
    I made this profile. The man in the picture to your left is George Harrison, who played for The Beatles. The first three songs in the music player to your right are all by him. He was a deeply religious (Hindu) man.

    I am a sixteen year old freshman in college, who is majoring in philosophy. My favorite band is the Beatles. I also enjoy Bob Dylan and Janis Joplin. My boyfriend, Donny, and I have been dating for roundabout two years now.


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Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 06/14/2012 1:48 pm


I miss you.

Report | 07/21/2010 12:10 am



Report | 06/14/2010 1:30 pm


hey you don't have to quit. :[
Alba seems awesome. :] She and Fred could be like best friends and all!
20 Shades of Crazy

Report | 05/08/2010 11:27 pm

20 Shades of Crazy

That red font was ruining the flow of the profile. So I'm commenting myself. Yay.
Slick Southpaw

Report | 11/25/2009 3:31 pm

Slick Southpaw

Harming others to protect freedom. For the betterment of ourselves. I'm a bit skeptical of that notion. The US military gets involved with things on the basis of how stuff will affect US interests. This is good and bad. We get involved with countering drug trafficking because it threatens to destabilize a country's government, for which we have mutual trading ties with or would you rather see that country go down in anarchy and gangs because we're hurting other people to better ourselves.
P: I'd rather not get involved, not be part of the world's police force. But who is going to help other countries if we don't? While we may be sucking at the helping part, and the volunteering to help may not be all too alturistic, I don't see other nations stepping up to help when military forces are needed.

For example, you could argue about what's happening in the Middle East and have a field day with that (heck the greed in there reeks so much I can see it as well). But would you object to military force entering Sudan to stop the genocide? We're one of the top donators that shell out money to help those poor folks. All the money in the world does s**t if it doesn't go to the people and do what its supposed to do. Negotations with those responsible for the genocide haven't exactly gone very well. But there are also abuses of the power of the military, for that I find unacceptable and completely agree with you.

Uh, on the hero worship. I think it depends on where you're at. Like up here in Portland I'm more likely to get assaulted simply because I'm in uniform (I'm just a cadet, not even in the real Army yet! gonk ). I've also seen soldiers glorified in some aspects in the southwest, and in some ways it is aggravating. But I find that most of the glorifying just comes from families who have their sons/daughters enlisted. I'll be the first to tell you that while I do believe that the military can be great for some people (s**t, I've seen some dead-end guys come out being leaders with goals in their lives by enlisting) I am also first to say that it is not for everyone and would totally be against drafting. I know well enough about the dark side of the military to keep those rosy-lens off my face. But some people annoyingly refuse to believe that the military is incapable of ******** up or wrong doing. I think that also goes for any group/ideology/ect that has people in and associates.

I won't be able to reply for awhile, and I must say, I love talking with you. Your viewpoints are well-articulated and are a nice refresher than just "arrrr bad military baaaad" or RAWR MILITARY LUV NAO. biggrin
have a happy thanksgiving!!!

Why do people call it "common sense" when it is so uncommon?
Slick Southpaw

Report | 11/25/2009 1:09 pm

Slick Southpaw

It is disgusting that business and corruption for money at the expense of lives occurs so much in the lives of Americans. There are always worse places to be. P:

Erm, how do you find it a morally corrupt job? Because we are forced to take jobs at the whims of the government? I'm glad that even if you don't support the concept of the military you don't diss on the people. I understand everybody has viewpoints that are varied as well as different views on what is the best route to a peaceful world. To be honest, I'd rather hope that there is more accomplished in diplomacy than armed conflict; I am joining as a nurse because I want to help those who are thrown into the hues of battle. Both civilian and soldiers. Let's face it: war is hell. I just wanna be there to help others who are forced to take up arms (did I answer my own question? xD) . I love serving my country, despite all its flaws, and this is my way of saying thanks for living in a country that has graced me and my family with so many blessings, from job security to having the right to protest, to just being able to live the way we are.
Slick Southpaw

Report | 11/25/2009 7:51 am

Slick Southpaw

lol, from what I gather around my army buddies and such is that people have this perception that universal healthcare=getting rid of private practices, and only having government healthcare.
If that is the general definition, then I totally understand why a lot of military people are against it. After all, we're on the government healthcare [called TriCare] and it sucks sometimes. It's a helluva lot cheaper than private, but the hoops you have to go through just to find a doctor that will actually accept Tricare is insane, especially for dependents. Active duty is a bit better, but it goes by rank. When I had my ovarian cyst, I will tell you it was a b***h and a half to get a regular practitioner, get approval from Tricare, and then wait for Tricare to approve of a specialist [GYN]. Because if I didn't go to the approved place, there was out-of-pocket costs that Tricarre wouldn't cover. D:
I spent most of my semester freshman year either drugged or in serious pain.

So yeah, with military's experience with government healthcare, there's a reason why many of us are cautious/against universal government healthcare (in terms of eliminating private practice and solely having government healthcare). Personally, I'm all about choices. Let those who can afford to have their private healthcare have it, and cover those who can't afford one at all.

I just fret over whether there is enough medical profession to meet the demands. There's already a nursing shortage in the US and its about to get worse with more and more of the baby-boomers retiring. And overworked medical professionals can lead to tragic results.
Slick Southpaw

Report | 11/24/2009 7:58 pm

Slick Southpaw

lololol u crazed hippie.
I support the war AND universal healthcare as long as there is an option for private healthcare to co-exist. Governmental healthcare sucks, I should know. User Image

Why do people call it "common sense" when it is so uncommon?
La Veuve Zin

Report | 11/14/2009 8:05 am

La Veuve Zin

Awww, thank you!! heart

Report | 11/14/2009 12:08 am


You know, if I had the money, that would be a really interesting experiment, to donate huge sums to "pro-life" politicians and tell them they had to support abortion in order to get the money, and give them some talking points (since they clearly can't come up with any on their own) to support their new position. rofl It would be an awesome way to delegitimize the religious fundies and their grip on politics if it actually worked.


20 Shades of Crazy.