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Registered: 07/21/2006

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J.R:Welcome ladies and gentlemen to monday night tsunami,and tonight is going to be huge!
King:You bet!A costume contest,all titles except for the world on the line,everyone in costume,all for the first tsunami in 4 months!
J.R:It's been a long time king,so why not get our first match,a no D-Q match for the U.S title!

"I'll be there...there...there...and you'll see red..."

Lillian:From the graveyard,weighing in at an unknown weight,and 6 feet 10 inches,THE REAPER.

The reaper Had a sythe in hand,as he walked to the ring.Thick smoke rose from seemingly everywhere,as the cloaked figure walked slowly down the ramp.The reaper reached the ring and set his sythe down,and climd over the ropes,and waited for his opponet.

Gasolina played as joohi made her way to the ramp.She looked over her fans as they cheered like mad as she sneered.She made her why down the ramp.

Roberts:And his opponet,JOOHI.

Joohi looked almost evil as she walked to the ring.She knew the reaper was tough,and was going to be a tough match,so she fished around for a weapon upon reaching the ring.The reaper saw this and lept over the ropes and hit Joohi with a crossbody.
Joohi was knocked away as the airborne reaper.The reaper grabbed a chair joohi had grabbed before he crossbodied her.He raised the chair...WHACK!Joohi rolled around the padding in pain as the reaper readied for a shot.The reaper lifted the chair and went for another swing,but joohi narrowly dodged it,causing a big WHACK! on the padding.Joohi saw an opertunity and kipped up and delivered a quick buzzsaw kick to the reaper.The Reaper was layed out but was a fast recovere,so he began to stir.Joohi grabbed the dropped chair and hit the reaper with it twice across the back.The reaper screamed from behind his hood,and rolled in the ring with Joohi not far behind.Joohi got on the apron,but the reaper ran at joohi and baseball slid her,causing her to hit the barricade.The reaper leaned up against the ropes,recovering and holding his back.Joohi however had other plans.She sat up and got the chair and got on the apron.She climbed the turn buckle...The reaper turned to face her..And With steel chair in her hands,the reaper was knocked senceless by the flying woman and the chair.Joohi covered him!1...2...th-The reaper kicked out!Joohi could not belive it,so she got up and hoisted the ref on her sholders!The croud roared as she F-U'd the ref over the ropes and landed on the outside.The reaper,Who was still down from the top rope chair shot,Started to edge towards the chair.Joohi turned and saw this and hit him with a leg drop.She took the chair,as a second ref came out.She placed the chair on the reapers stomach as the ref climbed in.Joohi slinked to the edge of the ring and slipped out,Looking for a weapon.Out came a table and a ladder.She threw the ladder over the ropes,and the table soon followed.The reaper took the chair off him,but saw joohi getting in,so he threw the chair sabu style at Her.She caught the chair and leg dropped the reaper with the chair positioned between her and the master of the dead..The reaper rolled around,screaming in pain.Joohi ignored it,and set up the ladder and the table.The reaper had risen by now so joohi suplexed striker onto the table.the reapers body bounced off the table.Joohi grabbed the chair and placed it around the reapers cloaked neck.She started to climb the ladder and upon reaching the top,looked down at the reaper and all the fans.Then she moonsaulted.BOOM!The reaper had moved,and joohi was semi-conscience."Holy s**t!,Holy s**t!"Chanted the fans as the reaper rose.He reached over the ropes and grabbed his sythe.He cracked it over joohi's back.Joohi screamed.The reaper lifted her,but she countered and slipped behind him.The reaper turned,all the while with the chair still around his neck,and was planted ith a buzzsaw kick right where the chair was causing him to bleed.


Joohi Covered the bleeding reaper.1...2 and 7/8ths!Joohi, once again frustrated,went to the ref,who ran away.

The reaper, holding his neck while bleeding,rose and wrapped his hand around her neck.He lifted her,and hit the TO HELL!The ref ran in and made the count!1...2... Joohi kicked out!The reaper sucker punched the ref,and motioned someone to come.


Andrea,who was not sceduled untill later,made her way to the ring.

Joohi however had recovered,and hit a buzzsaw kick on Andrea,who was on the apron,causing her to fall off the apron.The reaper ran at joohi looking for a closeline but joohi ducked and dropkicked the reaper into a corner.joohi saw her chance, and went for a trantula like move.The reaper screamed in agony as joohi slowly was wearing him down.The reapers hand lifted as he was ready to tap...

Andrea had taken the steel steps and threw them at joohi's unprotected head,who was now knocked out.Still on the reapers sholders,he placed her down and once more hit the TO HELL. 1...2...3!



The reaper was handed the title,as he celebrated.Andrea however,saw other plans and climbed in and attempted to snatch the title from the reaper.The reaper ripped it away from her and ran and hit her in the head with it leaving her bloodied.The reaper walked to the back as the TV cut to a promo.

Brian,a interviwer to be,walked up to andy,getting her costume ready for the costume contest.
Brian;Hey mandy,
Mandy:Oh hey...uh...
Brian:Brian,interviwer in training.
Mandy:Oh ok then.*Goes back to looking for something*
Brian:What are you looking for?
Mandy:My costume,could I please look for it alone?
Brian:Uhh shure...sorry to bother you.

*T.V goes back to J.R and king at their announcing spots.*
King:Oh no!Our costume contest might be ruined!
J.R:Calm down,there are 5 other costumes there,if mandy can't find her's we'll send someone else down.
King:Well ok,How about a commercial break?


*T.V shows king and J.R again*
King:Welcome back here on RAW,moments ago we saw the crowning of a new U.S champion,thanks to J.R:I still find that unfair,and the heartless b*****d even hit the person who helped him win the title with the title!
King:Wait..Im getting word that next week on tsunami were having a 4 way #1 contendership for the U.S title match!
J.R:Thats going to be a sloberknocker!
King:Oh shut up.How old is that?

*The miz's music played*
Lillan:The following contest is sceduled for one fall introducing first,COLEY!

Coley made her way out from behind the curtain,Yelling and firing up the the fans.She high fived everyone who reached to her.SHe reached the apron and started hopping and down,and she climbed in the ring.

"You think you can judge me?"Played as the fans booed/cheered.

Kacie came out frokm behind the curtan.She walked to the ramp as the lights went out.Suddenly fire erupted from the ramp,diml lighting it.Kacie reached the ring as the fire went out and the lights returned.Kacie climed up the steps and looked over at coley,before climbing in.


Coley lept at kacie,ho was knocked down.Coley started throwing punches,but this angered kacie.Kacie rolled coley over on her back and started throwing punches at her.The ref broke it up as kicie was pulled away.Kacie broke free,and ran to the ropes,bounced off and hit a splash on coley.Coley gasped for air as kacie hit her mark.Kacie lifted up coley by the hair and hit her with a god punch.Coley kicked kacie in the stomach,and dobled over.Coley saw an oppertunity and suplexed kacie.Kacie arched her back in pain but got quickly up,only to be met with a boot by coley.Kacie was knocked over again as coley locked in an armbar.Kacie screamed as coley pulled and pulled.Kacie hit coley a few times in the leg to try and get her off,and was sucsessful at doing so.Coley ran and attempted to spear kacie down again,but kacie sidestepped,sending coley crashing into the steel post.Kacie stalked coley,waiting...then ran at the ropes as coley turned.Kacie biig booted coley,who ws hit by such force,was sent over the ropes and crashing and burning on the mat s below.Coley rose and got on the apron.Kacie reared back for a slap but coley blocked the attempt.Coley reared back and punched kacie square in the jaw,knocking her over.Coley rested on the outside.After a few moment,kacie bent forward and used the ropes to help her up,just like coley wanted.Coley climbed the turnbuckle and stood where kacie was.She fliped off and grabbed kacie,slamming both of them to the mat.

J.R:What the hell was that?
King:I dunno,but it was really nice and effective!

Coley was first to rise,so she got in the corner and started tuning up the band.
By now kacie was up,facing the oppicite way.
The stops became faster as kacie turned...Coley ran and went for the sweet chin music,but kacie caught her foot and hit a spinning wheel kick,knocking coley down.The fans half cheered and half booed.Kacie got up and climbed the ropes,as coley gazed up at the lights.Kacie reached the top and jumped off in the form of her sigiture top rope leg drop.It hit directly,causing the mat to bounce.Kacie made the cover.
Lillan:Here is your winner,KACIE!

Kacie got up and raised her hand,knowing the victory was a sweet one.She put her foot on the fallen coley and looked down at her.She took it off and climbed over the ropes and headed to the back.

*T.V shows Brian,interviwer in training,standing next to the tsunami GM,simp.*
Brian:Well simp,lets get right to the point,how does it feel to be back working over tsunami?
Simp:I have ways to reply to that.
Brian:Go ahead,tell us.
*Brian hurries out the door,as the T.V cuts to a commercial*

*Party at smiths house!620 plymouth ave!*

*T.V shows J.R and king,with the king sporting horrid plastic vampire teeth.*
King:*muffled*J.R,our holloween costume contest is next!
King:*still muffled*I said our holloween costume contest is next!
J.R;Dammit king!Stop fooling around!
*King takes the teeth out.*I said the holloween costume contest is next.
Lillian:The following contest is a costume contest,where the winner will recive a special suprise!

*Jbls long horn music plays as josa comes out dressed at JBL.He gets into the ring,but his hat falls off.*
King:Theres the winner right there!
J.R:It IS really good...
*Hydes music plays as hyde comes out dressed as john cena.She has the spinner belt with the work HYDEW on it.She gets in.*
J.R:Wow!Its just like old times!
*Danis music plays as she comes out as a zombie.She lumberes to the ring ans slowly climbs the steps.She is painted green.She gets in the ring.
King:Wow,if only the body parts came off.
*Kennys music plays as kenny comes out dressed in a suit of armor.He has a sword that he carries.He climbs up the steps and gets in and places his sword down.*
J.R:Wow!Thats incredible!
*Mandys music plays as she comes out dressed as a headless horsemen,on a real horse.She rides it to the ring and gets off,seeing through the one way see through shirt,and climbing in the ring.
King:Thats awesome!
J.R:I think we have a winner!
King:Theirs still one entry,who will it be?
*Dworriors music plays,as he,dressed as frankenstein,lumbers to the ring.He gets in,with his really tall shoes and the fake nails in his head.
*I am a king*Plays as simp comes to the ring.He steps in and sits in a corner.He lifts the mike to his mouth.
Simp:Ok,lets get this show on the road here,who thinks DWORRIOR should win?*Fans cheer slightly*Hoiw about Josa?*Larger cheer*What about Hyde?*Large cheer*Dani?*Lower cheer*Kenny?*Very loud cheer*Mandy?*Loud cheer*
Simp:So its settle,the winner is,KENNY!
*Kenny takes off his armor*Now,wheres my suprise?
Simp:Your suprise is...
*Vat of spyders fall from above*
Simp:WHAT THE HELL?*Runs from ring as kenny is drowned with spiders*WHO DID THIS?WHO DID THIS?
*A large bolt of lightning strikes the titentron,shattering it,causing glass to fly everywhere on the ramp.Simp looks on in fury and stops to the back.T.V goes to commercial.*

*Tis the season to be jolly...*

*T.V shows simp in his office o n his cell*
Simp biggrin id you see that?I don't knoiw what the hell is going on around here,but im getting to the bottom of this right now,ill have to call you back.*Hangs up as T.V goes back to king and J.R*
King biggrin O you have any idea what the hell just happened?
J.R:No king,I dont.
*T.V shows workmen cleaning up the titontrons glass.(
King:That was just weird.
J.R:Nothing like it before,and I don't think it will ever happen again.

*JBL's music plays*

Lillian:The following contest is sceduled for one fall,and It is for the Tag titles!Introducing first,JOSA!

Josa, looked out at his loving crowd,still dressed up in his JBL costume.He walked to the ring as more fireworks went off.
J.R:I feel bad for josa,he dosent know who his opponets or partner is!

Josa stepped in the ring.

"Oooo yeah!"

J.R:You got ta be kiddin' me!

The crowd was shocked to see big d**k jhnson,run out from behind the curtain and thrust the air.He ran to the ring and thrusted again and climbed in.Josas jaw was swinging in the wind,then he shook his head in disbelief.Big d**k pushed josa over to the corner and told him to climb over.

"Hokus,pokus,chokus ride,come take a spin onna carnie ride."


Mutch to the kings shock,Violent J,shaggy and twizted,the ICP made their way to the ring.They slapped hands and gave thumbs up to the crowd.They got in the ring,them being Violent J and shaggy,as twizted waited ringside.


Violent J stepped over the ropes pairing off Big d**k and shaggy.Shaggy slapped in a head lock.

"I am a king!"
I am a king played As simp walked to the ring with a microphone in his hand.
Simp:First off,I would like to say that joohi needs to acccompany her team,and also this match is now a falls count anywhere,no DQ,No countout,no limits match!



The bell re rung as big d**k went low and kicked shaggy in his juggiling balls.Shaggy fell to his knees as d**k thrusted again,this time at shaggys face.Joohi ran down to the ring to help support her team.d**k grabbed shaggy by the head and dragged him over to josa who tagged in.d**k held shaggy in place as josa climbed the turnbuckles and went for a top rope fist drop,which hit and sent shaggy down.Josa hit a fast leg drop and covered.1... Only a one.Josa picked shaggy up and attemped to whip him into the ICP corner,but shaggy reversed,sending josa back first into the steel post.Josa fell as shaggy tagged in Violent J.J stepped over the ropes and started putting the boots to Josa,who could only cover up.Violent J lifted josa by the hair and whippped him over his sholder and put in a headlock.The crowd clapped on josa as he struggled to fight it.Josa coulden't and started to fade,when d**k jumped in the air and tackled violent J,relecing the hold on Josa's neck.The crowd roared in approval.Joohi jooked around under the ring and found a chair.Big d**k dragged josa over to his end and tagged himself in.he ran at J and knocked him over witha hard running punch.He ran over and thrusted at shaggy,who jumped back and off the apron,and crumpled to the floor.J snuck up from behind and hit an educution,knocking out d**k.Twizted walked over to joohi,and threatened her.Joohi,who took no crap swung the chair.Twizted caught it,and pulled it away.Joohi,eyes wide in terror, backed up,right into the steel steps.With no where to go,twizted raised the chair over his head and swung,just as big d**k dove and knocked joohi out of the way causing the chair to make a thunderous BOOM! Off the steps.d**k rose,and placed joohi behind him,keeping her safe.She took some steps back to ensure saftey.Next thing you hear is a CRACK!d**k falls over,out cold,bleeding from a cut the chair had opened.Joohi ran to the back,with twizted in hot pursuit.Meanwhile,josa had regroped and took a few chops from J,but josa knocked him away.Shaggy meanwhile brought in a table,and set it up.J regrouped and lifted josa and hit him with a thunderous powerbomb.He placed josa on the table and climbed the turnbuckle,and signaled to shaggy.Shaggy nodded and climbed the oppisit turnbuckle.They reached the top and counted to three.Both of them jumped at the sampe time and hit the double top rope leg drop,sending josa crashing through the table.As J covered d**k climbed on the apron.He was about to climb in when..
WHACK!d**k was nailed in the back with the chair weilding wizted,knocking d**k off the rope.1...2...3!


Lillan:Here is your winners and NEW XWA TAG CHAMPIONS, ICP!

ICP celebrated over the fallen josa raising their gleaming belts high as tsunami ended.

*Fade to black*


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Jason William Reso Report | 07/06/2007 12:35 am
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Scott Anthony Levy Report | 01/25/2007 11:19 am
Raven Rulz!


8-6-0 (Buahaha)