
Welcome to my profile. I know, it's a little bright-ish but that's ok. I like it. Anyways, I completely forgot my Hidden_Bliss_1313 account password. I know, why not just request my password? Because I didn't use my real email address. I used a different one and have no idea what it was. Believe me, I already tried to retrieve it. The name I have here is only temperary, the one I wanted was taken. In fact, by the time you get a chance to read this I might have already changed my name. If that's the case, ignore the name-changing comment. If you were friends with my Hidden_Bliss account and I haven't tried to add you yet, don't freak out. I've got to go through those anyway and find the ones I really need to keep. If you actually want to know anything then just ask me. : )

