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the war of futres past
jsut i very kinda frist draft of a story
It appears Seth sensei is much more then a puppet of the evil alchemists, he appears to have feelings, as he displayed earlier on during the day. It was when this happened, just after I had gotten into a fight with Harold, a dim witted second year (that’s what we call people that got here before us). Shadow didn’t look to well after training, he kept clenching his fists and tightening his jaw, I hope he isn’t angry with me…Even if he was he would of said something to me, that was our major rule, ‘We are never to keep secrets from each other,’ That is what we all pledged, exactly a day after our ninja sensei came to the school.

Robbie looked up at Shadow who was sitting on the ledge of the window, he faced the moon, and the light illuminated his face and made his high cheek bones stand out. He was quiet handsome that night, Robbie observed with a hint of eagerness, she liked him a lot, to bad she had to share the dormitory with three other girls and two other boys, one’s name was Krae. Krae was three years younger then herself and the others in the room, he had red hair and gray eyes, his face was splashed with freckles and he was two hands shorter then Robbie. He sat by himself on his bed, facing the wall, she looked at him and straightened her black collar.

She set her diary and quill down, walking over towards Krae she swept past Shadow and said, ‘ I want to talk to you later,’ that was also code for, ‘Meet me at the top of the school.’ Shadow didn’t stop looking at the moon but nodded in notion, he was to quiet for his own good. But she walked on; right now all she cared about was making this kid feel welcomed. Previously, they had all chosen which dorms they had wanted to sleep in, she had gotten her two best friends. But it looked as if this boy hadn’t chosen at all, he looked so alone, but he was the youngest in the dorm so it wasn’t unusual. For an eleven year old he was very quiet, great, Robbie thought, another Shadow in the making. As she got closer she noticed that he had the same pointed ears as her friends and herself, maybe he was another shape shifter like Shadow, Flameheart and herself. ‘Well you only find out if you ask questions,’ that was Shadows motto, but he never seemed to put that motto into practice. Maybe Robbie would test his theory; she always seemed to accidentally stumble onto things like that.

‘Hi, I’m Robbie,’ she said stopping in front of the petrified looking kid, ‘What’s your name?’ She already knew it though, he looked up at her, his grey eyes shining in admiration, ‘Oh, hello,’ he chanced a smile, ‘I’m Krae and this is my sister Stacey.’ Robbie looked around and saw no one else, no one that looked like him anyway. Then, as if on queue, a rising ghostly figure built up until it was looking straight at her, its watery eyes soft and sad. She looked like Krae, but only the fact that she was a girl was Robbie able to tell them apart, that and the fact that the girl was merely made of ghostly water, ‘Hello, I’m Stacey, I’m Krae’s twin sister,’ her liquid form smiled, making her look much happier and younger then 12, ‘But you can call me Streak!’ Robbie stared, mouth agape, what was this? Robbie blinked and the water spirit, if that’s what it was, vanished.

Krae looked miserable once more, he looked up at Robbie, ‘She couldn’t stay for long,’ his gaze dropped to his feet, ‘It’s too dry for her to communicate properly, that’s why she had to leave so quickly.’ The only sign of her ever being there was a single, crystallized tear drop, Krae picked the delicate tear drop up and did something amazing. He crouched to the floor until his palm was flat upon it, he spoke a single word, ‘Tsof!’, and a solid shoot of a tree ascended out of the hard timber floor board, only Robbie could see what was going on at the angle he was working. From thin to thick then thin again, until it fell to the floor, about as long as a 20cm ruler, he picked it up and pushed it to the tear drop. The tear drop almost melted, he forced the twig through it and it froze back almost immediately, as if nothing had happened. Robbie was entranced by what he had done and didn’t notice him walk behind her and wrap it around her neck, ‘A gift from my sister,’ Robbie started to smile broadly, ‘she thinks you are worth looking after these gifts.’

Shadow and Flameheart had watched at a distance, now they moved closer, more interested in what the little boy was doing. After the gift from Streak and himself, he and Robbie started talking, the necklace now had buds growing from the string like twig, tomorrow they would bloom and keep growing until they wilted and then started all over again. He was now explaining the function of the ever-growing necklace, ‘The teardrop,’ he noted towards Robbie, ‘keeps the necklace in bloom, feeds it a healthy amount of water every day and looks great.’ Robbie laughed, she had never learnt anything about element magic before, there were so many elements, that it was unbelievably difficult to control or name them all. Krae set a test for her; if she could grow a twig- she was listening in on how to do it- he would teach her more, ‘If you can grow anything larger, that’d be awesome!’ He smiled broadly and motioned with his fingers, Robbie’s necklace untied itself and fell into Krae’s hand, ‘Just incase,’ his smile broadened more, ‘You shouldn’t have to force the effects of the drugs away, this is natures magic, nothing can control or suppress it, only very powerful magic users can gain full control!’

Flameheart and Shadow were now only a bed away, watching and listening intently. Robbie crouched to the floor and lay her hand upon it, the oak flooring was cool on her palm, she wondered if this was what a real tree felt like. Just then a powerful surge of energy ran through her palm and into her minds eye, filling her body with a shocking power, this increased her shock and she mentally forced the invading power out of her body and palm automatically. A roaring sounded underneath her and the room started shaking violently, nether less Robbie held her ground until all the invading energy left her body. The ground beneath her bulged unexpectedly, Robbie fell back to the floor and a branch uprooted itself from underground and ensnared her, lifting her off the ground, she let out a cry of surprise.

The branch turned into a limb and the limb turned into a massive oak tree, everyone had been looking at her ever since the rumbling, the mass of tree now tangled up and around the door of the dormitory. The branch slowly released her, she now sat in the main branch, hugging the tree’s limb fiercely, and eyes screwed shut, arms tangled around it. She slowly opened her eyes and looked around cautiously, making sure no one was hurt or that her herself was, she saw faces, some shocked others were astounded. She smiled weakly and hopped down from the tree, it bent with her as if it was alive, ‘Stay,’ she said quietly, it creaked back into its original position, ‘Thanks.’ Krae was openly gaping at her and clamped his mouth shut as soon as she looked at him, ‘Well,’ he said, his voice cracking a bit, ‘I guess we’ll start on the little stuff, okay?’ Robbie nodded solemnly.

This sucks,’ Flameheart complained, he hated having to get up in the morning, ‘I hate waking up this early.’ I looked at him and stared, he held my gaze and I laughed silently.
‘You’ve been saying that since you could talk,’ Bowline growled as he poked each of us with a stick, ‘Now get up and shut up.’
Bowline was a fat man, red cheeks and hammy hands, his fingers swelled and he had puny little piggy eyes. His head was bald and his tongue was a sharp as an arrow, I wondered how he had come into the kings service, it seemed he had no magical talent to be a mage, but his eyes shined like ice and he looked straight at me, I swore he could see through anyone and into their thoughts.
‘What are you looking at swine,’ he spat at me as I hopped up, I was much taller than him, ‘You want a whip on your backside or what?’ I glared at him; I would have blown him up by now if I wasn’t so tired.
‘No sir,’ I scuffed my feet on the ground, ‘Sorry sir.’ He looked down at me, more like up at me, with a glare of pure hatred.
‘That’s what I thought,’ he looked around at all of us and his gaze stopped on Shadows, ‘Hey you, hurry up we don’t have all day.’ I heard Shadow mumble something, but I wasn’t quite sure what it was.

It’s been a very long day, I’m exhausted and now, already, its time for hand to hand combat training. I’ll give you the low-down on me and my friends, we have been here since we could last remember, Shadow, Flameheart and I. The mages told us why we were here; we were here to destroy the world, but only three of us? There are much more then three people here, here is in the middle of a desert. I have reason to believe that there is much more to the earth than this desert, but just right now it doesn’t seem like it. We have a whole schools worth of kids here, but we are outcasts, my friends and I, they have no reason to like us. We all have special abilities, every single one of us (even the kids that hate us). The mages rule the whole joint; they give us a drug so our magic gets depressed so we can’t use it. The drug tastes like lavender and honey, familiar and almost alien, it smells like porridge. When they want us to use our powers they get a syringe and it sucks up a red fluid from a vile, when they shove it into my arm it tingles and I feel happier. That’s surprising, mainly because it’s hard to feel happy around this dank airless place.

I have to get going now and complete my hand-to-hand combat method, my ninja sensei is the only one who isn’t a mage and evil altogether, and he was captured by the mages during the battle of the damned. Now I really must go, until tonight I will leave these pages blank.

Robin Mandoralan…

Robin swept her short black and purple streaked hair out of her blue eyes and put her diary and quill down in her bag, running to meet up with her friends Shane and Mark. Shane, also known as Shadow, had short black hair and grey eyes, he was a hand taller then Robin and was the same age as her, also the same height as Mark, also known as Flameheart. Mark had short spiked blonde and red streaked hair and bright blue eyes that just shouted prankster, he was the same age and height as Shane, also the same age as Robin.

‘I really don’t like this class,’ Mark mumbled, looking like the head of the schools’ principal, ‘Shadow or you always wins, it’s not fair.’
Robin laughed at the look he gave the kids behind them, a cross between a glare and a punch in the stomach. Robin looked at his side bag and sighed, Shane too had noticed, he had brought some cherry bombs he had made in the dormitory. He fingered the packet with a look of admiration, he pulled one out silently and threw it at the tall boy in front of him, Harold, a bully as tall as Shadow and just as bulky. The bomb hit him in the back of the head and made a remarkable pop under Harold’s ear, red faced and nostrils flared, Harold turned and looked around steaming.
His gaze lowered onto Robins and he started yelling, ‘So, it appears the freaks have come out to play,’ his glare hardened into steel.

Robin looked around and said, unaffected by his words, ‘Which one are you gonna hit first,’ Harold took a step forward, Robin held her ground and continued, ‘I think they have more brains then you will ever get, maybe they might give you a chance and not move around so you can slowly hit them.’ She made a slow punching movement towards Flameheart and he slowly reacted by making a screaming sort of mime, at that moment he grabbed her by her collar roughly and she started laughing, ‘Took you long enough.’ His face went purple and the hair on his neck rose, this made her laugh harder, she was now in mid air. A heavy fist plunged into her stomach and she heard everyone gasp, blood trickled down from her mouth and onto the ground as she hung like a rag doll, Shadow started forward and kicked Harold in the shin, hard. He dropped Robbie and fell to the ground rubbing his leg; she landed on the ground, rolled then got back up.
‘Thanks,’ she wheezed, wiping her mouth, ‘That was a close one.’ Shadow gave a ghost of a smile and mumbled, ‘No problem,’ he looked down, ‘I owe you one anyway.’
Robbie blushed and looked up at the sky, she has liked Shadow ever since she had turned 12, just a month after him, the 30th of November, his was the 30th of October.
It seemed that everyone here was born on the 30th of a month, just all different ages. A shout sounded from far away and she looked toward it, it was her favorite teacher, the ninja, the one which was kidnapped by the mages during the battle of the Damned. His name was Seth Kayoing, he was tall and had longish black hair, he was only two years older then Robin, and he was 16 and very young for a teacher or sensei. He had nice brown eyes and was well trained in many different languages, combat and survival skills, he could control wind and had many secrets that he hadn’t told the mages. Even when they probed his mind, they could not get to his deepest secrets, they couldn’t get into anything in his mind at all. A technique he had learnt from the temple in which he was trained, every day he would go out and report to Elder Kaikoura, and then the war started.
He had told all this to Robbie and her gang, he had started to like her since he first arrived; she was kind and thoughtful, very beautiful. Her laugh was like the angels bell at first light, her eyes as clear and sparkling as a pool of water. Seth shook his head, stupid thoughts crowd the mind and body, that was what his father had told him, a picture of Robbie stretching came to mind. I really need some time off; I’ll go crazy over this girl. He thought as he walked over to the group, the front of Robbie’s shirt was covered in blood, ‘What happened to you?’ Seth asked anxiously, she looked up at him and saw the concern in his eyes, it was real enough.

Seth swept her up into a tight embrace and stood back, looking mortified. Robbie was definitely surprised by this; it isn’t every day that you get a hug from a handsome teacher, evil or not. Shadow looked away, his jaw set tight and his eyes filled with mental, not physical, pain. He hadn’t told Robbie that he liked her, even though he wanted so badly to do it! It wasn’t fair, it’s always the older guys getting the girls, and he glared at Seth with clenched fists. He had enough chances, when they were alone together, in there own little secret spot, only Robbie, Flameheart and he knew about it. Flameheart was sickly, always, and never was able to get out at night to go to it, it was the drugs that the stupid mages had put into him, seeing if he would react. Even this group of kids, raised all their lives by the mages, had their secrets, had their hands on power only the mages could dream of obtaining.

Stupid mages, they had no idea that if they tried to take their power, their unstable mental structure would be crushed, like a bug under a booted heel. Seth knew about them, he had always known about them, he could sense their power growing, every passing birthday they had, every passing day that they trained, any ninja within a 100km range would be able to sense it. The mages couldn’t, they were to busy haggling over which one to eat first. They had no idea that they were training the kids that would someday bring them to their knees in defeat.

Even the kids didn’t know that one day they would save the world from its own stupidity…

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