ok so this semester i have english for my 4th period class at the begining of the semester my teacher was Mr. Milner but then we had a student teacher, Mrs. Dahami, so he didnt teach us much then he ended up breakin his foot so we got a supply teacher Mrs. Maitland but she eventually left too and so did Mrs.Dahami and Mr. Milner still isnt back cuz his foots still broken so now we have Mr.Humpfreys for a teacher. its so confusing having so many different teachers!!

but today we were supposed to watch the simpsons in class cuz the episode was based on "the raven" by edgar allen poe and we just read it the other day((were doin poetry)) but the teacher said he couldnt find it so he brought in some other movie with like 80s graphics it was pretty sad but we were laughin cuz it looked so bad. but it was so boring! we watched it the whole period but never got to finish it ((not that i was paying attention enough to know what was goin on)) and i dont know if we are even going to finish it i hope not! i might die if i have to watch anymore of it! Stupedist movie ever! ((lol i dont even remember what it was called!!))