
0tx's avatar

Gender: Male

Birthday: 08/12


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Alsaeida Ao Report | 09/15/2023 2:26 pm
 Alsaeida Ao
Lmfao just try silly
Alsaeida Ao Report | 09/15/2023 7:44 am
 Alsaeida Ao
Yea but don't try to overspend at my store silly
Alsaeida Ao Report | 09/12/2023 9:55 am
 Alsaeida Ao
(*ˊᗜˋ*)ᵗᑋᵃᐢᵏ ᵞᵒᵘ for buying from my store pls revisit again soon
Lothulial Report | 07/23/2023 1:12 pm
youre lying, but ty cat_crying cat_redface
Lothulial Report | 07/22/2023 12:39 pm
omg i love your avi! so cute!
Libra_Sun Report | 02/14/2019 9:23 am
any donations will help! whatever amount you choose is fine! thank you so much
Libra_Sun Report | 02/14/2019 7:24 am
absolutely! i'm questinhg Sweet Nightmares which is like 400,000 plat. anytime any purchases items from my store or donates plat/gold i will put their name on my thread . here is the Link if you're curious smile
Libra_Sun Report | 02/13/2019 10:56 am
thank you for the purchase! you'll be added to my Sweet Nightmares quest thread!!
Eternal Rebellion Report | 06/05/2018 2:30 pm
Eternal Rebellion
Hello! Welcome to the Newbie Supporting and Training Guild. To help you start your exploration of the NSTG, please be sure to visit our official Welcome Thread, which will link you to some of the most important and exciting places in the NSTG. Also be sure to visit our Active Members Raffle; it's free to enter, and every twenty posts you make in the guild will earn you one raffle ticket for an awesome prize. Thanks, and we can't wait to see you around the guild! heart
kdgalaxy Report | 06/04/2018 9:33 am
Thank you! heart

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