
Hey what's up? Well really I'm just a crazy girl living in a crazy world.I'm fun to be around and I don't like to fight..or argue.So if you like to do either one of those me and you MIGHT not get along to well.But I say the only way you can't like somebody is if you don't want to.Yea I say corny stuff like that.Deal with it.Well I like to have fun and all sorts of things like that.Ummmm What else.......O go and read my journal and post please.

Saturday June 23rd 2007. 2:58 pm EST
heart its impossible 2 tell u all da reasons y i love u. i mean its no word,phrase, number or anything to really tell u how much i love u but i jus tell u dis........... if there were a number, it would be infinity.
If there were a distance, it would be endless.
If there were name, it would be true love.
If there were words, they would be burning passion.
And if there were a phrase, it would be I love you in everything that I am.
there ya go now u no y i love u
heart ~Anonymnous to you...I know who it was. cry And I miss him... heart
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heart Saturday September 1st 2007 9:12 am EST
It's immpossible to tell you why he doesn't love me anymore.
I mean there's no word, phase, number or anythingto really tell you how much he doesn't love me but I'll tell you this......if it were a number it would be zero.
If there were a distance it would take me over a endless cliff
If there were a name it would be only aquantences
If there were words it they would be burning eyes from crying
And if there were a phrase it would be He used to love me with all his heart.
Until something happened and infinty came back to zero
and that endless distance took me over an endless cliff
and that true love turned fake then non-existant
and that burning passion turned to dwindling friendship
and everything he was changed into somethign else.
But I still don't know why he doesn't love me.
heart cry ~Destiny AKA 012DevilsGurl345 cry heart

I will always love this boy. No matter how hard I try to let him go I will always love him. Because there's nothin like your first love... And I will always have him in my heart and I will never forget him. I hope he never forgets me and I hope to hear from him soon....
May 25th 2006
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I met him here and I will let the words we exchanged forever be here... Even if I am not. So with this I say... Monterique Midnight Johnson will be in my heart forever.. And everything on this page I wrote was about and for him... I can't wait to hear from you...


Viewing 12 of 48 friends


012DevilsGurl345's Journal

Exploring my life one day at a time.

I just write what I feel, what happens and what I wished might happen.



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 10/17/2008 1:51 pm


awesome xD

Report | 10/17/2008 1:47 pm


oh? xD why's that?

Report | 10/17/2008 1:41 pm


awe cheer up =[

Report | 10/17/2008 1:33 pm


hi! i like your profile xD *i saw you post in some thread decided to comment, i think it was one of those pyp threads* xD *that was a cute photo btw* :3

Report | 02/10/2008 12:40 pm


hey destiny how r u, do u like the idea of sending candy ta pplz at skool

Report | 01/29/2008 9:18 am


Don't be mean Chocolate-Ice...LOL

Report | 01/28/2008 7:40 pm


She will not stop saying bye

Report | 12/16/2007 7:35 am


hey destiny bye

Report | 12/14/2007 1:02 pm


hey like ur page bye

Report | 08/22/2007 10:12 am


ur poem is wonderful, ur totally gifted, check out meh journal


sad heart Tell me 1 last time, why you love me, B4 you stop... heart sad User Image
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