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Meer! My Journal. I've never had an online journal before, never even looked into making one, I guess this is simply the result of boredom and being up much, much too early.

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Blade 3? More like SUCK 3!
So yeah, I went to see Blade 3 - Trinity. Don't get me wrong, I like a good action movie, and I rather enjoyed the first two. And, like the first two, there were plenty of badass moments and crazy action sequences, with hardcore music. But, in several key areas, this movie fell short.

Now, I'm not what you'd call a critical moviegoer. I tend to enjoy movies almost universally, even ones that are critically deplored or disliked by purists (like the new Star Wars movies). And if Blade 3 had had some minor adjustments, I would have liked it, too.

But, it didn't, and I didn't. There were clichés, which I could ignore, blatant Matrix ripoffs, which I could shrug off, there was bad acting, which I don't care about, but most importantly, there were plot holes; I hate those! There was one scene that could, and SHOULD have been deleted, because they did not build off it AT ALL and it involved a major personal conflict for one of the characters; they also went too weakly on another character's revenge issues towards the end (you don't get a feeling of vindication or satisfaction).
Most unforgivably, the big villain was a disappointment. Not in the big final conflict (except certain key points), but earlier in the movie in a scene where Blade chases after him, he talks of how people these days don't understand "honor and living by the sword", while he's holding a frickin' baby hostage to keep Blade from attacking him.. which he shouldn't have been WORRIED about ANYWAY! Why in the hells would this guy, who is presented as a walking apocalypse, have to have Blade chase him and look like he's actually struggling to keep ahead, without it being a fake to get up Blade's confidence?
If they wanted to play him like he was, they should have pumped up how powerful Blade was supposed to be, or actually made him stronger, for it to make sense that he fights this guy. And they wasted some of his cool powers, like changing his appearance, on show; they weren't ACTUALLY useful. Yes, lets fool the good guys by walking up to their base disguised as someone who is notably dead. He could have evaded detection in the first place; you'd think it would have been to taunt them, but it didn't come off that way.

A lot of things could have been done better. But only a few NEEDED to be done better. I don't want to spoil the movie any more, so I won't go into more detail, but it mainly involved who did and didn't die.

*takes breath* Heh, now I know how movie critics become embittered. I'd better stop thinking about this, and go on to other things. But I don't recommend spending money to see this movie, at least not in the theatres. If you wanna have some fun with an action movie, fine, but rent it when it comes out.

Obla-dee, obla-da, life goes on RIGHT! Lalalalalife goes on.
Nothing new to report! Well, okay, did my CV, whee, gonna go to a youth center tomorrow to get it checked out and apply to a couple places... I don't know if I'm hoping or not to get the job with the 12-hour shifts, hehe. If I got the night ones, it'd really change my routine.. well, it'd change from one week to the next, but always 7 to 7. I wonder if I could do it. Well, for the betterment of my wallet, if I must make the sacrifice I shall! Not that it's greed or anything, but money's needed to live. If only the world realised that it should pay and sustain me simply for the priviledge of my gracing its surface.. but, sadly, it does not. As such, I shall wear myself to death in unfulfilling drudgery, in hopes that one day, one day I may fulfill my dreams.

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Can someone fall in love with someone they never met?

This question is one people are asking themselves more these days than ever. When all you know of a person is what they type, when that's all you know for sure, how much can you really know them? Which isn't to say that the content of what someone types is what tells you, because that can be faked. Anyone can be fooled; speaking from experience, having been on the receiving end of a truly majestuous fallacy of this genre, I can attest to this. No, it is the way someone types, the things that interest them, the things you both enjoy talking about and doing, even if such a doing is only imagined. These things are enough to generate the kinds of emotions that one more typically associates with someone known in a more "real" manner.

So, the answer to the above question, is yes.

Of course, this love is tricky, laced with doubt. Maybe some are so fortunate as to never question what their partner says, to never wonder if maybe, just maybe, it's all a lie, or some things are anyway. But I am not such a person. Gone are my days of indiscriminate trust. I do, however, remain basically trusting of people, a trait which may lead to my downfall once more, but, I think, makes me a happier person. Better great ups and painful downs than a constant mid-low.

As such, I find myself falling in love. This affection, the leaping of my heart when I see her online, when I can talk to her.. the closeness I feel to her, the desire I feel for her.. these things and countless more now occupy my thoughts on a regular basis. I'm not a moonstruck fool, obviously.. this is not that kind of love. It's the gradual affection, the warmth that creeps up on you as you grow to feel for someone.

So, more than anything else, I want to meet her. Of course, fear grips me like the clammy hand of death wrapped tight around my scrotum (stop... picture it... ;b ). What if she's not attractive? What if she finds ME unattractive? Regardless of the idealized crap that love literature spouts out, looks DO matter, it's fundamental human nature. I'm not looking for a supermodel.. just someone not unattractive. I feel terrible for being so concerned about it, and shallow, because it sucks that people who don't look good don't get as many shots at love, and I'm contributing to the whole thing, but that's how I'm wired.

I don't think she's unattractive. I believe the way she describes herself.. though, as always, there is the doubt. I want to meet her, and be reassured, be happy. I know there will be no moment greater than when I first see her and can be freed from all these worries and fears, and concentrate solely on getting to know her.. more intimately, in all ways. I want to be with her. I hope, I pray, that this will be "it", that she is "the one".. though I don't tend to believe we all have a soul mate, I do tend to think that some people we can just be with, and make it work, and be happy with them. For how long? Who knows? I'll take brief happiness over none. But I don't want it to be brief.. I want to make this last forever.

God willing, I'll get that chance.

The ever-ongoing saga of my existence (part I)
Today, I have woken up. This is a good thing! I'm happy! ;D

Anyway, not much planned to do today. Eating mint ice cream with cream cookies (a la Oreo) crumbled into it, tis good. No, this isn't my breakfast.. that was cereal. This is like, after breakfast wink Leftover snacks from last night..

I am NOT depressed or suicidal about parents/girls/boys/friends/pets/movies/chores/school/laundry/my horoscope. Sorry. Guess I'm not a real blog writer. I don't even have an ice cream headache. Though I COULD be miserable with worry about things to come, I'm past that. Plus, I don't know if I would write that sort of thing in here... seems almost TOO self-indulgent.

So, off to meow the day!!

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REM concert!
Well, I'm heading out to an REM concert very soon. I'm kinda looking forward to it; I know I'll enjoy it more than I expect, because my expectations aren't anywhere. I hardly know any of their music, though I like the couple of songs I can think of.. I'll post what I thought of it when I get back ^^

Edit (after the concert): You know when they play that one big song that everyone knows, and everyone just goes nuts? That was the definitive moment for me, when they played Losing My Religion. It was awesome. The rest of the concert was great too, but that moment, that song, made it for me.

Medical STUD!-y
In on a medical study this fine morning, sitting here typing with a catheter in my arm =b Barely even notice it, really. If I'd say I'm used to it it'd be a half-truth; I'm more used to it, obviously, than when I first started doing these. To think I used to be afraid of needles, hehe. Admittedly, confronting said fear was one of my incentives to start (and the money doesn't hurt).

As a note, this is the first time I haven't asked them to cover the entry point of the catheter in my skin (first study; this is phase two of two, and last week I didn't ask for it to be covered either). It's a good thing I'm not nervous anymore, this time took a big more messing around than usual, with one medical technician, a woman and obviously the more experienced of the two, coaching the other, a guy, who I've had do blood draws on me and does them well but was apparently weak with catheter insertion. Being the first he did today granted me the dubious honour of helping him get his feet under him in this respect. Oh well, all the better for the others to come later.

Well, I'll surely post more as the day goes by, having little better to do after 8 (it's a quarter to 7 now) than get my blood drawn at first every 15 minutes, then on the half hour, hour, two hours, and finally four hours till I can get some sleep towards midnight. Though with the slowdown later maybe I'll watch some TV. Not having cable at home has deprived me of many interesting cultural references, which, oddly, I haven't really missed all that much. Could it be that, *gasp*, TV doesn't have to rule our lives? Quick, tell the Americans! xd

Edit (8:43am): Well, it's a bit later now and I've had the pill already some 40 minutes. No side-effects yet ;b I'm getting regular blood draws and people are all over these computers like.. like.. something that people are all over alot. As such, I won't be on much, but I'll update as I can ^^

Edit (12:41pm): Just had lunch, watched a couple of movies so far. The afternoon begins, with only blood draws at 2:04, 4:04, 8:04 and 12:04, midnight. In other news, I see now the narcissistic appeal of typing all this crap on the internet, and am summarily disgusted with myself. But not enough to stop doing it ;b
Still no side effects!

Edit (2:30pm): You know what happens in these places at these studies after lunch, when everyone is waiting for their 4pm+ draw? Wild orgies? I think not! Everyone goes to sleep! ;D A few watch TV. I guess between there being only two computers, and no more movies being shown, you don't have that many options unless you bring your own fun, in one way or another. Me, I intend to hold onto this computer for as long as physically possible ;b Sleep is for the weak!

Edit (5:22pm): Just had supper. Can't complain about the food, it's okay, though it's the same in both sessions of the study. No, not a single same meal eight times, but the same four meals twice. Now all that's left is killing time till the draws at 8 and midnight (though I think there's a snack at 9..). Wow, is this ever fascinating to read. I must be terribly self-absorbed, or bored. But not both. Choose my poison, punk. I tried reading someone else's journal, a random one, and I almost felt like killing myself; such whining, God. I suppose people leave these things public because they hope someone will sympathise with them, and I guess many do. Was I like that as a teen-ager? I hope not. But probably.. do people remember themselves as being whiny attention whores? I don't. Course, now I sound like a sanctimonious a*****e, so I guess that's not much better ;b

Edit (7:48pm): Nothing new to report.

Edit (11:40pm): Dozed off for a couple hours there, sitting on that couch. Those couches are actually pretty comfortable, made out of pleather or whatever. The last blood draw for tonight is approaching, and I regard the prospect of the good night's sleep to follow with anticipation. Then, tomorrow morning I have one at 8:04am after which I am free to leave, until I have to come back for the 8:04pm one that evening, as well as the little medical check-up with it, and the bulk of the money I'll be making for the study. The rest of it, anyway. I'll have gotten $120 of the $650 total, in cash, the remaining $530 will be in cheque form then. No tax! Yay!

Edit (12:12am): Alright, time to get some sleep. Good night, world. I'll see you ridiculously early again tomorrow ^^

Edit (7:58am): Up and at 'em! Let's get this over, and get some McDonald's or something! =b

Final Edit (12:26am): Well, that went well. Everything's over with, I'm back at home, got all the money I expected, no side effects... operation successful! No, not a medical operation, the operation of taking advantage of volunteer medical studies every two months or so to supplement my income, which continues to be a success. I have yet to regret the experience in any way. These days, these things are a fair degree safer than they used to be, in the days that formed all the horror stories (usually truthful, at that) about people who were given terrible diseases and then left to their own devices. We don't even test diseases, it's always medication that's on the market already, in one form or another. See, this is what living in a good country is about! Obviously I wouldn't do a study like this in some god-forsaken hellhole at the far end of the Earth.. probly get Ebola or have my genitalia rot off or something...


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Journal, eh? More like something to do.
Well this is the first post. I consider this journal a public service of sorts; people will naturally want to know my personal thoughts. They're probably more interesting than their own, anyway.

Seriously, though (what? I wasn't serious? You can never tell..) keeping a journal like this will give me a chance to talk to myself in a more official manner than usual, thus keeping me from talking to others (and risking them talking back).

I had a much longer ramble lined up than this, except I inadvertantly placed it as the header when setting this thing up, thus cutting all but the first few lines.. ah well. Nonetheless, I strive to express myself in as extemporaneous a manner as possible. It's my way of keeping myself from talking people to death, as well as feeling superior about myself.

And if you happened to be one of those resourceful/bored enough to somehow find your way here, I would appreciate comments of course. Especially if they're not constructive, i.e. advice on how to make my journal better. I don't handle criticism well, even though I always ask for it. Despite my alienation of most people who I talk to (am I kidding? You decide!) I do nonetheless expect that I won't be the only one to ever read this. And thus at some point I expect to see something beside my own inanity in these pages. To you, who posts here, I say, God help you!

***As a note, since this is the first post, I may as well post here vital statistics with regards to my character, Kierris***

Name: Kierris Tigerroar
Race: K'talin
Gender: Male
Age: Roughly 600
Origin: Terra, Hyleia continent

Mate: Saria White Dragon, deeply in love..
Children: Triplets, two sons (Xian and Lensivi Tigerroar) and one daughter (Aya Blu Dragon).
Familiar: Ari, water drake.

Abilities: Various, martial arts supremacy and weak summoning (water-based). Regeneration, immortality, immunity to all poison and disease.
Title: Former Ilu Dan'Actoss (Illuminated Master of the Cross of Stars). No longer, because skill has eroded after too long without any fighting needing it. Now, father is the title he is most proud of.

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