
Hello there. I'm 0UR0B0R0S, which maaaainly is due to the little ditty in my media right there.

It's some mythological s**t, which I suppose is a theme for my usernames.
Hurrr. Anyway, it's a serpent eating its own tail, which acts as a symbol for the cyclical. Something eternal and forever reborn.

Nifty, huh?

Cutting to the chase, I'm a mule of XlBALBA. A female base to toy around with so I don't have to spend the gold on my aaaaactual file. Heh.

Soy una madridista. Para sieeeempre.
Y me encaaaanto Sergio Ramos mucho. Mi semental. Ejeje.
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Dahmer's Journal



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Lady Rotture

Report | 01/15/2011 9:43 pm

Lady Rotture

No worries. It was bugging me too actually; I just didn't bother fixing it until you mentioned it bugged you too. Otherwise it might have just been me being a perfectionist.
Lady Rotture

Report | 01/15/2011 9:34 pm

Lady Rotture

Well I fixed it just for you, lol. (: Better?
Lady Rotture

Report | 01/15/2011 9:29 pm

Lady Rotture

Hahaha, that comment was intended to be read more like 'i have friends who know what they are talking about so maybe I know what I'm talking about a bit too and I'm not just a pretentious twit.'

Also, there's a reason for the work in progress comment. :^ I still haven't gotten around to planning out an avatar that isn't just 'lets-throw-compatible-stuff-from-my-inventory-together-and-call-it-good'. Same with my playlist, haha. I just threw together a couple of songs that sounded decent.

Report | 08/26/2009 4:02 pm


That doesn't mean you're not Kei.

Report | 08/26/2009 3:55 pm


Matchy isn't actually what I was going for xd It was more style, but it became matchy after the last change emo

And yeah, that thing with Playlist.com bugs me too D; Most people don't seem to know the artist name for most video games. (Kenji Yamamoto? Who's that?)

You're cool too <3

Report | 08/25/2009 11:34 pm



Mash ups are my secret love.

Report | 08/25/2009 11:27 pm


I think I just fell in love with the beatles vs. NIN remix on your profile.

Report | 08/23/2009 10:46 pm


Yeah, this was my attempt at a theme. It was kind of half assed and I didn't buy anything, but it turned out better than I expected....but I didn't expect much at all.

Haha, I'm convinced one of them has Aspberger's or something like that cause he doesn't get....anything and the only thing he can comfortably talk about is Super Smash Bros. Brawl. That got annoying after 1 hour.
But its over now! So I'll be spending much more time on Gaia now.

Report | 08/23/2009 10:41 pm


Yeah, I'm glad I sometimes do random impulse things. They work out.

Cha, I can tell you love matchy matchy avatars too!

Oh god...I feel IQ points draining from me. Its those stupid socially awkward band kids that I'm too nice to.

Report | 08/23/2009 10:36 pm


Toe tally.
I don't know why, but I've wanted to say toe tally for the longest time.

I mean, your avatars always have a girly vibe to them.


[b:0162440fcf]LOL OBVIOUS MULE.
Um. Go here or something?