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sand fire and elments i like and my life

Cured All Right
Community Member
hey im writing a story and if u want to read it here is the first chapter

Hello everyone, also welcome to the first chapter of: All Guys Konoha High! Wow say that three times. Some characters will be OOC, so do not blame me.
Full Summary: What happens when Sakura is forced to go to an all male boarding school? How will she survive as she faces perverted teenage guys and strict male teachers all while living in the guys’ dorm! And which guy will have to cross dress!
Disclaimer: Yet again, I face another disclaimer, yet again, I do not own Naruto, I own nothing….except this bag of Goldfish! Wait, my mom bought it…. T-T.


Chapter 1: Goldfish anyone?
It was a beautiful morning as the sun shinned brightly out side Sakura’s pleasant house. Birds chirped, singing a sweet melody as they flew from tree to tree in front of Sakura’s bedroom window. Everything was at peace…..
……or was……
Ino ran up the stairs and slammed into Sakura’s bedroom. She growled as she stomped over to Saukra’s drooling, sleepy self. “Errrr, GET UP NOW!” Ino lifted Sakura’s mattress and threw it onto the ground, causing Sakura to fly across the room and land in a mass of pillows on the floor.
“10 more hours.” Sakura mumbled as she rolled over and hugged her orange stuff animal cat, that she had named Kyo-kun.
Ino was now twitching, as she started to shake with anger and one fist in the air.
/1 minute later/
“THERE THAT WAS 10 HOURS! NOW GET YOUR LAZY a** UP!” Ino yelled as she continuously kicked Sakura. (Anime style)
Downstairs Sakura sat down and started eating breakfast. “Damn Ino, you didn’t have to kick so hard. It’s not like we’re gonna be late for school.” Sakura took a bite of her pancakes that the excellent cook Ino made.
“That’s what you said last year, and the year before that, and the year before that and the year-.”
“Oh shut-up!” Sakura went to get the last pancake that was on the plate in front of her and Ino, as did Ino. The two growled at each other and then started what should be known as a fork-fight!
Ino and Sakura had been living together for five years now. Ino’s parent had to move because of business, so Sakura’s parents offered to take care of her. Sakura was 16, Ino 17 and 1 grade above Sakura. Even though they were supposed to be in the same grade Sakura was held back due to missing class a lot because of sleeping. That was before Ino moved in, but after they knew each other.
Ino was always nice and friendly, except towards Sakura, whom may I quote calls her evil. Sakura, will….she likes to sleep…a lot. Don’t get her wrong, she was very intelligent when she wanted to be and was an Idiot when…will practically the rest of the time.
They were basically the same, when they got on each other’s nerves they would resort to violence, which usually ended with someone else getting hurt…unless no one was around.
“Victory!” Sakura shouted as she swallowed the pancake whole.
“You didn’t have to stab my hand!” Ino said as she unstabbed the fork from her hand. “Where the hell are the bandages!”
A few minutes later Sakura was riding in Ino’s red jeep. The two were on their way to the all girl’s boarding school. The wind blew their hair crazily, since the jeep had no cover.
“I can’t believe we have to go to boarding school.” Sakura said as she brushed her hair with her fingers, keeping it out of her eyes.
“What do you mean ‘have to’? The only reason you go is because I go...” Ino smirked as she came up with an evil thought. “What’s wrong Sakura, afraid Public School will put you back in the zoo?”
“Nope, I’m afraid they’ll find out I’m friends with a psycho from the planet bad hair due.” Sakura smiled as she looked at the now flaming Ino.
After a few hours of driving Ino and Sakura finally reached their destination. Sakura stepped out of the car, her hair was now messed up, and her arm had a small bruise on it. Ino also stepped out of the car but, with less than one un-noticeable scratch on her face.
The two got their luggage and walked towards the school. It was crawling with happy, excited, girls glad to see that their friends had returned for another year.
“Damn, it’s like happy hell here. Why do you even go to this school?” Sakura murmured towards Ino as two girls started to scream with happiness.
“To annoy you of course.” Ino said with a smile.
“I knew it!”
The two walked into the front office to get information on their classes and which bedroom was theirs.
“Hello may I help you?” Shizune, the headmistress assistant said.
“Yes, my name is Yamanaka Ino.” Ino said handing Id. to the lady.
“Hello again my favorite students!” A voice came from behind them. Ino and Sakura turned around to find the Headmistress smiling.
“Oh, hello Tsunade.” Ino said politely.
“Yo, teach!” Sakura yelled with a happy smile.
Headmistress Tsunade was one of their favorite people at the school… (Included in that list is the lunch lady or Cook). She was fun and always did crazy things just like them, okay almost like them.
“Here you go Ms. Yamanaka.” The assistant handed an envelope to Ino, “And you-.”
“Don’t worry about her.” Tsunade said, “Sakura will you please come with me to my office? There’s been a mix up.”
“Um, alright.” Sakura said bye to Ino and then followed Tsunade to her office. “SO what’s up Tsunade?”
“Well, there seems to be a mix-up with the school’s student information.” Tsunade said with a worried face, not sure how to explain what had happened.
“What kind! Am I not going to be able to share my usual room with Ino, cause if not I want a room right by the cafeteria?” Even though Sakura usual was assigned a room with Ino, she could not pass up an opportunity to be that close to the wonderful smell of food.
“No it’s not that. It would seem that you’re not enlisted in this school.” Tsunade looked at Sakura’s face, which seemed nothing but blank.
“W-What do you mean?” Sakura questioned Tsunade.
“Will…you’ve been moved to another school. It’s not far! It’s actually just a half hour drive from here. And I promise we will get you a ride each time you want to come and visit.” She placed a slip of paper in front of Sakura.
Sakura sighed, “Fine, fine as long as I can come back to see Ino. How much trouble can it be?” With that, Sakura grabbed the paper, not noticing anything but the place where it said sign, so she did. She then gave it back to the Headmistress.
Tsunade took the paper with confusion, “Sakura, you really should read the paper. It contains some important information.”
“Don’t worry, as long as I get to see Ino everyday things will be fine.” Sakura sat back in the chair with a no worries attitude.
“Okay, you will leave today. School doesn’t start until Monday, so you have the rest of the weekend to get things ready. You can even sign up for a school club.”
“Alright! Kendo Club here I come!” Sakura jumped up with excitement as she walked towards the door to leave.
“Wait!” Sakura turned around to find Tsunade on the phone. “I’ll call to have someone take you there. They’ll be at the front gate at 5:35 to take you to the Brothering School of this one. Make sure you’re there on time.” Tsunade knew that Sakura was never on time for anything but, what harm could it do to remind her?
“Yeah, Yeah. See ya later, or not.” She exited the room, shutting the door behind her.
Tsunade gave a sigh, ‘This is going to be interesting.’
Sakura walked down the dormitory hall listening to all the girls scream and yell about how happy they were to have their best friend as a roommate. She remembered how when Ino and her first came to the school and realized they’d have to share the same room. Unlike the other happy girls, they were the roommates that would fight about which bed was theirs.
Sakura turned a corner and walked into Ino’s room where she was greeted with a huge hug. “Sakura! I just heard! How could they do this to me!” Ino yelled causing Sakura to jump.
‘Gee, and I thought she wouldn’t care-.’
“Now who am I going to steal food from! Ind force to carry my books! And lock in the closet while I steal her Visual Kei cds!”
‘Will there goes that pleasant thought!’ Sakura lightly pushed Ino away, and walked over to a small cupboard where she picked up a large bag of Goldfish. (The crackers not the real fish.) Sakura took in a deep breath.
“I’M TAKING THESE!” Sakura yelled towards Ino.
“THE HELL YOU ARE!” Ino threw a shoe at Sakura and it bounced off her forehead.
“OW! Who the hell throws a shoe!” Sakura yelled as she grabbed Ino’s face and started pinching it. Ino does the same and the two start fighting…once again.
Hours later
“Ms. Sakura, pleas go to the front gate your ride his here.” Shizune said over the intercom.
“Hm?” Sakura, now with even messier hair, looked at the clock.
“OH s**t! I’m late!” Sakura, with goldfish bag in hand, jumps up and runs out the door while screaming, “Bye Ino! See you tomorrow! Hopefully! AHHHHH...OUCH!”
Ino watched as her clumsy friend bumped into doors hoping that they would some how magically take her outside. Ino looked over her shoulder picking something up, “Oh look, there was another bag of goldfish right here.”
“By Tsunade!” Sakura yelled as she ran past Tsunade grabbing the school uniform that was in her hand.
“Good luck Sakura.” Tsunade said as she shakes her head slightly with a chuckle.
“Thanks!” Sakura yelled as she dashed out of the door in full speed, knocking a few girls down in the process.
“Hey watch it!” One of the girls yelled.
Sakura looked back, though still running, “Sorry!”
Sakura slams into a body causing her to fall flat on her butt. “Ow, watch where you’re going buddy!” Sakura rubbed her arm, which she also fell on.
“You’re late.”
“Huh?” Sakura opened her eyes to find a red haired, heavy black eyeliner, guy leaning on a motorcycle (racing model bike) that was his. The motorcycle was fully black with red lining around certain parts and the symbol for ‘demon’ on the side.
The two stared at each other for some time before Sakura stood up and looked him straight in the eye. He looked back at her with a ‘what do you want look’.
“Goldfish?” Sakura offered as she held the bag in front of him, surprising him a little.
He shook his head to get the surprised look off, “….I don’t have time for this. Get on. I can’t believe they made me of all people pick you up.” He said as he got on the bike himself.
As she was told, Sakura jumped on the bike with excitement causing her to fall off, dragging him with onto the ground. Goldfish flew every around them.
“Dammit! I said get on, not jump on! You nearly scratched my bike!” He yelled as he stood up, not caring if she was okay or not.
“Heh, Heh, sorry. I’ve seen to many Tomb Raider movies.” Sakura said as she itched the back of her head. She stood up and dusted herself off, then looked back at him, “My name is Haruno Sakura.” She held out her hand as a gesture to shake it.
“And I don’t care.” He got back on his motorcycle. “This time get on, don’t jump on.” With that Sakura lightly got on, making sure not to scratch the bike nor do anything more to upset him.
“Hey do you have another helmet?” She asked trying to look at his face from her position on the bike.
“Like I care wither or not you’re safe. My job was to come here and pick you up. If you get hurt in the process, it won’t be my damn fault.”
“Jackass.” Sakura mumbled as she watched him put on his shiny black helmet with the same ‘demon’ symbol in red on the back. He looked back at her, “Same to you.” With that, he caught Sakura off guard, turning her cheeks a little red. ‘H-He heard me!’
The two rid on a dirt path, through what seemed like a pleasant countryside. They passed many fields including a large farm, where cows were visible. Sakura like the feeling of having the wind blow through her hair. Though, she was used to it when riding in Ino’s jeep, this time was different. This time she was going a lot then the speed limit, and it was a hot male driving.
With those thoughts, he accelerated even faster causing Sakura to squeeze his waist tighter.
“Coward.” He said as he rolled his eyes.
“b*****d.” Sakura said to his surprised.
“What did you say?” he looked back at here, still driving, to see if she would dare repeat what she said.
“You heard me Prissy boy!” Sakura gave a big smile.
He sighed with disgust as he turned back around, ‘Damn, she’s messing with my head!’ Sakura smiled knowing that she had just won that conversation.
Eventually the two stopped in front of a large school, much larger then her other school. Sakura got off the bike making sure to fix her ruffled black tank top. It had a black silk ribbon that went across the chest. Her long black pants also matched the top, but with ribbons going around both legs. She had black converse also.
She repeated the words Tsunade said in her head, ‘Brothering School’. She looked at the male now taking off his helmet, “Hey stranger with goldfish on your head.” He shook his making five goldfish fly off, he then glared at her. “Why do they call this the Brothering School?”
“Turn around moron.” He replied as he got off his bike.
“Meany!” she sticks her tongue out, then turns around to embrace her new school, “Hello new…..Where the hell am I!” With those words, Sakura’s mouth fell open as she saw male bodies everywhere.
Some were playing soccer, others were reading or reading school forms, and some were just talking and walking with others.
“School moron.” He walked off into the front gates leaving the still shocked Sakura behind.
Sakura stood there staring at nothing but guys. Something wasn’t right, there must be something terribly wrong. ‘This must be a dream! All these hot guys in sight and no girls to spoil my fun! No, it can’t be a dream, none of them are naked.’
Sakura continued to think here wonderful thoughts, but was rudely interrupted by a soccer ball hitting her dead in the face.
“Ow!” Sakura dramatically fell to the ground, making Goldfish fly everywhere (again).
“Now you’ve done it Sasuke!” She heard an approaching voice say.
“It’s not his fault Naruto! She was kinda just standing there.” Another voice said with a hint of annoyance.
The one called Naruto yelled back at him, “Shut-up Shikamaru!”
“You shut-up Naruto, man you’re so loud!” Shikamaru yelled back. Sakura could hear all there voices, yet she kept her eyes closed as she lay on the ground.
“Hey, you okay?” she heard a smooth, new, voice say as she slowly opened her eyes.
“The goldfish…” Sakura softly whispered not noticing anyone around her. She looked down towards the smashed and stepped on cheese snacks.
“GASP The Goldfish! Noooo, they’re all gone! The one thing holding my survival in this world, the one thing I fought Ino with all my might over…will that and pancakes…hmmm.” Sakura then crossed her arms and legs as she sat in a thinking position, thinking about all the food she had risked her life for over the years.
The three guys scooted back in fear that she might suddenly become crazy,ahem: crazier.
“Um…are you okay?” The smooth voice said as he put a hand on her shoulder.
“Hn?” Sakura looked up to find three guys, which seemed to have been working out, staring at her.
She noticed that the blonde hair one must have been Naruto, since he looked like the type who was loud. The brown haired one must have been Shikamaru, since he looked like the kind to get annoyed easily. And that the raven-haired one must have been Mr. Smooth, voice being that he was the only one without a name. Though, the one thing Sakura noticed above all was that none of them had shirts on.
“Wow! At least you guys are half naked!” She put her hands together with delight.
The three guys just stood there in shook, all of them with blank eyes and wide mouths.
“Hey, can you guys take your pants off?” The three scooted back even more. “What?” Sakura asked in confusion. “This is only a dream. I mean why would I be going to an all male school? Right?”
“Well, Sasuke…since you hit her and hopefully gave her memory loss, you can be the one to show her around!” Naruto said as he tugged on Shikamaru to leave with too.
“Yeah, I agree with Naruto. So BYE!” Shikamaru and Naruto ran off dust trailing them.
Sasuke looked around nervously, “Hey don’t leave me!” He took a step to run but Sakura grabbed his arm.
“Tell me this is a dream.” She said with a scary voice and blank dark eyes.
“U….sorry but, no.” Sasuke said nervously, “W-Would you like to go to the office?” He shuttered as he pointed in the direction.
“Yeah!” She said happily, as she ran towards the school dragging Sasuke on the ground. “We’ll go there so I can kill Tsunade!”
“Kill?” Sasuke said to himself thinking that he was letting a monster into the school.
In the office
“What do you mean I agreed to come here!” Sakura shouted on the office phone towards Tsunade. “That’s Bullshit!” At this point many people, all guys, were looking at her strangely. She was standing next to Sasuke who was practically being forced to sit there. Sakura had tied him to the chair with his own belt and was now being forced to wait for here.
“Please help me.” Sasuke whispered to the crowd of males who were now surrounding them listening to Sakura shout & curse.
“When you said brothering, I thought you were just talking crazy talk! I didn’t know it was a male school! You know me, I don’t catch on to things that fast!” Sakura shouted even louder, oblivious to the crowd of males now laughing.
“Can’t I transfer back? Uh-huh, WHAT! Er, hold on.”
She turned towards Sasuke, “They said that that can’t accept anymore.” Sakura said disappointedly.
“Why the hell are you telling me!” Sasuke shouted less afraid.
Sakura turned back towards the phone, “Alright, I’ll stay, but you have to keep to your word that I can visit Ino whenever I want. Okay, bye.” She hung the phone up then turned around noticing the males looking at her. Sakura stared back at them. This lasted for some time.
/2 minutes later/
“Alright guys, shirts off, pants down!” With those words all male, with the exception of the crying tied up Sasuke, disappeared from sight. “Aww, no fun.” She looked at Sasuke who was now trying to bite his way free. “Hey mister!”
“Mister? My name is Uchiha Sasuke!” He said with a piece of belt in his mouth.
“Alright, Sasuke, If I untie you will you help me?” Sakura said emphasizing his name.
“Sure, whatever! Just untie me, it’s embarrassing.”
“Will I could of token your pants off, since you still don’t have a shirt on.” Big smile.
“…just untie me you sick pervert...” Sasuke looked away in shame and with a tint of red.
Back out side
Okay since we all know motorcycle boy is Gaara, I’m just going to write Gaara.
Gaara (see I wrote it) went back out side. He was still annoyed that the schools made him pick up that girl. Ever since Gaara was, little girls loved him, they loved the bad boy type, which made life miserable for him. They would follow him around, act cozy with him (which he didn’t enjoy), and eventually fight over him. This happened for many years to the point where Gaara actually started believing that they like him that was until he found out they were only after him to make other girls jealous. At this point Gaara became disgusted with all girls, thinking they were nothing but fake.
Anyways, Gaara figure all he would have to do is drive her, if he had put away his motorcycle she would probably annoy him even more then she already had. So with all his might telling him he shouldn’t, he left his bike all alone outside.
He walked up towards his bike now noticing the orange crumbs smashed everywhere.
‘That…b***h…she got Goldfish crumbs all over my clean bike!’ Gaara steamed with anger as he started to twitch. “SHE’LL PAY!” He turned around and glared at every guy surrounding him, they jumped with fear.
In the hall
“So what room number are you?” The now blue shirted Sasuke said as he walked down the hall letting his arms rest on the back of his head.
“Don’t know. They gave me this slip of paper but...I can’t read the directions. Can you?”
“It just so happens I’m an A-class Direction Reader!” Sasuke said happily. “Really?” “Yep!” He took the paper from her, “Now let’s see.”
The two stood there, Sasuke staring at the paper.
‘Yays!’ Sakura.
‘Alright!’ Sasuke with hero gleam.
/5 min./
‘Why’s this taking so long?’
/5 min./
:Gloom, Gloom:insert frown:
/sigh, yes another 5 min./
Naruto walks past them.
“Hey Naruto! Can you read these instructions!”
“More like F-class Direction Reader!”
“Alright, Sakura you’re in room 104.” Naruto said as he pointed in the direction. “It’s up stairs.” And with that, he walked off.
“Thanks Naruto!” Sakura yelled now waving goodbye to her new friend, “You’re much more help than Mr. I can’t read directions even if a monkey wrote them on a stone tablet!”
“Where did you come up with that!” Sasuke yelled, “Come on, I’ll take you there.” He grabbed Sakura’s hand and led her towards the stairs. Sakura blushed as supportive yells could be heard.
“Go Sasuke!”
“Wow, she hasn’t been her for a day yet and he’s putting the moves on her!”
Sexy whistles could also be heard.
“Save some for me!”
“These guys are really friendly.” Sakura said with an innocent smile.
Sasuke twitching, “Like…twitch…hell they are.”
The two get to the end of the hall. Sasuke turns around and gives all the guys evil glares with a hint of demon eyes.
………..Silence in the halls……….
Sakura, a little surprised, giggled.
Sasuke did a soft, Ahem, cough, “Thank you.” With that, the two walked up the stairs still holding hands.
“S-Sasuke is S-Scary.” The frightened Naruto said, who had been blowing the sexy whistles along with the others.
“Hey Naruto.” Shikamaru walked up to Naruto, who shook himself back to normal, “Did you just say Sakura’s room number is 104?”
“Huh? What about it?”
“Alright Sakura, this is your room.” Sasuke opened the dorm door. They both looked in, and to Sakura’s happiness, no one was there. “Wow, I guess you don’t have a room mate.” Sasuke said with somewhat relief.
“Oh Yeah Baby! At least Tsunade did something right!” Sakura shouted as she jumped into the room, only to be struck down onto the bed by a bodily figure.
“Sakura!” Sasuke shouted as he took a step, only to realize who was on her. “N-”
“Wow, look who my new play toy is.”
Sakura opened her eyes to find male, white mooneyes looking back at her. He had long black/brown hair that was tied back in a low ponytail. He wore a perverted smirk.
“And a pretty one at that.” With those words, their lips met.
Sakura’s eyes widened with shock, ‘W-Why is he kissing me? Is he from some crazy land, where all you do is walk into some room and you jump on them and kiss them! And if he is….I’m sure I would like that land very much! Being that there is hot guys like these there.” Sakura lay on the bed completely ignoring the kiss and daydreaming about going to a wonderful land.
Sasuke sighed with disgust, “Damn Neji, you freakin perv.” Sasuke pulled Neji off the bed, though Sakura still laid there in the same daydreaming position. “Sakura?”
“I guess she was stunned by the kiss. Maybe she wants another.” Neji tries to take a step towards Sakura but Sasuke stops him.
“Not on your life Neji.” Sasuke glares at him.
“DAMMIT!” Sakura yells as she stands up. “YOU!” She points at Neji.
“Yes my love?” He says perverted.
Sakura walks up to Neji the same way she did Gaara earlier, “What land do you came from?”
“Hm?” The two guys both look at each other questioningly.
“What land do you come from! What land could be so awesome to have guys randomly kiss and hug you and, and no shirts!”
“No shirts?” Neji asks Sasuke.
“Don’t ask.”
“Tell me your wonderfulness!” Sakura does half bows towards Neji.
“She called me wonderfulness!” Neji smile towards Sasuke.
“Just say it already Neji.” Sasuke says tiredly.
“Where do you come from!”
“I, your all mighty awesomeness was born here!”
“…pity…” Sakura says as with a disappointed face.
“W-What do you mean?” Worried about losing his title Neji asks.
“Nothing.” sigh “I guess you’re not that great.”
“Nooooo!” Neji (gloom in corner).
“Can this chapter just end already!” Sasuke yells now annoyed.
“Nope. According to the script,” Sakura looks at script for this chapter, “It doesn’t end till-
/BAM/ someone slams into the doorway.
“There we go!” Sakura says happily. “Please read and review!” Looks at readers.
“Who the Hell are you talking to!” Sasuke yells at Sakura yet again with Demonic eyes.
Neji, “Gloom,Gloom,Gloom,Gloom,Gloom,Gloom,Gloom…”
There you go! Hope you guys like it. Took me forever to type. Oh yeah, just incase you don’t know by now, Sakura loves Goldfish.

Sasuke: Love? She has an obsession with it!

Okay will I’m tiered so please read and write back and tell me what u think

Sasuke: You already wrote that!

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