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Believe In Tommorow Mikomi Yume, AKA the Diamond of Hope, fights to protect earth from the evil of Star Sapphire with her guardains Kuro and Ranpu to guide her and her comrades Ai, Inin and Shuukou.

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Chapter 4 - Enter the Sapphire of Love
It has been a week since that day. Since I first met an agent of the enemy. Zirconia. He was very mysterious I will give him that much. However, there is one thing that bothered me. Was he honestly there on a reconnaissance mission or for something more evil? I was thinking about this all the way to school. Naturally, with Kuro by my side step for step. When I arrived at school, because I am new, nobody acknowledged me. Therefore, I went to my locker, changed my shoes and walked to class. On the way, I heard a beautiful singing voice coming from the music room. When I reached the door, I peeked my head in and found a girl sitting at the piano singing and playing at the same time. She was about my age; had black hair with blue highlights; around my height; with a petite figure. I began to listen closely to her song:

‘…I need a sign,
To lead me home,
Back to you,
Then I find you’re gone,
And I don’t know what to do,
For you left me here,
Waiting for your smile,

I begin to clap. She turns around to face me and begins to smile.
“Did you like it?” she asks her grin growing larger by the second. She has an astonishing smile.
“Are you joking? I loved it! You have an amazing voice!” I stop take a deep breath, “My names Mikomi. What’s your name?”
“My names Ai. Nice to meet you Mikomi. I just transferred here so it’s nice to make a new friend.”
“No way I’m new too this is so weird!” I shout. I probably sounded like a complete idiot to her because she just looked at me and burst out laughing.
“You’re funny, I like you.” She replies she seems such a sweet, shy young girl. She was pretty, “What class are you in Mikomi?” she asks.
“Class 1-B,” I answer, “and you?”
“Same, looks like we’re going to become good friends,” She answers with a cute childish smile, “Oh, Mikomi can I give you a nickname. I like giving nicknames to people its fun!”
“Erm…OK…what are you going to call me then?” she gave this a lot of thought. Although, every so often she stopped and looked as though she had an idea, then lost it and carried on thinking until…
“I’ve got it!” She exclaimed, I could tell she was excited about it. It was like a small child at Christmas time. “Miki! C’est jolie!”
Miki? Of all the names she could have given me, did it have to be Miki? It sounded as though I was being mocked. Also, what was with the French at the end, she was so weird. Oh well, if that was going to be my nickname then I had to deal with it.
The bell rang, Ai and I headed to class. On the way there, I noticed boys turning their heads toward us. My face turned bright red. I was not pretty so I turned my head toward Ai. Whoa. She was gorgeous. I could not believe I hadn’t noticed it before. Walking down the hall her highlights looked as though they were shining blue butterflies dancing in her hair. Her eyes glistened like sapphires in the sunlight. No doubt about it she was gorgeous. She looked at me and smiled. Even her smile was gorgeous.
The day went on as usual. We had classes, lunch, and more classes’ then afternoon break. Ai and I sat on the hill that overlooked campus and ate some snacks that Ai had made the night before. They were delicious. Was there anything she was not good at? I looked down upon the school when a refreshing gust of air blew by us. The grass was a beautiful vivid green and the sky was a piercing blue. It was truly a wonderful day to be outside in the sun.
All of a sudden, the sky went black and rain began to pour from the once clear sky. “We should head for cover before we get soaked.” I told Ai and we headed for shelter when a bolt of white lightning struck the ground with an all mighty crash.
An evil laugh came from the smoke caused by the lightning bolt. A large amount of mass came from the smoke as it cleared. Zirconia, my arch nemesis, stood there in front of us with a large, cat-like grin that spread from ear to ear, on his face. I was shocked. I wish Kuro were here to stop time again so I could battle him. Kuro wasn’t here and there was no way I was able to defeat Zirconia without Ai noticing.
“Well, well your highness. It looks as though you have found a friend to help you in your battle against us,” he says to me. I can see Ai out of the corner of my eye. She looks puzzled. I can only imagine the questions that were racing through her head. Zirconia began to speak again, “Although your searching is in vain. You shall not defeat me!” he shoots a white beam at Ai and me. I push Ai out of the way and dodge the beam.
“Ai what ever you do you can’t tell any one about what you see,” Slightly dazed Ai nods her head in agreement and I take my diamond from my pocket, “Hope, Strength, Determination. Diamond of Hope Activation!” Ai was in awe. Her face lit up when she saw me in battle. Like she recognized this scene. Zirconia struck me from behind and I hit the ground with incredible force.
“Miki…?” A single tear fell from her eyes, “Miki!” A flash of blue light came from her chest and a large blue sapphire emerged. “Love, Trust, Respect. Sapphire of Love Activation!” I stood there dumbstruck. Ai…Ai was…like me? Another believer? A comrade? She had a short dress of electric blue, gloves that reached just below her shoulders. As well as these, she also had the wings and tail of a tropical bird. She was even more beautiful than before.
“You dare hurt my friend again you bully and I’ll… I’ll…”
“You’ll do what little girl? Do you honestly think that just because you have powers that you’ll defe-,”
“Shut up!” Ai stopped him in mid-sentence, “As I was saying before you rudely interrupted. You dare harm my friend again and I’ll kill you where you stand.”
“Ai. It’s okay, I’m alright, I can handle this. Really.” I try to stand up. However, all I do is stumble back to my knees again.
“Do you expect me to believe that Miki? I am going to help you. Let me help you. Please.”
“okay.” I reply, I am truly stunned by her spirit. She was, beyond doubt, amazing.
“Alright then, let’s see if this works,” Ai lifts her hand up and closes her eyes, “Sapphire Sword! Take this you evil, longhaired, pretty-boy! Respected Slash!” Ai lunged forward and swung her sword. A bright blue streak was created where the sword had passed through the air. Ai suddenly began to sing:

“I wish for your smile,
I wish for your kiss,
I wish to see you once more,
Even if it’s like this,
I want your embrace,
Your warmth and soul,
I want your heart,
Your love,
No more!”

Ice spikes came forth from the blue streaks. The ice spikes headed directly toward Zirconia. Unfortunately, he just managed to evade them.
“You were lucky this time!” he shouted from the skies, “But I shall be back, you can count on it”
As soon as Zirconia disappeared, I turned to look at Ai. She was in a state of shock. Would she come to hate me now? Would my only friend hate me?
“Ha…ha…hahahaha” Ai was laughing she enjoyed the battle, “That was awesome!”
“So you’re going to help me from now on?” I asked. I was so excited.
“Of course silly. If I don’t who’s going to help you if you get hurt?”
“I am so glad.” I rushed up to ai and gave her my biggest hug. She hugged right back. A new member was found. I had my first new friend. What is more I could relate to her. Her problems; her fears; her happiness. At that point, I was at my height of happiness. Nothing seemed more important that laughing and crying with my new best friend.

Chapter 3 - Do your best! First Fight as a Superhero!
“I believe I do know you Mikomi. Or should I be calling you the Diamond of Hope.” He says to me in a sly tone. This guy was good looking but, I saw him in my dream last night; I bump into him in the street and now I see him at school in an empty classroom. This was becoming too much for me to handle. Was he some sort of stalker?
“You may know me. Although, I don’t know you,” I retort, I walk toward my seat and sit down.
He slaps his hand on the table, “ Listen kid I’ve searched long and hard for you and I’m not going to give up to easily,” he stops, takes a long deep breath then carries on, “would you just listen to me please. I stopped time so you’re in no rush.”
“OK. Fine what do you want with me…erm…what did you say your name was again?”
“Firstly I didn’t. Secondly, my name is Kuro. I am the creature of the night and the Guardian of you.”
“Hang on. Let me get this straight. Your name is Kuro, and you protect me? Cool! I get a super cutie to prote-” I stopped my self, “did I say that out loud?”
“Yes you did. Can you listen to my story now? Please?” he asks in probably the kindest way he can. This unfortunately, is not very kind at all.
“Ok. Sure. Go ahead.”
“About 150 years ago there was a string of battles called the Jewel Wars. These wars had only two sides. The side of the star sapphire; the kingdom of darkness; the root of all evil. The star sapphire wanted to destroy all life in the galaxy leaving him to rebuild how he saw fit. However, there was only one thing stopping them from prevailing. The Team of Believers. The team consisted of four Warriors; each warrior had her own planets jewel to help her save the galaxy. The warriors were named, Shuukou; Inin; Ai and Mikomi.
I believe you know your stone Mikomi. I think you dreamt about it. Yes, that is right, A Diamond. To signify hope, strength and determination. The Sapphire belonged Ai, the twin sister of The Black One, for she showed love, trust and respect for all of those around her. Inin was entrusted with a Ruby, born to be a sign of truth, grace and kindness. Finally Shuukou was given the Emerald, the most powerful if used correctly, to help her guide others, to create new life and also to make sure her companions never fight with each other or it could spell disaster for those they were fighting for.
I was once the guardian of these legendary warriors, as well as my partner Ranpu, the angel of the light, until we were caught off guard and were attacked at our home. To protect the Galaxy the warriors sealed away Star Sapphire. Unfortunately, this used up most of their energy. To keep them out of harms way, I erased their memories and sent them to earth where I knew they would be safe.
Nevertheless, it seems as though the Star Sapphire has broken free from the seal and are on their way to Earth to destroy the planet and you along with it. So now you have heard my story are you going to help or not? It’s your choice.”
I’m shaking all over is this really what happened? Is this going to happen all over again? What will happen if I fail?
“That’s no choice at all.” I reply finally, “Unless I fight, the planet I love so dearly will be destroyed. Right? I cannot just sit there and let that happen, all those that I love so dearly will die. I will fight for them to survive!”
“Very well then. Take this.” Kuro chucks me a beautiful white and blue necklace. The necklace had a simple chain, but the locket was a large diamond with smaller diamonds around the outside creating a border.
“It’s beautiful, thank y-. Huh? Where did he go?” Kuro had completely vanished.
“I’m down here.” Says a small voice. I look down. There is a cat. A small black cat with Kuro’s eyes and black collar with a crescent moon on it.
“Oh my gosh, k-k-Kuro you’re a-a-a…”
“Yes I’m a cat. This way I can stay with you at all times. Seriously it will just look weird if you have a person by your side all of the time. Besides, I can change back any time I want to.”
“OK. What time is it?”
“7:50, I stopped time after we bumped into each other” I took a sigh of relief. “And it will stay frozen until you defeat an enemy in the park. Come on.”
We reached the park and some poor defenceless boy was sitting there crying. “Are you ok?” I ask, trying to boy nice. The boy just looks up at me and starts to cry again. It was obliviously a trap set by the Star Sapphire. However, because it was my first time I had no idea what lay beyond the bushes in front of me. All of a sudden, a beam of sinister light shot from behind the bushes. I only just dodged it.
“What do I do Kuro?” I ask frantically.
“Pray to your necklace; ask it to lead you its power. Then say Hope, Strength, Determination.”
I tried it. It didn’t work. “Kuro it won’t work,”
“Try again praying you’re hardest or it won’t respond.”
“Please my Diamond, the Diamond that brings others Hope. Lend me your strength. Allow me to use your power to defeat this enemy. Hope! Strength! Determination!” I then become bathed in a warm, pure light, just like in my dream. Once again, my ears become cat-like; my clothes become a white cloak and dress with blue embroidery. Also the Diamond of Hope sets into a broach on my cloak like before.
“Whoa, this has now past the freaky factor.” I say admiring my cat ears. They felt quite bizarre, compared to the ears of a cat I have petted before.
“This isn’t the time for admiring yourself,” Kuro barks at me, “Now call forth The Diamond Tear.”
“How do I do that?” I ask. As usual, I am very puzzled by this point. How can I be a super hero?
“OK. I’ll try,” I begin concentrating, “Diamond…” I say to myself, “Diamond Tear!” I shout and before I knew it, a beautiful blue and white staff was in front of me, surrounded in a silver heavenly light. “Use it wisely.” A young voice calls to me. I was stunned that such a precious thing was entrusted onto my hands. The staff was quite short with violet diamonds at the top and another at the bottom. Beautiful blue gems and stones surrounded the top diamond. The bottom set off a faint violet glow.
Words come to me from my heart; I listen and repeat “Teary Reunion!” The staff responds. A blast of air and water spring forth from the staff and clear the bushes to reveal a young man in white.
This man was not too tall. Had long white hair, which had been tied back to reveal his pointed ears. He wore a strange white and black uniform with a black gem on each of the shoulders. He had the look of pure evil in his eyes. “Well if it isn’t the princess we have all searched longingly for. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Zirconia second in command of the Star Sapphire forces what you just saw was only one of my many powers. The power of illusion. Right Kuro?”
“What are you doing here Zirconia?” Kuro asked.
As usual, I butted in with the conversation, “You two know each other?”
“Unfortunately,” Kuro replied, with aggression, “he used to be a member of your royal court. Until, that is, he was tired of all the peace, joined Star Sapphire, and eventually climbed his way up to the Black Ones right hand man.”
“My Royal Court?” I asked. I was so puzzled. I was awakened from my daze by Zirconia’s shrill voice.
“Well I must be leaving. His lordship is expecting the news. See you very soon.” Before I knew it, he disappeared in a flash of white light.
“Where’d he go?” I asked I was stunned by the power he had.
“Trust me,” Kuro replied with an uneasy tone in his voice, “he’ll be back. Without a doubt.”

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Chapter 2 - Hi! Nice to meet you!
Urgh. I hate Monday mornings. Especially the Monday I have to go back to school. I hate school. I think school should be illegal.

Hi. My name is Mikomi Yume. I am 12 years old; I have white hair; blue eyes and a whole lot of attitude. I just moved to Okkinawa, Japan and today I start at Cosmos Middle School. Unfortunately, I am not going to know anybody or have any friends. That is, if I make it on time. You see I am already running late.
“Mikomi! Breakfast is ready!” That would be my mom calling me. She is the prettiest, smartest most wonderful mother in the entire world.
“Coming mother!” I call back to her. I love my mom she is the greatest. I get dressed at the speed of light, do my hair and gather my books. I rush downstairs like a panther using the smell of my mothers cooking to motivate me.

At the bottom of the stairs I take a large deep breath to calm down, I stroll into the kitchen.
“Good morning Mom” I say to her casually eyeing her make her usual delicious breakfast. Not mom cannot cook to save her life. That’s why I rushed downstairs. To make sure the house won’t catch on fire.
“Good morning dear. Sleep well?” she asks, trying to flip the eggs. She failed miserably.
“Erm…yeah…I suppose I did, I had a really strange dream.”
“Really? Tell me about it.” She asks but I am too preoccupied trying to think up a way to get out of the burnt breakfast she makes.
“Erm…I can’t really remember it that much. Mom?”
“Yes honey?”
“The eggs are on fire.” Well they weren’t really this was the only was going to avoid getting food poisoning.
“What!?” she asks surprised. She jumps toward the fire extinguisher and sprays the egg inferno with the foam. “Sorry Hun how does toast sound?”
“How about I make it instead mom?”
“OK. Sure. Sorry about this.”

After tucking into our toast mom asks if I’m nervous about being late for school? I say no and look at the clock. It’s 07:40.
“OH NO!” I shout and I rush out of the front door.

Patter, patter is the sound of my shoes as I run down the street towards school. Past the local shops, around the corner and then CRASH! I bump into something warm, soft, and human shaped. I get up and finally find my feet. “Sorry mister,” I apologized graciously, “are you hurt?”
I look at him in surprise. It was the boy from my dream. Well almost, he wasn’t wearing the same clothes. In fact, he was wearing a black and silver jacket and a pair of black skinny jeans. He looked totally punkish.
“Erm… yeah,” he replies, “Do I know you?” as you can imagine this did make me jump. Last night I was dreaming about him now he’s here, in front of me, asking if he knows me.
“I don’t believe so,” I reply hastily, “Why?”
“Doesn’t matter, later Albino” he walks away.
“The name is Mikomi!” I shout angrily and carry on running towards school.

The time is 8:00 and I stroll into the classroom. However, nobodies here.
“I believe I do know you Mikomi. Or should I say the Diamond of Hope.”

Chapter 1 - The dream.
Tonight’s dream was weird. I was in the middle of a woody forest and it is snowing. The moon is full and you can see are the snow-capped trees in the silvery moonlight.

I am standing in the In front of me there is a lake, on this other side is beautiful boy with dark blue hair and eyes as black and as cold as space itself. His only piece of clothing that I can make out is a black robe with silver embroidery in the shape of stars and moons. I look at him but I cannot see his face properly. Although he seems sad and lonely.
He steps onto the quiet, peaceful lake. I call to him although, it seems as though I am to far away for my voice to reach him. He steps forward onto the waters surface. I am amazed. He raises his hands and the water parts revealing a crevice below the water. For a while, nothing appears to happen he is just muttering in a foreign language.

'What is it?’I think to myself, ’I cannot make out what he is saying. Is he speaking in some ancient language or something?' All of a sudden, warm heavenly light appears from the mysterious crevice. Suddenly a beautiful messenger of Heaven shoots from the deepest depths of the crevice. A beautiful white messenger with silver hair and, blue eyes. The clothes of this heavenly being were a cloak of white and a dress of silver and blue. Like the boy, the messenger was sad and lonely. They almost appeared as though they were afraid of something yet to come, or something that is happening while I watched.

The angel speaks out in a heavenly voice, "Beware the Sapphire of Stars. Stay far from the Darkness, The Diamond of Hope must be found", she looks my way and smiles, 'You cannot fail Princess' and disappears into the crevice once again.
The boy begins to mutter to himself I cannot make out what he is saying. Then he looks straight at me. I jump. He calls out to me and looks at me with stern and yet hopeful eyes, "Ruby, Emerald, Sapphire, Diamond, awaken the princes and princesses who are to fight for a new world" He chants he repeats this four times before a white light bursts from my chest and a blue crystal materializes before my eyes!

"Diamond of Hope awaken, fight for a better world." My clothes change into a white robe and a blue dress, my ears turn to cat like, the diamond sets into a broach case on my robe and shines with a blue light.
"Believe in your Hopes and Dreams Mikomi" It calls to me, "never give up!"
BRING! BRING! BRING! Oh god. There goes the stupid alarm clock.

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