
when sarah woke up it was dark. she heard a voice. “you have been asleep for nine nine nine nine”

she stopped listening. she had to get out of the room. there was a knock on the door.

“come in” she said. the door opened. a gray ball came in. it had a blue eye.

“hi i’m wheatley.”

sarah smiled. she brushed her blond hair out of her ice blue eyes that looked like a sea of blue. she had perfect eyeliner, mascara, blush, and lip stain on. she wore a pink shirt that said “i heart ny” in lavendar letters. her hair was in a nice braid. she had skinny jeans. she had neon pink black striped arm warmers. she had rainbow hair extensions and ice blue coontails that matched her ice blue eyes/ she had rainbow converse with picachu on them. she had lime green eye shadow that complementd her ice blue eyes.

“hi” she giggled. she was so cute.

she almost fell in love with wheatlye when she saw him. she liked his voice. he was funny. he was hot. he was smart. he was better then human boys.

“no i can’t” she cried in her mind. but really her heart broke. she put on her toeto hat.

“you might have brain damage” wheatley said. “but your too cute to have brain damage so I guess you dont.”

sarah smiled. her teeth were perfectly white. she got out of bed. she was hungry.

“do you know where we can get some food?” she asked with her sweet as sugar voice. she had a skinny frame with big boobs.

“yes we have potatoes follow me” said wheatley smiling.

wheatley walked out of the room on his manajement rail. sarah followed. she was chewing sweet pink bubblegum that was as pink as her gorgeuos lip stain. her skin glowed in the dull light. she found a white thing on the ground.

“whats this?” it looked like a gun. but. why would there be a gun here?

“its the 4 portal device.” said wheatley. “you can launch up 2 4 portals. choose which one. to go through.” he smiled handsomely. sarahs heartt melted. he was so smart!


sarah loved it when he talked in a different language. he was good at itallian, russian. and spanish.

“i luv u” she smiled perfectly. she looked like a magazine model but cuter.

“…so do i” wheatley said.

and then they kisses.

sarah started to undress.

“later” said wheatley.

sarah almost cried but then she redressed.

she was alive before he said that. but then after she was dead inside. she fired a portal. it glowed rainbow.

“i moddified it for you.” he winked. sarah thought that was sexy.

she fired 4 more. they were all rainbow. they glowed like the sun and moon combined.

“u did this 4 me?” she smiled. tears in her eyes. but she didnt want her mascara 2 run even tho it was water proof. she climbed in. inside it was blue and cozy. she walked thro a portal. she fell out.

“whats next a pony?” she joked. wheatley smiled back.

“i have a pony farm. but its in a pit.” wheatley frowned.

“oh howd it get there?”

“some fat ugly skank named chell put it in there.”

sarah was jelous. wheatley seemed 2 like chell. even tho she sounded like a fat and ugly skank.

“i want 2 punch her.”

“WHAT” heatley started crying. “no she waz nice even tho she sent me 2 the. moon.”

oh. maybe he didnt like her.

wait a minuet

there was a companion cube.

it was black with rainbow marks. it talked!

“hayyyyzzzz” it said.

“oh em bee when could these talk?”

“moddified.” wheatley said with a sly grin. “also its not a COMPANION CUBE its a SCENEQUEEN CUBE.”

“yay” sarah squeaked adorably she picked it up using her super-strength. she was strong even though she looked skinny and beautiful.

“i luv u” said scenequeen cube.

sarah kept walking with wheatley. wheatley fell off of his rai.l. but sarah. caught him. they found necklaces on the ground. sarah put it on. she turned into a very cute wolf!

she was a soft silver. she had black poofy teased hair. with bubblegum streaks. her ears poked out. they were tipped with icy blue, the color of her aura, soul, and heart. the insides of her ears were orange. she had a wet red nose. she had nose piercings. she had a giant green snakelike tongue. she had pale red wings. that glowed pink. they were not attached to her body. instead they floated. on her sides there were 3 red circles. the one in the middle was only outside red. the inside was silver. all three had dark blue dots in the centre. her front paws were ice blue the color of her aura, soul, and heart. her left back legs were striped the same yellow as the sun. her other leg was striped ice blue the color of her aura, soul, and heart. she couldnt see her eyes they were. hidden under her teased hair. but they were intense purple. she had a lime green heart on her outter thighs. her best part was her tail. it was a rainbow piano. she touched it. it actually played music! above her head was a carnatoin pink music note. it glowed ice blue like several other things on her. that was her heart in the music note.

“wheatley put on the necklace other one.” sarah said in wolf tongue. wheatley was good at speaking wolf too.

he was a yellow cat. he had glasses and a pink bandana.

wheatley transformed into a yellow cat. he had a pink bandana with purple dots. he had black glasses and green eyes. his muzzle was a rainbow. his ears were orange his inner ears were cyan. he wore 2 red socks and 2 pink purple socks. he had 2 fluffy tails. 1 was green w/ a red heart. the other was red witha green peace sign. he was now…


“you are soooo cute!” sarah squealed cutely.

“you look…beautiful.” wheatley said in his usual spanish accent.

they touched muzzles. they both blushed.

sarah heard a yawn. she took off the necklace. she turned back into a beautiful girl. wheatley took off his necklace. he turned back into a metal ball.

“I just had the best sleep ever!” yaaaaawn!

“what was that?” sarah asked.

“heyyyyz im glados!” the voice said. ew. it was a prep! she could tell using her super powers. sarah has super powers from experiments with caroline, cave johnson, and the adventure spere.

two white things fell down from a chute. they were nerds.

“these are turrets. bwahahahaha kill the fools” glados said.

the turrets fired bullets. but scenequeen cube and wheatley were bulletproof. sarah dodged all of the bullets.

“darn out of bullets” the turrets said in a nerdy voice. they ran off.

then glados came down and grabbed wheatley with a tentacle!

“NO!” sarah screamed. “wheatley take the necklace and turn into a cat!
but it was to late.

glados had kidnapped wheatley!

“Glados come back!” sarah shouted transforming into a wolf. she was fast. she ran after her. she caught up to her.

“bwahaha” said glados. “youle never see your precoius moron again!”

“WHEATLEY…IZ…NOT…A…MORON” said sarah. she grew two times her size. she bit glados. glados let wheatley go. they were in glados room. she turned back into a human she grabbed wheatley.

she plugged wheatley in then pressed a button. wheatley was now in control!

“this feels godd almost as good as i feel when i’m with you.” wheatey said. he took a tentacle. he grabbed sarah
