new employee/boss' wife
Scott had the job for 6 months now. It was a good job but it was a little boring. It was the standard office job. He wore a suit every day and He looked good in it. He had finished his latest report and he was headed towards his boss' door to let him see it. He winked at the secretary before he asked if he could go in. She told him 'No the boss' daughter was in there' So he took a seat outside the office and waited for their meeting to be over.

farmhand/daughter of boss

Scott is working under a tractor in the barn. he is good looking and very muscular. he is about 6'3'' with deep green eyes and thick blonde ear length hair. he has heard the stories about how beautiful the bosses daughter is. but the end of every story that he has ever heard ends with the father being really strict. Scott was new on the farm and hadn't seen the daughter yet but he was bound to run into her sooner or later. he just hoped that he could control his emotions when he saw her.

waitress/rowdy costumers

Scott and a few of his friends came into the restaurant laughing and having a good time. they were seated by a male host. it was clear to anyone watching that he was the leader of the group. he was good looking and very muscular. he stood about 6'3'' and had thick ear length blonde hair. he was known for being a little rude at time especially when there was a good looking girl present.

Scott drove down the desterted highway that night, letting out a yawn as he stretched a little making his car jolt forwards at an illegaly fast pace straight across from a police car by sheer unlucky accident. He let out a loud groan then as he saw that they where turning on there lights and signaling for him to pull over, with a sigh he began to pull over biting down upon his lip nervously as he unwheeled the window, he was wearing a tight black t-shirt which clung to his toned and muscled torso and a pair of baggy blue jeans, his long brown hair falling infront of his eyes.


Scott stood in the crowd of the stadium as he waited for the match to start, a smile upon his handsome face as he saw the banner for the two curvy women who where about to fight, flicking his ciggerette to the side as he took a drink from his beer and started shouting along with the rest of the crowd, he was a tall skinny guy who would easily be over powered, even by a woman, wearing a pair of blue baggy jeans a black t-shirt he began to shout for the girls to come out with the rest of the crowd, not knowing that today he would be called upto the stage to be publicly humiliated by two of the most beautiful women he had ever seen.


The man would leave his building then, turning around to see the screaming and mayhem, with a confused look on his face, wondering what this was all about as he saw men women and children fleeing in cars and on foot, he turned behind him as the ground shook, seeing the foot of a giantess his onto the ground, staring up at the woman his mouth wide with disbeleif before he turned to run, but something stopped him, her fingertips had him in her grip.


The tax collector yawned sleepily then as he got off of his horse, looking around the village then he shook his head, seeing all the poor peasants getting on with there work trying to look busy, tax collectors where either hated or feared in this part of the world and especcialy by these peasant types, he thought to himself. Pushing his long black hair out of his eyes then he'd move over to the first shack, knocking upon the door he'd smile to himself, wondering if he would be met with hostility or obediance.


Scott was walking through town by himself then, he'd heard storys that this was a rough neighbourhood but he wasn't afraid, he was quite confident that nothing bad would happen to him.
He was a youngish man with long black hair which fell down to his shoulders, framing his handsome face which at the moment was covered in a thin layer of manly stubble and he had a nice hot toned body with his muscles perfectly proportioned to his size and height of 6'4. A smile was upon his face then as his green eyes would move over the dark alley he had just walked into, he wouldn't have been so cheery if he knew what was about to happen to him.
He pulled up his tight black trousers a little then and smoothed out his white shirt as he continued to walk through the alley.


Scott walked upto the front door of the house then, a slight sigh escaping his soft supple lips as he remembered that her mum had sent one of her friends over to keep an eye on him, in his mind at the moment that completely sucked, being looked over by some old woman like a kid, it was just embarassing and how could he have a party like that. Knocking upon the door of the house then, he leant back with his hands in the pockets of his baggy blue jeans which he was wearing and an old misfits t-shirt loosely clinging to his toned frame.


As Scott, David's friend turned into bed,Scott walked downstairs then he didn't really like sleeping in the same room as his friend as he was notorious for snoring rather loudly. Walking into the living room then, he smiled it was so dark in here it would be perfect for him to get to sleep, in the summer night it was still a bit warm though so he began to slowly strip down to his boxors, his pale skin only just visible as he stood there, but when he laid down his toned desirable and young body was virtualy invisible as he brushed his long brown hair out of his face and began to try to sleep.