i love to read manga and regular books. i like to watch anime. i enjoy sleeping in till like 1 sometimes.im really lazy. i like to have lots of friends. im in 10th grade, or i will when school stars again. i plan to go to an art school in New York. my favorite book is marked from the house of night series. i really like vampires but i'm not a baka. i really like to learn more about them unlike the bakas who only like vampires because of twilight. my favorite vampire is Vlad the impaler. hes not really a vampire he just likes to stick his victims on giant six feet poles. my favorite manga is....well i don't have one right now.i like to listen to punk and rock. i like escape the fate, afi,my chemical romance,panic at the disco,fall out boy,seether,blink 182,no doubt. i also like to watch katt willams. hes funny as hell.i really don't have any hobbies unless u call being on the computer all day long a hobby.well that's all. if you like my add me.