
1Miroku's avatar

Last Login: 11/23/2008 10:52 am

Registered: 07/19/2005

Gender: Male

Location: Orlando, FL

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* . . About You . . *
Eye Color::Hazel-ish
Hair Color::REALLY Dark Brown
Favorite Color::Green or Blue
Screen Name::Summonerx or Carbunkleman
Favorite Band::Hmm, I have a few, theres Fall Out Boy, BoA, and Goo Goo Dolls
Favorite Movie::Spirited Away! =D I love that movie!
Favorite Show::I guess Inuyasha or Avatar, They're both really good
Your Car::PSHH!!!! I wish!
Your Hometown::Philly! But I like it better not living there
Your Present Town::Orlando
Your Crushes First Name::Hmm. If you are good friends with me, you must already know
Your Grade::Like a C average.... =(
Your Style::I would say.... Christ-o-Rolic! Go Jesus! WooHoo! =P
* . . Have You Ever . . *
Sat on your rooftop?:I wish but my mom is overly over-protective
Kissed someone in the rain?:Yeah. Good times, goood times....
Danced in a public place?:Chyea, I did! I'm always dancing at public places!
Smiled for no reason?:I do this one often, my friends hate it =?
Laughed so hard you cried?:Well not recently, but I'm sure it'll happen again
Peed your pants after age 8?:Haha nope, but I think I know who has, *cough cough* Stephen, LoL J/K
Written a song?:Umm once but I am usually good at making up words to another song I dont know LoL
Sang to someone for no reason?:HaHa yeah, I sang to Kayla at the fall festival, it was hilarious!
Performed on a stage?:Umm. Not recently but when I was like 10, yeah.
Talked to someone you don't know?:Yeah, I do this often too. But they start to consider me thier best friend, and it's kinda creepy >.>
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?:Yeah but obviously she doesnt care! *cough cough* Tiara
Made out in a theatre?:Actually no, I haven't.... Wow what a shock. =.
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?:HaHa no, 8th grade is when I stopped LoL
Been in love?:Yeah once or twice.... *cough cough* Chrystal, Racheal
* . . Who was the last person to . . *
Say HI to you?:Tori LoL
Tell you, I love you?:My sister =)
Kiss you?:Hmm. That would be Nancy, but she gave me a cheek-cheek kiss, does that count?
Hug you?:I guess that would be Patricia (Don't worry Ian, it was only a friendly hug, LoL)
Tell you BYE?:Guber HaHa
Write you a note?:This may sound really wrong, but, tephen. He was talking to me about a comic we plan on making and thats it!
Take your photo?:Hmm. My mom, I guess.
Call your cell phone?:WoW it's been missing so long, I'm not even sure anymore.
Buy you something?:Oh wow, you know people dont buy me stuff that often, but I guess my Mom.
Go with you to the movies?:Hmm. That would be my Family.
Sing to you?:WoW, you know alot of my friends arent out going enough to sing to me. LoL
Write a poem about you?:My Stalker! She left a note in my locker and it had a poen that was really freaky! I'll tell you more later!
Text message you?:Like I siad, I dont got my cell phone, hopw should I know.
Touch you?:Umm. I think that was my chair LoL
* . . What's the last . . *
Time you laughed?:Just the other day! But hey, I'm always laughing
Time you cried?:Hmm. I'm not really sure.
Movie you watched?:Flushed Away! Good Stuff LoL
Joke you told?:"You know your girl-friends ugly if she opens the window and gets arrested for indesent exposure."
Song you've sang?:Hmm. I guess my profile song
Time you've looked at the clock?:MR. Bhimsens Class! LoL I am always looking at the clock in there!
Drink you've had?:I had a Strawnana milkshake from Steak&Shake
Number you've dialed?:My MoM's Cell Phone so she could pick me up from detention
Book you've read?:I don't do books unless it's for my benefit
Food you've eaten?:Chicken Strips and Fries LoL, I got the good stuff, not that Mc.Donalds crap
Flavor of gum chewed?:OMG! I havent had gum in so long! I just noticed!
Shoes you've worn?:That would be my Vans, I love those things
Store you've been in?:Walmart LoL, Yeah its ghetto but its cheap so whatever! XD
Thing you've said?:Good Morning to my Sister LoL
* . . Can You . . *
Write with both hands?:Pshh I wish I could!
Whistle?:A tiny bit.... but I'm getting there!!!!
Blow a bubble?:Haha yeah, Good Stuff
Roll your tounge in a circle?:Nope, if I tried, my tounge would look like a retard trying to scrurm out of my mouth. XD
Cross your eyes?:Duh! So can the rest of the world! LOL
Touch your tounge to your nose?:OMG! What kind of freak CAN do that!
Dance?:Yeah,for the most part.
Gleek?:I feel like such a loser but what the heck is a Gleek?
Stay up a whole night without sleep?:GOD NO! I adore my sleep!
Speak a different language?:Yeah, Sign Language, I'm learning Spanish. and alittle Japanese
Impersonate someone?:Nope(LoL wow this is my shortest answer)
Prank call people?:I havent tried but I'm thinking of doing it LOL
Make a card pyramid?:How do people do that! It just doesnt work for me!
Cook anything?:I can cook ANYTHING with proper ingredients and directions.
* . . Finish The Line . . *
If i were a ...:rock, I would have no problems
I wish ...:I could fly, that'll be awesome!
So many people don't know that ...:I don't like beef, pork,or anything like that,I only eat Chicken and Turkey
I am ...:ama-za-zing! LoL
My heart is ...:fragile, so dont drop it! LoL
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Kuroda Yumi

This is me and my best-friends on Gaia =D