of her head. "H-hai.. M-Mommy.."

"Good, Baby Ami. Now, you're going to pull up a chair and sit facing the corner until I tell you otherwise... You're going to REALLY enjoy your wet diapers, and appreciate how infantile you have been acting before you'll get changed and have a feeding." -She said, as she patted Amis cheek gently and stood h er up, standing herself and giving the seat of the diaper an ample squeaze before she moved to set up a plastic mat in the corner, and a chair facing the corner, obviously ready for her diapers to begin leaking without r uining the floor-

Ami blushed as Makobot squeezed her soaked diaper before putting her in the corner like a naughty little baby girl, adding to the already humiliating feelings she had. The sagging diapers squished as she was set down on the awaiting chair, making her cute padded bottom stick out adorably and shamefully, wondering how long she'd have to sit in 'time out' before she'd finally be changed into some fresh pants..

-Suddenly Ami would hear the sounds of clicking... As Makobot stood behind her, holding a camera in her hands as she was snapping pictures of the blue haired girl, sitting topless in the corner with the obviously soaked makeshift cloth diapers- "A little documentation for future reference, Ami-Chan. Put your thumb in your mouth..... NOW." -She said with a firm authoritative tone in her voice, making no doubt that the robot was taking full control in the relationship now-

"EEP!" Ami could only stare in horror as the camera flashed and again, staring back at Makobot like a blue haired deer caught in the headlights. She was now caught on film, photographic proof of what a big baby the robotic dom was claiming she was, and she'd done precious little to prove otherwise. "Please, Mako-chan, no pictures! Not that!" She begged and pleaded, attempting to get up from her seat.

"Ami! Sit your butt back in that chair, and start crying with your thumb in your mouth before I decide to give you an enema to match that wet diaper you're wearing!" -The Makobot snapped angrily as she looked up from her camera, seeing Ami begining to stand up in the seat. And of course, the Makobot was capable of that too... Afterall, if Ami WANTED an enema, she would misbehave, and Makobot cared so much for her creator, she would always give her what she wanted.. or atleast what she thought she wanted-

Gasping at the threat the robotic dommy made, not to mention the fact she was fully capable of going through with it, Ami quickly plopped back down on the chair in her spot in the corner. Blushing brightly, she popped her thumb back into her mouth once more, whimpering softly as she stared back at her shamefully, being forced to play the model to the cybernetic shutterbug.

-The Makobot continued to snap pictures of the diapered blue haired girl, pouting with her thumb in her mouth as she tried to get every angle she could. Once she was done, she set the camera aside and then turned, begining to set out a plastic mat on the ground and suddenly produced what looked like a big blue vinyl duffle bag.. but it had a custom spray painted logo on the side, reading [Baby Ami] on it-

Blushing profusely as shot after blackmail providing snapshot was taken of her, still unsure what her reasoning for it was, thinking perhaps she'd done too good a job on programming the maternal machine. Peering back as the flashes ceased, she watched as her Makobot brought out the oversized baby bag and plastic mat, wondering just when she'd had time to aquire these things. Squirming slightly in her once more cooled and wet diapers, her thoughts turned to something more urgent, and actually hoping she'd be changed soon.

"Alright, Uppp we go Ami-chan." -Makobot said as it easily lifted the drippy soggy girl up off the chair and transferred her over to the changing mat, laying her back as she knealt down. Rummaging through the bag, she pulled out a pack of pacifiers and tore them open. Picking out a blue one from the pack, she promptly pushed it between Amis lips, holding it there with a look on her face that indicated Ami better keep it in... or else. Before she took her finger off of it, and began to unpin the soaked makeshift diapers-

"Eep!" Ami cried softly as the stronger girl picked her up like a child, still not quite used to being handled so easily like that, even if she had set it up herself. Once she was on her back on the plastic coated mat, she opened her mouth to say something, only to blush when the Makobot slid the blue pacifier in between her lips, looking rather intimidated when she glared down at her. Not wishing to be punished again, she promptly started to suck on the rubber teat, hoping it would appease her as she started working on her soaked undies.

-The soaked sheets were unpinned and tossed to the side so theyd land on the sheet where her chair was, to avoid making any further mess. Then, pulling out several wet wipes, the Makobot grasped amis ankles and raised them up high, raising Amis backside up and off the mat so she would have full access to begin wiping and scrubbing vigirously, cleaning away every inch of wetness from her poor bottom, and working higher-

The poor girl's embarrassment seemed to skyrocket once the sheets were unpinned, showing her and the dominant machine just how badly she'd soaked them. The hot feelings from before surged as well, making her feel so conflicted, even moreso as she started the task of changing her, squirming just slightly as she went about wiping her up all over her bottom and private areas, showing just how much control she had over her, instead of the other way around.

-Once she was washed, the Makobot set Amis legs down spread.... before suddenly producing a can of shaving cream. Before Ami would even have a chance to react, she would apply the cream amply between her legs and suddenly take out a fresh shaving razor. Using one hand to pin ami down by her abdomen, the precision machine lowered the razor and began to shave away her bush with skill and ease far beyond any human effeciency-

Gasping at the sudden sensation of the foam being spread over her down below, Ami's eyes widened as the Makobot produced the razor soon afterward. Poor Ami, she'd had a hard enough time showing her adulthood with her doll like appearance sometimes, but having her blue patch shaved off so easily... She sniffled as she continued to suckle on her pacifier, watching helplessly as she rendered her completely smooth down there like a child.

-Makobot used a fresh wipe to wipe away what was left of the foam and hair... leaving Ami completely bald before she picked up the talcum powder out of the bag, and began to amply spread it in, using her hands to pat and rub it till every crevice of he r skin was coated in the fragrant infantile scent. Then, once more raising her legs, she reached into the bag, and produced what looked like a large disposable diaper, the thickest pair the Makobot could find at the store... basing off of hundreds of reviews she had read online during her websearch-

Blushing as the cool wipe ran across her now her now bare loins, washing away the last bit of that sign of maturity, she squeaked again when she started to shake and rub in the talcum powder as well, the machine girl's gentle yet calculating fingers darting over practically every inch of her down there. With her legs being lifted up again and her bottom raised up as well, Ami's cheeks flushed as she produced the extremely thick adult diaper, knowing she'd soon be taped into it whether she wanted to be or not... not sure if she didn't want to be, for that matter.

-Fortunately, unlike the makeshift cloth diapers.. they would be less heavy and bulky, but would be far more absorbant and less leakproof. Soon Ami would find the diapers slid beneath her and her hips lowered down onto them as the Makobot folded them up between her legs, and fastened the tape securely- "There." -Makobot said, giving the diapers between her legs a few firm pats-

And there Ami sat, under the gaze of her dominantly programmed Makobot, sucking a blue pacifier and crinkling softly inside of the first true diaper she'd worn since she was a child. Her cheeks were read, her eyes downcast, and she was helpless to really do anything about it.. oh happy, happy day.

"Stay." -Makobot stated, tapping Amis forehead with her finger as she stood up and picked up a few bags she had tucked away in the corner as she carried them into Amis bedroom quietly and remained for several minutes, as the sound of clothes ruffeling and drawers opening and closing could be heard-

"H-hai.." Ami replied softly as Makobot commanded her, feeling like a puppy going through obedience training for some reason as she pointed down at her like that before getting up. Her eyes fell to the bags she picked up, again wondering when she'd had the time to go shopping... oh right, her nap. She'd been so sleepy and content after her meal, she must've slept like a log, giving the dominant automaton plenty of time to put whatever plan she had formed in her head together, and the poor baby girl could only sit and listen as she went to work, wondering just what other surprises she had in store for her.

"Now. You've had a nice meal, good sleep, and a fresh change of pants. I think what my Ami-chan needs, is a little fresh air." -Makobot said as she walked back in, carrying what looked like a large jumper, blue in color with a mermaid design on the bib. It was so childish looking, and coupled with the white tee in her other arm, and a new pair of shoes with velcro tabs on it... there was no doubt the petite bluenette would look like a large child-

And the little bluenette's eyes lit up as her Makobot returned to the living room, showing off the outfit she'd picked out for her, and gasping when she heard just what she was suggesting. It was one thing to be inside of her home like this, away from prying eyes and those who might say things, but.. to actually go outside, dressed as she was going to be, knowing full well what kind of underpants she had been put into.. "Please, no.. not that.. anything but that.." she pleaded with her, hoping that the robotic girl might take pity on her, though going by her current attitude, that didn't seem incredibly likely.

"Now Ami, you're always cooped up the house, with your nose buried in some book. You're going to go outside, and enjoy some sunshine and fresh air, like it or not." -Makobot said as she stepped forward, putting the clothes onto the couch as she picked up the white t-shirt that had a sleepy looking kitten on the front. Carefully bunching up the shirt, so all the holes were close together, she approached Ami- "Arms up now, Ami-chan." -She said, towering over the padded girl-

"But.. but.. people will see me like this... and.. and..." She stammered, holding her arms up as she was told, her cheeks hot and pink as she thought about it more and more. "... what if they notice.. wh.. what I'm w.. wearing.. and.. and..." She whimpered as the shirt was threaded over her arms and down over her head.

"Then they will just think your a girl who needs to grow up." -She said. Once she had the shirt completely down over her, she grasped Amis feet, and began to pull socks and shoes up over her feet. Fastening the velcro straps for her before scooping her hands under her armpits to help her stand up as she picked up the jumper- "Keep your arms up." -She stated simply, as she began to work the blue outfit down over her-

Ami blushed adorably, keeping her arms up as ordered as the blue jumper was pulled down over her head, knowing full well that her diapers would have no covering if the wind happened to catch, giving anyone around a very nice view of her padded bottom. She felt more and more embarrassed the longer she thought about it, pressing her knees together and making the padding bunch between them with a slight crinkle.

-Taking the blue pacifier, Makobot fastened it to a ribbon and clipped it to the front of the Jumper, so it would dangle down infront of her, in full view. Lastly, she took a butterfly hair clip, and brushed Amis hair back a bit so she could fasten it to the side of her head to hold back her hair- "There." -She said, patting Amis bottom crinkelingly as she bent down to repack the diaper bag and then picked up three fairly large sized baby bottles and made her way to the kitchen... begining to fill two of them up with milk from the fridge, and one with a bottle of prune juice she had purchased, before packing them into the bag, along with two boxes of animal crackers-

If she'd been careful, Ami would've thought she'd probably be able to hide her childishness from view, maybe even have people not notice too much.. but the addition of the clip and her pacifier tethered to it, along with how easily Makobot swatted her crinkly underpants, Ami's embarrassment only grew and grew.. this was really going to happen, she was actually going to go out dressed like this, with the dominant robogirl in full control of the situation.

"Lets go, Ami-chan." -Makobot said, as she slung the diaperbag over one shoulder, with amis name emblazened on one side and her free hand reached out to grasp onto Amis with a grip that was both tender and gentle, but as unbreakable as it could be. She tu gged Ami out of her own house, dressed in the outfit while she stood in her lovely Makoto clothes and turned, using keys she had gotten from Amis purse to lock the door behind her and tucked them into the diaper bag before she began to lead Ami down towards the bus stop-

"H-hai, M-Mako-chan.." Ami stuttered, meeping as she was tugged along out the door, hiding her face behind her as the door was shut and locked up tight, ruining any chance she had of running back inside and out of view of any passerbys, her face all hot and red. 'Just.. act normal, Ami-chan.. maybe.. maybe no one will notice it's you...'

-Makobot stood there with a calm smile on her face as she held onto Amis hand. A few people began to gather, almost everyone of them giving Ami strange looks in her outfit and with the taller brunette standing there with what looked like an obvious diaper bag, whispering a little to one another in an attempt to be polit and not point out Amis own appearance. Still, she stood out like a sore thumb amongst the group... Until the bus began to pull up and door opened. Makobot stepped forward, leading Ami behind her as she paid for herself and Ami and went to sit in a chair... However, rather than allow Ami to sit next to her, she grasped the bluenette by the waist and pulled her down onto her lap-

Poor Ami, her ears picking up on the whispers and mutterings of the people around her, making her blush even more and inch closer to her Makobot, even if the motherly machine was the source of her current shame. Tugging at the ends of her jumper nervously, she almost felt relieved when the bus arrived, at least until she noticed how many more people there were on board, making her shy closer to her and keep her head down. She was hoping things would go a bit more smoothly from there, being able to finally take her bottom out of view at last, until the robotic amazon pulled her into her lap, making her childishness more and more obvious, which wasn't easy with how much attention she'd already gotten.

-Makobot was able to pick up on every little whine or blush Ami had... It was all going right. She thought Ami wanted the humiliation, so she would provide it to a T. She would sit, waiting as the people loaded in and found seats before the buss would begin to pull off. Then, Makobots knees began to move, as she started to firmly bounce Ami on her lap, causing the diapers to rustle, and the jumper skirt to rise with each bounce- "Now now, Ami-Chan. Don't be so embarrased... Ami want her paci?" -The robot asked, picking up the pacifier by the ribbon and tickeling it to the teens lips, eyes being fixated on the two-

She meeped softly, blushing shamefully as Makobot made a show of fussing over her and 'trying' to put her at ease, which was succeeding in the opposite effect. Reluctantly, she took the pacifier as her audience continued to watch, her hands darting between her legs in a weak attempt at keeping her skirt down, nevermind the fact her crinkly underpants were both viewable and heard easily regardless. ".. p-please, Mako-chan.. d-don't do this..."

"Don't do what? whats the matter, Ami-chan...?" -She asked in a feigned sense of worry, which came off completely b elievable to everyone except perhaps Ami who knew what was wrong with the situation. - "Oh.. I bet I know." -She said, as she would turn Ami to sit sideways on her lap and suddenly cradle an arm under her back, lifting some to force her to have to lean against the arm as her free hand rummaged through the bag... and soon picked up the bottle of prune juice she had fixed before leaving-

"E-everyone is s-staring at m-me.." She whimpered, meeping yet again when the super strong nursemaid whipped her around on her lap, blushing further when she produced the baby bottle filled with juice, no doubt in her mind what she intended to do with it.

"Here we go." -She said, using her pinky finger to pullt he pacifier out of her mouth and bring the bottle to her lips- "If you're not hungry... I can always check you." -The makobot said with a kind smile, and there would be no doubt she would to. She was a machine, she had no sense of shame herself... and if she thought it would follow her new designation, she had no trouble stripping Ami down to diapers in the middle of the crowded bus. Possibly also unaware of the type of response it would illicit. There was no fear or concern in her programming, which only made her that much more of a dangerous 'sitter' for her creator-

Ami shook her head quickly, thinking things were bad enough without that happening, especially in such a crowded and confined place. "No, please.. I'll take it.." She said softly, submitting herself to her as she took the offered bottle, not wanting to encourage her to other ideas like that, sucking away at it as people continued to watch and stare, wishing to wake up and find this was all a bad wet dream.

-That seemed to suffice for the fembot, as Makobot wrapped her arms around Ami and pulled her close to her body, holding her during the long ride as they went to stop after stop as she would slowly drain the prune juice filled bottle... Everytime the bus would pick up new riders, they would get a good look, staring for a few awkward seconds before hurrying to th eir seats. By the time the bottle was finished, Makobot would tug it away and begin to stand Ami up as they finally reached a stop that she seemed to want to get off at-

The taste of the prune juice still on her lips, Ami's blush seemed to be permanently tattooed on her face, having put on a rather nice show for the loading and unloading passengers by the time they came to their stop, wherever that might've been. Being embarrassed in such a way, knowing the stronger girl could do with her as she pleased, subjecting her to her every whim... she couldn't deny it excited her, offered stimulation she'd never felt before, even as the shame burned into her mind.

-Makobot hummed as she walked off the bus, leading Ami right behind her off the bus and began to walk down the streets... Leading Ami towards what looked like a large park, and it being late in the day, there was the sound of children playing on all the playground equipment, and everyone was out shopping or just enjoying the scenery-

"Oh no.." Ami uttered behind Makobot as she was led through the streets, spying the park ahead of them. It had been bad enough on the bus, being put on display in what felt like a sardine can on wheels, but now they'd be in a much more open, public environment, with plenty of other people around.. not to mention the off chance anyone she knew might be there. "P-please Mako-chan.. can't we j-just go back? .. I d-didn't want this..."

"Now Ami-chan, you need your excersize. You can't spend all day inside studying, and eating and sleeping. I care very much about you, and want you to stay fit and healthy." -Makobot said, not even missing a beat as she continued to walk intot he park, and leading Ami towards the childrens play area. Already kids were taking sight of the two, and, being less polite than the people on the bus, was outright laughing at the blue haired girl in the childish outfit, and pacifier dangeling from where it was clipped, being led by the tall brunette with diaper bag slung over one arm-

"Can't we at least go somewhere more private? .. People.. kids.. are laughing, pointing... please, Mako-chan?" The poor girl softly pleaded with the determined robot girl, trying to keep closer to her with her head turned away, blushing horribly as the children in the playground laughed at her.

"And where is a private playground, Ami-chan?" -Makoto-bot asked, as she continued to walk on, holding Amis hand and smiling comfortably, apparently ignoring all the laughter and attention as she led Ami over towards the swingset and turned her gently to guide her down to sit down on the swing swet-

Her pleads falling on intentionally deaf ears, Ami held her head down as she was set down on one of the empty swings, trying her hardest to ignore the laughter ringing in her ears, no doubt quite the spectacle dressed the way she was. Part of her wondered what the children thought, part of her wondered what the parents were saying, and part of her wondered still why the mechanical girl with the face and voice of her crus--best friend was subjecting her to all of this.

"There. A little swinging will help Ami get her mind off everything. Ami-chan loves the swings, doesn't she?" -Makobot said warmly as she stepped around behind Ami and suddenly gave her a push on her back to send her swaying forward. Then, as she came back Makobot would shift back and push her forward a bit firmer, begining to get the blue haired girl to swing.. and of course, the higher the swing went, the more chances there were of someone noticing her diapers-

Her hands holding firmly on the chains of the swing, Amy blushed and sucked on her pacifier as she was pushed back and forth on the swing, the breeze tassling her hair some as the air rushed across her. Admittedly she had always liked the swings when she was little, having admittedly been one who'd enjoyed the rush of trying to go higher and higher, but here and now, with her padded bottom getting more and more hang time, what was once a pleasure to her was now a tool for furthering her embarrassment.

"WEEEE" -Makobot said as she continued to push her front and back, speaking loudly as she loudly commented on how much fun Ami was having, and what a GOOD girl she was. This continued for a good long time, with Makobot making no move to let Ami slow down as she swung, even as the prune juice would begin to work through her system-

Ami's face was red, both from the warmth of the sunlight that day, and from how embarrassed she was from how much of a spectacle Makobot was making over her. "Mako-chaaaaan.." she whined even as she rode back and forth, trying to plead with her again, when her stomach started to churn on her. Was she getting motion sick? .. No, this felt different.. lower... 'Oh god, no.. the prune juice!' Things suddenly clicked for her, and another wave of embarrassment crashed over her like water on a rocky shore, knowing full well now what was going to happen to her. "Please Mako-chan, can't we go home?"

"But you've barely even played yet Ami... How about we stop swinging, hmm?" -Makobot asked as she backed off to allow Ami to slow down. However, as soon as she slowed down enough to get off the swings, Makobot would gently grasp her wrist- "Here. How about you play on the Seesaw for a bit?" -She asked gently, leading her over towards one of the empty seesaw sections, a few kids that was already playing in the area scattering as the toddler-esque teen was led her way. Already Makobot was insisting she step over onto the seesaw and plant her bottom on the plank- "Stay." -she commented, as she moved to mount the other side-

"Mako-chan, people are saying things.. maybe we should just go.." She tried to reason with her even as she led her away from the swingset and over to another part of the playground equipment, then blushing again when she told her to stay put, her insides churning and gurgling more and more as the afternoon rolled on, no doubt due to the prune juice running it's intended course through her.

"Yes dear, I know. Everyones admiring just what a cute little girl you are. But nothings going to happen to you while i'm here." -She said, as if misinterpreting what she said. Though of course the robot knew full well what Ami meant, and it was detecting the gurgeling... The increased blush on her face only ushered the makobot on, that she wouldn't leave until Ami received the highest humiliation she could outside. Surely that would make her creator happy, she thought. Sitting on the plank, the Makobot squatted and kicked up gently, begining to rise and drop Ami on the other side, going 'wheee' playfully, not a hint of shame on her face... since robots had none.. as the plank would constant thwap against her bottom each time it came back up-

"Eep!" Ami blushed each time her bottom smacked against the firmness of the seesaw plank, crinkling cutely and making things worse for her in the process, each drop jarring her more and more, knocking things loose inside of her and helping along the natural stimulant. Groaning a bit, she clutched the handle of her end of the seesaw, rocking back and forth on it as she rose up and dropped down, knowing full well what was about to happen, and having no way of stopping it, no matter how badly she tried to hold back.

-Evening was already getting on, as the sun was starting to set in the distance. Few people were watching the situation unfolding, some laughing or muttering to each other, as others who were uninterested were already getting ready to go home. Still, Makobot didn't mind, as she continued to rise and fall in opposition to Ami, cooing sweet nothings to her about what a good girl she was and how much fun this was, that theyd have to come here every day-

The last thing she wanted was to become a common sight here at the playground, especially if things like this were to be expected out of her robotic babysitter. She couldn't wait to get back, to hopefully find out what had gone wrong with her, but there were, admittedly, more pressing matters.. very, very pressing. "Mmmph.." Ami whimpered, biting down on the rubber n****e of her pacifier, sucking feverishly as the cramps became unbearable, unable to hold back any longer...

-Makobot finally stopped and stood. Smiling, she walked around to help Ami stand- "There, wasn't that fun Ami-Chan?" -she asked, as she kissed her forehead and gave her bottom several firm pats, as if to check the state of the crinkely diapers she wore as she pulled her in close to her-

Ami sniffled softly, tears pricking the sides of her eyes as Makobot held her close to her with her powerful embrace. With each pat, the reason for her distress would become obvious, as her thick undies would crinkle and squish, the poor girl clinging to her as the started to sag slightly, making it incredibly apparent to the motherly machine what was happening.

"Oh my, Ami-chan? What happened?" -Makobot asked innocent as suddenly the machines hands grasped the hem of the jumper and suddenly hiked them up, giving a full flashing view of the white, messy diapers as she tugged back on the top- "Oh my my my. Did Ami-chan have an akkident? Did you? Now what did we talk about you acting your age young lady?" -Makobot scolded her loudly, gasps coming as some of the viewers saw the diapers completely, and immediately turned to leave, even as Makobot began to lead Ami to a park bench-

Ami whimpered and sniffled as her Makobot scolded her in front of the other denisens of the park, making it perfectly clear what she had done to them, and probably putting all sorts of images into the minds of the people there about what kind of strange person she probably was, or possibly questioning her mental status if nothing else.

-Makobot guided Ami to lay back on the bench with her jumper hiked up as she set the diaper bag down on the ground. Reaching down, she undid the tabs on the diaper and, grasping her ankles, raised them high as she used the diaper to clean up what she could off of Amis bottom before resorting to wet wipes... Changing the blushing blue headed teen in the middle of the public park, th ough th ankfully few people wanted to stick around when it became obvious what was happening-

Well this was a shame she'd never live down, and the blunette just cried softly as her Makobot went through the process of changing her right then and there. If this didn't make the robot girl think poor Ami's embarrassment was at maximum, she didn't know what would, nor did she really want to think about it.. the mind boggled at how this could get any worse. "I wanna go home.."

-Makobot reached into the diaper bag and pulled out a baby bottle of milk, immediately slipping it between Amis lips and moving the girls hands up to hold onto it- "Shhh. Here, this will calm Cami-Chan down." -by now the milk would already be warm of course, but the Makobot didn't seem concerned about that as it turned its attention to cleaning up after Amis embarrasing little mess and applying a fresh layer of powder before sliding a fresh disposable beneath her bottom and fastening it up securely-

Ami whimpered, looking up at her Makobot pleadingly, as she suckled from the bottle of warm milk, which was a little hard to palette because of that, but she was at least happy to be in clean underpants again, that whole sticky ordeal having drained her, in more ways than one, having had enough of this little game of hers.

"Good girl." -Makobot said, tugging the Jumper down to cover her diapers and going to throw the messy diaper into a trash bin nearby before she returned to pick up the diaper bag and take one of Amis hands. Sh e made no move to take the bottle from her, and instead just helped her to stand and began to lead her back to the bus stop-

After what had happened that afternoon and evening, Ami didn't offer much resistance when lead to the bus stop, clinging to the taller girl's side with her bottle in hand, and by this time seeming to ignore any passerbys who spied them waiting there, even as the bus finally pulled up to the curb. 'I think I've gotten in over my head..' She thought to herself, thinking about how much control the robot girl had over her, instead of her, the creator, having it over the Makobot.

-Once more the Makobot paid the fare and found a nice comfortable seat to sit in, pulling Ami down onto her lap and holding her close, hands gently running through her hair as the eyes of the riders stayed on the oddly dressed girl sitting in the taller girls lap with a baby bottle in her hand... The ride would mostly be quiet on the way home, as Makobot got out and led Ami once more home and unlocked the door for ehr-

By this time, Ami was leaning against the stronger girl, toddling cutely alongside of her as they finally arrived home, the helm of her jumper bouncing nicely with each step, following her inside of the house again, never before feeling so happy to be home and out of public viewing.

"There now, wasn't that fun? We had such a good time. I just wish we would have had time to visit the sandbox... Maybe next time, Ami-chan." -Makobot said as she reached out to pinch Amis cheek cutely and wiggle it, smiling lovingly to her-

"Mako-chan... embarrassed me... humiliated me... in front of complete strangers..." Ami said softly, looking down at the floor even as she pinched her cheek, "... I .. I didn't want any of that... I never wanted to do such... scandalous things... what if people had taken pictures? ... what if my friends had seen me? ..." She trembled, seemingly overcome by all the thoughts going through her head, and started to cry.

"Awww.. shh shh..." -Makobot said, scooping Ami up in her arms and holding her to her shoulder, one hand cupping her diapered button as the other hand stroked her back- "Come on... Ami's just overtired. Lets get you put back down for bed, and you can have a nice long sleep." -She cooed softly, as she began to carry Ami towards the bathroom, softly bouncing her in her arms-

Ami clinged to her as she carried her, sniffling softly as the maternal robot attempted to sooth her, her thumb finding it's way to her mouth. "... why won't Mako-chan listen to me?" She whined as a terribly large yawn left her lips, blushing a bit as she showed signs of really being tired. It -had- been a rather long, and definitely trying day for her, after all.. and maybe things would end up being better in the morning.. hopefully..

"I'm listening to you sweety. Why wouldnt you think I was?" -Makobot tickled under her chin, as she sat her down on the bathroom counter and pulled off her shoes and socks.. Then gently peeled off her jumper and t-shirt, leaving the girl in just her diapers and hairclip as the mechanical makoto robot turned to start running bathwater, pouring in an ample portion of bubble bath-

"If you were listening, then you wouldn't have taken me out like that..." she said, hugging her bare chest with both arms. Her perky cleavage aside, Ami really did cater well to the look of a little girl, especially dressed the way she was, something that probably didn't help her get through to the mind of her Makobot.

"Just because you want to be cooped up inside, doesn't mean you should. Besides, Ami-chan knows she looooved it." -The Makobot said with a wide smile as she turned back to Ami, crossing her arms across her own chest, which would probably have been even more ample than Makotos- "All those people staring, seeing just what a messy baby Ami-chan really is... Everyone knew you were right. where. you. belonged." -tapping her nose with each word- "In thick diapers, and being watched over." -Makobot said, still convinced that it was her creators desires to be treated like this, that she thrived on the humiliation-

Ami blushed, meeping each time her big strong Makobot tapped her on the nose, further driving both of their points home to her. The beautiful machine girl was not listening to her, and seemed utterly convinced of the idea that the normally reserved, shy, and quiet teen genius got her proverbal rocks off on public acts of childishness and self humiliation... and to be honest, she was finding it harder and harder to argue with her on those points.. after all, how many times during the day had she felt so many hot feelings inside of her and between her legs, each time she caught people staring, snickering, murmering about her.. and how turned on had she been when Makobot publicly chastized her, talked down to her, or praised her for the childish ways she was being treated or acted like... and the kicker, soiling herself in public like that, and having her changed in the middle of the park in front of god and everybody who could still watch... a soft moan left her lips, and she blushed, pressing ler legs tightly together as such naughty thoughts rolled through her mind... maybe she DID like all of that.

-At the moan, Makobot would push Ami back to lay back, reaching down and pulling the thick diaper off of her, removing any covering she had to hide her shame before she would be picked up and carried over to the warm water and plunked down intot he soapy bubbely water as the bubbles rose around her small body. Reaching down, the Makobot simply stripped off the shirt she was wearing to avoid getting it wet, displaying the body that Ami had built her with. The idealized body of Makoto as she knealt down, bare chested and began to soap up a wash cloth and scrub at Amis back-

Blushing softly, even now impressed by the amazing, if not overly generous recreation job she'd done. All of her anxieties seemed to fade as the warmth of the bubbly sudsy bath water rose up over her body, and she ga

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"In the name of the moon, I will pu-- *deep blush* .. oh poopy. *toddles off, her diapers sagging behind her*"

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