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Ramblings of a Demented and Overstressed Mind.

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Yeah, yeah, I know. It's been a while. I took a break from Gaia to other things but now I'm back (sorta.) I'm on a break from WoW (only temporary, mind you) while I get my cosplay outfits ready for PortCon in about a month.

Work is the same. Still stressful, still wishing I had a better job, still knowing there's nothing out there that'll let me take off time in a hurry, pay me as much as I make now and give me at least as many hours (preferably more, though) as I'm making now where the economy . . . bites.

Cosplay wise I lack a bit to be able to finish my Version Two of Dingo's outfit (from Rockman.EXE/Megaman NT Warrior . . . did they even dub Stream?) I still had enough cloth left over from '08 that I could make version two . . . except my white cloth went AWOL. Need to pick that up next month. I do have everything to make at least the body suit for Forte.EXE. All I need is to make the rest of the armor sweatdrop I have more armor parts done for Zero (X8 black version) except I lack the foam to make the foot and chest armor. I finally found some at Joann's at $10 a yard . . . Might check the surplus/salvage stores for something cheaper, if not then that waits until next month too. At least I can work up what I can of Dingo's and Forte's outfit (including a wig for Dingo. I swore after Otakon in '08 I'd never do that to my hair again and, guess what, I haven't. So wigs it is from now on. I do have version two of the tomahawk and, trust me, it looks better than the original. When I get things all finished I'll be posting them at my Cosplay.com profile.

I'll be on and off of Gaia (I have more than this avatar so you never know when I'll pop up under a different one ninja ) considering I still want to finish leveling my characters on WoW before Cataclysm hits. At least level them to Outlands, that is. Right now zOMG is about the only thing this old comp can handle. It can barely play WoW without major lag (then again, the HD can't handle zOMG either without freezing the browser - I use Firefox if anyone wonders.) With all the updates to WoW I don't know if my old laptop (Axl) could have handled it. I know this comp that used to belong to my stepdad (now renamed Copy X) can barely handle WoW and it's not quite as good as Axl was (I finally after 6 years blew the backlight in him.) I checked the file size for all the updates, patches and whatnots to WoW and my current laptop (affectionately named Dingo wink ) doesn't have the HD space to fit it (well, if I deleted everything off of it then yeah, it could barely hold WoW - Dingo was given to me by a friend of my mother's to help replace the loss of Axl.)

I think I probably confused most of you, especially with the names

Don't mind me, though, I think I hear the bed calling now. Yeah, I think it just screamed my name . . . stare confused

Well, as I was walking into work a bit before 5 it started snowing. So, needless to say today was slow and dead. Workers were let go early or called in and told not to come to work and closers were called and told to come in early where they expected to close by 7. Me and another worker would have been let go an hour earlier than we were (which was about 45 minutes early for her and an hour early for me) if the shift manager hadn't been on the phone and would have had no one to cover front for him.

Driving was miserable but I fooled my driveway. I made sure no one was behind me or heading for me and I drove on the wrong side of the road and bulled into my driveway and made it in before I got stuck. Last I heard it was sleeting out there (hitting the window by my comp) which means a huge mess tomorrow morning. Then you consider temps are supposed to reach low 40's and it leave me going confused Snow one day, nice, spring temps the next.

Oh well. I managed to get Midas paid (still owe then $200 next week for the labor but I can live with it.) and now have the weekend to rest, relax and unwind.

And I think it's time for bed. I'm about ready to drop dead. That and they threatened power outages with the ice on top of sleet on top of wet snow on the branches and lines, and considering the power just flicked for the first time tonight I'd better get this typed, posted and things done before (if we do) lose power.

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When is a virus not a virus?
When it's the command lines to your DSL. I had two programs say on my mother's computer (she is pretty computer illiterate) that these files were ones that hackers could use to gain control of your computer so I naturally deleted them. Only to find that they were files that allowed the DSL modem to talk to my mother's computer. Naturally I wasn't happy. And considering this all happened right as I was getting ready for breakfast before work, tech support was least on my mind. So, once I got home and settled around I finally got things half going. At least I can try to repair her connection but it still says invalid IP address and I have no idea (except for reinstalling the DSL modem files from a disk they have no idea if they still have or not sweatdrop ) how to fix it.

Edit. They have the disk but now Macromedia is having errors stressed Sometimes I really do have technology.

Anyway. Except for computer programs the day was ok. Supposed to snow later tonight into tomorrow and have 4 - 6 inches. If it dies at work tomorrow I'll be able to go home early. Next week I have another wonky schedule but not quite as bad as this one (just fewer hours.) And other than that, not much going on in the world.

When Technology Goes Wrong.
Today was ok. Some stress. Opening manager demanded I print out her paperwork this morning. Then had me working on her new birthday sign for the regular morning oldies customers and got mad when I tried to do what she wanted without telling me how she wanted it and doing it not the way she wanted >.< So then I did what she wanted and she didn't like it. Go fig.

If I think of it I'll take my gleams paints and see if that'll work. She gave me stencils to make the letters then complained about the pencil lines gonk Guess there's no pleasing anyone . . .

Got the van fixed. Will pay on Friday. The guy at Midas is giving me one heck of a deal (a $500+ job for only $260.) I'll pay him the rest later (as long as he'll accept it.)

Today was pretty warm, almost 50* on the bank thermometer. Hardly any breeze so it was a perfect day. Though my parking spot at home was basically mud which means pretty soon I won't be able to park there and will have to park further away. Ah well. 'tis life.

Opened grill and managed to get all but a couple items done before we opened. Was proud if myself.

We had major technical difficulties at work during lunch today. For 20 minutes we lost cash (the register refused to believe the order had been paid and once the shift manager could figure out how to void the orders with a non responsive computer register it refused to believe that there was not an order on the tandem register sweatdrop ) But, by voiding it out, even though the time was still counting up on the monitor, the system read those orders as being served and cleared and so our times were pretty decent. One manager went out and told customers DT was closed, and inside we were backing front counter and telling people (I was order taker) that we couldn't take orders outside but could inside. Many left angry and without food (we wasted quite a bit.) But most were ok with it.

Tomorrow will go in at 6 instead of 11. No set time to get out. If I work my shift plus the extra that'll be a 10 hour day and 2 hrs overtime.

Hope in under 3 weeks to hear about the home equity loan I applied for. That way I can get money to do home repairs, pay back bills and get money for the retreat and PortCon biggrin I just hope I qualify. I have one mortgage with that bank (and a checking account with them too) so another one should be ok. I hope.

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Work rant, warmth and a new game.
I'm not the only one at work complaining about the opening manager and how things work better when she's not there. Mostly because of her lack of help then complaining when we get swamped and times go up because of lack of help (gee, I wonder why when she's busy talking/chatting with customers and just standing around giving orders and not helping or not helping where it's needed.) But, nothing will change. I did hear a customer ask her when she was going to retire and wasn't it going to be soon. I laughed inside at that. She gave a vague remark. Someone asked me if I was going to retire there and I said probably, though I should have told the truth and said no way because I plan on leaving once this new job opens up or another one comes my way (so far very slim pickings and nothing that would better me.)

In good news, though I don't know if it can be believed or not. The temperature on the bank clock today when I left work at 1pm read 46* out there. I was like eek 'it hasn't been THAT warm in months . . . *dies*' But, truth was, it was pretty darned nice out there ^^

And someone sent me a link to a game on Newgrounds called Murloc and it's pretty cute and addictive for a simple RPG. Nice 3D graphics, too.

Getting warmer.
Finally it's starting to get warmer. Hope springs eternal that we will finally get out of the cold (though they say more snow coming in on Monday >.< wink and to more decent temps.

I'm glad there's only one more day this week left for me to work. And I do wish it was only 4 hours like it was before and not 7 now, but at least I'll be out of there before lunch so all is good. And this probably will offend 90% of the people on Gaia but I'll be damned glad when school starts again (the state has this week off for High School basketball tournaments) because the school kids are driving me insane stressed . All they want to do is talk, joke, goof off and not do the work they're supposed to. The opening manager, as much grief as she does give me, has my sympathy where the kids have already driven her over the edge . . . (To those kids who do want to work, they have my applause. So I'm not anti-teen at all, just anti-those who refuse to carry their own weight at work and act like an adult rolleyes .)

Other than that, spent three bucks at the dollar store today. Bought two simple (white on black) imprints of a kanji and the translation, one for Faith, one for Patience. I also picked up a package of gummy sharks because I needed a sugar boost where my sugar levels were dropping . . . Tomorrow I'll be making the next step in my move from one room to another and get my formica counter top (or at least that was what it was going to be, it's now a work area for me) and two file cabinets out and get my master comp and laptop moved and up and going together (I hope.) Then I can dedicate my laptop to the internet and writing and my master comp to everything else (video-audio editing, burning, CG'ing, gaming, ect.) And once I get the used computer stand beat into shape I'll move from the formica to there and use the formica surface as a work area like it was meant to be and life will be good (and I can get back to more crafting and candy making biggrin .)

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Been a while . . .
Well, I see people started looking at my journal entries after a while then quit. Kinda reminds me of LJ. I have a lot listed as friends but no one really comments.

Anyway. We did get a lot of snow from a storm a few days ago. At least a foot, foot and a half. Enough to really make a mess with the ice on top of it. Though it was nothing compared to parts of New York that is literally buried under snow. I feel sorry for them *huggles*

Now it's just cold and miserable out there. Snowing a bit from time to time but not much.

The battery to my van seems like it's getting past the old stage and can't hold a charge. Just wonderful. Plus I found out that Midas broke the stick that holds the hood up and loosened the rubber that keeps liquids from getting into the engine. More expenses >.<

Ah well, that's life.

And now for a meme.

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What type of Fae are you?

Meeting and craft show.
Basically the Star Trek meeting was canceled when the Salvation Army (where we meet in the winter) failed to produce a key so we could get in. So that means that Rigelk couldn't get sworn in as First Officer and I couldn't get my descriptions and pics of the items they wanted me to sell on ebay for them.

So we headed back (Rigelk and I) to the craft show to help spell Tikimother who was there by herself and sold a bit (very little but not bad for a February show. We all but decided to leave all of the crafts to home and try to sell them online and take only food (which sells good but where this was a last minute decision to go - say 7:30 last night we decided to go - we had no food) and clothing items (knit and loom-knitted hats as well as (what Tikimother makes because I can't keep an even tension) knitted and crocheted scarves, dishtowels, dishcloths and soon we'll be making cloth aprons, scarves (fashion,) carry bags and maybe head wraps, depends on how enterprising I can get. That way we're not taking 10+ tubs a show and only a couple at the most. Pack up is usually a 2 hour job. Today it took us a whopping 45 minutes to get packed and loaded. To me, that's a lot better than slaving 2 hours by having a ton of stuff out that hasn't sold in over 5 years and needs to be wrapped heavily where they are pretty breakable.

And now that leaves us only the walk-a-thon tomorrow and me currently ready for bed @.@. Then it's back to the slave pits, um, I mean work, on Monday . . .

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Few days recap.
Stupid customers. Evil opening manager. Stress. Soreness. Aches and pains. The usual. I had plans to get some stuff rearranged and only managed to hammer up 5 DVD racks and one CD rack and took care of all my PSX, PS2, DS, and PSP games as well as most of my DVD's and on top I stored my PC version of X8 and decided to put with my American games Rockman X3, Super Adventure Rockman and RMX:CM.

Now to get my two book cases (small) out, my manga and boxed DVD's arranged, my binders of trading cards, GBC/GBA games, the Rockman/Megaman battlechips and the binders of my printed (and get printed out) fanfics to archive them. Once that's done we can move onto the next phase and get the rest of the living room rearranged and get my filing cabinets and formica shelf (that serves as a table/work top that sits on the two filing cabinets) and my new (used) computer stand in and my area will be almost set up. Then all I need is a stand and a TV so I can play my games without bothering anyone else ^^

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