
Let me tell you a few things about myself. I'm a weird person. I think so. Sometimes I'm mean and sometimes I'm kind. Everytime I met up with people in MTV, it usually ends with a fight. I dont know why.

No random adds please? I usually push on DECLINE. In my meantime, I called people noob, If I call you a noob, doesnt mean you are one. If you arent one, then shut your mouth up (: GEDDIT? The word NOOB is just a summon for you.

Oh yes, I'm not rich. Well I am not. Dont just be cruel and heartless to me just because I'm impoverished. So just GTFO haters.

I had no brothers or sisters in real. I mean the venerable one. It means like elder than you. Despite that I had no brother or sisters in real, hence I would like to have one in Gaia. But I'm a ballot person.

I dont really like boys. Idk why but I mostle hate them. They're mean. D:< hatehatemuch.