My Admires

Strikers Daughter on 09/16/2024
Khaarmah on 08/28/2024
XxXDeadlyxShadowsXxX on 06/26/2024
Crystallic Shards on 06/10/2024
Silvanius on 04/10/2024
vyonelle on 12/10/2023
Fluffy Floof on 12/09/2023
bakatsugu on 12/04/2023
dragon butt on 09/22/2023
Ozer Teth on 09/06/2023
Fafnir Gale on 05/10/2023
Prince_Yuki_Soma on 05/09/2023
Im The Internet on 05/09/2023
Terrible Hero on 04/06/2023
FarranForever on 03/23/2023
Nintendoom on 03/21/2023
BrattySub91 on 03/18/2023
Kuronji K on 01/30/2023
DreamPartner on 01/29/2023
SweetScarletMiss on 01/28/2023

I never want to die alone
But we all do and we all know
We can’t live forever
But our love will never die

I’m not afraid to die
Not afraid of where I’ll go
I’m afraid of how it ends
And what it’ll do to you
Will you hold me in your heart
Be the
light when it gets dark

So if it ends the way I fear
See you on the other side my dear
I am not afraid to die
But I’m afraid to leave you here
In the dark

We can’t live forever

Blow the bridge to the past
Wipe the fingerprints
Melt your heart encased in wax
Steal it with a kiss

Our fate engraved
Scar enslaved
As we mutually destruct
my love, I've sinned enough for the both of us

As we rest in pieces, though I know not your name
I would suffer forever to absolve all your pain
And in the name of love

I'm more than willing to rot in hell with you

I'm ready to bury all of my bones
I'm ready to lie but say I won't
So tell me your secrets
And join me in pieces
To rot in this garden made of stones

I'm ready to bleed to make amends
And sleep in this dirt we call our bed
So tell me your secrets
And join me in pieces
To fall and rewrite the bitter end
Eternally yours

I learnt the hard way, to not be afraid of death.
Because a life without loss is one without love.
Turn your back on death and you only see the shadow that it casts.
The longer you hide from it, the longer the shadow grows,
until all you can see is darkness.
When our time comes, we must look death in the eye and embrace it as a friend.
Only then can we let go fear, and emerge from our darkness

I declare that I will live as a healer.
I am sensitive to the needs of those
around me. I will lift the fallen,
restore the broken and encourage
the discouraged. I will show them the power
that lies dormant within them, ready to
take the world in steady glory. I am full
of compassion and sacred healing light.
I won't just look for a miracle;
I will become someone's miracle.